Exposing & Eliminating Strife - Part 1 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life

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this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries [Music] I'm teaching this weekend about the dangers of strife and the importance of peace if you know how important peace is you'll do anything you have to do in order to have it but if you don't realize how important it is then you'll never have it because the devil is constantly setting you up to get you upset amen it's challenging to go through one whole day and not get upset about anything but let's just say how many could go a whole week well Jesus has given us peace John 14 27 my peace I leave with you not as the world gives do I give unto you my own special peace I now give to you but here's the important part so stop allowing yourselves to be upset and Disturbed stop allowing yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and I love to say this and I don't know how many of us really get this but we're partners with God God is not going to do everything for us while we sit back and do nothing that's not what prayer is prayer is not just asking God to fix your problems it's also cooperating and asking him if there's something he wants you to do to change things and so Jesus has given us peace but it's our job to hang on to it and I I'm an expert in this because I was not peaceful trust me and if I can learn to live in peace anybody can learn to live in peace but I had to be willing to make a lot of changes and I said last night and I'll say it again you are never going to walk in peace you're never going to live in peace without humility and humility is I think probably the most challenging Christian virtue to develop and to maintain in your life because we've all got a big ego we don't want to be told what to do we always want to be right we want to be first we want to be on top we really like to judge and criticize and gossip I don't know why we like to gossip so much but it's just boy if you know something it is very hard not to tell it isn't it and uh but a lot of times it's those things that cause Strife we start telling things and telling things and I mean I made the mistake last weekend of deciding I'm going to look myself up on the internet thank you whoa buddy I found out some things about me I didn't even know people just say stuff you know they just make stuff up or they hear something and they just pass it on to somebody else and it just you need to be careful about how much time you spend on that social media because if you start believing everything that you read and print you're going to not you're going to end up hating everybody amen and don't get on there and leave some nasty opinion about somebody and then not even have the guts to sign your name to it foreign that's really bad if you're going to get on there say something nice say something pleasant say something happy but strife and I said this last night but I'm going to say it again quickly today by the way I'm starting this morning on page one of my notes where I was supposed to start last night I did preach the message but somehow or another didn't get it in the direction it was supposed to go in but I think it turned out all right anyway so um that's normally the way it is with me I spend weeks stuffing all this stuff in me and then it comes out however God wants it to come out [Music] and um I said last night when God first gave us the call to start Joyce Meyer Ministries he really spoke strongly to my heart and said there's three things I want you to do and if you do them I'll bless your ministry how many of you want to be blessed in your life okay well the blessings from God don't fall in your life just because you go to church tithe every week and read your Bible well I don't understand why I've got all these problems I tithe well what else do you do [Music] see we we got a you can do the right thing here but then kill it by doing the wrong thing over here and um Psalm 133 says that where there's Unity that it's like oil being poured down on the head of Aaron and running all down his face and on his beard and all down his body you know that's the way they anointed people who were called into Ministry serve as kings and Prophets back in the Old Testament they didn't just dab them they poured oil on them and that represented the anointing I am so grateful for the anointing of the Holy Spirit and in first John 2 it says that we all have an anointing from God and if you don't know what that word means boy you need to study the anointing I'm reading a book right now in the sacred anointing it's getting me all stirred up again I mean we we have to have God's anointing and what that is is his presence and his power on our life enabling us to do things and you can have a little bit or you can have a whole lot and I want all I can get and yes God's gifts are free but we can't buy the anointing but we can make it stronger or weaker depending on how we live amen so if you want God's anointing on your life and you you don't need an anointing just for Ministry let me tell you something you need an anointing to get in and out of the grocery store in peace if you've got teenagers you need a strong anointing amen if you're married you need an anointing amen if you got a dog you need an anointing so it says that where there's Unity where people are in agreement getting along maintaining peace there's anointing and blessing and I want to live a blessed life don't you being blessed doesn't mean just heaven a lot of money that can be part of it but it's joy and peace and favor favor is so amazing to watch God open doors for you that you know God did that [Applause] you can't even explain it but you know that it was God I love having this little awesome intimate secret relationship with God where he does things for me that wouldn't make any sense to anybody else but I know it's God just giving me a little wink and saying I got you girl you're doing okay amen and my heart I love to see people born again but I sow hate to see people receive Christ and then Never Grow Up spiritually and so we have to have the full counsel of the word of God we need to hear all the encouraging things but we also need to hear the word in a way that it will correct us and help us want to get from where we are to where we need to be and I've kind of been assigned that part God does give you an assignment and my job has always been to help the believer mature and to so he can have the things that Jesus died to give him and this this thing about peace is it's a key part of this whole thing in Ephesians 6 it talks about spiritual warfare beginning at about verse 10 going through 18. and it says that God has given us armor and it's it's not armor you can see but it's Spiritual armor we were not with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers and wickedness in high places there are evil spirits demons in the world just like there's angels and you need to think about that once in a while that you you've got angels that have been assigned to you that travel with you all the time you ought to protect Yoda just [Applause] say hey to him once in a while hey I'm glad you're watching out for me thank you Jesus for my angels but there are also demons and I know people don't like to talk about this kind of stuff but we can't stick our head in the sand and pretend like everything is just case for us to rock listen the devil hates you and he hates anybody that's trying to work for God and spread the gospel and God has told us that we can protect ourselves by wearing the armor that he gives us but it's Spiritual armor it's the breastplate of righteousness it's knowing who you are in Christ and not living under condemnation [Applause] don't waste another day of your life feeling guilty if you have done something wrong then repent ask God to forgive you receive it shake it off and go on [Applause] you say well what if I keep doing the same thing over and over well then keep repenting over and over and trust that God is working in you and keep trusting him to set you free Peter said how many times must I forgive my brother and the answer he gave really was however many times you need to so if God tells a person to do that surely he does it himself wear that breastplate of righteousness get over being insecure and comparing yourself with somebody else all the time hey you you got what you need you got what it takes if you're born again God Lives in You you're the house of God and you can do whatever you need to do through Christ if you lean on him and trust him tighten the belt of truth the truth is the word of God put on your shoes of peace walk in peace the helmet of salvation think like a Christian [Music] [Applause] you know the Bible says that if you look at a woman and have lustful thoughts about her it's the same as actually committing the act of adultery so we're going to do something about this thinking thing that's why I teach about it so much well I can't help what I think yes you can we won't get into that I'll never get off page one I'll be I'll be gone this afternoon and still will not have gotten off page one there's scripture in First Peter 3 10 and 11 that I absolutely love love love love love love first Peter 3 10 and 11 in the Amplified Bible says for let him who wants to enjoy life and see good days good rather a parent or not and I like that so that's basically meaning that your circumstances might not be good but it can still be a good day I like that in other words the devil can throw his best shot and you can still have a good day [Applause] let him keep his tongue free from evil well there's the mouth again I'll just throw this out for free when you have a problem don't start complaining [Applause] do you know that complaining opens the door for the devil the Israelites murmured and complained and God got so tired of it he finally let serpents into the camp and 23 000 of them died in one day and it was all because of complaining and I'm not telling you you're going to drop dead if you complain but I am saying that it opens the door for the devil to steal your joy and your peace and your blessings and your favor and all the other things that you say you want from God now we all make mistakes with our mouth but here again we can repent oh God I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that I'd take that back I'm gonna pull it back to it quick say something good God is so good to us I said this just last night as we were closing but I heard this a couple of weeks ago and I thought it was so good what if you woke up today and all you had was what you were thankful for yesterday yeah amen [Applause] let him keep his tongue free from Evil and his lips from guile let him turn away from wickedness and shun it and let him do what is right you know this is really a pretty simple deal Jesus has provided everything and all he says is if you love me you'll obey me he did not say if you obey me I will love you that's already settled he's going to love you God will never love you any more than he does at this moment right now God loves you completely and totally unconditionally he loves you I'm sorry I don't care how big of a stinker you are he loves you foreign God loves you amen and if we really learn to appreciate that in soak in it we have to respond with obedience I'm going to say something that I don't know maybe I shouldn't say but I say a lot of things I shouldn't say I guess because I think it needs to be said you know you can pray what we call the sinner's prayer with somebody in a meeting but I'm going to tell you the truth if you are truly born again and you really made a serious commitment I don't think it's possible for anybody to be truly born again and never change [Applause] I just I just don't think it's possible because when you receive Christ he comes to live in you and boy the war is on your spirit Wars against the Flesh and the flesh Wars against the spirit things you could do before and them not bother you at all you do them now it's going to bother you and I pray God will just keep bothering you and keep bothering you and keep bothering you until you can't stand it anymore and you do what he wants you to how do you like that for a loving prayer [Applause] you know you you need to instead of just pray oh God bless them Lord bless Uncle Charlie and Aunt June now God bother them [Applause] send the Holy Spirit after them and don't leave them alone until they submit to you amen and that is a blessing you are praying for them to be blessed When you pray like that that's why the Bible says to pray for your enemies bless and do not curse them When you pray for your enemies to be blessed you're not praying for them to get a new car in a big house really that the biggest blessing they can have is for for them to see truth and face that truth and let God deal with them and there is nobody listen to me there is nobody that God cannot change I don't care how bad they are or how long they've been that way there is nobody that God can't change [Applause] turn away from wickedness and shun it verse 11 let him do right let him not this is the part I don't want you to miss let him search for peace see you got to want it you got to figure out how the devil is stealing your peace and get the upper hand over him he knows how to push your buttons Harmony disturbedness and fears agitating passions moral conflicts and seek seek is a very strong word it means to go after with all your might and seek it eagerly do not merely desire peaceful relationships with god with your fellow man and with yourself but pursue and go after them I pray that a whole bunch of people here today make the decision that I made years ago I am not going to live without peace I refuse to live without peace any longer God I don't care what you have to change in me change it no matter how much pride I have to swallow give me the grace to swallow it because I can tell you what fighting with somebody just to prove you're right is not worth the price you're paying to get it [Applause] first you have peace with God and that comes through either doing the right thing to start with or when you do make a mistake in sin repenting right away seriously repenting right away and we're all going to do plenty of that in our life because there's none of us that do it all right all the time and this peace with yourself is so important and I'll tell you why it's important you cannot have peace with people if you don't have peace with yourself what kind of a relationship do you have with yourself I like myself I didn't for a lot of years I hated myself and I thought about only what was wrong with me I didn't like my voice I didn't like this I didn't like that I didn't like my thighs I didn't you know it was just come on if you don't like your feet too bad it's the feet you got just doctor them up put some rhinestones on those toes it is miserable if you don't like yourself because you never get away from yourself yeah you know what it's like to spend one afternoon with a relative you don't like well think about spending your whole life with somebody you don't like you can't even go to the bathroom without you you can't give away what you don't have and if you don't have Love In You you can't give it to somebody else and that's the high command on our life that Devil he's a sneaky one he is always trying to mess with us so we need to figure out how the devil is trying to steal our peace you see we have choices to make we don't have to live in constant Discord that's so stressful and it's just hard on everyone and if something needs to change in us we have to realize that's part of it too and when it is God will help us with that as well so if you're ready to eliminate The Strife in your life we have some resources to help on this journey and it will make quite a difference Joyce's book is so good it's been around for a while because it makes such a difference it's really practical it's called 21 ways to find peace and happiness this is a paperback edition and with it you're also going to get a digital download called recognizing and dealing with Strife dig in there find out where these things are coming from what are the seeds of strife that you need to begin pulling out of your life deal with it significantly because it will make a big difference for you let us know that you'd like these resources now please stay with us I'll share a story with you about a woman who discovered healing in a place she did not expect and I'll show you how to follow in her footsteps I'm going to tell you a secret you may not know this but you have permission to enjoy your life while you have a problem do you struggle with fear anxiety and uncertainty Jesus came so that we might have a life full of Peace confidence and joy Joyce's book 21 ways to finding peace and happiness shares how you can live in peace no matter what your life circumstances are here Joyce explains 21 practical biblical steps you can take to achieve a life full of Peace along with this offer you'll also receive Joyce's three-part audio teaching recognizing and dealing with Strife it's time to identify and rid Strife forever through the power of Jesus Christ these resources are available for a gift of 30 or more visit online at joycemeyer.org or call 1-800-709-2895 [Music] it's time to kick anxiety to the curb release it all with a night of girl talk and encouragement join us for a love life girls night in with Joyce a live streaming event featuring worship with Katie and Brian torwalt a lively talk it out discussion with guest love McPherson and Joyce teaching us to tackle anxiety head on if you wake up in the morning and the first thing you start hearing is everything that you did wrong yesterday it's not God Friday January 27th at 8 pm Eastern register today at joycemeyer.org live stream you know we really love hearing from you and it is so encouraging to hear from other people the way that God Work It Works in their life because then we are inspired to know that he can do the same in ours so here's a story from Lisa in St Louis she says I came across Joyce Meyer's TV program at a time when I was in a dark place I could relate to some of the stuff she'd gone through I go to church on Sundays I'd sing in the choir but I still felt empty I went to the love Life Women's Conference and it was life-changing for me soon I started volunteering at Joyce Meyer Ministry conferences I found healing in helping others I love that healing and helping others I love to watch people accept Jesus it's heartwarming and I love to see people healed like I was Finding purpose and hope I love what God is doing through this ministry Lisa thank you so much for sharing thank you for encouraging others that God can work in the same way thank you for having a heart for people and for helping others you know Lisa also became a partner with Joyce Meyer Ministries and because of it she is helping people all around the world beyond that Hands-On physically helping at our conferences which we appreciate so much you can find out more about that if you would like to do that but she is helping the world find purpose hope and a relationship with Christ because everything that we do around the world as a partner Lisa is part of and you can be too you too can start helping others and experience the healing that Lisa described those things that can change in your life as you reach out to others so we would ask ask you to please prayerfully consider becoming a partner today now being a partner with Joyce Meyer Ministries means that you are financially supporting Joyce Meyer Ministries on an ongoing regular basis usually it's monthly you can decide whatever amount that you would like but the key is that you are standing alongside because Together As We join forces we can do so much more than we can individually so as a partner you'll be sharing the gospel you'll be seeing those programs happening that Joyce gives right into your home and you'll be part of it but you'll also be feeding hungry people you'll be helping the sick through medical missions you'll be providing clean water and you'll be helping women and girls come out of sex trafficking so many other things so please join us in Partnership today do more than you ever realized and see how God works in your life through it we are so grateful for each and every one of you we appreciate you we love you and we'll see you right here next time for more information visit joycemeyer.org this program has been made possible by the friends and partners of Joyce Meyer Ministries
Channel: Joyce Meyer Ministries
Views: 55,127
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Keywords: joyce meyer bible study, joyce meyer, joyce meyer ministries, joyce meyer youtube, joyce meyer sermons, joyce meyer teaching, joyce meyer preaching, joycemeyerministries, enjoying everyday life, joyce meyer enjoying everyday life, joyce meyers, joyce meyer sermons 2022, joyce meyers 2022, joyce meyer 2022, christian youtuber, walking in love, walking in peace, remaining in peace, how to deal with strife, dealing with strife, dealing with disagreements
Id: 0UuLAZ-XiV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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