Gianni Russo on Why James Caan Broke His Ribs During their "Godfather" Scene (Part 8)

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okay so were you essentially money laundering through the vatican but you know what they did i actually got a cory's license they made me legitimate because they could they got me bonded i got a license so if you stop me at the airport i had a credential unless you got a court warrant so i was i was laundering money legitimately that's why they didn't want to break the line of they couldn't stop me and then i did another thing that nobody thought of doing i should pick up the money my money also and and wash it for us because i'm taking you know old stacks of money i could take three million dollars in a nitty travel bag because nitty travel was a major we used to move 2500 people a week to vegas we had another business called junkets that was legitimate to bring the planes and the planes out so when i had to go to italy i get on the plane either sunday night or thursday they went to chicago then i go to the plane to go to vatican when we land that leonardo da vinci the little whatever they were the monsignors from the vatican were at the tarmac i come down they take my bag and they get i had a car from the vatican take me to the hotel but i couldn't even tell you how much money was moved over that period of time well when you did the godfather right there was uh this famous scene where uh james khan who played sonny uh beat you up you know it only happened in the movies well and i guess during the course of him beating you up on camera he ended up breaking a couple your ribs oh no he hated me spin forward about two weeks prior to that scene i'm in jilly's on 52nd west 52nd street which was a watering hole for everybody and i'm at the bar thank god that night with tommy bellati which your audience who know tommy belotti got shot down with paul castellano in front of sparks when he got made cal solano he made tommy belotti as underboss but the other guy that i was really close to was boozy dico who was an underboss in the gambino family now his son frankie boyd did chico he got blown up in a car when they thought he was gotti in brooklyn and that was again later on they found a gas pipe did that but why i'm bringing that up sonny comes from back in the room where the piano bar was and he said junior's in the back with his daughter come back and say hello now i know persico for a lot of years him and i had something in common because he had something wrong with his hand like my left hand so i go back i hug him and all this and i look over his shoulder i said junior your daughter is gorgeous and he looked at me i mean i don't know if you noticed his nickname was the snake but he was a underboss in the combo family he looked at me it was his girlfriend jimmy set me up was it his daughter you can't say this to this guy i caught it i said junior have a good night did he and i walked so instead of going left to the ball i went right downstairs to the bathroom because i i was going to piss my pants this two and juniors guys come down the steps immediately behind me tommy belotti catches it and boozy because you know all of a sudden there's a lot of movement right there there here the staircase is there so i'm at the urinal and one of junior's guys pushes me i shall be done in a minute now you're a wise guy just as i said that i didn't know the one guy was blocking the door tommy hits the door and tommy's like a bull gets that guy the guy goes for gets that guy and just cracks his head on the sink down he goes now he says to this guy who's a wise guy him were you he's you don't understand he just insulted junior that was junior's girl and he said oh your daughter looks great tommy [ __ ] smacked this kid he said jimmy khan told us that junior was back there with his daughter by this time boozy's there and he listens to this now boozy's the only guy that can talk to junior because they both made men we can't talk to junior so we go upstairs this should have been in the movie they go in the kitchen next they call for jimmy jimmy goes in the kitchen a couple of seconds later here papa junior smacks him and he saw i was only joking he's you could have got this kid killed or beat up so he said now i'm going to teach you a lesson about the mob jimmy they now own you he's what are you talking about he's they own you we just settled it they could have you tomorrow morning so i said tommy you can't kill this guy now he said we just started shooting they killed him they're gonna cut they'd want to end the film to begin with there was too many problems so tommy blotti looked right in his face he's when i want you i'm coming for you jimmy and he smacked him jimmy was so nuts he thought he was gonna get you know and that's why he was did what he did to me when he threw that bat at me that wasn't even in the scene and that's my first time in a movie then he throws me over it was all choreographed we did a day of rehearsal as soon as he kicks me when i crawl out from the railing to go to the hydrant as soon as he touched me i react and roll over he drop kicked me he lift me up in the air and in the garbage spills when he was banging me he was hitting me so hard with those steel things he chipped my elbow and then the drop kick he breaks two ribs and now that day i made a very important decision in my movie career i'm not doing fight scenes no more
Channel: djvlad
Views: 149,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HRiZJm9oWrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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