Getting Your Day Started Right | Joyce Meyer

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the following program is paid for by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer ministries I am telling you the absolute truth if you will start praying on a regular basis about the things that are temptations for you you will have the strength when that temptation comes not to get into it what are you thankful for do you think God daily for even little things I thought the other day what it must be like for people that can't walk and have to use a wheelchair just to get out of bed in the middle of night to go to the bathroom and have to do it all right thank God my legs are still working thank God I can see and hear and I can still work and thank God that my life is bearing good fruit there's so much to be thankful for and the more thankful we are the happier we get and the matter the devil gets be thankful and say so say so that has to become part of every day I think every morning we need to dedicate ourselves to God let's look at Psalm 25 verse 1 talk about rededicate we need to do it every day unto you O Lord do I bring my life plain and simple I get that Psalm out very frequently and read it I love Psalm 25 one unto you O Lord do I bring my life it's a great thing to do every morning just sit or stand or kneel or whatever you're comfortable and just lift up your hands and say Here I am Lord I'm yours use my mouth use my mind use my hands use my feet use my eyes use my ears my finances are yours I commit myself to you God and dedicate myself to you see we spend too much time wanting telling God everything we want I love what the Christian is what Paul said about the Christians he said they gave as much as they possibly could financially but they also gave themselves to the Lord you know it's easier to give your money than it is to give yourself this morning when I asked God if there was anything he wanted me to do today I thought a couple of times far I said it because what if I don't like what he says today I got a good one enjoy yourself yes who knows what I'll get tomorrow is anybody hearing me today now come on listen and you think now I know somebody's thinking well I don't know I don't have the time to do all that good night what time I have to get up to do that hey you know you're going to do what you want to no matter what I say but I'm telling you you need to go to bed at night so you can get up in the morning well lady now you've gone to Midland what time I go to bed what time I get up is my business come on now the Bible is full of it Jacob rose up early and sought the Lord Abraham rose up early and sought the Lord David rose up early and sought the Lord Jesus rose up early as was his habit and went off by himself to pray all I can tell you if you don't spend time with God you are going to have one tragic day after another after another after another after another after another it's amazing what happens when you give God that first little bit of time yeah I mean you don't have to take two hours to do this you can do what I'm talking about in 10 minutes if you want to and I believe that you'll be you'll find your time with God so fruitful that then you'll start making ways to get more you can also instead of sitting at the lunch table and gossiping with all your other coworkers take your lunch hour go by yourself somewhere and spend an hour with God but I might miss what's going on at the office my husband for years and years he would leave early for work to beat the traffic he'd get to work and he'd spend that is his Bible time and then at lunch he would go out and walk through the neighborhood and pray and that was a long time before he was in ministry come on a lot of what you do now depends on what doors are going to open for you in the future start showing yourself faithful spiritually now get dressed spiritually and quit running around naked in the spirit realm Luke 22 verse 39 Luke 22 39 and he came out and went as was his habit habit if you're not in the habit of doing this it'll be hard in the beginning but if you get in the habit then you'll have a hard time not doing it and he came out any winners was his habit to the Mount of Olives and the disciples followed him and when he came to the place he said to them pray that you may not at all enter into temptation now this is a very important thing I want to say to you this morning if we're the least little bit honest with ourselves we know what our weaknesses are don't wait you're in the middle middle of a tragic situation where you've once again given in to your temptation and then try to pray your way out of it pray ahead of time that when temptation comes you won't get into it amen pray ahead of time that's what Jesus was trying to get the disciples to do pray that you come not into temptation he knew that they were getting ready to come into some very difficult times and he's basically thinking I'm sure you guys aren't as strong as you think you are and you need to pray you're going to need God's help coming up here in about a couple hours the Bible says they slept while he prayed well he was able to press through and do the will of God under such tremendous pressure to run from God and yet he was able to do what God wanted him to do Peter denied Christ three times amen if food is a temptation for you don't wait until you've already eaten three plates of food and then pray pray about all the time pray about it every morning god you got to help me get over this this is ridiculous for me to let food be my boss I'm praying God for your strength that when I sit down to eat that I can eat a reasonable amount of food and when I'm done I'm done I'm not going to let a piece of pie boss me around I'm not going to let a cookie be my boss the power the Holy Ghost dwells in me come on whatever it is whatever it is know your weaknesses I pray every day about my mouth every day every day God put a watch over my mouth lest I sin against you with my tongue the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart let them be pleasant to the Lord I don't say a lot of bad and unkind things but I know that that can be a weak area for me because I'm quick you what I mean I can pull that trigger quick anybody know what I'm talking about see I not only have a lot to say when I'm up here but a lot of the rest of it God's told me so I pray about those things every day every day pray that you come not into temptation come on how many knows what your weakness is I mean if you know that you're going to be tempted to feel sorry for yourself if you don't get your way then start praying ahead of time if spending money that you don't have is a weakness for you then you pray about that every single day I am telling you the absolute truth if you will start praying on a regular basis about the things that are temptations for you you will have the strength when that temptation comes not to get into it nobody can keep temptation away from us why did Jesus get up early on that day it was his habit to get up early but he went out and prayed that he would not come into temptation he knew temptation was going to come he said God if you can father if you can remove this cup from me I don't want to go through this the Bible says he was in such intense agony he sweated great drops of blood yet he was also able to say your will be done and not mine if I have to drink the cup then I'll drink it but he prayed and he prayed and he prayed and then angels came and strengthened him whoo hallelujah John eight I want to show you something else interesting have you ever said something and then thought oh man I wish I wouldn't have said that okay watch this John eight but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives early in the morning at dawn I'm messing with some of your lives ain't not right now I am messing with it big time early in the morning at dawn he came back into the temple court and the people came to him in crowds and he sat down and was teaching them when the scribes the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery they made her stand in the middle of the court and put the case before him teacher they said this woman's been caught in the very act of adultery now Moses in the law commanded that such women offenders should be stoned to death but what do you say to do with her what is your sentence and this they said to try and test him hoping they might find a charge on which to accuse him now what was going on here in the law she had to be stoned but Jesus was teaching mercy and love and forgiveness okay Jesus let's see you get out of this one if you say be merciful to her and forgive her then you're breaking the law that says to stoner but if you say to stoner then you're doing the exact opposite of what you've been teaching which is to be merciful and kind now what are you going to do smart Jesus and I love how I watch this watch what happens here's wisdom at work but he stooped down and just kind of played around in the dirt I believe he was waiting to hear what God would say he didn't just take some action but he was waiting to hear what God would say let's see the next verse please however when they persisted with their question he got up and he said I'll tell you what let whichever one of you has no sin you throw the first stone so right there he fulfilled the law and kept to his own teachings I don't believe he would have had that answer he had he not gotten up early I went up to the Mount of Olives see here's the thing I believe you know I have to make a lot of decisions through the day you know when you're on television like I am everywhere you go somebody recognizes you and you know the ones who say something to me or minor compared to all the ones that don't I I mean I want to do this but I have to behave myself and it's not that I don't want to but I mean I can't live a sloppy life I have to live the life that I'm teaching and telling other people to live and I just don't know how to do that if I don't spend time with God I don't know any way to do that if I don't spend time with God I'm afraid of myself and I think you ought to be too I think we need to be afraid of ourselves but we need wisdom get up early in the morning and take care of the hard tasks get them out of the way first don't let some job you have to do threaten you all day and make you dread the day you know different people dislike different things if you hate going to the grocery store then get up get dressed go get the groceries get them back home get it over with conquer those groceries amen David got up early the day he killed Goliath come on you're not going to kill your Giants laying in bed hitting the snooze button oh hell oh man I can't help it I'm just not a morning person well you know then whenever you get up it is your morning if you're going to sleep so 10 o'clock then that's your morning but you still need to what whenever you start your day you need to start it with God and you need to do some things on purpose you need to make a decision this is the day the Lord has made I will enjoy this day make an announcement to the devil who is the joy thief I will enjoy this day I'm putting on my righteousness I know who I am in Christ I'm putting on my peace Jesus gave me peace I'm not going to get upset today if I don't get my way about everything I'm going to use the sword of the Spirit I'm going to speak the Word of God out of my mouth I'm going to lift up the shield of faith I'm going to put on the helmet of salvation I'm going to put on love I am going to put on mercy I don't take long and man now you're you're like set for the day it's like who are you rise up early you seek God because he is your manna the Israelites rose up early and collected their mammoths that stuff came down early and you couldn't wait for it to melt because you weren't getting anything until the next day they got up and got their jars and went out and collected it early Jesus is the bread of life that we need now I can tell you and I honest-to-god believe this I believe that not only here but probably certainly many hundreds of thousands if not a few million people watching right now what I'm sharing right now is the answer to your problems it's not that you don't know what to do you've heard enough to know what to do you just don't seem to have the strength to do it they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as Eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and they shall not faint get the difficult stuff over with early Abraham rose up early the morning that God told him to sacrifice his only son that would have been a day I would have slept in but no the Bible says he rose up early I mean if this early thing is not important if getting things right with God first thing when you get up whenever your morning is if it wasn't important than it wouldn't say it all over the Bible set your mind every morning I don't don't want you forget what I'm getting ready to say right here right now take a few minutes every morning to have a meeting with yourself so you sit down and you have a chat with yourself Colossians 3:1 through three so set your mind and keep it set so you set your mind first Peter for ones has arm yourself with right thinking that even if you have to suffer to please God you will do that it says arm yourself with that kind of thinking think ahead of time no matter what I have to do today to please God I'm going to do it even if I have to make a sacrifice I'm going to live to please God today I'm going to be a peacemaker and a maintainer of peace I'm going to be adaptable if I don't get my way then I'll just did that and be happy anyway y'all are looking like a cow at a new gate like and extremely important Galatians can be mindful to be a blessing spend a little bit of time every day thinking about something you can do for somebody else and do it early set your mind to complement everybody you get around find something nice that you can say to them we think sometimes oh that's that's a nice outfit you got on or boy your hair is pretty well why not open your mouth and say so say so what you think doesn't bless anybody tell them the more you compliment other people the better you feel make your mind up to compliment the person that you're married to at least five times today hmm one man here on the second row groaned do you know your marriage could be saved if you'll do that and not only that people will respond to the positive things you say to them and they'll start wanting to make you happy you can't just complain about everything you don't like is anybody home out there you know I'm not living by whim anymore in feelings I've made my mind up to some stuff I have set my mind I am going to enjoy my life and I'm going to have peace and I am NOT going to live in bondage and if anybody can be free it's going to be me come on you put up with too much stop just putting up with and put up with it and put up with it use your will to line it up with God how can two walk together unless they be agreed Amos 3:3 you get yourself in agreement with God amen be mindful to be a blessing come on I dare you every morning to think of somebody that you can be a blessing to try to give away something every day all you got to do is walk through your house you got so much stuff there you know what to do with it I gave away a bracelet this morning I told the girl back here in the back one of the security people I'm just done work for us but I said your hair is really pretty I mean come on just get over yourself yeah what about me what about me what about me nobody okay every morning you need to confess the word out loud confess the Word of God out loud every day and every day you need to prophesy your future say what do you mean by that you quit talking about everything as it is and you begin to call things that be not as though they are if you don't sleep good don't say six times every day I don't sleep good boy I don't sleep good man I have a hard time sleeping whoo I don't sleep good wow I need some sleep man I sleep lousy no you just had a bad night's sleep and you zip your lip and then every time you get the opportunity you're talking to God is that out loud so the devil can hear you to the sleep of the righteous is sweet I believe I sleep good every night every night every night whoo I get good sleep man I'm feeling sleeping out no you know what I was thinking this morning just as an exercise if we would really listen to the stuff that we say and that other people say we better thank God for His mercy amen start your day right angels hearken to the voice of God's Word Psalm 103 20 when you speak the word angels perk up hmm somebody's given us something to do yes some of you probably have 20 angels assigned to you and they are so bored they are just the most bored angels in the universe because you never say anything that gives them anything they can work with every day I say I'm expecting something good to happen to me today I'm expecting good news about all the bad news I want in my life I remember when the phone used to ring and think there's going to be more bad news and even if I do get bad news now I'm ready for it because I've already set my mind that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me now this is not for lazy people because lazy people are hitting the snooze 12 times yeah oh my gosh good you know by the time you see me here in the morning I've already seen God two or three hours and you better be glad I have there's all this stuff I say that helps you that's where it comes from and it's not you know it's not that I get with God and have this three hour chat half the times I don't even feel he's there or hear a thing it's just the point that when you give God the honor of giving him the time then you will see him show up in your life I just want to encourage you to begin every day talking to God and seeking his direction for your life and don't that don't let that be an overwhelming thought you know we think about prayer sometimes like Oh like it's this big thing you know it's talking to God it's just sharing with him your heart thank you lord I love you thank you for this day I trust you to keep me today show me your will try to give God those first few moments of the day and I can promise you it's going to make a huge difference in your entire day today we're offering you the everyday life Study Bible and my new how to study the Bible DVD we want you to learn how to study and if you don't know how then you can learn so get these materials and learn how to do that and I if you don't have my Study Bible I think it's something you're really going to enjoy I started going to the chaplains library and that's where I was introduced to the Joyce Meyers ministry and I was introduced to books like this one told me of the life of Jesus Christ and how he went to the cross to die for my sins and that he loved me even me a prostitute he loved me Anna and I had never in my life experienced that kind of love that I felt when I was in there well I'm so excited about our upcoming Women's Conference guest speakers powerful worship we are going to have an amazing time and you don't want to miss it you know this year we're gonna really dig in and talk about knowing who we are in Christ and learning how to separate who we are from what we do the effects of doubting God's love and when we doubt God's love none of the effects are good we need to be rooted deep in the love of God so when things happen that we don't understand or things that are hard we don't begin to doubt God's love you know I believe that this year if you'll make the commitment to come that you are going to leave knowing that you are God's masterpiece that you really are very special that God is with you all the time and he has an amazing plan for your life and you know what God is in love with you register now you don't want to miss it and we don't want to miss you don't put it off do it now the proceeding was paid for by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer ministries
Channel: Joyce Meyer Ministries
Views: 557,711
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Keywords: Thoughts, contentment, bootcamp, joyce meyer, joyce meyer preaching, joyce meyer sermons, joyce meyer teaching, joyce meyer youtube, joyce meyers, joyce meyers ministries, joycemeyerministries, joyce meyer bible study, joyce meyer thoughts, joyce meyer mind mouth moods and attitudes, getting your day started right pt 2, getting your day started right, joyce meyer bootcamp, get your day started right, start your day motivation, start your day off right, start your day off with god
Id: x0UoK3gdfNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2013
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