We wrote TERRIBLE Lionblaze Fanfiction (Warrior Cats)

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so a few weeks ago i made a community post asking you all to write one sentence for a limeblaze fan fiction so we could write his first interesting chapter i chose a few of your submissions and tried to piece them together in a way that made a somewhat coherent story of course the result was complete and utter chaos but entertaining nonetheless enjoy [Music] lion blaze sat perched up on a rock bathing in the warm sun that glittered on his golden pelt what a beautiful day he unto himself j for their turn the lion blaze immune you can't be the third cat because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon lionblaze gasped as he realized that he's horrifically boring lionblaze said jayfeather i'm so sorry but nobody likes you well at least i'm more interesting than riverclan thought lionblaze lionblaze stretches his hind legs as he begins to have really deep thoughts how can i be more interesting than everyone else today he said to himself lionblaze unsheathed this claws accepting the challenge i am getting my first interesting chapter lion blaze boasted the jayfeather no jeffrey replied that's impossible we must act while we still have the chance blind blaze shouted out to his clanmates in the clearing i disagree jayfeather said and so do i holy leaf chimed in your ideas are stupid oh stop being dramatic lionblaze huffed but what have you of worth the sheikh at mute staring into limeblaze's soul in a way that made him feel uneasy strength isn't a personality test what i'm not boring i have um skills and um you know stuff lionblaze ended meekly his protest met with perhaps too many raised eyebrows ye you're stupid holy stated with sass lionblaze walked around the camp i'm interesting no one believed him lionblaze stood up his eyes blazing like fire he stormed off in a fit of rage limeblaze ignored his siblings stairs he knew what he was doing or so he thought yeah lion blaze said jay feather and holy leaf shuddered let's take a bet i'm banking on at least five dead people by the end of the day whispered jay for there to holy leaf sensing lion blaze leaving the camp lion blaze gracefully walked outside camp in search of the finest mcdonald's to buy for sin to hurt light filtered through the trees above and hit the golden tom highlighting his defined muscles as he padded across the forest floor lion blaze tripped and fell rolling down a cliff when he hit a rock when he looked up he saw the worst thing he could ever have imagined lionblaze gasped heathertail dumped him for a hotter wingland cat landblaze saw heathertail and breespelt smooch why him though he thought as he cringed heather tail straightens up wow that was a vibe she whispered quietly clearly both shocked and entranced lionblaze throws brees belt heather tale lion blizz says he crossed the wing clan border casually want to get back together no way heather tales shouted back as she turned up the taylor swift song on the radio your evil edgy half brother is much more interesting lionblaze heated heather tail off a cliff lionblaze wanted to go to the forest i'm gonna take a walk and see cinderhurt said lionblaze as he stepped into the forest but before that he saw crowfeather i'm so proud of you lying blaze said krover there slowly turning his head to stare at bree's pelt lion blaze gasped thinking how could this possibly get any worse lion blaze flicked his tail dramatically goodbye peasant hemiatic grove other and strutted away lion blaze patted into camp with the delicious amazing smelling mcdonald's kitty catty happy meal he sauntered over to cinderhurt you were the best backup plan i ever had lion blaze how could you cinderheart gasped you went to mcdonald's without me this isn't what it looks like lionblaze gasped cinderheart turn the line please yelling i don't love you anymore you can't break up with me because i'm buff blind blaze hissed us into hurt pushing her by the way want to have kits don't be stupid lion blaze jaybird shouted but lionblaze was too busy poking cinderheart stop interrupting our role play blindly spat it day for there lionblaze lunged at a fox that ran into camp killing it immediately you're my hero lionchan cinderhurt shouted leaping in the lion blaze's beautiful golden fur lion blaze looks into hurt in the eyes as they sat under the light of the moon cinderheart he mewed leaning closer about to tell her his most important secret lion blaze's eyes widened i forgot to brush my teeth this morning he gasped as jay further rolled his eyes lion blaze busted down the door to the medicine den lion blaze started throwing jay by their supplies all over the walls did not like this jay feather was angry vey angie then jay brother stared at lion blaze his cloudy eyes full of irritation just what do you think you're lion doing clawed a leaf that fell on him and mute i'm a warrior cat lying blaze you're my brother i don't want you to go down this path jay further meowed how could you blindly snarl the jay brother my own brother betraying me like this lionblaze simply ignored the problem and proceeded to sink into the ground using hacks he then walked away gracefully the stones below him almost getting crushed under the weight of his well-muscled body lion blaze walks through the forest sits down huh he mumbles sitting on a living cat suffocating it lionblaze stared at the body beneath his paw how'd that happen he said dang i did it again lionblaze shrugs and walks away at the corner of the action holy leaf had a whiteboard of all the times lionblaze broke the code and she added a mark how could you do that holy leaf yelled at lionblaze she was furious lionblaze flexed his muscles with a smug expression the law does not apply to me i'm buff lionblaze was taking a nice stroll in the forest killing every stick and leafy stepped on oops he mumbled as he stepped on a living cat effectively killing it mom i did it again lion blaze blind maybe try not being nearly as aggressive you seem to radiate a threatening aura everywhere you go lethal suggested he turned around and glared in the leaf bowl's eyes lionblaze shook his head pacing back and forth in anger how could she do this didn't he understand he just wanted what's best for the clans lying blaze smack sleeve pull in the face he then realized that he had something to do with his life and strode out into the forest it's time to out pizza the hut he took a step to the side and started walking to a random tree lionblaze licked the tree weird lion blaze thought never thought it would taste like that lion blaze strode in the camp holding a tree in his jaws hoyly pissed how did you out pizza the hut she questioned but lion blaze ignored her for the tree was too tasty lion blaze walked out of his house yeah don't worry i ate the tree he says the holy leaf casually lionblaze puffed out his chest heroically failing to notice the disappointed headshakes from devwing and lion boys cast the knowing glance at devwing i know it's hard being so special but we have to accept we can never be normal deviling looked up at him with her rainbow eyes that is so inspiring i can't believe my apprentice has powers muttered lying blaze how plot convenient yes maybe one day you'll be strong like me i doubt there's a small child lionblaze shrugged dismissively as he instead stared at cinderhurt longingly lionblaze here are your beautiful background children cinderheart mutes lionblaze lionblaze gaffed in shock as he realized that he had gone through actual character development he never would have guessed this day would come lying blaze shed a single tear holy leaf slap lion blaze across the face what is wrong with you she said while lion was frowned pathetically unfortunately lion blaze said to holy leaf the sky is purple now lion blaze smiled at cinder heart want to go on a date to pizza hut lion blaze leapt off the tree spread his cape and pointed a paw in front of him and flew towards the sunset with cinderheart the end no i don't take constructive criticism
Channel: Bright Guardian Akira
Views: 51,438
Rating: 4.9748492 out of 5
Keywords: warriors, warrior cats, fanfiction, challenge, animation, lionblaze
Id: TK3zkuhh9wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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