Trenches News on Report He Called Police After FBG Duck Killed, Rumored $1M Hit on Duck (Part 10)

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well after that song dropped there was a rumor that King vau had put some money on duck's head IID heard 100,000 I heard 60,000 I heard 250,000 what did you hear man what did I hear and what did I seen well what did I hear yeah I heard I I heard somebody say a million dollars at first like somebody came up with a million dollars when it first came out that duck was dead oh they put a million on his head then it was $100,000 now it look bad because van then was passing out money on camera and [ __ ] so it do look way bad it look bad then like [ __ ] what me and you think Vlad what them jewelry going to think you know what I'm saying like that that's the thing about that but you know um the way what the way they ran down the stairs cuz I seen the video before everybody before you seen it before real star before everybody seen before his the mama seen it I seen it you know what I'm saying and man they was thirsty man I don't need think they thought about no money man they was so [ __ ] thirsty down them stairs in the run to go and get duck man cuz if they was thinking if they have some money behind them you got a 100,000 or you got a million dollars bro you going to think we ain't going we ain't catching them on Old Street we F to catch him in the hood if you got paid for it but if you didn't you just you just running down the stairs is and going to crash out what they did they crashed out so I don't know about 100,000 well right on on August 4th of 2020 duck and a female friend of his was shopping at the Gold Coast and for those that don't live in Chicago the Gold Coast is essentially like the Rodeo Drive of Chicago it's all designer stores multi-millionaire establishments and so forth It's not the hood on any stretch of the imagination a bunch of guys rolled up on them open fire uh duck ends up getting killed uh another bystander ends up getting shot the girl ended up returning fire and uh it was just a total total disaster on every level when you heard the news that duck got killed what did you think when I heard the news that Doug got killed I was pissed the reason why I was pissed is because I seen teasy I seen like after W before Doug got killed I seen crack on live right before Doug got killed crack was on live like it's about to be Duck Sauce all over downtown I'm on that [ __ ] arguing with crack as duck land as Duck getting killed on there I was on that argu with him like bro used to be over there with duck like y'all from the low end bro y'all from what duck them family from bro like y'all weird that [ __ ] was weird to me man that [ __ ] was weird then Tey Tey like the same block that I'm from New Town is like Fifth Ward New Town is fifth W Fifth Ward is New Town like we under one umbrella you know I'm saying so when teasy them did that [ __ ] they basically said [ __ ] me bro like [ __ ] him he his love for duck and all that [ __ ] that's how I took it on some real [ __ ] cuz they ain't got nothing to do with duck teasing them ain't got [ __ ] to do with ducking them beef for nothing that you know what I'm saying that that they got going on but it was over a [ __ ] though that's where his beef kicked in with duck right because the story came out later that duck was messing with tez's girl true and I I I guess that Tey went and called all the other guys and said that duck had like pulled out a gun on him and and tried to kill him and that's when they all squatted up and went to go get him but it was all essentially based on a lie it was a lie man um I seen a video of that too Tey was in the store and um when he called he he was in the store he called another member first before he called D thing and he called that member to get in touch with d thing and he lied to them he say that U Doug them chased him smacked him in the head duck had four Dudes with him which was a lie duck it was only him and the girl and then he said that he didn't have a gun on him the gun fell down his leg cuz he telling his homies them that he ain't got no gun the gun falling down his leg on camera he they like you got a gun he like no I ain't got one then he went down his leg and grabbed it went inside his pants leg and grabb the gun back up and put it on his waist and then D thing called and he telling D thing that duck right here and you know what I'm talking about he get off the phone and that's when that's when the must have got into play like everything start rolling O Block got called and everything and got that well according to reports that came out later on you called the Chicago Police Department a few hours after duck got murdered I see that but they only they they they I called them I called them I like I don't understand this [ __ ] I called them right after Doug got murdered but they ain't come to see me to January February I don't understand that I mean I I I don't get that bro it's like a couple of loopholes in that [ __ ] but Kenny mck was my S he called me and told and and was like keep your head up testing the water like trying to test the water and see what I knew about duck duck death like to see what did they know that they did the [ __ ] and there thing bro it was all [ __ ] up bro it [ __ ] my mind up bro like it [ __ ] my mind up so when they did when I when I did talk to them and they did show me everything and all that I'm like [ __ ] that's them you know okay so did you call the police after duck get not right not no not right after duck got killed hell no okay 11 hours hour later we ain't even know we still thinking we don't know who did the [ __ ] 11 hours later don't nobody know who did the [ __ ]
Channel: djvlad
Views: 106,058
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Id: pX7ZW96Kvg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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