30 Platinum Trophies In 30 Days | Can I Do It?

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An aspect of gaming I’ve fallen well and truly out  of touch with is achievement/ trophy hunting. As   someone who went through highschool during the  PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 generation, I was a   massive achievement hunter. When you’re a kid with  bugger all money, you needed to make your games   last as long as they could and the best way to do  that especially if they were single-player only   was to go for all the achievements or trophies.  Whether I loved the game or wasn’t a big fan,   if I had unlocked some trophies or achievements I  was going to try and get them all whether it was   Dark Souls all the way to Doritos Crash Course and  I was that sort of gamer for a long time. Until I   just wasn’t. Yeah when I started working the ol’  9-5, having the money to buy any game I wanted and   barely enough time to play them I started to fall  off the trophy and achievement hunting bandwagon   at least to the extreme degree. As I’ve said in  a few videos, if I love a game I will see what   it takes to 100% it but even then if it’s out of  the way I’ll just leave it at that. I still loved   the sound of a trophy or achievement popping but  I wasn’t hunting anymore. That was until I finally   played Marvel’s Spider-Man a few months back. Now  I’ve already gone over my thoughts on Spider-Man   as a game, I think it’s phenomenal but when I was  going for that Platinum it ignited something back   up in me. I loved going for that prize, that 100%  prize and I looked at my PSN profile which whilst   not my original, I’ve had for a long, long time  and the amount of Platinum trophies I had was   embarrassing. I’ve had this account since 2014 and  I had a whopping 7 Platinum’s to my name. Granted,   some of that can be attributed to 100 percenting  given games on Xbox or on Steam instead but still,   it just wasn’t good enough and with this new  motivation the perfect set of videos stumbled   across my timeline. Mystic’s 30 Platinum’s in 30  Days challenge videos, which are a great watch if   you haven’t seen them but he brought up feelings  that I could really relate to as a content   creator. I have so little time to actually just  play games. If it’s not for a video or a session   with my mates I am lucky if I play one or two  games just for myself. So, I figured why don’t   I attempt this challenge? It posed the perfect  concoction of getting to play a bunch of games   whether they’re from my backlog or just games I  want to revisit, get way more Platinum trophies   hopefully that I’m proud of but gotta do what  you gotta do and make a video to boot which if   I may toot my own horn is pretty good… good enough  to get you to hit that like button and subscribe   I think. Unlike Mystic however, I’d been out  of the game for some time now other than the   odd platinum for games like Ghost of Tsushima or  Spider-Man. I also only had my PS5 hooked up with   my PS3 and Vita in storage which limited the games  I had access to and before someone comments. No,   Australia does not have the PS3 game catalogue  on PS5 which is great… well worth forking   over the extra cash am I right? Anyway, the  point is I needed to prep and prep hard.   I stumbled into a couple of bumps in the road  in this prep phase namely being… not every game   I wanted to play had a Platinum trophy, in fact  out of a list of 45 games I had compiled after   hours and hours of scouring the PS store and  the Plus membership catalogues and looking   into guides I had to cut a whopping 25 games  from that list because whilst I could still   get 100% it’s not a Platinum. Annoying as games  like Abzu and Soma amongst so many others I was   really looking forward to finally playing  which I guess I’ll just do on my Xbox now,   but every game should have a platinum trophy.  I mean it’s literally just a trophy to say you   got all the other trophies but I digress. I would  eventually come up with 30 games that at the time   sounded plausible just to give myself a rough  idea of games to play next along with two rules   for myself. Rule number 1: All games in this  challenge had to be 0% completion to Platinum.   There was no minimum platinum time, it could be  30 minutes or 15 hours or whatever but I couldn’t   have even one trophy in any of these games  before starting the challenge. Rule number 2:   Once a trophy unlocked I had to stick with the  game until I got the platinum. I was allowed to   test games but I had to be quick with my decisions  because if I didn’t like a game and had a trophy   unlocked, it was too late. This rule actually  eliminated quite a few games that I won’t say   were bad but I wasn’t feeling at the time like  Angry Video Game Nerd 1 and 2 and Foreclosed.   I played the tutorials and just bailed.  They weren’t hitting the spot in that brief   window. I also had a guideline for myself that I  wasn’t going to play games that didn’t genuinely   interest or intrigue me. This challenge can be  pretty simple if you just buy the cheap trophy   games that solely exist to get platinum’s  but I promise you they aren’t in this video.   That was done after the challenge and no, I’m  not proud of it. There are a few short platinum   trophies but they were games I was interested  in checking out for whatever reason. With those   rules written up, I bought and downloaded all  the games on my list, siked myself up for the   coming month and on the 7th of October at 10PM I  started the 30 Platinum’s in 30 Days challenge.   Now Day One was a bit of a nothing day for a few  reasons. Reason number one was I still needed to   get videos out for the channel and for some reason  I decided to start this challenge mid way through   working on the Modern Warfare 2 Retrospective. Bit  of a goof on my behalf but this wouldn’t be the   last time making a video would prove to make this  challenge difficult. I still had time to start   playing a game, I just didn’t platinum anything in  my first 24 hours which came down to a pretty big   oversight and general cockiness. I underestimated  just how long 10 hours is. 10 hours seemed like   nothing, lightwork when researching my list of  games. I mean when I’m making my retrospectives,   10 hours is like the dream number. But it  wasn’t until I actually started playing and   trying to balance everything on top of this  challenge that I realised, if I could play   for 6 hours a day that was a good day. These 10  hour plus platinums I’d written down were going   to take longer than I thought so I did have to  go back to the drawing board pretty early on to   figure out how to best balance these longer  platinum’s and still make good progress.   Early on into Day 2 we achieved our first  platinum… It was a Telltale game but still.   Tales From The Borderlands was Platinum No.  1. Apologies for the lack of trophy popping,   my footage corrupted but  we’re good from here onwards.   I started with Tales simply because I wanted to  make a video on the game before the next game   released later that month. Now my more in depth  thoughts on the game are in that video which I   highly recommend watching, that video was a blast  to make but in short. If you haven’t played it,   go do that. It's incredible and easily Telltale’s  best game in my humble opinion as well as a top   tier Borderlands experience. In terms of a  platinum though, the Telltale games are as   easy as they come. Just play the game till the  end and boom, the platinum is yours. In regards   to this challenge the Telltale games are time  consuming, again taking me more than a day to   complete but we have more than enough days left  to make that time up. I wasn’t stressing.   By the skin of my teeth I snuck a platinum  in here, not because it was another longer   game… but because most of the day I was  preoccupied with editing. I did manage   to get Platinum No. 2 (ironic considering I  had to choose between achieving the platinum   today or releasing the turd that was absolutely  just breaking down my butthole) Lara Croft GO.   I’ve had this game on my backlog for some time  now and I've only heard great things going in and   it was great fun. I’m not a massive Tomb Raider  fan only really playing the remakes and a few PS2   games nor am I a particularly proficient puzzler  but I found the solutions to be a great mix of   challenging but clear. Nice shorter experience  which will be a common theme but a great game   to play regardless of going for the platinum. In  terms of the platinum trophy there are a number   of missable trophies along with everyone’s  favourite collectible based trophies which   get surprisingly challenging to find but overall  with a guide for those collectibles and bearing in   mind those missable trophies I managed to knock  this one out in 4 to 5 hours. With a complete   guide I’m sure this is a 2 hour platinum but I  still want to play these games to enjoy them.   Getting the answers given to me for a puzzle  game just would have defeated the purpose.   A few hours after I unlocked the Lara Croft  Go platinum I’d go on to unlock platinum   no. 3 Tacoma. Tacoma was one of those games  I’d always seen the image floating around,   whether I’d see the game on sale, on gamepass,  maybe through a YouTube recommendation whatever   it may be when I was prepping for this  challenge that’s how I picked some of   these games. This game looks familiar, how’s  the platinum, achievable? Alright let’s finally   check it out. I wasn’t too sure what to expect  going in but I’m glad I finally checked Tacoma   out because this game had me hooked in from  the get go. The story is really intriguing   and has such a great atmosphere and trophy wise  they seemed to have some fun with these. There   are a number of missable trophies but the game  is short enough that if you need to do another   playthrough you’re probably bringing your total  time in game to about 2 hours. Really short   experience so perfect for trophy and achievement  hunters but worth experiencing regardless.   Two platinum’s in one day feels great I tell you  what. The first platinum of the day was a bit of a   project, I’d been playing this one between editing  and platinuming the shorter games and that was   platinum no. 4 Tekken 7. I love Tekken, I grew up  playing so much Tekken 3 with my brother and dad   and going on to playing Tekken 4, Tag Tournament  and 5 with my cousins any chance we got. A lot of   fond memories with the series. Unfortunately I  just haven’t played it in years. I never played   6 and before this platinum I’d played maybe an  hour of 7. Fighting game wise I’d been getting   my fix from Mortal Kombat and Injustice. I missed  the series and that was the best part about going   for this platinum. It felt great to be playing  Tekken again and overall I had a blast with this   game. However, I did poorly optimise the order I  went for trophies mainly because I wasn’t sure if   the online was still kicking. Now if the online  was dead I needed to know ASAP before another   trophy popped and I was finding games… they were  just half way across the world with awful ping.   I tell you getting these online trophies was the  bane of my existence as for a couple of hours I   tried to get all the online stuff done. I did this  without re-learning how to play Tekken which in   hindsight could have saved me a lot of time but I  did eventually do it and moved onto the more grind   heavy stuff like the story mode, getting 50,000  damage in practice mode, getting to warrior rank   etc. These weren’t too difficult, they just  required a lot of repetition especially the   50,000 damage. That took me at least 30 minutes  to an hour alone. Again I had fun though,   it felt great to play some Tekken again and  platinum wise it’d have to be one of the easiest   fighting game platinum’s out there right. Trophy  hunters, not a bad one to add to the collection.   The second platinum of the day was actually a  prime example of why not every video idea works.   Platinum No. 5 Sonic Origins. I thought with  the release of Sonic Frontiers it’d be a great   idea to go back and finally play the original  games. I’ve never been a big fan of Sonic,   only playing Rush and the Racing games. So I  wanted to try and understand the appeal and   Sonic Origins was conveniently on sale. The risk  with this selection was as soon as I booted one   of the 3 games up a trophy would pop so once I  started I was locked in and I have to be honest   in the beginning I was miserable. I was making  my way through Sonic 1 and I just wasn’t having   a good time and pretty much scrapped the video  idea from there. I don’t want to go out of my way   to poo poo a series that many love just because  it’s not for me, I’d rather focus my attention on   games I love. However, I still had to push through  and platinum the game and this was a great example   of the longer I played the more I went on to  enjoy it. Going from Sonic 1 to CD to 2 and   finally 3 I just enjoyed them more and more and  the platinum requirements weren’t too bad either.   Beat the games, unlocking items, collecting  rings, killing enemies, it really was pretty   straight forward thankfully. Sonic CD was probably  my personal favourite of the collection but again,   2 and 3 were fantastic too and I really started  to see the appeal to the series. Still not a huge   Sonic fan but glad I finally knocked these games  off the backlog and I’d be keen to try out some   of the 3D titles if nothing else now. This is a  pretty quick platinum to boot and as long as you   can get through each game you’ve basically done  the hard work for the platinum requirements.   This is another example of seeing a game's  cover art what felt like all the time.   Platinum No. 6 Black The Fall. I’ve had my eye  on this game for some time now because again,   I’d seen it in what felt like in every sale  and from what I could see it looked very Limbo/   Inside - esk which is pretty spot on. Black  The Fall, much like Inside in particular,   is a really short experience, maybe 2 to 3 hours  tops that is filled with intrigue, atmosphere,   soviet propaganda and this great world that  you only learn more about through visuals.   In terms of the platinum I do recommend a guide  as most trophies are missable. They aren’t the   most difficult, such as sitting on this bike  for a certain amount of time or finding hidden   areas but if you miss them you’ll need to start  again which is always a bit of a pain. Short and   sweet platinum though which for this challenge  is always appreciated and I’m glad I finally   checked this game out. If you enjoy games  like Inside I’d recommend playing this one.   Platinum No. 7 was another decent time sink  but damn was it worth it. Grim Fandango.   I’d never played Grim Fandango before this  video but I am a big fan of Tim Schafer’s   games and there has always been something about  this game's art style that’s made me want to try   it out. Holy hell, this was an experience I  struggled to put down. Whilst the movement   and general gameplay did take me a little bit to  get used to and without a guide back in the day   I have no idea how you were supposed to figure  out some of these puzzles. Again I’m not great   with puzzles but damn some of these solutions  are the real deal. But this game's story, world,   characters and their charm had me from the  jump. Whether it’s Manny or Glottis to side   characters like Lupe or Chepito. All of these  characters are so memorable, funny and likeable   that it just further pulls you into this story and  world. I cannot recommend Grim Fandango enough,   it was by far one of the best experiences I  had during this challenge and I’m so glad I   finally played it. In terms of the platinum, a  lot of the trophies are missable but they just   pertain to unlocking specific dialogue so just  keep talking and you should get most of them.   I will say I did have my first panic attack of  the challenge after not unlocking the Platinum   during the credits only to find I missed one  dialogue trophy. Thankfully it was a 10 minute fix   through good saving but I was worried. Outside of  that, a pure joy to platinum and simply play.   This platinum took me a little longer than  expected and probably the first example of   that estimated time I’d researched being dependent  player to player. Platinum No. 8, Everybody’s Gone   to the Rapture. This game has always been on my  radar, it looked really interesting, I don’t mind   a good walking sim if the story is there and  I have to say that the first playthrough was   captivating. I was hooked in, I was piecing it all  together and by the end I was like that was great,   that was a worthwhile experience. Platinum wise…  not so much. One thing I didn’t expect to be doing   as much as I ended up doing in this challenge  is sitting around doing nothing. The amount of   trophies I unlocked during this challenge for  putting my controller down from anywhere from 2   minutes to half an hour. Now Rapture was on the  shorter end of that but there is a lot of stand   and do nothing trophies that are just boring. I  also experienced my first bugged trophy of the   challenge where I was trying to basically in  my second playthrough smash through the rest   of the trophies but the shortcuts had to be done  on their own without doing anything else forcing   another playthrough and by the end just walking  annoyed me. Even though overall 3 playthroughs   took me around 5 hours, I just ended up loathing  this platinum experience. Game wise, recommend   giving it a try. Platinum wise, personally the  first example of downgrading an experience.   What the hell happened? Just 8 platinum’s to my  name and officially past the halfway point. I   was stressing, I’m not going to lie because  whilst I’d been playing games in this time.   Working on the Borderlands video had taken  up a lot of my time but also just general   procrastination up to this point. I needed  to get my butt into gear and boy, did I start   today. Platinum No. 9 is going to seem like a  bit of a joke but we have Goosebumps: The Game.   A meh sort of game but at this point it’s coming  up to Halloween and I do have a soft spot for   Goosebumps. It’s not a terrible game… it’s not  overly enjoyable but it’s sort of just whatever.   A nice and easy point and click adventure that  at the very least I did love all the references   to Goosebump stories within. Platinum wise, it  took me roughly 3 hours to complete with the   main struggle being to complete the game in under  175 turns I think it is. Not overly difficult but   definitely a trophy best held for last once you  know the layout and puzzles. Do I recommend this   platinum? Not really. Do I recommend playing  the game? Again, not really but it is short   if you’re curious and love easy Platinum’s  which at this point we definitely needed.   Platinum No. 10 was another short journey to  Platinum but one I’m a lot more happy with and   that is Insomnis. Insomnis was a game I stumbled  upon when looking through the various sales that   I hadn’t heard about before hand but really  intrigued me going in. It’s the spooky season,   let’s complete some spooky games and Insomnis  was really enjoyable. The scares do wear off   quite quickly but the atmosphere, the story and  the visuals do make for a quality experience. I   recommend checking it out if you see it on  sale. Platinum wise this was the shortest   to date taking a whopping 50 minutes with  the help of save scumming to unlock both   endings. Easy platinum but quality game that  I recommend both to people looking to get some   trophies and a good haunted house experience. Platinum No. 11 was another game I hadn’t heard   of until finding it on sale, so much so I didn’t  realise it was actually a sequel. Darker Skies.   First of all, I definitely need to try out  Greyer Skies after this because Darker Skies   was another really enjoyable experience. Yes  it is a bit clunky mechanically and another   2 to 3 hours platinum but I just really  had a blast with this game and that just   comes down to the world and atmosphere. Set  after the War of the Worlds this unsettling   atmosphere is draped over this whole game and  it’s captivating. Another game I recommend   trying out Platinum or not but considering  100% only means tracking 3 missable trophies,   you may as well go for that platinum right? Platinum No. 12 once again, on sale and I hadn’t   heard of it before either but a game looking to  capture and throw back to the early PS1 era. Back   to 1995. I grew up playing the PS1 and so I think  like many others I’m incredibly nostalgic for that   sort of janky graphical style and that’s how 1995  hooked me in. Got me to try it out. Control wise   this game is incredibly clunky and the visuals  are a little rough around the edges but this   was a real blast from the past and was a fun ride  regardless. I think nostalgia for the PS1 is going   to have a lot of say in whether you enjoy this  game or not but for me it was interesting enough   story wise and gameplay wise was such a cool blast  from the past that I really had a good time with   this game. It’s only about an hour long platinum  with a really straight forward trophy list so,   great for trophy hunters and a worthwhile  experience for the PS1 kids out there.   Platinum No. 13 and the last platinum trophy of  this insane day. Batman: The Telltale Series.   Once again, Telltale games are pretty straight  forward just play the game and you’ve got the   platinum so not much to talk about there. But I  played some of the game to get some footage for   the Borderlands video which unlocked some  trophies and so, I had to platinum it and   this game is great. I don’t think it’s in  Telltale’s Top 3, that being Borderlands,   The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, but  it’s a great Batman and Bruce Wayne story that   is well worth playing and probably has the most  “gameplay” of the Telltale games if that’s usually   a stickler for you. I still need to play Season  2, that’s been on the backlog for too long now.   After such a massive day yesterday, I did take  it a little easier today. I did get Platinum   No. 14… but my opinions on this one might be a  little controversial. Telltale’s Game of Thrones.   Platinum wise, you know what it is. Game wise this  has always been one of my least favourite Telltale   experiences but I never really knew why until I  replayed the game today. I cannot stand how many   assholes are in Game of Thrones. I think it’s  a phenomenal show with incredibly well written   characters but as a viewer I just hate watching  that many unlikeable characters and that's why   I've never gotten past season 3 of the show. The  game has just as many unlikeable characters but   the problem is it relies on multiple seasons  to get that pay off of these characters dying   and since this is a one and done IP it doesn’t get  any of that satisfaction. Not to mention it’s the   longest Telltale game taking me around 13 hours  to get through and add it all up, I just had a   miserable time with this game. I wanted to give  the game a second chance and I will admit, there   are some tough choices to be made here. Maybe with  more seasons it could’ve improved but as is, still   a bottom tier Telltale game in my opinion and too  much time spent with douchebags for my liking.   Platinum No. 15 thankfully corrected the  course after the last game and ended up   being the best surprise of this challenge  so far and that is Deliver Us The Moon.   This game was spectacular. Whether it’s the  visuals, the story, the subject matter or   simply the high level immersion Deliver Us  The Moon had me by the balls from the very   beginning and didn’t let go. I cannot  recommend giving this game a go more,   I am now so excited to play Deliver Us Mars next  year I’m hyped. Platinum wise there are a lot of   missable trophies and a 30 minute wait and do  nothing trophy which… well lame but the rest of   the trophies do come quite naturally if you’re as  invested as I was and loved exploring the various   locations as it’s a lot of find collectibles or  finish given stories. Platinum or not play this   game. The immersion alone is incredible and  this is an experience I won’t soon forget.   The second Platinum of the day, Platinum No. 16  was an absolute childhood classic. Ape Escape.   Growing up on the PS1 you better believe I  played me a lot of Ape Escape but I haven’t   touched the series in a long, long time and  with a simple platinum that was all the excuse   I needed to come back to this gem. This was  childhood bliss, honestly. Yes the controls   take some time to get used to but once I got  over that hurdle this was a “go back in time,   turn your brain off and catch some monkeys” type  of experience that was a pure joy to platinum.   Highly recommend going back and playing Ape  Escape, it’s a blast to this day and going for   the platinum just requires catching an easy 100  monkeys and getting some coins and you’re good.   Platinum No. 17 is simply just a  beautiful game. Spirit of the North.   As someone who has studied visual art through  further education, a quick way to get me to pay   attention or peak my interest in a game I may know  nothing about is with a unique art style. Spirit   of the North visually is gorgeous. The colours all  have a great pop to them but the colour palette is   minimal allowing for the developers to tell a  story through colour and visuals alone. That’s   impressive and a big reason why I found myself  so invested in Spirit’s story and world. The   gameplay is really simple and the objectives are  straight forward but the experience was almost   magical simply from a visual perspective. In terms  of the platinum it’s pretty straight forward,   the only tedious part is in the end you need  to find all these spirits in a massive space   that are all on the move which can be easy to  miss one or two and inflates the overall time   from 2 to 3 hours. But outside of that  this was an all around great experience   that whilst may not be for everyone is a quick  platinum tied to a beautiful visual journey.   Platinum No. 18 is going to sound like a joke but  I’ll explain my reasoning. Crazy Chicken Kart 2.   Does anyone else remember this damn chicken or  is it just me? I saw this game amongst one of the   sales this month and immediately it unlocked  a part of my memory I’d long suppressed (for   what I would learn was for good reason). I saw the  platinum time was short and thought you know what,   this’d be a funny one to platinum… how wrong I  was. This was 3 hours of pure torture. Winning   a race on each level is no issue, the problem is  playing 100 races overall and losing 50 of them   for whatever reason. The driving’s jank, the  racers are unbalanced and the quickest way to   grind these trophies is with this map that can be  beaten in 50 seconds… Like why encourage losing,   you have the same result for just playing  100 races that means you can lose but still   encourage winning? I wanted this to be dumb  fun but instead, I just feel like a dumb fuck.   Thankfully, Platinum No. 19 was much better.  A Tale of Paper. A game very similar to Little   Nightmares just without the horror or the  creep factor… which I understand is sort of   a lot of Little Nightmares but you know what I  mean. This game has such a beautiful story with   simple platforming and some cool transformation  mechanics. It’s not revolutionary but it’s just a   simple beauty that had me having a good time  with the game. The platinum is filled with   missable trophies but this is a short platinum  journey taking me about an hour and a half. I   will say trophy wise it is refreshing to have  objectives that encourage doing something as   opposed to just collecting so many items or sit  around and do bugger all. These were fun trophies   to go after and overall a game that before today  I’d not heard of that I’m glad I gave a go.   Platinum No. 20 I’ve had my eye on since it  was released in 2018 because it just looked   like good ol’ simple wholesome fun. Donut  County. I was looking forward to finally   playing this game and it was exactly the  experience I expected. Simple premise,   visually unique and short and sweet. The perfect  experience for this type of challenge. Suck things   into a hole to make hole bigger. That’s the  game and it sounds simple but it’s got such a   charm to it that I was glued to my seat for the  couple of hours it took to platinum. It’s just   a very satisfying game and with the trophies are  again, really simple but heavily gameplay oriented   which I appreciate. They’re fun to go after  which cannot be said for a lot of these games.   I highly recommend checking out Donut County,  platinum or not this is just pure simple fun.   Platinum No. 21 was a game that somehow I’d  never played before but always looked like   a fun goof. Goat Simulator. Simultaneously the  most fun and most infuriated I’ve been and had   this entire challenge simply due to one trophy.  That god awful flappy bird trophy. I get it,   Flappy bird was awful, funny meme to have it  here. The problem is it’s not fair. All you   need is to get 10 points and the amount of times  I had a run unfairly taken from me, I mean look   at the space here? How is that a fail? It made  me want to break my controller and easily ruined   what to that point was just dumb fun and an easy  recommend for a platinum. It made me forgo the DLC   because technically I just need that platinum for  this challenge despite originally going to 100%   the game. That’s how much one trophy ruined my  overall experience. Goat simulator is a goofy,   but fun game. 100% and platinum is another story. Platinum No. 22 was another highlight of this   whole challenge as we headed back into  space and completed Moons of Madness.   I remember keeping an eye on this game before  release but sort of lost track of it until   now seeing it in the PS catalogue or on sale I  can’t exactly remember but I immediately wanted   to finally give the game a go and wow, this is  a great cosmic horror romp on Mars. Whilst not   the scariest title with predictable scares it  is really compelling regardless. The atmosphere   is incredible, the story is interesting, you  easily find yourself sinking into this role and   by the end I just found myself adoring this whole  journey. The platinum only contains a few missable   trophies as well so if you know what they are  going in you can go in without a complete guide,   no dramas and get this platinum in one  playthrough. Another recommendation,   trophy hunter or not. This is a quality  experience that’s worth playing.   We were finally all caught up. After a disastrous  start I was smashing through these platinum’s and   really finding my rhythm which felt amazing  not going to lie. Platinum No. 23 was a game   that was a big reason I bought the PS5 in the  first place that for whatever reason I didn’t   play until today. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart.  Ratchet and Clank is one of PlayStation’s finest.   It’s a series I love but it’s been 6 years  since I’ve played any of the games and so,   Rift Apart was just perfect. I think everyone  knows this game is incredible, that’s no secret   but much like Tekken it just felt great to  be playing a Ratchet and Clank game again. I   love these characters, the gameplay mechanics new  and old are fantastic and in terms of a platinum   it’s a lot of collecting and getting kills with  certain guns. It’s straightforward but again,   really heavily gameplay oriented which I expect  nothing less for the series and damn does it feel   good to have a Ratchet and Clank platinum…  might have to get some more of those sooner   rather than later. If you have a PS5 you owe it  to yourself to play Rift Apart… you listening   to me Aidan? You can now re-borrow the game  and you better play it this time okay?   Okay, hear me out for Platinum No. 24. Storm Boy.   Trophy hunters may be aware of this game as the  game that takes a whopping 20 minutes to platinum   and I’ll be honest this isn’t a platinum I’m  particularly proud of because it is so easy… but,   as a game this is simply beautiful. Storm Boy is  an Australian classic and this experience that   cost me just a couple of bucks was an emotional  rollercoaster. Play it. I don’t care if you’re   after a quick and easy platinum, Storm Boy is  worth playing and it’s not a shameful platinum   because as an experience it’s just beautiful. Yes  it’s a little short and the platinum is basically   a given but I seriously recommend looking into  this one if not just the story in general.   Platinum No. 25 was the perfect game to  complete for Halloween. Pumpkin Jack.   Bit of MediEvil, bit of Nightmare Before  Christmas, bit of fun. It’s not as good as   a Medievil for example with a bit too much  gimmick to the bosses and levels but it’s   got that childhood platformer vibe which I am  absolutely nostalgic for. The aesthetic just   made for a prime Halloween game for me and with  a short 4 to 5 hour platinum this was the perfect   experience for this challenge. Not really much  else to say, if you like yourself some Medievil   or a throwback to older platformers, Pumpkin  Jack should be right up your alley. Platinum   wise outside of the unmissables it’s just about  finding all the skulls and buying the costumes,   nothing too difficult just be careful about  quitting out mid area, I did have to go back   and recollect some skulls after stopping. Platinum No. 26 is a game that people seemed   to be quite mixed on but I personally loved  it and that is The Medium. A little late   for Halloween but The Medium had me utterly  captivated. Artistically this game is stunning,   I get a lot of Wayne Barlowe vibes from this world  that had me so intrigued by this story and whilst   gameplay wise it’s nothing special I had a great  time making my way through this psychological   thriller. Horror wise it’s again not the scariest  but it definitely is tense and unsettling and   a game that I recommend trying out if nothing  else. Now platinum wise this was a scary prospect   because it’s a lot of collecting and if you mess  up you’re replaying the entire game. Thankfully   this was smooth sailing for me with the help of  a guide and carefully keeping track but just be   careful, replaying a game for one mistake is not  what you want. Platinum or not though I recommend   giving the game a chance, I had a great time with  it personally and I’m glad I finally played it.   Platinum No. 27 I thought was going to take a  lot longer than it ended up taking and that is   Maneater. Now to be fair, I’d already completed  the game on my Xbox at release so I knew the   general path to platinum going in but I just  smashed through this game. Maneater is just good   simple fun. It’s unique, it doesn’t take itself  too seriously and in general it’s just fun to be   a shark, grow from this little almost helpless  pup to the oceans Apex predator and get your   revenge on all the creatures giving you grief  along the way. The platinum is really simple,   just complete each zone, get all the goodies  and make sure you’re taking out those bounty   hunters and you’ll get this platinum in no time.  Personally it took me around 7 hours to complete   and I had a blast from start to finish. Again, no  DLC today just because of the time restraint but I   will go back and do that because the games just  good fun. Highly recommend playing Maneater.   Platinum No. 28 is one of my guilty pleasures  that may surprise you. Murdered: Soul Suspect.   Soul Suspect may not be a perfect game, it may  not even be a great game but I just love being   this ghost detective and solving the mystery  of my own death. The games definitely B Grade   but it’s just fun to play, what else can I  say. The enemy encounters may be brainless   but the detective work is good fun. Not LA  Noire levels but still fun enough. In terms   of the platinum it is a lot of collecting,  like most of the trophies are to do with   collectibles but I actually think it fits this  type of game really well since you’re searching   the environment a lot as is. If you’re naturally  exploring this is a simple platinum and a game I   recommend checking out if you like a bit of  B Grade content everyone now and again.   Okay trust me I’m not trying to cheese this  challenge. Platinum No. 29… we have Ghost   of Tsushima PS5. Yes, I downloaded  the PS5 version of the game. Yes,   I downloaded my PS4 save file. Yes, the platinum  took me 2 minutes. Okay let me explain. I want   to replay Ghost of Tsushima with all the new  bells and whistles and I will do that. In fact,   since this challenge I started checking out the  Legends mode and started New Game +. However,   I needed more time to platinum the last game on my  list. I wanted to end with a challenge and as is,   I needed more time so, I cheesed a platinum to  make it happen. Ghost of Tsushima is incredible   though, easily 2020’s best game and a game that I  now have two platinum’s for so look at me go.   The final day. 24 hours to go and I was going  to finally be finished with this challenge. I   had to end with a bang but I needed to be smart,  I couldn’t just play some hour long game and be   done with it. That would be pretty lame and also…  Well, I sort of ran out of those games anyway. I   wanted to platinum something I was proud of.  I loaded in Ghost Runner, quickly realised   that ain’t it for this challenge though it is  incredible and decided that Platinum No. 30,   the finale to this challenge would be for a game  that I adore. A game that is incredibly funny and   fun to play. A game worth platinuming. But also,  a game that had the potential to take me between   10 to 20 hours and if I missed one of the many  missable collectibles it was over, there would be   no way I could comeback from that sort of mistake.  The final game of this challenge was… South Park:   The Stick of Truth. I know, probably not what you  were expecting but damn this series is fantastic.   The Stick of Truth is simply a love letter to  South Park and a damn good game to boot. It’s   funny, it’s filled with great easter eggs and  references to iconic episodes, the gameplay is a   lot of fun because it so heavily incorporates the  humour into the turn based combat. It’s a great   game that I highly recommend playing platinum  trophy or not. The platinum trophy did have me   worried though. Missable collectibles are daunting  and not to mention how many trophies are tied to   ending the game a certain way, playing the whole  game without letting your buddies fall in combat,   saving summons for very specific encounters  and moments. All of that tied with the fact   that this is not a short game had me a  little stressed going in… if only I knew   the panic attack waiting for me by the end. With  4 hours left on the clock I was just about done,   I’d beaten the game, gone after all collectibles,  and grinded the combat trophies. I was all set to   be done… until that platinum trophy didn’t  pop. I was missing one piece of equipment   after 12 hours of work. My heart dropped because  whilst not all collectibles are forever missable,   some are and if it was tied to a mission I was  screwed. Thankfully, I had just missed one in the   open world. I picked it up, the platinum trophy  popped and after 30 days, I was finished.   With the 30 days all said and done, before I  get to my final thoughts on this experience I   wanted to quickly hand out some awards for the  good and the bad of this challenge. First off,   let’s go with the most common Platinum I  achieved. The basic bitch Platinum if you   will goes to… Storm Boy. No real shocker here  it is a gimme platinum coming in at a whopping   92% platinum rate. Again I really recommend this  game, basic platinum though. On the flip side,   the rarest Platinum I achieved came in at nice  and slim 2.6% and that was for Tekken 7. I’m   quite proud of this one as a lifelong Tekken fan  and for a fighting game this is a platinum journey   that is super straightforward and good fun. The  most fun Platinum to achieve I think is a tie   between Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart and South  Park: The Stick of Truth. Both of these games   I recommend playing platinum or not but they’re  such great games that going for that platinum and   experiencing everything they have to offer was a  no brainer and the time just flew by honestly. The   Platinum trophy I despised going for was easily  Crazy Chicken Kart 2. That was the longest 3 hours   of my life and from the first trophy I knew I made  a mistake. The Platinum Trophy that ruined the   experience for me personally was Everybody’s Gone  to the Rapture. Really beautiful game and that   first playthrough was incredible but the longer  you play and the more annoying trophies you go for   the more I just began to despise the game. Play  the game, skip the platinum. The Platinum Trophy   that saved the experience is easily Sonic Origins.  I cannot describe how much I wanted to give up on   this game but through pushing onwards, playing  more of the games and trophy hunting I grew to   really look forward to playing this collection and  that’s thanks to the platinum trophy pushing me to   keep playing. Last but not least my favourite  Platinum of the entire challenge has to go to   Deliver Us The Moon. Again, this game caught  me by surprise but wow did I just love being   in this world and going for this Platinum. There  are some annoying trophies like sitting around   on the moon doing bugger all but the experience  itself and getting this Platinum was my favourite   of the entire challenge. Close contender though  is Grim Fandango. That game is phenomenal.   So, after all of this, what are some of  the lessons and learnings I came away   with? Well first and foremost this challenge  reaffirmed that inkling I had when going for   the Spider-Man platinum and that is, the itch  is officially back. Getting these Platinum’s   was such a rush and I really did enjoy this  whole process… but on the flip side this   challenge was a lot more mentally taxing than  I had ever anticipated. Sure you could look at   this video as 30 Easy Platinum Trophies  but that’s not really the point. Sure,   I definitely could have optimised my early days  a lot better allowing for a few more lengthy   experiences but I don’t think there is any way of  avoiding some form of burn out that comes along   with this challenge. I was so ready to be done  with this challenge even though I loved the games   I was platinuming in the process. There’s just no  time to smell the roses, enjoy the accomplishment   of that grand prize. It’s more like that was  cool, alright what next. Don’t get me wrong,   I loved that feeling of achieving a platinum  but what I really wanted to do was accomplish   some tough or at least lengthy platinum’s. Again  it gave me the itch to revisit games and finally   platinum them like God of War, Assassin’s Creed,  Kingdom Hearts, Wolfenstein, Crash Bandicoot,   Call of Duty I mean the list goes on and on. By  the end of this I was ready to move onto bigger   projects and harder platinums and you know… space  them out a little more. But hey, at the end of the   day this challenge helped me achieve all that  I wanted to going into it. I played a bunch of   games, upped my platinums to almost 40 and made a  video all in the same process and not only that,   but found that love and appreciation for trophy/  achievement hunting and hunters once again.   Thank you all so much for watching the video. I  know this was a much different video than usual   but I just wanted to try my hand at this challenge  and take you guys along the journey with me. If   you did enjoy make sure to leave it a like because  it helps let me know that you enjoyed yourself.   Comment below your thoughts on trophy/ achievement  hunting and if you want to see more videos like   this in the future. Shoutout to the channel  members, Infamous SirHellfire, FT. Gagiano,   Christian Villegag, Cloud Connection, Cynical  D and CNKR for that extra level of support I   truly do appreciate it. If you’re new to the  channel make sure to subscribe, go give my   socials a follow if you fancy @MayorHairBear,  and I’ll catch you all in the next video.
Channel: MayorHairBear
Views: 688,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: platinum trophy, psn trophies, playstation 5, ps5 games, ps5 gameplay, ps5 trophies, 30 platinums in 30 days, mayorhairbear, playstation trophies, trophy hunting, trophy hunter, achievement, achievement hunter, ps4 trophies, ps3 trophies, easy platinum trophies, easy platinum trophies ps5, easy platinum trophies ps4, hard platinum, hard platinum trophies, hard platinum trophies ps4, easy trophies ps5, hardest trophies, platinum trophies, mystic
Id: JdgpqS7ZaZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 47sec (2747 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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