Landscape Material - Enable Displacement Unreal Engine 5.3

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all right everybody welcome back to cgd channel in this video I'm going to show you how you can enable the tessellation displacement map in Unreal Engine 5.3 right now as you can see we have a lot of depth in our texture right now you can see that the Pebbles and everything is popping out and if I disable my testation let me disable it right now as you can see when I disable the tation and the displacement map for our Unreal Engine 5 landscape everything looks pretty flat so in this video I'm going to show you how quickly you can set up and have this amazing depth in your textures for your landscape so let's start if you watch my previous video you already know that my channel is demonetized so I've decided to switch to patreon becoming a patreon member you'll support me and this channel to keep evolving to keep creating more and more interesting videos besides that you have access access to all the files that I've created from the start of my YouTube channel so right now you can download the water Shader you can download the auto material from my previous video if you didn't watch it go and watch it and you can have access to more in-depth videos about how the things work like the auto material the water Shader in few more videos and also you will have access to a BP Discord server only dedicated to my patreon members where I am active most of the time so if you want to support the growth of this Channel and if if you want to see more and more videos like this go to my patreon page and roll now and also you will have access to everything that I'm creating thanks everyone all right everybody hello again in this short video I'm going to show you how you can use the new displacement map in Unreal Engine 5.3 in order for you to achieve this desolation effect on your landscape right now Unreal Engine with the new version 5.3 it supports 9ite for landscape so let me first create create a little landscape I'm going to go in Landscapes create this one I'm just going to sculpt a little bit all right also if you didn't watch my landscape AO material go and watch it here in the right corner of this video you can click on it and watch the complete video also don't forget to like And subscribe this video in order for you not to miss more of this stuff so the first thing that you need to do in order for you to enable Nite is you need to go to your your uh project folders so I'm going to right click I'm going to click show in Explorer all right I'm going to wait and I'm going to go into my root of the project folder go into config open the default engine in file double click on it and it will open with a notepad so here under render settings I've added two lines air. Nite do allow tation equal to one air. Nite doation is equal to one so those comments you can find in the comments below of this video so you need to add them here in the render settings for your project so these settings should be added per project if you start creating a new project you need also to go to the default engine.ini and add them now I'm going to hit file and save all right and now what you need to do is you need to reset your unreal engine I already did that so right now when I go to my test folder I'm going to right click and I'm going to create a material let's say test desolation all right this will be my test desolation from here I'm going to add a player start and I'm going to drag and drop it over here so when I hit play My Player can start from this position in order for me to test it out and this desolation material when I double click you you can see right here at the bottom displacement so in unre engine 5.3 you are now enable to use displacement and tation which is great all right so I downloaded a texture from Mega scans which is a Shor line Beach rocks this is just for testing purposes so I'm going to select those three textures I'm going to drag and drop them over here and I'm going to start connecting them the first one will go to my base C this is my normal map is going to my normal channnel and here I'm going to connect R to ambient occlusion my green channel will go to my roughness and my blue channel will be my displacement over here and I'm going to save and right now nothing is happening I'm going to click on my test desolation material I'm going to scroll a little bit and here in the displacement settings you can see magnitude and Center all right from here from the magnitude you you're going to say how much desolation and displacement effect you're going to have on your landscape all right so let me minimize this and let's drag and drop this onto my landscape I'm just going to delete my player start here and this will be my default so I'm going to select my landscape and I'm going to go into my landscape material go to my test drag and drop it over here wait a little bit and you can see it is pretty dense the tiling is pretty uh bad so I'm going to open it so I'm going to right click and search for texture coordinates and I'm going to hook up the tiling to my UV over here UV over there and UV over here in order for me to start tiling this up so I'm going to put 2 point 2 as unv click save and this will go bigger all right pretty good but right now our surface looks flat so if I start playing you you can see that it looks flat from here all right right now the testation is not working and I wonder why right right now we've connected everything over here we've connected the unv and the testation should work but for the landscape you have a few settings to bear in mind so the first thing is when you select your landscape over here you're going to search for Nite and you need to enable nitol here I'm enabling it and the next step is to click build data I'm going to click build data and you're going to wait a little bit to build the data for the Unreal Engine Nite and after the data is built you can see the tation now works pretty good and right now we have like this crazy looking artifacts this is because of the let me just go into the material of the magnitude as I say magnitude of four is pretty much under this placement I select this one let's try magnitude of 25 I'm going to save it wait a little bit to compile the Shader and let's see how this looks I'm going to hit play and now as you can see you have depth in your texture over here running over here have this fake rocks Pebbles over here and it looks pretty pretty good so with the new Unreal Engine 5.3 you you can have pretty good testation and as you can see it works like a charm the FPS is pretty good and if you want to boost it up you can always play with the magnitude let's say 0.4 all right right now looking a little bit sharper yes this looks pretty good so this is how you can enable desolation for your material and for Unreal Engine keep in mind to enable those two commments in the default engine in file you can find them in the description below and yeah guys this is pretty big game changer for Unreal Engine they're stepping up so yeah guys thank you for watching if you like this video like And subscribe all right guys so this is how you can enable testation for Unreal Engine 5.3 and before I end up this video I want to let you know that I've created a blueprints master class for Unreal Engine 5 it is available right now on UD me so if you want to expand your knowledge and not just only create art pieces in Unreal Engine 5 but create some characters create some game logic my course is the perfect solution from beginners to intermediate and real ng5 users the course itself is 15 hours long and it has all the foundation that you need to Kickstart your blueprint knowledge in unreal NG 5 so if you want to keep evolving yourself Beyond just creating art in EN real Engine 5 en roll now so I hope you enjoyed this video and if you want to support me and get access to all my files also to the auto material that I've created previously join my patreon page for $499 and with your pledge you're supporting me to keep creating amazing videos like this each one of you can make a big difference by supporting my channel so I can keep making those videos thank you guys for watching this video Happy game development I'm out
Channel: CG Dealers
Views: 45,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ws8V_8IxpmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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