Ghostwire: Tokyo's Platinum Was TEDIOUS… But Still Fun?

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This wheel has just become my entire personality  at this point… If you’re new to the channel or   haven’t seen my first three episodes of this  series. I ask you, the viewer, to comment   suggestions of games you want to see me platinum.  It can be a 2/10 or 10/10 platinum difficulty,   take 5 hours to hundreds of hours, doesn’t matter.  I take all your suggestions and I throw all those   games into a website called the pickerwheel. That  way, I don’t have to decide what to play next and   you all get to have your say and hope your game  gets randomly picked. So far we’ve platinumed   Sleeping Dogs, Deathloop and Bully most of which  I’ve really enjoyed though some more than others.   As always all of these videos will be in the top  right corner or the description if you need to   catch up. I do also have to reiterate, that  if you’ve made a suggestion in the past and   don’t see it here I promise I haven’t forgotten  it. I’ve just spun the wheel before those games   have come through or if you’ve suggested a brutal  platinum it may be on a separate wheel I’ve dubbed   the wheel of pain which I’m working on in the  background since they’re far longer experiences.   But, make sure if you do want to keep seeing  more videos like this in the future be sure   to leave the video a like, comment below  some more platinum suggestions, subscribe   so you don’t miss out on future videos and let's  spin that wheel to see what we get this time.   Ghostwire: Tokyo was a game that I was really  excited to see someone suggest because this   is one of those games that was actually on my  backlog. Which is a first for this series as   I’d already played Bully and Sleeping Dogs and  Deathloop I wouldn’t say was ever on my backlog,   at the time it just wasn’t for me and you move  on. But Ghostwire: Tokyo was a game that I was   really looking forward to checking out when  the game released early last year… but when   the day finally came I just didn't pick the game  up. It seemed like a solid game that I’d enjoy   but at the time with a baby on the way I couldn’t  justify the purchase. That was until at the start   of the year my wife gifted me the game for my  birthday and I was excited to finally check the   game out… and then like most games on my backlog  I never did. That’s why when I saw the wheel land   on Ghostwire I was really excited because this  is the perfect excuse to finally play the game,   see what it’s like and get another platinum along  the way. Which in terms of the platinum according   to PSNProfiles was a 3/10 in difficulty  but could take up to 40 hours to complete   so a decent time commitment. If you have no idea  what Ghostwire: Tokyo is though as always here’s   the basics. Tokyo has become overrun by lethal  supernatural forces known as Visitors and has   caused Tokyo’s population to vanish in an instant.  A wandering spirit known as KK is looking for a   body to possess to continue on his mission and  stumbles upon our protagonist Akito and together,   now equipped with magical powers we take on the  Visitors on a mission to save Tokyo and those   we love. Ghostwire is a first person, action  adventure set in the open world of an abandoned   Tokyo where we use a combination of Karate meets  magic. Super basic description but it gives you   the general idea of what to expect. And now, with  everyone caught up, let's get this platinum.   Now once again, much like Bully, the steps I  took to getting Ghostwire’s platinum weren’t   the straight forward, beat the game, clean up  the other trophies later sort of process. My   strategy instead was pretty simple… in terms  of explaining anyway. Do everything you can   at every chance you can. Do all the side  missions, find the obvious collectibles,   knock out the combat specific challenges  when the opportunity arises, that sort of   thing. Do all the optional things you  have access to until you have no other   option but to progress the story and unlock  more of the map, rinse and repeat. I know,   so simple but the reason I decided to do  it this way was because of a single trophy.   Hero of Shibuya which requires you to beat the  main story after you’ve transferred all 240,000   spirits around Tokyo. So, since I already needed  to get the largest amount of collectibles in the   game I figured why not just do everything else  as well along the way since I’d already be going   out of my way in all these areas to begin with  and get this platinum as the credits roll. So,   that was the plan and early on the trophies were  flowing. During Chapter 1, we unlocked our first   trophy for defeating a visitor by pulling out  their core and… well, finishing the chapter.   Not that exciting but, Chapter 2 is where a lot of  Ghostwire’s trophy grind elements get introduced   as we cleanse our first torii gate, find our  first relic, voice log, Jizo statue and magatama,   finish our first side mission and for good measure  pet an animal because, I mean why wouldn’t you.   Now Chapter 2 may be where a lot of the  collectibles and optional content gets introduced   but you’re still limited in what exactly you  can go out and access so, these elements at   this point weren’t really front of mind. I was  completing and finding as much as I could but it   wasn’t my top priority at this stage and instead  what I wanted to consistently be aware of was   actually the numerous combat related challenges.  During this chapter I managed to get a few, mainly   the basics like defeating 50 enemies with a bow,  landing 20 headshots, pulling out 50 enemy cores   and even in a panic during combat accidentally  activated photo mode which was a nice surprise.   But by this point I’d finished Chapter 2   and moved onto Chapter 3, pretty much with  the same mindset. When the opportunity arises,   let's knock out these combat trophies here and  that’s what I did. We successfully protected 3   containment cubes in a single battle,  got a 40m headshot kill with the bow,   defeated 3 visitors with a single explosive  barrel, “wired in” or went super saiyan 10 times   and performed 30 perfect blocks. These are pretty  straight forward and again, not too much else   happened in Chapter 3 other than by this point  we’d transferred 25% of the spirits in the city,   starred at the moon for 30 seconds and that was  me done with Chapter 3. Now I’ve blown through the   first half of Ghostwire and that journey because  honestly, one it’s not that interesting and two,   it really all boils down to Chapter 4. Chapter  4 is the final chapter you have the freedom to   complete your 100% playthrough, Chapter 5  is the point of no return where you have   to complete the story and since you only fully  unlock the entire map after starting Chapter 4,   you sort of have to wait until this point to fully  sink into this enormous undertaking. For reference   before we begin, Chapters 1 to 3 took me about  12 hours to get through exploring and doing as   much as I could in the process and it took me  15 hours to get from Chapter 4 to 5. It’s a lot   of collecting but in the beginning once again,  smooth sailing. We acquired all the talismans,   completed the remaining combat challenges for  using the quick purge (sneak attack) to defeat   10 enemies while using the stun talisman and  3 enemies while using the thicket talisman,   defeated 10 enemies by ripping out there  cores after using the exposure talisman,   defeated 5 enemies by pulling out all their  cores at the same time, defeated 200 enemies   with quick purge and fused back with KK after  being hit by this ugly thing. These challenges   once again aren’t too bad, the game does give  you a lot of situations where you can nab these   but just keep them in mind. It’s easier to get  them all along the way while you’re doing the   42 side missions or going after the various  collectibles rather than grind them all at   the end… While we’re talking trophies we got along  the way though, before we jump straight into the   grind we also unlocked trophies for getting 50  katashiro, important for capturing the spirits,   put $10,000 into the offering boxes which is  helpful for finding the Tanuki and Jizo statues,   spent a total of $1,000,000, reached  the max level of 50 for Akito,   grappled and stayed in the  air for more than 10 seconds,   pulled a Daikyo omikuji which is the only  RNG trophy in the game. It can take just   one attempt or hundreds but luckily  for me through saving and reloading   to avoid the long wait times it only took  about 20 attempts to get the unlucky pull.   And finally, I completed all 42 of the side  missions which as I said, I actually really   enjoyed going out and completing and  experiencing some Japanese folklore.   These were the trophies we unlocked along  the way during what is an enormous grind   for mostly collectibles. Yes there are a lot of  side missions that you need to complete for some   of the collectibles, but they’re missions and  actually an element I really enjoyed going out   and completing for their unique stories.  The rest though, not so much. Honestly,   if you don’t like collectible based trophies,  Ghostwire isn’t for you because there is an insane   amount of crap to go out and find. There are 123  relics, 25 Tanuki to find hidden around Tokyo,   40 Magatama to nab from stores, missions or Yokai,  52 Jizo statues to go and pray at, 31 landmarks,   51 different types of food and drink, 28 Torii  gates, 50 outfits, 17 voice logs, 31 music tracks,   33 prayer beads and the big one, 240,300 spirits  to collect and transfer spread out across Tokyo.   It’s a lot of back and forth and a process that  quite often I was just like a zombie holding down   L2 and forward. It’s brain numbing to the point  of frustration throughout this process but for   every wall I hit I seemed to for whatever reason  still be interested in playing because I did want   to see how this story ends. So, the grind began  and surprisingly the first collectible we managed   to complete was for finding all 123 relics.  Probably the easiest one to visually obtain   as all locations can easily be added to your map  through talking to the various floating cats and   sort of a two birds, one stone proposition as by  finding and handing in these relics you get money,   rewards such as other collectibles and can also  supply a lot of purchasable collectibles like the   music tracks, outfits, magatama etc. Some relics  are super small though (like your cock) meaning   spirit vision had me squinting like I needed my  eyes tested. Next up I decided to go after the   25 Tanuki’s because it was a side mission I needed  to complete and one of the smaller collectibles to   go after. A task that is a lot simpler by donating  to the offering boxes, same with the Jizo statues   to have them show up on your map but I did find  a good 10 or 15 just through playing and doing   as much exploration as I could just keeping  an eye out for odd items in different places.   The Magatama mostly come from finding the  various Yokai in the world which are easily   the most fun collectibles to go after as they  have you… actually doing something other than   clicking L2 and help unlock the larger upgrades.  The Jizo statues are probably the most rewarding   collectible in the game gaining more “ammo” for  each element which is really handy for the larger   encounters. Not too difficult to spot most just  around the world with sound queues and usually   some visitors lurking nearby. Landmarks are pretty  unremarkable, though they do come quite naturally   while exploring Tokyo. Getting your hands on  all the food and drink is apparently another   RNG based trophy as some of the food and drink can  only be found in the random food bags but by the   time I was actively going for this I had found  them at some point so, again nothing special.   Cleansing all the Torii gates is a given in this  process, they’re decent encounters though. I did   think this trophy was bugged initially but one  of the Torii gates only unlocks fully after a   certain mission so just keep that in mind.  By this point, it was time to grind out the   rest of the spirits around Tokyo. Now during all  of these other collectibles I was going out my   way to get as many spirits as I could, having  over 50% early on in my time with Chapter 4.   Now 240,000 collectibles seems like a lot  but thankfully it doesn’t feel like an   insane amount. It’s a lot, don't get me wrong  but they’re literally everywhere. There are   very few hidden away and with the help of one  of the prayer beads you can actually be guided   to every single one of them when it gets down  to the last few. It’s not overly engaging and   it’s a big time commitment but with all of the  other collectibles in the game you need to find   along the way you can get most areas on the map  basically done by the time you have nothing left   but the spirits. Where this trophy gets annoying  is with the extra spirit objectives, mainly the   Hyakki Yako encounters. Before this point I’d  maybe encountered these mobs 3 times, getting   a couple of thousand spirits per encounter. You  need 15,000 in total and what this meant was by   the end I was just running back and forth around  Tokyo, waiting for these things to spawn. They   seemed to spawn in every half an hour, sometimes  less in certain spawn points but this took me a   solid 4 hours of just mindless running around to  get. The encounters themselves are pretty fun and   a good challenge but just too infrequent.  I did finally complete these encounters   though and transferred the final spirits to get  100% and I was ready to move onto Chapter 5.   Where are the rest of the collectible trophies  you may be wondering? Well, the final few are   all related to beating the final 2 chapters, some  with 100% spirits and that’s why I didn’t unlock   all outfits until I started Chapter 5. You just  buy all of these and the rest are mission related.   We nabbed all the voice logs, most of which  are around the main and side missions.   Unlocked all the spirit skills with our final  KK document giving us our last 20 skill points.   Finished up with Chapter 5.   Defeated one of each type of Visitor which is a  given if going for 100%. And once we beat the game   the trophies came pouring in. One for beating  the main story with 100% transferred spirits.   Completing the main story. Completing  Chapter 6. Acquiring all music tracks.   And… yeah I didn’t unlock the platinum. My  immediate thought was, great this has bugged   out on me but thankfully, I’m just a dumbass. You  see the first Torii gate you cleanse doesn’t have   the usual setup in terms of where the Prayer bead  is and so, I never picked it up over the countless   times I fast travelled here. So, realising my  mistake I picked the bead up, got the trophy   for all prayer beads, the platinum followed and  my time with Ghostwire: Tokyo was complete.   So, after 29 hours in total; 11 better than the  guide estimate, look at me go. What’d I think   of Ghostwire: Tokyo’s platinum and the game  in general? Let’s start with the game itself,   because I really enjoyed my time with Ghostwire.  The open world of Tokyo is fantastic, the story,   the lore, the side stories, the  enemy design, the unique combat,   the horror that I wasn’t expecting is something  I really had a good time with. Is it perfect? No,   the combat can get a little repetitive and the  story isn’t sensational but it’s a game I’d   really recommend giving a go if you haven’t  already. In terms of the platinum though,   it’s a hard sell. It’s not a difficult platinum,  there’s no skill issue or difficulty related   trophies but the collectibles are excessive. It’s  too much. I’d be okay with a few but too many have   little reward bar the trophy, like the outfits…  What's the point of these? It’s such a big part   of this game's platinum requirements that whilst  I didn’t hate it, it still isn’t the type of   experience I froth over and it just is too many  hours doing monotonous tasks. It’s mindless and   because of that, I recommend the game itself  but the platinum, that one is a tough one to   recommend despite how much I enjoyed the game. Thank you all so much for watching the video.   Make sure if you did enjoy the video to leave  it a like because it helps let me know that   you enjoyed yourself. Comment below some more  platinum suggestions, let’s keep this series   going. Shoutout to the channel members Infamous  Sirhellfire, FT. Gagiano, Christian Villegag,   CloudConnection, Kranitoko, Crumb Sparky,  Driftum and Erliam for that extra level of   support I truly do appreciate it. If you’re new  to the channel make sure to subscribe, go give my   socials a follow if you fancy @MayorHairBear,  and I’ll catch you all in the next video.
Channel: MayorHairBear
Views: 287,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: platinum trophy, platinum trophies, hardest platinum, playstation trophies, platinum trophy hunting, xbox achievements, achievement hunting, mayorhairbear, hard platinum trophies, platinum, hardest achievements, hardest trophies, nick ar, ps5 trophies, ghostwire tokyo platinum, ghostwire tokyo platinum walkthrough, ghostwire tokyo, ghostwire platinum trophy, ghostwire platinum guide, ghostwire tokyo gameplay, ghostwire tokyo review, ghostwire all achievements, bethesda
Id: jDCu2q2_JSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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