Choosing the WORST mirror, keepsake, doors, boons... /Hades/

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what is the in my opinion the worst aspect probably zag spear just because if you don't get one specific hammer it's bad essentially or it doesn't feel good um blowing watch around well if i'm picking the worst of everything then i can't do that i don't know if i can do extreme measures for with this after a million youtube videos i finally catch a stream welcome matthew thank you for those bits welcome my friend already worst keepsake is this skelly i guess so it might be dusa don't tell uh courtney but i don't know it's probably skelly i guess egg now there's worse things than the egg i feel like what is our least i mean it's prop the least use keepsake is probably the duster but i don't know if that's necessarily the worst distant memory it's bad but i don't think it's as bad as the duster big fan keepsake and get hit every room well they're gonna do that on purpose remember with fists well that would definitely be the worst but this this actually has a chance of working out um all right so i don't know this this could be tough i don't know if i'm gonna win this because i'm taking i'm taking the worst spoons the worst stores the worst of everything i think we have to say that i probably can't take the worst mirror because that's probably bad that that probably just gets us killed we should take bracer you think guess i don't i feel like the bracer's not that bad no mirror well okay guys we have to give myself a chance to win because if we do worse mirror it probably looks something like maybe this way yep that doesn't really matter which way yep yep probably p status actually with this that probably that and that that's probably worse to mirror which means i probably died of hades what i consider worst mirror all right i'll try that gonna be good where's mary's yellow mirror no but it's just like a lot of these are conditional i mean this isn't like a big deal which one you take here it's possible dark i mean dark is probably worse since we have stubborn defiance on abyssal blood is bad here just because i have i'm probably gonna have no damage ruthless reflex is generally bad i'd say golden touch doesn't make sense when you're not trying to farm like titan's blood and diamonds from cairo i just don't see golden touch ever making sense here all right i'm gonna understand this game i don't know 1800 ish and then we just go pretty easy on the heat at least harpy heals well the bracer blocks damage is it not theoretically bester for courtney i'll do dusters because when's the last time we actually said all right worse choices for everything run just to remind everyone i'm going to take the worst doors the worst boons offered etc a lot of it might be kind of convoluted i take some pride in making messes yes how many times have i answered how many hours you know like 1800 or so oh no zeus with this god the worst is probably the special here but it is epic i think the attack is legitimately good here i think electric shot is probably better than this although i do have stygi and soul on it's kind of hard to say this is a weird one because you might think to yourself wait epic boon but that's good what are you thinking helen yeah you're supposed to take the worst attack is the worst no i think the attack's good because you attack pretty rapidly with a spear like that whereas you attack so so slowly i mean technically this is worse than cast but hold on we take chaos to take the worst option from chaos i think though right yeah just to take the worst option from chaos because i can very easily avoid getting something good from him so yes technically the door with the darkness is worse but that's good that's not bad that's pretty bad i can't roll these that's pretty bad that's definitely the worst one these two would not necessarily hurt me and plus this would be extremely good for us the bonus of this one is kind of good but i could just get killed from it so i'm gonna say that's the worst um i have darker generation on but i also have harpy feather duster so i think the gold is worse than the jams i think the gold is worse i don't know it's kind of hard to say there that's a minor choice i'm not gonna spend too long okay i should not be using the special maybe again i do have summer defiance wanna help let's do it that you can already see like the damage from this is not good it just feels slow it feels clunky everything about is bad all right come on give me some health here come on feather duster what do you do with man i need more all right oh i have faded authority too so that's a very interesting question when i use that oh i'm probably taking this arabis gate i guess if i like everything that's on on the doors i roll it i think gold is pretty bad here i think gold is bad i want boons so i think rolling here would actually make things better though maybe i just don't use faded authority i think i just don't use faded authority let's go make father mad i think i think i just don't use fade authority yeah the thing is even if i get gold gold rooms are always going to be the worst because i'm probably always going to waste the gold with bad choices right by the way the chaos curse does not count here so you might be saying well the worst is to purposely get hit and lose the onion but we're not going to play like that we're not going to play perfectly we're just going to make four choices there's no urns in here big gold yes i mean it's gotta be this one that is by far the worst that's so bad oh my god come on game why can't i choose between why couldn't like a boon be on the door or something all right so the thing is like shops i probably will not be going to like at all i need health uh dionysus or more gold i mean any boon would probably be good for me right now so it's probably more cold this basically turned into a max gold run almost okay so here's the thing if i go to a shop theoretically the worst thing is to buy nothing every time like there is no instance where buying something is worse than not at this moment when i have so little going for me by caron oh [ __ ] we'll see by gems well yeah i guess i could buy stupid things like that i said i wasn't going to use fade authority because it just complicates things too much when to choose when to do that there's definitely a lot of aphrodite boons i really don't want i'm gonna say like wave of despair what do you it's probably pash dash i don't know crush shot is pretty bad here too i think diamond lament is legitimately good is pretty crappy it fills in our dash slot with something really bad crush is bad because we're this is like this isn't the kind of build where i can build up crushed i have stitching so i only have one cast i don't know it's pretty bad we have privileged status on we do oh [Music] but it might be crush shot more than past dash although i could just dance around making sure i don't get privileged status active if you cross shot other than with haribo it's okay with like the science what i think russian solid anyway i think i have to not sell things because that again that's another thing it just uh makes things too complicated uh i mean i'll just know not to get a second curse right it'd be pretty hard for me to not avoid getting a second curse i don't know uh buy everything you can but pick worst choices i think we do do that i'm gonna go passion dash there it's not a big deal sell things just a new booner that's the thing i just sell everything if i have to sell everything if i have to if i'm thinking about selling stuff maybe a bracer is worse i don't know what is the worst hammer here probably a spin hammer like massive spin um it's not vintage because i have very low health i would i would normally take vintage here as my first choice i think because my max health is only 55. everything else says d yeah i mean so no joke like if this was just dealing run then i just yeah orchestra is just bad it's pretty bad but i feel like trippy's the worst it is technically possible i could get scintillating feast offered but then i probably just wouldn't take it yeah this gives us privileged status so i think that's why we don't do it we do trippy let's lighten things up if i had if it was like the call instead of trippy shot then i'd probably have to take vintage there there might come points where it's like all these options are pretty good although it's not likely it's done actually for the test now festive fog doesn't act it doesn't count as a curse uh it's definitely the palm wait is the palm worse than aphrodite right now actually i don't think so because i think palming the special or the cast would be good although palmy past dash is so bad all right yeah we palm past you wanna die time we'll be okay this is a hard run you gotta think a lot about oddly god's grant me strength wow yeah yeah i mean normally you'd want the key but since i can't roll i guess we do the key i don't know i'm just saying i'm not gonna roll with theta authority can't over complicate things here guys i don't know what the problem is it seems like we're cruising to me am i opening troves for gold sure so here this is the last one right yeah normally i definitely even with this massive amount of gold i'd probably still take uh a free healthier just because i only have 55 freaking health all right so here's what the deal with chops is if we take them we buy everything from left to right and make the worst choices there i got lucky all in one place mate the attack is so bad so devastatingly bad there's some darkness a little bit of luck there but i hope i didn't keep you waiting ladies yeah that is that is such a terrible terrible attack especially since i'm not going to allow myself to see storms no doubt like there's no way there's a world where sea storm is the worst spoon ah oh my god it's so slow oh my god it's so bad this legit reminds me of like when i first played the game and it's like i have no idea if this is good or not and even though that was a very long time ago for me uh like two years ago i still remember being like this sounds good i like bearded men let's put zeus on the bow here all right we think the duster is too good so i have to go brace her now you guys think hold power x-ray hanging by thread seems more like it's gone shackle now that i filled it oh god damn it go with that you're right closer to the surface plume plume would be bad too but technically it could do something the shackle will literally never do anything the rest of this run that's buying the treasure at the well oh you're right i should have still think the bracelet is worse than nothing because he because it's possible you take extra damage i don't know welcome morello yeah i'm not going to sell anything [Music] because then it's just like it's basically no boon run without the shackle with a terrible aspect and the i don't know if it's fun for anyone involved i have to think about privileged status make sure we don't get that for safekeeping i probably oh assuming i win the airbus gate i think the airbus gate is better than palming either the attack or pash dash honestly welcome no hand losing air biscay no no no we're not gonna play bad on purpose though i know we could do that but we have to draw the lines at places i think on the dash all the way it's gonna be the highest level patch dash you guys have ever seen or as george like to call it calls it ah gerds like to sentences you know george likes to call it catching kish catch and kiss that's a weird game he played as a child apparently delicious catch and kiss uh it's definitely just so bad oh my god um that's kind of tough although hermes has some really big dud boons so i'm gonna say this there are some really bad uh hermes boons hello what are you doing up here dudes hermes has some great boons but he also has some terrible boons i'm thinking if we get like quick reload right now wait i guess that's not possible wait auto reload even too probably would not be good last thing i ever want to do is it's not that we know that much that would be amazing uh it might be greater a haste is worse that's kind of tough i kind of feel like it's haste i'm trying to think if i was doing this run and i was stuck with the things that i had i'd probably take auto reload here i'm pretty sure i would take auto reload time to pick up the pace all right more aphrodite is worse than more zeus usually i'm gonna say cause if i get something stupid like wave of despair that'd be pretty bad all right that's kelly comes kelly skelly you're not even getting the big head to come towards you so what's up guys this is why i did not do more tight deadline by the way kelly lived that's amazing okay uh this is actually kind of hard and all three of these are pretty bad i'm gonna say the call is kind of bad if i choose to use it optimally it's probably better than i don't know i think it's still wave of despair sweet nectar and avoid palms but i'm already avoiding so many things i don't know or just keep pumping passion dash right sweet nectar can be bad africal is bad i i don't really like it charming enemies does not feel good and unless i get a full call which is going to be very very difficult with this build probably would only happen for like two boss fights for the entire run uh like it's not gonna deal damage it's tough hash dash run i guess it'd be pretty easy to make the palms be really bad when we get them hey we got forced to hammer the wave awful it's pretty bad but i'm gonna say that this could be worse if you're dude due since we're choosing the worst boons to upgrade every time that nectar is probably going to be worse in a normal run i'd say wave of despair was probably the worst but i think about the fact that i get to choose what i palm here what do you got flurry is amazing vicious skewer is pretty bad it's probably the worst these two are actually good hammers although this is a little devastating [Music] in the sense that i only have one dash so reducing the range by 25 is pretty terrible plus i have splash on the attack oh god be sure skewer is exceptionally bad in the sense that uh we have zeus on this special so the damage of from the zeus doesn't get multiplied by this uh i think it's serrated serrated actually deals damage but i think i'm just thinking about it i think vicious would help us more than serrated would and minusing the dash distance will make things even harder i think deadlier than ever um [Music] i know we didn't really discuss wells i guess i'm not going to buy anything well see you later eurydice let's get out of here oh sad i'm glad i saw santa claus here i need i need help i thought i might it was sign is terrible that's the thing i i don't really know how it's going to work but i think it's going to be pretty horrible like a lot of enemies aren't even gonna get hit by the triple hit because they get knocked back i don't know it looks like it kind of works still though hello oh my god it's so bad thanatos might win this one so worried about dying right now ow escape stupid one dash [ __ ] of course we couldn't see any athena because i probably could have gotten myself into a place where some kind of a deflect boon hey so one dude thanatos you're terrible he's seeing you he couldn't do anything against this patch dash the shop is probably better than even a double palm here even if i have to palm the attack because i have four boons that are plumbable that's still bad i'd say the irony of high confidence here right the power of the gods never fails guys 60 damage that's like one title dash passion dash now deals about as much damage as one title dash at level five finally it's so slow i guess i'm keeping the shackle on the whole time too by the way these are the biggest chunks i've ever seen ah dodge dash serrated point wow come on we're doing better than i thought i'll say there's still a very high chance i died to extreme measures for hades though we're doing tens of damage here welcome solo we're choosing the worst things a couple exclusions i'm not gonna roll doors and i'm not gonna sell boons because that would make things too complicated all right all right keep the shackle on oh god i really don't want to see chaos more suffering i really don't want to see chaos oh my god chaos could be so bad chaos could be so bad an air brisket with gold too chaos is still worse because we can get a really bad curse here oh my nastash oh my god so that one's not as bad as these two but i don't really know which one's the worst i guess the rewards for all these kind it might be the last one actually because the reward for that especially sucks i don't know it might be the attack one because i'll never get to spend most of this gold i don't know this is kind of hard [Music] uh gold means nothing i mean i so we decided that i have to if i actually get to go to a shop which i might not always be able to i buy everything from left to right and make the worst choices in terms of boons from there at least that's what i said um i don't know i don't know this is this is if you could probably take all three i guess i really don't need the gold so i'm gonna go that i would trade-off worst one is yet again gold probably well actually i don't use rolls so that has to be the worst one all right so here comes that 27 tight minute height minute tight deadline about to ruin my day wait is it how long is it it's four biomes that's four times nine guys 36 yeah that wait no that's not right is it yes it is this is so slow this is the worst thing i've ever witnessed guys guys i studied statistics no 10 years ago please no more chaos thank god well obviously we'd love to see patty so oh [ __ ] i'm not supposed to do that although with someone defiance all in most dope what are we saying oh split it's like 50 50. am i playing so slowly well what even after you pick up the reward and the doors open the timer's still going so that might have something to do with it that's usually the big mistake i see people making is uh thinking about things with the timer still ticking down or up rather i think it's health fine i'll get the gems while we think about it what did you not do that i thought i did hey bulldogs how are you you guys think it's the hammer i guess if i get like massive spin that's terrible even quick spin is not good i'd say how many gems am i gonna get out of this who is going to clean all this up i guess it's the hammer maybe it's a hammer because if we get either of the spin ones those are pretty bad some other bad ones would probably be extending jab i'd say probably i still got two more rooms on this stupid curse i wouldn't like extending jab that's for sure really any of the special ones would be fine honestly at this point i feel flaring spin god i i forgot this one even exists it's so bad what's the deal with that huh well the shop is better than aphrodite i heard a fish the shop is better than aphrodite because most of afrodaddy's tear tube moons are not very good i think what's flaring spin do while you're spinning i can't show you right now because i have a chaos curse but i can show it later while you're spinning holding the spin down you emit like uh oh [ __ ] skelly i forgot great use of skelly right here guys by the way uh okay so while you're holding the spin down you emit a little wave that knocks enemies back a little bit and deals 40 damage we can't scale that 40 damage they can't really increase it most of the time um oh come on how and i think it may make you sturdy too but either way like i'm not planning on spinning oh my god this is the worst butterfly ball fight i've ever seen skelly you're doing god's work over there you think he's gonna live guys i don't know he's getting low skelly no so bad all right last room where should i lose my stubborn yeah it's definitely gotta be more health hit me there we go i'm pretty sure i'm dead to dad we'll see though i'll try my darndest don't catch this soul thanks empty inside well it's definitely not number one because i'd love to swap that right about now chaos cars friendly wave of despair is pretty bad i guess it's kind of close it's kind of close you guys mostly think it's empty inside all right i'll go with what you guys think empty size is true it's not very good i have to keep going it's a little close as to what should have been taken there wave a despaired helps me deal some damage whereas empty as i will not you might think like oh maybe that'll help you keep weaken up more and you'll take less damage but not really probably i think there are times where empty inside does actually kind of do something but not here shiny god i need health guess what time it is by the way i'm pretty sure you can palm empty inside i believe that is a pommable boon sadly i don't know why come here god this is so hard it's been to win there's no way that makes sense here escape i have one dash no no no no no no come on guys the trap's gonna have to deal all my damage for me this is painful first one in a nutshell right what why can you palm the spoon why why yeah i didn't think i could we could find anything worse than passion dash to palm but boy was i wrong good lord great shields practicing for that first run where i only have one dash right guys that's all god i'm gonna have so little health for the heroes fight i feel like i could die to the heroes i might have to choose to buy health at some point or something not necessarily max health but just some health because i'm pretty sure like my risk of dying is incredibly high right now it doesn't matter how slow i play it i think like skelly's not gonna save me guys god this is so annoying there's eggs in this room ow who's the eggs oh or that what the [ __ ] hit me no you don't oh god how did he block that ah are we getting there guys come on baby almost there there we go what do we got help me out i might have to to so the palm is clearly worse fine i mean if i die i die going to die and in the next round they'll still be with weak good enough i was hoping we could bomb it again i'm probably dead here so be it there is no let it end sooner i'm not even applying weak how you doing over there skelly doing great i haven't done any damage oh no riffs kelly he just got spinned on oh i'm so dead there's no way it's like one hit i'm dead by the way spin i really don't want to knock these down before i kill the bull probably little close how does one deal damage he's a spinning baby you guys think think we can do it oh danger danger i will be waiting for you to return god damn it well that turns out you picked the worst things it's pretty bad [Music] imagine if he was weak for 12 seconds though hey there i bet you're wondering where you can find more of this kind of action for your luck you can go to and catch more of this live every sunday monday wednesday and friday starting at 12 p.m eastern time i'll see you there
Channel: Haelian
Views: 202,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hades, build, aspect, update, new, gameplay, op, game, version, 1.0, launch, persephone, ending, secret, hidden, worst, beginner, guide, help, let's play, commentary
Id: ycJ8iAkut4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 36sec (2436 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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