Getting Started with UE5 World Partitioning for Landscapes

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hi welcome again in this video we're going to look at how to create landscapes using world partition in unreal engine 5. all right now we're looking at a simple landscape created using until engine firewall partition it just looks like a traditional landscape that we used to have so basically we have this grass and this is rvt uh enable grass so it gets the ground color from the rvd and yeah it's pretty nice and then we have a typical landscape so what's the difference all right let me go up a little bit right now i can select these individual items in the landscape so basically you can see on the world outline they are calling at streaming proxy so basically we are chunking the whole landscape into multiple sections a section is not a technical term like multiple parts and then as the player continue through the level these things can be loaded dynamically at runtime so with that one we can create a really large landscape in unreal engine 5 but here in this tutorial we're not going to create a large landscape but it's a 2k landscape but i want to show you the techniques and things that you want to learn but in upcoming tutorial i'm going to show you how to create a really large landscapes so let me demo some of the things with this full partition first of all i can go to window and there's a new window called world partition this one so i can still see some tiles over there so let me uh my default let me unload all these styles right now you can see there's nothing inside my editor so let's say i want to edit some specific area of my landscape i can simply select some area like this and simply select load selected cells right then i can right click and move camera here on center right then i can see my landscape over here this specific part so then i can do any changes over there and then if i want to load some other part i can select over here now select the cells right click and move camera over there yes this is my path all right okay that's nice right now we only load these tiles in the editor but if you are running the game so there's a different mechanism to load these streaming proxies or different parts of this landscape all right let me show you how to do that and go to your window world settings tab you can see over here in my screen and here search for world partition right and let me get some more room over here then here we have something called runtime hash and then you can open that and there's array and i can expand so grid i can expand that as well so now we have some information about the grid all right then here i have something called preview grid i can enable that okay now you can see something like this so that's really interesting all right let's try to start from scratch and try to create your first landscape with unreal engine 5 while partition alright let's try to create a landscape with world partition support in rendering engine 5. all right first i need to enable what partition edit project settings and search for world partition here we have a check box called enable partition just enable that now you have to restart your project and let me do that now i'm going to create a new level file new level and i'll start with the empty level right there's nothing inside that first let me add some lighting into the scene so you can grab directional light and create a simple atmosphere here here i'm using openland as my landscape material opeland comes with a simple actor called sunsky basically you can search it from the content directory and you can simply drag that in the scene and it will simply add the basic sun and sky setup for you right then i'm gonna save this as a new level then i need to verify whether we have the world partisan support or not so i can do that by simply opening the window well settings window like this and search for world partition right now if everything is working fine you should see world partition is enabled like this right now let's create our landscape here we have the landscaped icon and i'm gonna click that now you have the typical landscape creating a workflow here just to demonstrate with how everything works i'll start with the create new landscape without any height map here now you can see this is the the basic setup we have a landscape with the eight by eight component right now with well partition enabled now here there's a special option called world partition grid size variables two so here's what happens if you set one over here it will create a one landscape streaming proxy for each and every component so here we have eight by eight components then it will create eight by eight uh streaming uh proxies as well but if you put something like two it will grab two by two components and create one streaming proxy for example if i said four over here then it will create only two by two streaming proxies you get right then let me show you that and i'm gonna hit create then let's go a little bit up i might increase my camera speed okay and then i'm gonna close the landscape tool right then i'm gonna select over here now you can see we have two by two streaming proxies now that's okay now i need to start from scratch i need to use a height map as my landscape setup okay let me try to delete this landscape i'm gonna select this and i'm going to hit delete but unfortunately you cannot delete the landscape that's a bug with this uh unreal engine 5 le preview so all you have to do is to create a new level so there's no shortcut to get rid of this so right now i'm going to create a new level empty level i don't need to save anything right then i'm going to save this level as my new map right then i'm going to drag my sun sky actor again into the scene so that's why we use the sunsky act rather than setting the sun and sky atmosphere all the time because otherwise it will be really difficult when you're trying out this okay now let's create our landscape again and this time i'll keep a grip size as two and i'm gonna import height map like this and this is a 2k height map it's a very small height map especially considering we are working with well partition but this will help us to understand how everything works right then i'm gonna hit import now you'll see something like this and we don't have any landscape material applied over here right now let's try to apply the landscape material unfortunately we cannot apply the landscape material to the root landscape that you can see here but we have to add it to each and every proxy but fortunately we can select everything by clicking over here and go into the end and shift select and we can select all the streaming proxies then i can go to the details panel and i can add my landscape material over here here since we are using open lan i can add mi underscore open land as my landscape material but if you're using something else and that would work as well right now we get a mirror-like surface now that's because uh we haven't added any paint layers so now i'm going to do that i'm going to my landscape icon again and we are in the landscape editor here i'm going to my paint section then here we have the usual landscape layers comes with open land i'm going to select the first layer and then i'm going to select the layer for here now we have a landscape with auto material cool right this is exactly what we need now you can see we can select each individual streaming proxies but how we can load and unload them into the editor we have a new window called world partition you can get that by window well partition and here we have a grid like this so i'm going to select everything first right click and unload select the cells now i can select part of my landscape maybe something like this i'm gonna right click and load selected cells and it will crash like this and that's totally fine because this is the early product and you will see messages like this i cannot predict how and why this happens but if you if you get this and try again so that's the only advice i can give you all right let me open the map again right now it's black okay let me load everything first window well partition select everything right click load selected cells it will take some time all right now we have everything loaded here right try to see how this works let me uh play this once alt p but now everything looks black why is that and let me show you why that's happening so here i told you earlier that uh with well partition works with any sort of actors and it will try to load actors based on the location so here we add the our sun and sky system as an actor like this but that actor is also bound to the location based loading so that's why we get the black screen because it this actor is not loaded and how can you change that quite easy go to the details panel and search for weld partition of this actor and here we have a grid placement option and you can set that to always loaded like this and then i can play and you can see yep everything is working as expected now we know how to load and unload actors or streaming proxies into the level but how can we do this inside the game because we don't have this sort of control over there so that's where the runtime grid comes in and let me show you how to configure that all right that's to make things uh looks good first let me load everything into the level and you don't have to do this then i'm gonna open my world settings window again and here i'm gonna search for world partition right then and here we have a section called runtime hash okay and then i can expand it further and further and then i'll get like array like grids okay and then here we have something like this so this is our main grid so this is the place how we can configure how to load these actors or streaming proxies first let me enable this preview grid by clicking over here then if i look at my landscape you can see a grid over here then i can control the loading range like this okay and also i can change the cell size individual cells cell size and i'm quite not sure how these cells are going to affect your landscape loading but i think it will definitely shape the size and maybe there's a performance uh and if you know what this actually does then please leave a comment oh yeah help us right now let me play this level right as you can see there's no much content in my landscape because because those streaming proxies are not loaded yet but i can walk there then as soon as i go there you can see those parts are loading and then if i look back and so i cannot see the whole landscape then i can go there and now you can see the things are loading as i go through them so that's cool but but we definitely need to increase this grid loading area so i can go to world settings and i'm gonna increase that into a some decent value maybe like this but i think this size is completely depend on the your landscape and the project that you are working on i think for this one i guess this is just fine all right now let me remove this preview grids option now let's try to add the rvt support into this project so then we can use rbt base grass and also we can do rvt blending with static meshes and so on so you know do that i'm going to use the open lens rvt tools otherwise configuring that would be a nightmare because you have to enable rvd for each and every streaming proxy here then i'm going to go to content directly open the open lan directory then i'm going to open this widgets directory here we have a widget called openline rpt widget i'm going to right click and run edit utility widget right then we have a widget like this okay i'm going to dock that into a place like this before we begin and let me uh unload all of my cells and load just the middle area of my landscape and i'm trying to show you something here now i'm gonna hit the rvt support button and then it will add two actors called rb2 volume height and rbt volume material then i can go up and now you can see there's a volume covering my landscape all right let's say i'm going to open a new setup act streaming proxies like this then more camera over there now you can see uh there's no volume in that area in this case all you have to do is open this widget again and click this extend volumes button then it will expand the volume to cover your premium proxies so what you do is try to load your streaming proxies one by one you don't need to load everything at once maybe you can do that as a team and then all you have to do is just click extend volume and it will add the then if you let the rbt volume as you click this button okay cool now let's see whether rbt support is really working or not in order to do that i need to make sure we have added the virtual texture support to our project go to edit project settings and search for virtual texturing then i need to click this enable virtual text support checkbox right then i have to restart my project yeah i need to save everything and let me open my map again all right and we have our volume yes now i'm gonna enable the rbt cache option so then we can determine whether we can see the landscape or not i'm gonna open my landscape material and select one of my streaming proxies to details panel and open the landscape material like this then here i'm gonna search rvt cache and i'm gonna hit this button so then it will know my landscape as a black and that's totally fine i'm going to save this and i'm going to close this then i'm going to move closer nothing happens so this is a bug in uh well partition even though you added rbd support it won't show up immediately and there are some things that you can do first you can try to open the level again in this case it didn't help for sure then i can try to change the location of this landscape by selecting the root landscape actor and try to change the c location maybe 105 okay now let me go closer to my landscape okay nothing happens now let's try to click that button again and rbt support all right again nothing happens and i'm gonna save this i'm going to play this then i can see the landscape like this but editor it's still black all i can do is trying out some options uh maybe i can hit this button again oh yeah nothing happens maybe i can uh unload everything and load it back right now you can see things are coming as i move my camera over there basically i cannot give you an a like a correct way to enable this like just a bug and you have to experiment with a few different things that i showed you earlier and eventually it will work right now you can see there are some black areas like this and there seems like clipping and the reason is obvious because we don't have volume in that area so that's not a bug simply you have to do is open this rvt widget and try to click this extend volumes button and then you can go close and it will load this extend this button nothing happens that's fine that's a bug i can play the level things are still black so you get the idea so it's the same cycle and try to do different things like get the rvd support but i assume everything will be fixed uh by when we have the proper uefi release as i showed you earlier in the intro in an upcoming lesson i'll show you how to create really large landscape by importing height maps as well as try to create them procedurally inside the engine completely oh yeah it would be fun and see you soon with something interesting bye
Channel: GDi4K
Views: 27,940
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Id: lqktJ7WeL1g
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Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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