Ghostbusters (2016) - Nostalgia Critic

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not order so if you see the new Ghostbuster trailer yeah it did not look hot yeah if that movie's any good they are not marketing it very well but who knows it might be okay yeah I was almost thinking about not seeing it but you know that pull feed guys have bad trailers too good movies before so would you be alright but hey guess who has two thumbs and isn't seeing Independence Day to this guy well done it's like they always say just say no to roland emmerich payday already we remember what you said about the Ghostbusters reboot how you were thinking about not seeing it well I just got back from the very effects you're even thinking about not seeing it shows that you're a misogynist what I'm sorry I couldn't hear you over your woman-hating wait that's what you're upset about I'm upset that you were even thinking about seeing it at all it completely ruins what's perfect about the original Ghostbusters look don't you move you just whatever my thought what do you care what you think so hostile for something like Ghostbusters we tweeted everybody about what you said soon the world will expose you for the Antichrist achoo yeah go ahead I think the world is more important things to worry about than someone's opinion on ghostbusters so what's trending today hmm another terrorist attack huh more corruption in our justice system double pass someone thinking about not seeing the new Ghostbusters movie someone's thinking of not seeing the new Ghostbusters movie hi Osamu do button head away the slime ashaming Yahoo then I tried evening tickled you must pardon me my breath an emergency has befallen only menos on today you excuse me i reviewed to do i think not what shut this off shut this whole review off who the hell are you this is so for justice Peck defender of everything social justice II I will not let you dislike the new Ghostbusters movie you raging misogynist I'm a misogynist because the trailer will die crap the trailer was comic gold just look at this poster booyah emphasis on the boo laughter that's funny anyone would find that funny unless of course you're a misogynist okay look I'm open to the idea of the movie being good by the last belief well if it isn't the Church of the heavenly proton pack what a group of people who love Ghostbusters so much they've converted it into a religion oh my god nobody shall go against the sacred wood for the Senate pill I will one minute 17 dogs and cats living together mass hysteria if you like anything in this movie you're going against the sacred texts shame shame shame shame shame you're all crazy he's locked himself inside good the let us partake in the real yes the real war let two internet extremes partake in the ultimate battle yes the ultimate battle I let the real mean comment about you posted my disgust on a message board you better look out I've gotta master noon it's impossible to talk about this movie without addressing the controversy yeah did you know the things you never talk about our religion politics and ghostbusters before the film even came out the people went insane if you thought it would good you were betraying the original if you thought it looked bad you were a sexist pig there was no in-between if you want to go see it you were wrong if you didn't want to go see it you were still wrong well I did go and see a shame and this is what I observed so like before our three Ghostbusters are scientists at a university for hunting goes anorexic ones apparently then I get one on video but the head of the college is not pleased to see it on YouTube Oh University does not want to be connected with girls you don't want to be connected with proof of the afterlife well they're just icky and I don't like them you're fired in fact yes yes that's a good choice on my part you need to look Sabitha solder solder very good after getting kicked out they moved their lab above a Chinese restaurant ironically plugging Papa John's Pizza and conduct an interview for a new secretary boy I'm Kevin I'll be a beefcake for the remainder of evening I noticed your glasses don't have any glass in them yeah they kept getting daily so I just took them out now this is both the strength and the weakness of the film that line about the glasses that was pretty funny but it's immediately followed by this oh it was loud huh it was very loud yeah Kevin mistakes his eyes for his ears Kevin is too dumb I mean every other second he'll say or do something legitimately funny but then immediately after he'll do something legitimately unfunny oh sorry about that I forgot to breathe again am i thougt yet Christ David Homer Simpson is looking at him like sure you have earned my pity but it isn't just that character the whole movie works like this like when a subway worker named patty comes in and says she saw a ghost oh I saw a ghost this brings us to the subway we're at the fitti artist describes the ghost by drawing it on the wall making life harder for it to shuttle again that's kind of funny but per the mathematical equation that for some reason has to ride throughout this film it's followed by something unfunny do you see that see what that is that's our ghost it's our logo it's glad you know the origin of that yeah it's really great isn't it yeah it's a logo I don't know if you know this but were the Ghostbusters ghosts ready to go sweaters that's what that it oh okay this leads us to our next ghost what you need to realize are looking like mess scooby-doo villains if they died in Eddie Murphy's haunted mansion the special effects were much better in the first movie as it says in the sacred script I believe it's magic yeah that's true but here's the thing about the original the effects are incredible and the majority of them really hold up but we can't forget that not only are they silly looking but they too have their fake moments remember the blue screen stop-motion dogs some of those map paintings aren't looking very real and you can see through Stay Puft half the time but we love them because they have a distinct style their cartoony but menacing these are kind of similar to the ones in the Ghostbuster cartoon which I guess you can see is either a good thing or a bad thing I still like the original effects better still pretty visually interesting and help give the film a different style so it can stand on its own job but of course nothing can have a film stand on its own like shoving the original cast down your throat Bill Murray and some of the other casts all make cameos in this yeah but that's to emphasize that they give the blessing for the film yeah well it comes off as training wheels the movie doesn't need as if to say we're isn't easy to accept all of this as you are so maybe if we throw in the original cast you love to remind you how much it's not the original casting love it'll go a lot easier but it's Bill Murray so it's gotta be funny right absolutely ah eternal abs who can forget unbelievable lines like so this video is a fake Hyup and that's it no funny ways of pointing out how it's a fake or funny reasons why he's a skeptic the movies just like cut cut cut gotta cut the scene but our scene isn't it finished yet I'm sorry but looking at Bill Murray's face is just depressing people did you know him and samuel l.jackson are the same age don't do drugs kids son so that those busters are finally in the iconic jumpsuit tonight a minute what's this what's what this one ugly stripe yeah I feel like a Hot Wheels is gonna race across my chest I don't know why they made it look like you've been lasso by orange and white Twizzlers just go with it this sucks right Abbi I'm right here it's not me whatever us bustin trackage pot hog feet doctor zapping the new version of beats dragon I mean not bad we get the next big pointless cameo ones walking Prince of Darkness a few years ago I would have been more relevant you know even then it would have been a cheap shot but God are those clown fishes swimming around your boo balloon get side uniforms and the noise for the very first crazy y'all you man you wouldn't say that if it were on a man oh I'll knock it off you act like anyone who doesn't like this movie's a total sexist hypocrite man yes okay maybe a few of us up oh Christ are those the meninist we got offshore relief to proclaim our outrage yeah ladies can't beat ghostbusters nobody were female ghostbusters yeah but not the majority as a man this will not stand you know manliness isn't a real movement right it's a blanket term were you just so anxious to feel like victims you joined the first group you google that started complaining no yes yes but we're still relevant they do not speak for us oh you're from that Ghostbusters religion you know the second film doesn't count right oh you want the Orthodox denomination they don't believe in the second film either no that's not true we believe it was made we believe it said some good things but we do not believe it's the word of the Ghostbusters you are not truly authentic Oh more authentic than the Ghostbusters of latter-day saints he's got a monkey your religion are you - we only announced Volume one I need a break while I cry for Humanity I'll be right back so Aaron shares why she's so uptight and nervous to admit her beliefs since I was a girl I saw ghosts every night at foot of my bed but nobody believed me everybody called me ghost girl so I had to go to therapy wait a minute does this scene end up going anywhere well does the next scene end up going anywhere well why don't you just cut to that then you're gonna like it I don't care just show it to me already Oh more unfunny bummer I want proof of this ghost you claim you caught you got it whoa are you crazy showing him the ghost would kill him I'm not doing it to prove something to myself I'm not doing it to show up this guy who hates us for no reason I'm doing it because this is the first movie since Garfield that Bill Murray refuses to be funny yet the ghost is released and killed Bill Murray when who wait a minute they killed off Bill Murray in this man oh this is unacceptable this cannot man happen you do realize that your precious Ghostbusters 3 sequel never happen because of this one guy right all right killing so yeah the Ghostbusters just murdered a man obviously the police drop by take them to the mayor's office and have them pay the price I believe what you're doing and it's great work or they face no consequences whatsoever really hey man what a Ben Affleck's Batman up in here as I was saying we know that ghosts exist but we have to paint you as frauds to not cause mass panic isn't that like telling cops to stop doing their jobs because people might be intimidated by them what do you mean might well pick your plot hole you can either have the one that literally lets you get away with murder or you can have the one from ghostbusters 2 where people stop believing you for absolutely no reason yeah anything but ghostbusters 2 mm-hmm why does everyone always have that reaction Bill Murray baby talk is very underappreciated meanwhile Erin is in a hotel room looking over a notebook that says who the bad guy is and wait about why she suddenly in a hotel room in a white robe away from everyone else that's me again snip snip snip oh my god why are you cutting so much you don't understand we're terrified of our fans we're great to leave anything in this movie why would you be afraid of your fan 20 not misogynist fair enough son and just who is the bad guy who's been making these machines enhancing paranormal activity trying to destroy the world some we remember he has a name it's just some I guess I can't act like Gozer had a lot of screen time or a ton of character but there was at least a backstory and some intimidation about her this guy isn't intimidating or funny he's just some okay well can we at least get a good reason why of course Micah fellow you see no too afraid of the fans to play to the fans we're our own thing and if we ever actually leave it in the bill will show it to you so so the villains ghost starts possessing everyone until it finds a proper home and Kip as he turns on his machine to bring out all the ghosts of the work so Aaron tries to get a ride from a taxi driver played by force cameo number 20 Danette you gotta give me a ride there's ghosts everywhere oh that's just a class 5 for roaming paper ok we finally got a Ghostbuster cameo that was funny because even if you did know that was dan Aykroyd or what that line is from how would a cab driver know such an advanced term it happened we finally got a cameo though yeah I think you are forgetting our mathematical formula no please the scene was fine it was money don't ruin it are you sure it's a knee-slapper no it is it you just think it is mmm I know ain't afraid though of no ghosts Wow yeah Blues Brothers 2000 ex ha ha this is the best Ghostbuster cameo I've done since Casper get out of here so Kevin takes control of all the cops and soldiers trying to stop him yeah I'm gonna force you to do a swinging choreographed musical number Oh scissors where are you oh I thought I was doing my job too much you weren't you were please don't make this thing happen all right I banish you to the end credits oh I really thought this could be the next Cuban song we then come across easily the best cameo in the entire movie saliva now I know what you're thinking this is gonna come across too child-friendly like in the second movie or in the cartoon no the best way I can describe Slimer and this is whenever Neil Patrick Harris and Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle that Slimers performance he steals ecto-1 picks up all his ghost buddies and goes on a bender even somehow manages to pick up a female Slimer where the hell do these things procreate I am so curious help you not this they had an r-rating he'd be doing lines of coke across her belly the original creators always described Slimer as the ghost of John Belushi grand theft auto partying with his friends and getting laid I buy that so the Ghostbusters start busting the ghosts with all the new gadgets and I have to admit the action is kind of fun this might be the one thing this film actually does better than the original and don't get me wrong the original works fine but when you really look at the action part of it what do I really do they stand there and point a stick when you get down to it that's not very interesting in this one they do flips and slides and punch ghosts and whip them into somersaults what's the big climax in the original they point the sticks together oh my boy wall they run on Harry Potter logic pointing is amazing huh it looks like some people are just more open-minded than others oh by the way Vanessa are you down for watching the Jim movie tonight yeah there's little to do with the original it just didn't look very good well I can respect your opinion well that's what I thought oh the Ghostbuster trailer misogynist the villain turns into a giant version of their logo because this movie that's trying to be its own thing is also ending with a giant white cartoon blob perhaps it's symbolic of the fanbase trying to destroy itself don't make me protest at your funeral so after he turns into this giant monster he walks away yeah he says he's going to destroy them but he just kind of veers up somewhere maybe he's off to tell Godzilla he should smash buildings on screen but they shoot the ghosts in the crotch because if it worked in these nineties films clearly it should work here let me figure out how to suck all the ghosts back in to the portal but unfortunately Evie get sucked into Aaron however goes an effort hey you've got white hair now yeah so do I suppose this will be unexplained in pointless like the villains backstory or your ghost girl thing while logos on a subway wall or how this is all gonna probably be covered up like in the transformer movies but as I've learned with franchises that have a snot ball that apparently have an afterlife and a miss pac-man girlfriends can't read too much into it and I was Ernie Hudson genius awful I still don't get it how did everyone become so hostile over something obviously not worth the effort I did it Oh black willy wonka you're responsible for all of this oh yes I've used the Internet to consume their lives what used to be a fun pastime has now turned into a cul-de-sac of rage where people used to share their opinions now they forced them down your throats in fact I just hijacked Facebook so that instead of the like button there will be a force button making sure nobody can have an opinion of their own where you see media was once used to enhance your life now it's replaced it look like Willy Wonka why you see people need to learn the power of their choices critic so by turning them into whiny little babies maybe they'll learn we won't well every once in a while a symbol comes along to remind everyone of how awful they can be Ghostbusters is that symbol no one isn't sometimes the universe just needs to hate itself you have no reason for doing any of this do you nope sometimes it's fun to be an for no reason see everyone it isn't you it's the internet it's consuming your lives making you paranoid and stupid and this movie is at the heart of it he's right don't bust their Chicago division blade here it doesn't matter whether you like or hate the film what matters is that it's your opinion and it wasn't for stunning because a Ghostbuster doesn't hate a Ghostbuster doesn't discriminate Ghostbuster stands for peace and freedom the freedom to think what you want to think love for your fellow fan or hatred it's your choice fanbase is pulsing with entitlement it's gonna take a tremendous amount of positive energy to snap them out of it you know I just can't believe things have gotten so bad in fan bases that there's no way back I mean I know we're geeky we obsess over little things and we probably get too invested but we've gone from being bullied all our lives to being bullies ourselves I love Ghostbusters I love the franchise I love the toys I love the cartoons I even kind of have a soft spot for the second movie enough to quote it in a satire remember when talking about those Buster's used to be funny I just wish I could enjoy being a Ghostbuster fan again not ashamed we need something everybody can get behind we need assemble something that appeals to the Ghostbuster fan in all of us something that was new from familiar something good something decent something pure you let's raise the love to the Internet Oh card you a more level-headed yeah enough for me to question why I'm still dry oh the ecto cooler has so much sugar in it that the liquid fades very quickly okay so now that we're all little calmed down I'm ready to tell you my real opinion about the new Ghostbusters movie I thought the movie was average it's not great it's not awful it's just average but that doesn't fit into one of our sides yeah you can do that you can still believe in equal rights and think this movie sucks you can still love the original and think this one is great by God you can have such a variety of different thoughts that you might actually be considered a unique human being I've accepted that nothing can ever recreate the original it's an anomaly of all the right things in all the right places at all the right time it's childish but a dolt stupid but intelligent by all definitions it shouldn't have worked and yet it worked perfectly it really is lightening that will never strike again hell even the original people tried to recreate it and it didn't work it got a few laughs but everybody acknowledges it couldn't capture the magic of the first the closest we got is the game and even then that had to repeat a lot of stuff and let's face it it wouldn't have worked as well if we saw them at the real age I didn't want to see ghostbusters 3 for me it's asking for another Kingdom of the Crystal Skull or blue Brothers 2000 if we're gonna get something new that's ghostbusters I do want it to be different and the different stuff is when I think it shines the most you know those shows movies and comics where there's like a million parallel universes this just feels like all those parallel universes not a replacement just a different version the dark knight films don't erase out the original Batman The Rise of the Planet of the Apes films don't destroy the style and genius of the original does it all work hell no do I hate that every funny joke is followed by an unfunny joke definitely if you're going to say though that this movie stole your childhood you never had a childhood we're stealing yeah must have been a lot of great things in that life for a movie to take it away from you but it's not hard to see somebody hating this bill there are a lot of unfunny scenes and awkward moments and yeah it doesn't really need to exist but I can also see how someone can enjoy it the performers are great there are some really funny jokes and it can be really creative for me I like it the most when it's doing its own thing and it doesn't need to call back to the original but not everybody's gonna see it that way and that's fine Ghostbusters is gonna be something unique and different to everybody because everybody has their own unique experience to it so if you want to go see it go see it if you don't want to go see it don't go see it as long as your decision is yours and you're not bullied by anybody into doing something you don't want to do or think what you don't want to think I suppose some of those lines really weren't that amusing Oh some of those gadgets we're pretty badass can we at least all agree that ecto cooler is amazing yes yes oh no you don't yeah you may have gotten everyone else to speak their minds but we're keeping ours nice and close yeah I don't give up hello oh hi hold on uh let me put you on videophone hi everyone I was wondering if you saw the new Ghostbusters yet oh oh yes we have little girl what did you guys think I thought it was great I liked the part where they bust the balloon ghosts punch the ghost in the face and then they play the song I dance so much of that song all my friends are so excited to dress up this Halloween in fact we started wearing our costumes in a few places already even some kids in the hospital we're really excited to see them so I really liked it what did you all think you know what it doesn't really matter what we think yeah as long as you liked it okay I showed her yeah you showed her who's boss why don't we go complain about real I'm the Nostalgia Critic with the Chicago ghostbusters saying ghostbusters will never die as long as you keep sharing the law so celebrate whichever version you love fest and remember both of you makes me feel good you it's our logo did you glad you know the origin of that yeah it's really great isn't it yeah it's a logo coming next week it's the live-action Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin set your nightmares - hahahaha but you can see it now under vessels ad free early access just three dollars a month to see tons of people's videos early as well as a bunch of other extra features check it out and get the early scoop hey Doug Walker here doing the charity shout out this week we are doing homes for our troops this is a privately funded nonprofit organization that builds mortgage free specially adapted homes nationwide for severely injured veterans post 9-11 to enable them to rebuild their lives most of these veterans have sustained injuries including multiple limb amputations partial and full paralysis or severe traumatic brain injury these homes restore some of the freedom and independence our veterans sacrifice while defending our country and enable them to focus on their family recovery and rebuilding their lives nearly 90 cents of every dollar has gone directly to the veterans in this program despite their life-altering injuries many of these veterans have embarked on new careers completed their college degrees or started families many have embraced their roles as motivational speakers sharing their messages of preserving through tragedy with groups of classrooms around the country others take to a national platform to promote awareness of veteran suicide homelessness and post-traumatic stress disorder their incredible stories are the driving force for this charity and you can hear so many of them not only on their website but on their YouTube page as well definitely show how much you care about these men and women who have sacrificed so much for this give some back to those who have given so much you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 3,533,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, doug walker, movie, movies, film, ghostbusters, ghostbusters 2016, ghostbusters review, movie review, film review, ghostbusters 2016 review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2016
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