Avoiding Deception | Joyce Meyer

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Romans chapter 14 verses 11 and 12 for it is written as I live says the Lord every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God acknowledge him to his honor and to his praise now every knee means that even those that don't believe now someday will bow their knee it's going to be an exciting time isn't it well at least it's going to be for us I don't know how exciting it will be for people who have spent their whole life not believing or for that matter even people who say they believe but who have spent their lives compromising let's look at the next verse so each of us shall give an account of himself give an answer in reference to judgment to God now let's let's just look at that soberly for a minute however many years we have here and how much fun we have and no matter how great it is some day each one of us is going to stand before God and give an account of our lives so if you think it's hard once in a while to hang on to your faith and remain a believer in the world we live in today you're going to be awfully glad when that day comes that you don't have anything to be ashamed of because all those who believe never come up for condemnation the Bible says in John 3:18 all those who believe I don't even think the things that we give an account to God far necessarily going to be am I going to heaven or am I going to hell as believers I think a lot of it is going to be maybe like what did you do with your time what did you do with your money how did you treat people do you have any good fruit to show from your life you know everybody today is busy busy busy busy busy if I said to you are you busy most of you would say yes if I said are you too busy most of you would say yes but you know God never asked us to be busy he asked us to be fruitful I said God never ask us to be busy and sadly I think sometimes we get so busy doing nothing except having our busy schedule frustrate us that we don't end up with any really good fruit from our lives so I want you to I want this to be a sila which means pause and calmly think about that I want this to be a coelom moment for us in this conference this weekend just as we get started someday every knee will bow every tongue will confess and every man will stand before God and give an account not of somebody else but of himself before God and I want to make sure that all of you watching by television no matter what country you live in no matter what language you speak if you're hearing this message now especially if you are someone who has not made the commitment to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior to love God with all your heart I want you to consider now that the time will come when you will stand before God and give an account of your life and although that is a sobering thought and maybe one that we prefer not to think about it is something that we must think about because the day will come and if I if I don't share that with you that I'm not doing my job right before God and when I stand before him and give an account he may say well you know why didn't you preach a little more meat and make sure that the people really understood that the day is going to come when they're going to get given account for their life so I think that's something that we need to be fully aware of can anybody smile and say Amen amen amen now actually at night I want to talk to you about avoiding deception and in Matthew chapter 24 a chapter that's about the signs of the end times which how many of you think we're living in end times well interestingly enough every generation has thought that including Paul's generation but if Paul thought he was living in the last days I guess that that we're living in the last our last days then Paul was so whenever he's coming back were a lot closer than Paul was and Paul told people that they needed to live carefully they needed to live soberly and seriously and and not like a bunch of airheads who thought tomorrow was never going to come because tomorrow will come and he told them to be careful about their behavior that they were to be lights in a dark world and I don't think we realized sometimes as believers in Christ you know the Bible says Christ in us the hope of glory well you know do you know that as a believer you are the hope of God's glory come on forget that you are the hope of God ever getting any glory we the believers in Jesus Christ worldwide we are the lights supposed to be in a dark place the salt of the earth believers representing God are what gives life flavor without God there's no flavor everything's bland and dull and boring and it's a sobering thought to think that not only is Christ in me the hope of me ever being glorious but it's the hope of him getting the glory that he deserves another kind of sobering thought so jesus said he gave signs of the end times and one of the things that he said was that deception was going to be great in the last days he said now you be careful that no one misleads you he gave us a responsibility while he no GI I hope I never get deceived I wish I would have never gotten deceived no we can't have that kind of passive attitude a passive attitude is an open door for Satan to come in and wreck our lives we have to be active we have to be aggressive we have to stay informed and deception is a terrible terrible terrible thing there's so much of it deception means that we believe a lie somehow or another Satan has convinced us of something that's not true but if we believe it it becomes true for us and I would venture to say and please don't be offended when I say this but it's possible that almost everybody in this building I always say almost everybody because then if somebody wants to get offended by it you can think you're the one I'm not talking to so I would venture say that almost everyone in the building is probably deceived in some area of your life even right now including me there's something that you may think is true so for you it's become your reality although it's not true at all you may think that you've done something you can't be forgiven for but that's not true however if you believe that then you'll never receive the forgiveness has already been provided for you because everything that we receive is through believing so if Satan can get us to believe the wrong thing then we're constantly receiving from him rather than receiving from God and we just get confused we don't even know what's wrong with us if you believe that you're unlovable if you expect to be rejected that's exactly what's going to happen to you we've opened the door for the enemy and he'll come in and wreck our lives well the only answer to deception is guess what truth I don't know that we even begin to realize how valuable this book is I love to hold this book up before the world and just think about the millions of people maybe right now that are just looking at this wonderful book people in Africa people in India people in Asia people and your people all over the world people back in the backwoods of the Amazon jungle people and grass huts people over and I just want to tell you this is the hope of the world right here the Word of God jesus said if you continue in my word you will know the truth and the truth will make you free hallelujah what an awesome thing that was one of the first scriptures that God gave me some understanding on back in 1976 when I became a serious Christian and I always say when I became a serious Christian because I was a Christian a long time before I became a serious one and I believe that that I knew enough of Christ I understood salvation by grace I really believe that Jesus died for my sins and I believe that if I would have stayed even in that condition I would have went to to heaven when I died but I always like to say it like this I had enough of Christ to stay out of hell but not enough to walk in victory so let me ask you how much of Jesus do you want in your life do you want just barely enough to get squeaked by every day and hopefully sneak in the back door of heaven I would you really like to be a light in a dark world would you really like to be used would you like to be fruitful would you like to be someone that God can be proud of then you know what that means there's two paths that we can walk as believers the narrow path and the broad path the narrow path leads to life the broad path always leads to destruction now the broad path is easier to stay on obviously got a lot of space there for you and all your fleshly baggage oh you know get on the narrow path and there's some stuff that has to start going because there's no no room for that it's so important I really believe that it's so important that we begin to take a more sober look at how we're living and what we're saying to the world and what the church is saying to the world and we need to each one of us make sure that we're doing our utmost to glorify God through our lives every single day amen I'm not real sure why God picked this place for me to preach this message the last time I was in they got to hear all weekend about how much God loves them and the grace of God and the mercy of God the forgiveness of God and that God will change them and they don't have to get into works of the flesh I mean I started out that conference I said this is all going to be about you well this is going to be about you too but it's more about how to get rid of you this weekend we're gonna say goodbye to you goodbye goodbye oh but the joy is going to increase and the peace is going to multiply you know by the end of Genesis 3 or by the beginning of Genesis 3 first book of the Bible Satan had already managed to deceive Eve two chapters and a little bit of another one however long that took so I wonder how much deception there is today after he's had all these multiplied thousands and thousands of years to work on people we believe a lot of wrong things about God a lot of people believe that God is the source of their problems well God why did you do that to me why did you let that happen to me that's not true but you're never going to know the truth about God unless you know his character through his word well I'm trying to read the Bible Joyce and I can't understand it no no no no no no no no first of all I don't believe he can read the Bible and understand it unless you receive Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit because he's going to give you the revelation but you can start out and as you begin to read God will fill your life and he'll enlighten you but there's too many translations of the Bible today that make it easy to understand there's no excuse to say that you can't understand it you know what you don't want you know what I started with back in when I was in my twenties you know what I read a children's Bible story book and there's no shame in that if you can't get it any other way then go get a children's Bible story book or get my little every day zoo series you know start out with the everyday zoo series that was written for four-year-olds okay but don't say I can't understand the Bible and might like that's an excuse to never get into it this is the greatest book in the whole world revelation 12 revelation 12 teaches us that Satan is the deceiver the great deceiver that's all he does the word deception if you studied in the Greek dictionary means to cheat to deceive to beguile that which gives a false impression and I just thought just briefly how many false impressions there are out in the world today what would happen if all the veneer was stripped off of everything wonder what kind of ugliness we would see how many advertisements promising this is your answer to everything are just nothing but false impressions how many people give a false impression even how many religious people give a false impression they act very religious and holy when they're with their other so-called holy religious friends but at home behind closed doors they are a nightmare and a terror but you know when that day comes and we stand before God and give an account of ourselves I think we may stand there stripped of all of our veneer so maybe that means it's time to take a really good look at ourselves and you know back in 1976 when God really touched my life and I'd had enough of religion and was having no victory in my life and I say that that was when I began a serious relationship with God one of the first things that happened to me was God began to make me take a serious look at me it was time for me to stop blaming everyone else for my problems take responsibility for my life take responsibility for my behavior stop blaming my past for all my bad behavior and make a decision that it was time to grow up I told Matt Redman tonight I said we may not have a lot of laughing this weekend he said oh you always say that but you'll get the people laughing well you know what I hope you enjoy this one way or the other but either way we have to have some of these meter meteor stronger stronger stronger stronger you know Jesus occasion said solemnly I say unto you and that's not such a bad thing either verily verily I say unto you and I just want us all to make sure you know I guess this is going to sound kind of corny but sometimes I actually just feel sorry for God and I know he don't need our pity but I find myself apologizing to him for other people it's like god I'm so sorry that you have to put up with the nonsense that's in the church today in the nonsense it's in the world today and I'll tell you what the world is on a mess it's in a mess and I'm trying to preach this weekend on how to be godly in an ungodly world we got to be so careful that we don't get deceived by all the compromise that's out there we can't keep compromising we have to know what we believe and be prepared to stand on what we believe and far what we believe even if it means that we have to suffer for it sometimes and suffering is not a very popular word in the modern day Church I mean you can almost get stoned for saying the word suffering but Jesus said you're much better off to suffer for righteousness sake than to suffer as a sinner amen it means crafting to be baited a snare a trap a wandering from the right path now listen to this particular this came from the vines Greek dictionary the word deception represents those who deceive with empty words and they belittle now listeners they belittle the true character of sin now this is where we're at today you see sin we don't even call sin sin anymore sin is now our addiction our bondage our problem our hang-up the thing we struggle with are the most ridiculous thing that has now become is our right it's our right to do sinful things well you know what got to protect your right to go to hell if that's what you want to do I mean the bible does set before you life and death choose oh yes we have the right of free choice well you know what God is long-suffering and merciful he is patient and he tries really hard to draw people out of standing into his forgiveness and his mercy and I believe really that that's what he's trying to do right now even through my mouth and obviously you know you're all here and I appreciate you being here and I'm not talking just to you tonight or even maybe mainly to you but to all the people all around the world who flip into a program like this and think it's an accident and God's trying to speak to you he's trying to let you know how much he cares about you and how much he loves you and and he's got a much better life for you than than what you're living and maybe you don't know very much about God and you think that you're beyond his reach but let me tell you something God's got a long arm and he's able to reach down and lift you out of your pit and save you but the word repent first of all means that we have to be sorry for our sins not our ups our hang up our addiction our bondage the thing we struggle with but we have to be sorry for our sins God I am a sinner and I am sorry for my sins all have sinned and come short of the glory of God but all may be justified and made right with God through the blood of Christ the promises of God are for all we can all be made brand-new every single one of us
Channel: Joyce Meyer Ministries
Views: 250,861
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Keywords: joyce meyer, joyce meyer ministries, joyce meyer youtube, joyce meyer sermons, joyce meyer teaching, joyce meyer preaching, joycemeyerministries, joyce meyer 2021, joyce meyer sermons 2021, enjoying everyday life, joyce meyer enjoying everyday life
Id: U0Nsvy1wE1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2013
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