Beating the Impossible Challenge: No-Hit Run with Extreme Measures 4 | Haelian

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This man amazes me every single time.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Bakra_Boi 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Incredible achievement from an incredible streamer. Good work dad

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Bellinghamster 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

This man's power knows no bounds

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Infinite_Bananas 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
oh [ __ ] suck my dick i hate you i hate to be ungrateful here hey daughter oh we just got something slightly worse basically when is haiti's coming out for he for playstation xbox it's like three days or something right five days maybe i don't know that's pretty soon ah holy [ __ ] no come here wrist come here come on please please please please i'd be early it was very early take that rest don't do it little rats this is bad no [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] ass dick ass [ __ ] [ __ ] goddammit tick tock house oh god i think i saw like pictures of that or something i don't know why it bothers me really but i don't know it just feels like a weird it's like the new age reality show or something to some degree yeah rip hard fight hard fight hard the angles are so weird on that too bad it was a nice it was a nice setup your two might say helpful in styx rooms yeah i mean i think the reality is for that whatever we got probably wouldn't make a huge difference from any of those options like we had everything we needed we just needed to win and not get hit by that stupid freaking move basically well time to go that ain't today i have to have some mods i leave it up to them i don't even know how to open i don't think i know how to start a prediction all right i guess i'll take an epic attack i feel like we've never done that well with demeter's attack i don't know if like the timing messes me up from the slow and stuff is it slash predict is that what it is slash prediction i don't know i've opened up the mod page for my own stream like twice in my life basically this athena dash band yeah anything any deflect boons are banned if someone else wanted to do this challenge and not ban them i would totally give them the prize if they're able to do it because i don't think that's that as big of a deal anymore like this is kind of hard enough that i don't think that actually matters that much but i decided to just keep the rules from the previous time basically allows for a heroic attack swap i don't know that's a that's a lot to ask for watch watch me get it right here not quite you don't really want to spend rolls here so teammateless is thinking about adding hades yeah i was in a spanish streamer who's part of team hitless and uh he he was trying to do hades uh no hits and he was asking a lot of questions when he saw me and chad he was asking a lot of questions about like the rules and stuff that i made up now like i kind of just made them up like you don't have to don't have to follow the rules that i generated you know you thought only em4 had to be done no hit oh no yeah we've done that a couple times if that was the case i'd that'd be a that'd be amazing i think we've sort of practiced enough that i don't want to unless i'm already in sticks when we get hit i don't really want to just keep a run going chaos okay did i pay for this i don't remember okay i did it first it's my baby maybe maybe baby i mean the minus dash the plus damage is okay i really shouldn't roll here it's fine it's good enough it might get me killed though all right bart soldier welcome thank you for that prime fishing time i'm dead oh no no please hit the attack okay that's good at least i guess i get a potential tier two here or something how am i i'm good thank you feeling pretty good we had a lot of time off recently streaming so it feels nice to be back there was a nice quality of the streaming for some reason like it's not like other jobs where you know you you get up like your alarm goes off and just like [ __ ] no man or you get in your car and your your your jaw is just like this the whole time as you're driving bones [ __ ] going off like willy nilly so like at least you know if there's an aspect like i kind of look forward to it at times so it's kind of nice uh i really don't want to roll still i probably won't make good use of raven as well but that's okay uh thank you number 10 what's up thanks nope no athena thanatos from a small chamber is kind of scary that's speculated yeah i put that i put that game beat glass on youtube send that to andy and stuff and it's like a very it's not even simple but the graphics are simple so the reception was ice cold to say the least and like i get it when you're watching someone else play a game you want it to look nice maybe or something but yeah you told me a really funny joke but i shouldn't sprint what the what the hell hold on i couldn't understand anything that just got said can you tell me a really funny cobra joke but i shouldn't spread it around oh jesus phantom let's keep this between us come on the thing is i feel like that game actually had a decent amount of complex complexity and depth but yeah uh i can understand not necessarily being excited about it [Laughter] what's up ryan just ban anyone who backs either i mean i do put in the boat no backseating tag in case someone's like gets really bad about it let me be clear like i just don't want if you want to comment on literally every single decision that comes in please please just play the game for yourself instead of watching me then you know what i mean you can just play the game yourself you know like every door that comes up you got to tell me which one to take every pawn that comes in you gotta tell me which palm to take every single well i open it just play the game yourself if if that's what you want to do you know you could you could be making these decisions of your own accord you know there's no need it doesn't really upset me but it is just kind of like uh it's kind of like i played this game enough where i don't usually need to be told what to do and uh i feel like it kind of detracts when i try to emphasize something myself and i'm like i think this is the right option and then if uh there's like 30 other opinions and stuff like that like someone who might not like a new player might not know what to do you know like i feel like a lot of people come in with sort of like looking for advice or at least kind of general knowledge about hades and if i if i show uncertainty in my decisions then uh how do they take anything away from it i don't really want to buy hermes we don't have additional boon percentage at all we want to save that i guess i'll buy this all right i'm not i'm not spending a roll on it killing freeze and arctic blast aren't still aren't worth it you know hello fury sisters what if i'm terrible dan what if i don't know i like how cowell told me that and i love you cowell but i'm pretty sure when we played isaac you you were backseater extraordinaire my friend i'm not calling you out that's right i'm calling you out right now call them live on twitch uh it's not a big deal usually for me but yeah i got problems back seeing myself sometimes i get the urge like especially if i'm watching someone else play haters i get the urge because you want to help that's why you that's why we backseat right that's why we do it am i right uh is because we want to help the person it's only when your back seating has a negative tone to it to the surface like dude why would you take that keck w that kind of [ __ ] it's like oh all right all right dude okay man [ __ ] epic gamer someone read the game faq's guide here or something ahead of time ah i've been hanging out on barbarous kings chat a lot especially when he's been playing darkest dungeon he was playing hades the other day and he directly asked me what keepsake to take in sticks for uh i think it was a 32 heat rama run dang forced into uh hermes here let's see what else and he said if he lost that i'd get banned luckily he did not lose but it was close he did not lose but it was a little close i was i was i was starting to sweat a little bit auto reload makes things worse really it was no big deal cowl usually if someone starts off if i see someone starting to get a little uh possessive over the backseating or something i kind of just i i lightly mention it i can't i couldn't tell you that like i think there's only been one time where i straight up like told someone to cut it out basically and then they literally never came back to chat again after that i think i'm pretty sure it's too bad because they're a nice person but like you know you just gotta take it easy you know my happiness hi everyone i love you all and this community has made my life really joyful and full dan and the mods and chat makes my world brighter and i'm so excited for dupe lincoln this week kendall did do blinking do blinking that's how i'm saying it now brady scared me knows the crap that's going on in the game ready thank you for a thousand bits you didn't have to do that love you bretty i hope you guys are gonna have fun so wait brady are you going to maryland too then and you didn't invite me to carpool i mean i guess you knew i was going to be streaming but yeah i can't believe this we could have gone in the carpool ring what kind of what kind of car you got i bet it's a jetta noah's picking me up wait what noah's in massachusetts and she's gonna pick you up and drive you back down to maryland i'm so confused they're coming oh they're all coming to mass welcome carter i love bread and therefore i'm coming to get them what the [ __ ] i wasn't looped into this is it because of my feet be honest that's all hearsay it's rumors i'm streaming i could have canceled it just be like nah [Laughter] i've been in breath streams how did i not know a lot of times when i'm hanging out in other people's streams i just have it on muted and i just throw in an occasional lul or something like that while i'm like editing a video or recording something okay okay no no no it's not really like that but uh it's partially like that it's kind of well i can't get too caught up you know i i got [ __ ] to do honey what else can i tell you these are terrible you gotta save our last rolls for hermes still sometimes i'm also a chat gremlin well yeah cause i try to keep away from like politics and stuff in my own stream so i gotta get it out somewhere else you know what i'm saying so i just i target my the poor haley fam community is that me or i just see a hit for like 700 for some reason maybe i was crazy all right we're fine we're fine god this i don't know why but this build feels bad no you're rude to see they give me the option between hermes and a trial are you kidding me right now anesthesia welcome back to your three for 10 months my schedules don't online anymore to watch your students i still enjoy the replays on youtube but when i can i'm still supporting you here thank you so much ashley so that is very kind of you thank you so much shout out to the lurkers or the folks that pop in just when they can they got their busy lives they got their work schedules you know what i'm saying salutes 07s who essentially i would call them the lurkers i think the lurkers kind of uh and also entails the folks that uh the people that support silently you know what i mean ah we can't do that trial trouser is too dangerous so we're kind of risking it all here but yeah it's not worth it the truth is we don't need a lot to win the run ricochet fire is probably the the best thing uh offensively and then just any practically any attack so going for like small things like pressure points it's like if it if the room's too risky it's not worth it but i think this is the right all right hermes please what else is that uh-oh chat last chance that's all we got oh we got plus one dash i'll give it a shot still any order sure should help keep me going all right killing freeze was the one boon really well better than nothing uh it just it doesn't inspire me to think that it's it's gonna go well sadly so over the past week there was one day where an employee for the business i used to work for kept calling me over and over and over that day and i think they had me mixed up with another dan in their phone because they sent me texts like started texting me also like barbara wants to know if she's still coming into work today and i should have just said like wrong dan or something to her but i chose to let it play out it was kind of humorous to me slash you know like i don't really you know like i shouldn't have to reply but she was clearly distraught and she's this she kept calling me nothing against her or anything she was actually a great worker and stuff but i just didn't feel like answering and explaining because it's gonna lead to the inevitable conversation so how you been you know how about what are you doing now oh yeah you don't say you're out you're on the what the youtube oh my granddaughter knows about that that kind of thing you know she was also like she was a great worker but at the same time she's one of those people and we all know these people right uh we all know these people where like uh the job is also their hobby basically kind of thing and it's not that they're workaholics like they don't want to work you know what i mean but the gossip is just like they can't let it go and [ __ ] like that i swear to god sometimes you'd walk into work and everyone knows these people at work right the hot gossip that's all they care about you know what i mean let's go meet master chaos uh they come into work and be like you wouldn't believe what so-and-so posted on their facebook like i don't give two shits what they posted what are you talking about who cares jesus christ they can they can call me a uh a dirty slime bag on facebook for all i care i don't care i don't give two shits try to get a job done here but i swear to go even when they're not at work work is their hobby you know what i mean these are all terrible i'm worried this will get me killed this hat this has a obviously has like a slight purpose to it but i think not earning the gold means i don't want it go this way kids is their hobbies the best when their kids are their hobby you mean i can understand you're a parent and like that's basically it succumbs your life when you're a parent right it's kind of hard to deny that that's gonna be uh all there is to say uh it's just the gossipers i can't stand no don't get me wrong daddy likes a juicy piece of gossip when you hear it you know what i mean i like a juicy piece of gossip like oh did you know so and so were dating i was like oh that's kind of interesting you know what i mean like that's good that's cool i guess i get you know good for them that kind of thing but the worst is when like they want you to act because as the manager they want you to do something when they when you just hear gossip or something like that i heard so and so called out just because they were hung over the other night you should do something about it it's like no i should not what do you what do you mean what the [ __ ] would i do interrogate them unless you have the drink the other night huh pal huh is that why you call it no there are laws for [ __ ] sakes i'll leave these people alone you don't have to pick up the gold after you crush the vase nah it just comes to you come see you honey war or miss is good mystery moon who's in the godpool exactly nicest is also in there level three attack already yeah i'll take this i think all right that's good well we obviously don't want mirage shot i think i just fill in the cast honestly and then i pray we get a higher percentage hunter's mark hunter's mark is not great when the only way i can crit is from the special especially when it's only a common yeah another artemis here i might settle for pp over it it's kind of hard to say that might have been a silly silly pick there that's a tougher one hello it was weird oh i thought there was another enemy all right we're fine away from me wait what do you what i have god's pride on i just fought a mini boss and i got two common boons offered from the miniboss are you [ __ ] kidding me how's that even possible how's that even possible that's insane i see a lot of non-believers in chat what's going on how'd you get what are you guys thinking over there talk about a mistake not exactly brimming with confidence now chatties [Music] a lot of [ __ ] no no no yeah we're fine good enough to eat definitely the attack so definitely the attack still all right patty very nice i believe bird now a believer let's go baby jerk me atrocious go this way all right oh i thought that was an eyeball what why'd that deal sit where's this extra damage coming from sometimes spear guys are kind of scary i don't have pp is it oh it just must be a backstab because we have extra backstab damage from chaos i believe damn it i was like yeah i'm not used to the even bigger numbers than normal totally forgot to use the call there i don't know i guess the dashes is there any chance this last to hades chamber 34 pretty much not no but it's probably still worth it just for the heroes fight honestly how many hours do i have in the game uh around 25 hundo i haven't looked recently i know it's at least i steam says 1500 and i if i remember correctly i had at least it was almost a thousand for uh the epic game store it's kind of weird that i put in a thousand hours into hades for the first year of early access basically it's kind of weird to think about it was like the only game i played for a long time uh i don't know do i do i go for strong drink and get like a couple things i don't i can't afford much here i think i do try to get something like that in the name of hades all right come on we need a good run we haven't really had a good run in a while transistor power bastion transistor 100 any longer all right theseus down that's good i want to deal with these first guide the bowl over here a little bit i don't really want to transition the bowl though ball is transitioned two three stomps that's good baby let's go come on and i actually have splash dash for six it's been a while since we had a good run i feel like it's been a while all right what's up ken poser by the way now i'm nervous do i do karen's keepsake and buy these have you come up with more nails not bad let's go down you got this thank you bro fish dear there are distant memory i'll do karen we could uh potentially get even more out of it i know i'm gonna be broke but so we kind of need a two sack i think maybe you can technically get a three sack and still carry 14 chambers but yeah we've had a lot of losses in the small rooms lately and i can't help but feel like i had some control over it you know like i could have done better gotta focus do the gold first we have hunter's mark already i'm just trying to think i don't really need to plan that far out ahead though yeah the rats germany [ __ ] me dude not like this come on so there's a lot of strategies here to talk about really so the number one thing to keep in mind is that the rail attack even with hessia does not stagger enemies so hitting an enemy with the attack doesn't stop them from attacking me especially the seders here is what to think about um and splashdash doesn't stop them either so even if i dash into them it's not gonna stop them the cast and the special stagger them but it's hard to keep like all of these things in mind all at once really but yeah it's gonna be tough zelly belly welcome back thank you for the two months this shouldn't be too bad that angle though i was a little worried about going up here i had to go up here for a second because of the snake stone good spawn placement on those two though okay should be the mini boss here i think it's guaranteed now might be early nope get smoked baby where is it still got two megs all right we're getting there only with a plus one dash by the way i shouldn't spend all my money right now i don't think it's worth taking the chance at not getting a two sack to take poseidon or artemis here honestly do i have ravenous will i feel like i do i do no demeter down there so if i do have to go for a third i think it would go demeter for the uh or the legend not that it'll happen but we'll see all right focus hey alex hope your trip was okay by the way vanvil [ __ ] the anvil okay good well please something i need it's still worth buying them i'll take this one what else was in here no attack jerky is just the sad part have you come up with more impertinence my eyes deceive me is this a dream dan the helian screaming it's been 57 years dot dot dot and so he returns the prodigy himself from his training arc to achieve the empire the impossible is always close hell blazer what's up hellblazer is that bearded alexa read that out super slow that time this should be fine come on baby come on come on i have a meg for this this is a bad fight though i don't think that's early okay a lot of that crap's probably gonna wear off now from the wells sadly all the attack jerk he's gone i think it might have been already gone demo legendary come on snakestone with no cover and a seder easy room please game oh okay jesus [ __ ] in the zone right here please give me the sack please oh my god thank [ __ ] we haven't been here in so long come on baby didn't get the thing nice try rare crop night nice try what a piece of crap there's a chance there's a chance not okay we should believe should i say the words enter smart i don't know i don't know how often i'm gonna get crits going here you know what i mean oh hi plus seven damage on the call is just so little i mean it's not a small amount obviously but the call will come out so not quickly even the smaller chance of just uh getting this seventy percent yeah but the call i'm only gonna get the use to call like two or three times total in the fight you know what i mean i don't know it's hard they can be thinking for the two months the call build is incredible unless we get a doom stone then things just kind of get [ __ ] [Music] i don't know it's not a big decision either way i'd say i don't my heart still kind of tells me it's the call after party hype to be ashamed of myself let's go come on please don't [ __ ] it up dan do we need emote only if you put on emo only can people not cheer is that the idea that that honestly is probably a good idea instead of getting spammed with weird cheers i know i'm trying i'm trying to focus here please be kind the ads are the big things the ads are the big thing we're fine what is that yes yes yes i'm dead nope i'm alive sneak kill a snake sneak dead okay not sure why i use the call there hardest phase done let's finish this then damn it get rid of these or at least one damn it trying to hit it so much healing dog huh i don't like this i don't like this why is that pot still there huh fine come on come on baby come on it make it in [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] come on [Music] it's dead it's [ __ ] done baby let's go donuts are great jellyfish nothing beats jelly filled donuts oh my god oh my god it's over oh my god cheers oh thank god oh my god cheers mate i love you twitch chat oh come back again please [Music] ah [Music] oh it was hard it was hard it was hard oh my god oh no my thrustmaster cheers mates i hope it's okay i may have given it a little spike [Music] i made a mess let me find my headset i love you twitch chat no come back again please oh i think i killed the battery for mark yeah i think the battery got like this live i don't know i'm just gonna replace it cheers thank you guys so much thank you thank you thank you thank you so much i'll go through and thank everybody thank you all so so so so much cheers mates i'm still coming down here congrats hail smug game crashes doesn't count yeah yeah yeah yeah sure let's go back to the house so uh oh thank you guys so much [Music] you
Channel: Haelian
Views: 88,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hades, build, aspect, update, new, gameplay, op, speedrun, game, version, 1.0, launch, persephone, ending, secret, hidden, let's play, review, rogue, roguelike, roguelite, guide, no hit, no damage, perfect, extreme, hard, hell, mode
Id: h3eWvh5Pco4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 49sec (2809 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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