Getting Your Day Started Right | Joyce Meyer

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how many of you have ever had a bad day have you ever wished I would have gotten this day started different than what I did you know don't don't ever waste today once you know you think about time differently as you get older I think when you're in your 20s and maybe even 30s and maybe even 40s you don't you don't think too much about time but a few years ago it occurred to me that two-thirds of my life was over and I just became much more aware of time and how how foolish it is to waste any day that you have you know there's something really interesting about time we all get the same amount in a day every day is 24 hours and some people are very very fruitful and effective and some people just waste their time day after day after day and that's a choice that we make but there's one thing about time once it goes by you never get it back so how it is to waste any day of your life I think we need to live every day like it was our very last one and live it to the absolute fullest that we can live it so I want to just give you a few things that I think will help you maybe get your day going in the right direction and maybe effect the whole rest of your day and I hope it helps you every single day of your life what are some of your morning's like do you go to bed intending to get up and spend time with God but then when the alarm goes off you hit the snooze then you hit the snooze again then you hit the snooze again and then you've laid in bed too long and so then you get up of course now you have no time for anything and you're in a frenzy and you're in a row so that makes you grouchy and of course the devil will play the game with you and he'll make sure that that's the day you can't find your car keys and that's the day nobody does anything that's right and then you you know you've yelled at the kids and now you're feeling bad about that and your mom gave you a call to say good morning you Grouch to her because you didn't have times and now you feel bad about that and you get in your car and you get down almost to the entrance to your subdivision you realize you left your cell phone at home and so that adds your frustration now you've got to hurry up and go back and get that then you get in the house and you can't find it then you get on the highway and the traffic's bad and you know you're going to be late for work so you're thinking of all the excuses you can give and you finally get there and you're basically frustrated upset got this little weight of condemnation on you because of the way you acted you know you should have spent time with God you didn't do it and the whole day basically just becomes a nightmare anybody been there done that now if you're honest you know that more than any other thing the devil will fight you on your time with God and the reason he does that is because that is more valuable to you than any other thing your time your personal time with God is more valuable to you than you being in this conference it is the most important thing and anytime we think that we're going to get it all just through listening to somebody CDs and going to church once a week or twice a week or going to a couple of conferences a year you're totally wrong because I'll tell you what you get when you do that I'll tell you what you've gotten here this weekend you've gotten pieces of great stuff and now if you're smart you'll go home and you'll take the notes that you have or you'll buy the CDs from the conference or whatever session really meant a lot to you and then you'll really get down to doing your own study hearing somebody else not good enough you got to study if you want to be victorious you have to study well Joyce you mean to tell me just listening to you every morning isn't enough not really I'm not God I'm a teacher and I believe that I've got a lot of good information a strong teaching gift but what I found in my own life was I got all this information I mean I was like you know when I really got serious about my walk with God I mean I was in a conference every time I turned around and CDs and everything I get my hand on in TV programs and radio programs and it just seemed like why isn't it working I mean I've been there done that had the t-shirt had the CDs I knew everything you could possibly know about spiritual warfare and yet the devil still had the upper hand in my life and none of it really began to fall into place for me until I started really spending time with God every day now you probably will be a little quiet because probably a lot of you aren't doing that and so that makes you feel a little like a lot of people watching by television you're like thinking maybe I'll see what else is on this morning the Holy Spirit is the one who puts it all together far so not only that it offends God when we leave him out he's more important than anything else until you learn that you're going to be in sad shape I love psalm 27:4 it says one thing if I desire than that will I seek after that I might dwell in his presence behold his beauty all the days of my life you need him a whole lot more than you need me you need him a lot more than you need any of your friends and I know we get all funny about this time with God thing well what do you do I don't think it matters so much what you do as it is just that you're giving God the time just by giving him the time you're saying I need you now every morning is a fresh start in our life mornings are really wonderful and you might say well I'm not a morning person but I suggest you pray to get over it and stop saying that and the reason why a lot of you are in the morning person is because you don't go to bed at night however even if you're a person that sleeps with two o'clock in the afternoon then 2 o'clock in the afternoon is your morning so I can't dictate to you how do you do how you do it I personally like to go to bed early and get up early I'm in bed every night by 9 o'clock unless I'm out preaching and a lot of times I'm asleep somewhere between 9:00 and 9:30 I get up almost every day between 5:00 and 5:30 and I will I would fight a bear to protect that time that I have with God in the morning because I know that I absolutely 100% for sure cannot be the kind of person that God needs me to be to glorify Him and do what I'm doing if I don't have that time with God but it took me a long time to get there I was no different than anybody else I made every excuse I got distracted you know on and on and on and on and on and God finally got it across to me you are not going to stay alive if you don't spend time with me and I think for me he kind of meant it physically you know that I needed that protection because of what I was doing and so I've studied and studied and studied and studied a lot about seeking God's face and not his hand and I just know that mornings are very important my favorite time of the day is the first two hours of the morning I want it quiet I want to be left alone the only person I let get near me is my dog she weighs 7 pounds and sits on the end of my recliner and sometimes Dave will come in and say good morning but that's about it otherwise we're just like Dave goes to his place I go to my place and if you want to know why this ministry is successful I can tell you that that's probably the most important foundational thing that we do because we know from the get-go that it's God not us I don't know how to get the money that I need to pay the bills for this ministry so I just go seek God and I don't even seek him for money I just seek him but every day is a fresh start I love the way God's arranged it that in these 24-hour periods where we're up about 16 hours and then we sleep 8 hours and then it's amazing how much better are things sometimes feel just in the morning isn't it you're tired by the end of the day you need the rest your mind needs the rest your spirit needs that you know everything needs to rest one of the first things you need to do every morning is take care of every mess from yesterday by repenting and receiving God's mercy let's go to lamentation 3 19 through 23 Oh Lord remember earnestly my affliction of my misery my wandering and my outcast state the wormwood in the goal my soul has them continually in remembrance and is bowed down within me but this I recall and therefore have I hope and expectation it is because the Lord's mercy and loving-kindness that we are not consumed because his tender Compassion's fail not they are new every morning beautiful they are new every morning great and abundant is your stability and faithfulness I kind of say just in fun that I guess God makes a new batch of Mercy every morning because we use up all of yesterday's receive God's mercy don't stay mad at yourself whatever you did wrong God knew you were going to do it before you did it you're no surprise to God he's not shocked about what you do as for forgiveness receive mercy and go on you cannot have a good day if you're under condemnation not possible that should be something that you do every morning we're talking about how to get your day started right make some decisions early in the morning the decisions that you make early in the morning are like getting dressed spiritually I'm going to talk to you about that you not only have physical clothing you have spiritual clothing and many people go out naked in the spirit look at revelation 16:15 behold I'm going to come like a thief blessed happened to be Nvidia's he who stays awake alert and guards his clothes so he may not be naked and have the shame of being seen exposed now surely he's not talking about sitting with a rifle in front of your closet and guarding your clothes but he says guard your clothes and make sure that you're not seen naked and you end up embarrassed and he's talking about spiritual nakedness we literally get dressed spiritually as we make decisions this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad I usually say that before ever get out of bed I start this regimen this program that I'm talking to you about today that's not a law to me it's not a burden to me I've just finally found out how to get the upper hand over the devil and I know if I don't do something he will empty space is still a place and if all you offer is empty space and the devil will be happy to fill it so you better start thinking something on purpose before he starts thinking for you this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad then the next thing I do is I begin to thank God for everything that I can think of everything I can think of from hot water to my kids to my husband that I can walk that I can see and everything else receive God's mercy and then start making decisions every decision you make is like getting dressed spiritually in Ephesians 6 the Bible talks about the armor of God it says put on put on the full armor of God put on the breastplate of righteousness now I believe the way that we put on that breastplate of righteousness is by receiving the mercy of God and then making a decision I know who I am I am the righteousness of God in Christ and I am going to be bold in the Lord today and act like the person that I am now when you do that you put on something spiritually that begins to cover you from the enemy you put on the shoes of peace and the way you do that is by making a decision I don't know what's going to happen in my life today but I'm deciding before I ever go out the door that whatever it is I'm up for it and I'm going to stay in peace I'm going to be adaptable and pliable and moldable and even if I don't get my way I'm still going to keep my peace now what I used to do was sit in the morning with my coffee and think if Dave goes to that golf course again today I am going to be so mad at him and if this person doesn't do that and if that person doesn't do this then if this happens man I am really going to be ticked off and so I would prepare myself early in the morning to just have a horrible day all day where your mind goes the man follows so I take time in the morning to get spiritually dressed by making decisions about what I'm going to do that day the devil is going to do what he's going to do the worlds are going to do what it's going to do but here's what I'm going to do this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad and sometimes I got to slay that one five six times sometimes it takes me a little while to start feeling happy now Dave gets up happy but I you know I'm little I mean he's like good morning how are you and I'm like he likes music I like it quiet how do you go out of your house dress spiritually have you paid more attention to what you look like physically than what you look like spiritually did you spend an hour fixing your hair and getting your makeup on and just the right outfit and yet you're spiritually naked and the devil is ready to just have your day come on now play my little game this morning in Ephesians 4 the Bible says put off the old man put on the new man another scripture says put on Jesus Christ Colossians 3 says clothe yourself with mercy and above all that you put on put on love well how do I I don't you know I know how to get these clothes on but how do I get them other ones on I believe it's decisions that we make about how we're going to walk and I believe it's things that we say ahead of time by faith faith speaks faith is not silent faith speaks out of the heart the mouth speaks and I don't just think this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice I say it this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice I'm just looking hmm this is the day the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad get out the toothbrush I am the righteousness of God in Christ Oh this is going to be a good day I'm expecting something good to happen to me today now I'm just telling you how I live I have to do this you can do it or not do it but I just believe your life will improve if you do the devil took advantage of me long enough wonder why I seem to plan decide ahead of time I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me I'm ready for anything I'm equal to anything through Christ to infuse his inner strength into me we have to learn how to do this you have to start thinking on purpose not just thinking passively whatever falls in your head but thinking on purpose you get up and you decide that you are going to be in agreement with God you don't get up and wait to see how you feel and wait to see what happens and if you do this it'll even help you feel better physically you'll start to get energy how can two walk together unless they be agreed start agreeing with God and disagreeing with the devil this is not hard everybody can do this a 10 year old can do this amen this is not complicated what I'm telling you today it's not deeply theological but it will help you put on the helmet of salvation think like a Christian don't have a bumper sticker and think like the devil put on righteousness put on peace lift up the shield of faith make a decision that you're going to go from faith to faith - faith - faith - faith - faith start every day with Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is so important the devil hates it when we're thankful because he is a full-time grouch some 50:14 offer to God the sacrifice of Thanksgiving and pay your vows to the Most High Psalm 100 verse 4 this is probably my favorite enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and a thank offering and into his courts with praise be thankful and say so be thankful and say so say so let the redeemed of the Lord say so if you're thankful open your mouth and say so if there's somebody you in your life you appreciate open your mouth and say so don't just tell them everything they do wrong tell them what you're grateful for I was talking to a girl that travels with me this morning we were talking about some husband stuff and I said I said you know what everybody's got some faults but if we'll just meditate on the good things and I just listed off about 10 or 12 things about Dave that I'm thankful for there's a couple of things that I could do without but but the good stuff so far outweighs those couple of things and see what I used to do when I used to have lousy days was I would in the morning even before I got out of bed I'd be I'm so sick and tired of Dave not doing this and not doing that he never brings me flowers and he never does this and he never does that yawning hey man Annette I don't do that anymore now I think man Dave so easy to get along with praise the Lord praise the Lord he's adaptable he lets me do anything I want to do Dave is secure I can say to him go somewhere I want to be myself and he's like okay after 43 and a half here is you get a good system going you might as well keep the one you got because you're going to have to work on the next one too so what do you think fallar do you do you thank God daily for even little things there's so much to be thankful for and the more thankful we are the happier we get and the matter the devil gets be thankful and say so say so that has to become part of every day I think every morning we need to dedicate ourselves to God let's look at Psalm 25 verse 1 talk about rededicate we need to do it every day unto you O Lord do I bring my life plain and simple I get that Psalm out very frequently and read it I love Psalm 25 one unto you O Lord do I bring my life it's a great thing to do every morning just sit or stand or kneel or whatever you're comfortable and just lift up your hands and say Here I am Lord I'm yours use my mouth use my mind use my hands use my feet use my eyes use my ears my finances are yours I commit myself to you God and dedicate myself to you see we spend too much time wanting telling God everything we want I love what the Christians what Paul said about the Christians he said they gave as much as they possibly could financially but they also gave themselves to the Lord you know it's easier to give your money than it is to give yourself this morning when I asked God if there was anything he wanted me to do today I thought a couple of times for I said it because what if I don't like what he says today I got a good one enjoy yourself yes who knows what I'll get tomorrow is anybody hearing me today now come on listen and you think now I know somebody's thinking I don't know I don't have the time to do all that good night what time I I have to get up to do that now you know you're going to do what you want to no matter what I say but I'm telling you you need to go to bed at night so you can get up in the morning
Channel: Joyce Meyer Ministries
Views: 219,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2618913680001, bootcamp, contentment, joy, mouth, happiness, web, boot camp, English, bootcamp 3, Thoughts, happy, youtube, mind
Id: D0eFcCfU5a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2013
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