Getting Rid of Doubt | Richard Roberts | World Harvest Church | Murrieta, CA | HGM 2019

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we'll give a shout of praise to the Lord let's just lift their voice of the spirit this morning Kaela Lucke Sunday our stomach I'll lift your voice hallelujah stir up the Holy Spirit in you cable Siena Dhaka City esta Casa show about Colombia a right shoulder being healed right now right shoulders being healed right now you have a shoulder problem lift your shoulder up right now someone's being healed right now you don't have to wait chemo so Tiana knock us up and I'll lift you lift your voice chesty and abacus abacus Optio thank you Father thank you for having there's an eardrum opening right now eardrum opening right now eardrum opening right now hearing there's a burst of hearing coming forth right now in Jesus name hallelujah thank you thank you for the operation of the gifts of the Spirit even as we begin praise You Father kima see on Donna custodian and our cousin bond say did we assure you by the name of Jesus you take your hands off of every man every woman every young person here world harvest today but we don't belong to you we belong to Jesus we were paid for by his shed blood on Calvary and father we thank you that today we will bring honor and glory to that name which is above every name named in the heaven and earth for it is in his name Jesus name that I pray and believe and I expect a miracle somebody give a shout of praise Hey amen god bless you amen god bless you you may be seated Wow I sing because and I sing [Music] is the spell and I know thank God I know [Music] he watch it [Music] pastor Nancy you beat me up on this and then Kenneth now it and beat me up on it and then both of you beat me up after the circle I got the message why should I feel discouraged why should the shadows come why should my heart feel lonely hada long for heaven and home when Jesus is my portion [Music] my constant friend is he his eye is on the sparrow and I know he watches [Music] his eyes on the sparrow and I know he watches [Music] that's why I sing because I'm happy come on I see because the smell and I know he's watching [Music] come on give a shout of praise to the Lord [Music] amen god bless you you can be seated hallelujah praise God Wow well what shall we do this morning I apologize in advance Mitch be careful now how many times do I come into services when I have no idea what I'm gonna do it's not that I haven't studied it's not that I haven't prepared but you get there and then God just moves in and you don't know what it's gonna happen praise God let's just wait awhile see what happens [Laughter] Chelsey brought some of my books and resources up here which are available in the lobby if you'd like me to I'll autograph them I'm not gonna autograph Lindsey's book though I refuse autograph her book yes I will it's called a cry for miracles which came out of the story of well actually a story about Chloe Chloe was just a little thing and it was on a Christmas Eve which was Lindsey's birthday Lindsey was born on Christmas Eve about 20 minutes before Christmas back when the doctors handed her to her mother it was Christmas and clothes just a little thing and we were downstairs assembling toys and have ever seen me assemble toys you haven't seen much I'm good at sitting and watching while Lyndsey assembles toys but all of a sudden we heard a gasp and we went to the stairs and Chloe was at the top of the stairs and she was just almost blue couldn't breathe and I grabbed her and put her in the car with me and drove as fast as we could to the to the emergency room and Lindsay went upstairs and kicked the door and began to cry and the Lord spoke to her and said it's alright to cry as long as your cry is for a miracle and by the time the doctors examined her her breathing was back to 98% and she hasn't had a breathing problem since but that was the impetus a few years ago for Lindsay to write this book and she has republished it and told a number of other stories including her own healing from cancer so that's in this book I will not autograph this book this is her book and then I have my book when all hell breaks loose some of you look like you know what I'm talking about the lady wrote me and said send me one of those what the hell do I do books you know I knew what she meant like something you know what she meant to anyway facing your fiery trials with faith that's that's available by the way who got your shoulder here a little while ago though the pain in your shoulders completely gone where are you one one two three four five six seven eight somebody somebody's here starting to open who was that somebody here starting to open up one two three somebody get praise to the Lord healing healing thank God and your road to - - huh - yah yah yah yah yah yah yah where you have pain right here who has the pain right here on your side stand up stand up you have pain right here it's on your side down your ribcage there's one somebody else is somebody else two of you somebody else in Jesus name in the authority of Jesus name I send the word to you right now I curse that thing pain come out now now both of you just start moving and twisting turning you gonna find that pains leaving you right now you're gonna be able to move you're gonna have freedom you're gonna be able to breathe all the way in without cutting you and the pain is leaving you there goes there goes there goes there goes there goes come on somebody prays with halleluja halleluja gonna have a good time this morning your road to a better life I believe that that's out there that's a bless you also brought some some CDs God's way to increase encouraging words of hope hear it pray it speak it God wants you to have a better life the CD and all those are available and I'll meet you out after the service and I'll autograph it with my left hand because I am left-handed my dad said to me before he died he said to me son when I die the same power that has come down my right arm and into my right hand is gonna come into your left arm and left hand and I said why my left and your right he said because I'm right headed you're left handed take a rocket science just figure it out anyway that's available to you Chloe I'm especially glad you're with me she's my traveling companion she takes care of me I appreciate you very very much and I love you and I'm proud of you yeah Lindsey who's no doubt watching online hi sweetheart Lindsey has a sermon in which she talks about the difference between the word and the world and she says that there is the difference in those two words is one letter L one has an L in it and the other doesn't and so she asked the question what in the L do you want of course we know how the world operates but we Christians oftentimes operate the way the world operates - we are men and women of the word but each one of us has a little world in us we don't like it we don't want it to be there but once in a while it surfaces now let's talk about real life when my father stepped down and I took over the entire ministry and inherited a 60 million dollar debt when one day I owed no man and the next day I owed 60 million dollars the world began to rise up in me how am I going to do this how am I going to make it through how am I going to pay off the debt how am I going to hold my head up if I don't pay it off how am I going to stand in front of creditors and bankers and how am i and that little pocket now I'm a man of the word I've always been a man of the word but there are times when a little world comes out I doubt sincerely that I'm alone don't look at your neighbor don't look left or right Lindsey has never had any problem believing for finances but that was my problem I've never had trouble believing for healing but that was her problem and so where I was weak she was strong and where she was weak I was strong now that's a marriage that's a marriage where you help one another we're where that little pocket comes out don't look at me like that because you got in the pocket too I'm not the only one here that has a little pocket it's not that we're stuff that we're not striving it's not that we're not men and women of faith now you put that L back in the word how does the world handle it well let's look at what just happened here we are in the middle of a partial government shutdown we've come through Christmas there was great anticipation and then Christmas ends and you start sliding downhill but you rise back up again when you see that ball and Times Square come down and and you know that a new year is coming and you've made all these resolutions and and now here we are on the 6th of January and you've already broken half of them I'm just talking to you about real life today I'm talking about where you live and you have this great mountaintop experience in your life and the next thing you know you're in a valley come on why is it that after we have a mountaintop experience we find ourself in a valley well I'll tell you why I don't know but if you look geographically at the world you'll see that you cannot physically get from one mountain to another mountain without going through a valley the way God created everything he created mountaintops separated by valleys and what did David say yea though I walk through the valley he didn't Park in it he didn't build a monument to it yea though I walk through the valley and there's another shoulder being healed over in this section if you just stand up and then find your shoulder being healed right now you're right in here somewhere yea though I walk through yes ma'am I see you through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil fear is not your friend fear is the devil coming to try to steal kill and destroy the word that's in you now here we've just come out of three phenomenal services with Kenneth Copeland now I've known Kenneth since I was a teenager I was laughing at him saying he's going to live to 120 and talked about last night being 13 you know and I just turned 70 and so last night I told him that 70 is 21 Celsius pastor Nancy that makes you considerably younger than me so I'm 21 Celsius but I was so blessed are you aware of what we just experienced with for the cook in the world system if you went to hear these outstanding speakers you'd probably pay 800 to $1,500 to hear someone in the world of that caliber to teach you the principles of the world and some of you have been to those conferences and you paid that money and here pastor Nancy didn't even charge you she gave you an opportunity to plant a seed but if she charged probably 800 to 1500 dollars somewhere in that range do you hear someone of that caliber to take mark 11 and not let go three times and preach as long as Kenneth preached Kenneth is like my dad he doesn't preach by the clock he preaches by the calendar by the time Kenneth is through my rear end is worn out [Applause] and then he said all those of you who want hands laid on you come up here and every one of you came I looked at his eyes his eyes were bigger saucers I look at pastor Nancy her eyes were going boom boom boom boom I can hear kena said how to get myself into this mess I turned over to Chloe and I sit down this is gonna be a lot of fun watching how this happens but I'll tell you what he poured mark 11 into us you talk about a mountaintop experience what we've had it's unparalleled here's a guy who's been across the river he's been over the mountains he's been up he's been down he's been in between about anything Kenneth Cooper to have experienced and I experienced a lot with him because I've been aside for years he's been a mentor to me as my father was to him Jesus was heading into town and saw that tree Mark 11 looked over to see if there was fruit on it that's where that passage that he taught about started and he walked over and talked to the tree why because the tree was talking to him you say well trees don't talk well that tree talked the bible says jesus answered you don't answer something that's not talking to you now the tree wasn't using words but the tree was saying you're not going to get any fruit from me and jesus answered the tree is that you're not going to you're not going to bear fruit again forever and all the disciples were standing there and they all saw it and they all heard it and it looked like nothing happened and that's the problem in Christianity if we don't see an instantaneous microwave miracles we think that God has failed us if we don't go through the drive-through and our coffee is not steaming hot and our burger is not hot we want to sue them and one company did get sued because the coffee wasn't hot enough given me a break the disciples saw it they heard it it looked like nothing happened but the next day Peter looked up and said Jesus master the tree that you cursed yesterday has dried up from the roots you go outside here and you cut a branch off a tree and you hold it in your hand this still green it's dead because it's been separated from its source it just haven't gotten the message yet but you give that branch a few hours and it won't be green anymore it'll be brown why cuz it's dead right well overnight that tree got the message and he said Jesus the tree that you cursed yesterday has withered up from the roots and Jesus said have faith in God but the Copeland said have the god-kind of faith' how many of you want the god-kind of faith' not the world kind of faith which comes and goes and it's intermittent for verily I say unto you whosoever shall say unto this mountain this need this problem whatever it is this attack be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his or her heart but shall believe that those things which they say shall come to pass he will have whatsoever they say what are you saying are you saying what you have or are you having what you say what are you saying it's wonderful to have this mountaintop experience that we've had for those three services with Kenneth but what happens when you leave this place what happens when Satan slaps you upside your head with a lead pipe what happens when you come down from the mountain will you study the Bible you'll find a lot of great things happen no mountains Noah's Ark landed on a mountaintop and the human race was saved Abraham took his son up a mountain to kill him at God's order and when he saw that Abraham was willing to sacrifice the son of promise he provided a ram whose horns were caught in the thicket and they were exchanged in the rim became the sacrifice somebody's got pain in your center of your back right here you're being healed if you stand up again to bend you couldn't find your back being healed right now you're right over here lots of wonderful things happen Moses received the Ten Commandments on a mountain and when he came down all hell was breaking loose among the people Elijah fought a great battle with 450 prophets of Bale on a mountain and won and faith was restored in Israel a lot of great things happened on mountains the God never called anybody to live on a mountaintop where do we live we live in the valleys and we live in the plains and if you study the Bible you find that virtually every miracle Jesus did happen in a valley happened in the plains happened where people live where people are what do you do when the party's over the world would say the party's over it's time to call it a day they've burst your pretty balloon and taken that moon away they say it's time to wind up the masquerade just make your mind up the piper must be paid that's what the world would say after they've had their so-called mountaintop experience when they come down Jesus had an experience like that he took Peter James and John up to a mountain why only those three the Bible doesn't say I do know that he took Peter James and John into J Iris's home and those were the only three that he took with him perhaps it was because Peter was the chief apostle and Peter is the one who recognized who Jesus really was and said to him in answers to Jesus question you're the Son of God and Jesus said flesh and blood has not revealed us unto you Peter but my father who is in heaven has revealed this and because You Know Who I am upon this rock of Revelation I'll build my church and the gates of Hell shall never prevail against it Peter James and John apparently were the top three the most dependable and so he took Peter James and John up the mountain and left the nine in the valley and when they got to the top of the mountain something supernatural began to happen the Bible says that Jesus body began to glow and suddenly his clothing became as white as white can be and Peter and the others were shocked yes they've never seen anything like that but suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared now you're talking about eyeballs coming out on stems Europe on a mountain and suddenly Moses and the Elijah the two central key figures in the entire Old Testament show up Moses representing the word the law and Elijah the most powerful prophet of all the greatest prophet he's known as Moses and Elijah show up and they're having a conversation with Jesus and Peter James and John get the witness the whole thing and they're standing there and they're wondering what to do they're half scared out of their minds they're wanting to hide behind a rock and Peter not knowing what to say says will I'll build your shelters let me build one for Jesus let me build one for Moses let me build one for Elijah when I was setting a huge cloud engulfed them and a voice in the cloud said this is my beloved son listen to him you talk about being afraid nobody knew what to do and right in the middle of it flemm Moses and Elijah disappear and they're alone with Jesus again I don't know about you but if that happened to me I would have some questions and Jesus said let's don't talk about it how do you have harassed Jesus the question not gotten the reply have you ever tried to tell god what to do now you can nod your head yes because you know you go to hell for lyin I told God what to do I've told him how to do it when to do it where to do it and who to do it to and he has never done it in my way once I want to be in charge I'm a take-charge person that's that's the world in me yeah when I faced all that debt I wanted to be in charge and my wife had to had to help me she had to pray over me and she had to encourage me because that was an area that I had a shortfall and then when she was struck with cancer I had to take her by the hand and do the same thing for her that she did for me yes today I've got no debt and she's got no cancer [Music] but we want to be in charge our training the way we came up we're taught in the world system that we're to be in charge but I've got news he is in charge he knows the beginning from the end he knows what he's doing and what Kenneth was trying to share with us the past several days is how to get over on God's agenda how to use our faith how to believe God now here come Jesus Peter James and John down the mountain they've had this tremendous mountaintop experience and they get down to the foot of the mountain and there's a big crowd including the Pharisees and the Sadducees who had come up from Jerusalem in order to entrap Jesus and hopefully arrest him and put him in prison and if possible put him to death you have the Pharisees and the Sadducees the Sadducees were sad you see that's how they got their name they were sad you see and they came to try to trap him when out of the crowd a man came forward and said Jesus I brought my son who is demon-possessed to your nine disciples and they could not cast the demon out and Jesus said you perverse generation how much longer must I be here with you now many people believe he was talking to the man but I don't many people think he was talking to the disciples but I don't I believe he's talking to the Pharisees and the Sadducees who come to trap him and he said to the man how long has he been this way the man said since he was a little boy and that spirit comes and throws him into the fire and throws him into the water and makes him foam at the mouth and gnash his teeth and it tries to kill him and I tried to get your 9 disciples to do something and they couldn't do anything so if there's anything that you can do now I've said everything that I have said so far to bring me to this point if there's anything that you can do Jesus said it's not if I can do anything it's if you can believe all things are possible he said to him who believes now listen to this if you've missed everything I've said so for don't miss this this is critical this morning this is the follow-up to what Mother Coppola was preaching he said I do believe but help me with the little area that I don't believe I do believe you Jesus but I've got this in pocket of doubt cut this little part of my life that I've not gotten control over I do believe but I've got this little pocket of doubt now the lining in my trousers go inside but when you pull it outside even though it's not big it stands out yeah everybody can see everybody can see there's a little pocket I believe yes I believe I believe every word but the köppen said and I'm doing everything in my power but Lord there's one little area in my life I haven't I haven't overcome I haven't got control over it my faith hasn't mastered it yet I'm on my way but I haven't quite rived and so when we human beings slip and fall and we make a mistake we beat ourselves up because we act as if we're supposed to be superhuman well by faith we are superhuman but we are human beings I have some areas in my life that I'm still working on how about you I am still under construction some of my paint is still wet he said Lord I do believe but help me with this little pocket of doubt now the pocket of doubt that you experience may be in the realm of finances like it was with me it may tear you up on the inside during that period of time when I was facing all that debt I became another person I became angry I became bitter no one wanted to see me come home I was an angry man because I was being slammed everyday by the financial situation and I would come home and I wasn't myself Lindsay didn't look forward to seeing me art my children didn't look forward to seeing me I was I was oblivious one day Lindsay was at home and I was working in and she she went over to cook something on our gas stove and the pilot was out and she turned the gas on and it didn't come on and and instead of turning the gas off the like the pilot she accidentally left the gas on and lit it and it blew up in her face thank God she had her glasses on but it blew off her eyebrows and blew off a huge chunk in the top of her hair now I wasn't home yet and the girl said when they realized she was okay they said let's see if daddy notices it and Lindsay had a way of when I will come home she was saying now don't bring that in the house you stay outside and you shake that off don't you bring that into our home sometimes I'd have to stay out there in the driveway for twenty or thirty minutes praying in tongues to try to get that off of me that was on because I felt like I'd gone through a you know some kind of something that day huh meet shredder I started to say and I came in that evening and I was tired I was angry I was bitter and I came right in and just sat down and started eat and the girls were laughing and I didn't know why and I sat there eating and Lindsay walked over to me and said do you notice anything different about me and I said to her did you get new glasses I was so far into my little pocket of doubt that I was unaware and my wife shouted and she started to give me one for when the Lord stopped her he said now if he didn't notice that imagine what he must have gone through I remember once when the children were middled we were in an Italian restaurant there in town and we were sitting the five of us and a man walked over to our table which is not unusual people do that they want to come over they want prayer they want an autograph they want to say hello they see me from television they see Lindsey and they want to come over and this man walked over and look me in the eye said you don't have any idea how much I hate you I mean I'm eating spaghetti and I was the last time somebody said that to you in a restaurant and the waitress and they turned and walked out and the waitress came over and she said What did he say and Lindsey told him and she said well I would've just hit him and I said well imagine what he must be going through yeah imagine what his family must be going through if he could say that I've never met him as far as I knew he'd never met me but when you're under such stress and pressure little pocket comes out now yours maybe finances it it maybe in your body you may have battled with an attack against your body and you went through the prayer line last night and nothing seems to have changed and you wonder why and you feel like well God's letting me down and I'm coming down off the mountain now and I don't know what to do or maybe it's something else maybe it's your marriage that's falling apart and you're keeping up all the good appearances that you know how or maybe it's with a son or with a daughter or maybe it says the loss of a job or there's trouble in your business you know too much month at the end of the money or maybe it's something else and it's gnawing at you and you believe you're believing with all of your heart but you have this little pocket here this little pocket the man said Lord I do believe but help me in this one little area where my believing is fallen short yeah that's the story of all of us every one of us could stand up and testify one little area if we were brutally honest every one of us would say there's one little area we haven't gotten control over I have it I imagine you have it too Jesus reached down took hold of that boy commanded the demonic spirit to come out and when it came out it threw the boy on the ground and he rolled around and writhed in all that was going on foaming at the mouth and then looked like he was dead the people they actually thought he was dead and Jesus reached out lifted him up God knows each one of us he knows how he made us he knows the areas where we need help and that's why we come here so we can get built up so we can have this mountaintop experience because the valleys come in now I'm not saying something negative so don't think I am but you can't go from one mountain to another without going through Valley you can't do it it's not physically possible and most of the miracles Jesus did happened in the valleys yes David killed the lion and he killed a bear but Goliath was coming this is what people need to hear people I'm talking about people in your family who don't know the Lord I'm talking about people in your churches who don't know the Lord come and hear you pastors every Sunday give you a good hearing shake your hand wouldn't know Jesus if they met him coming down the road that's why I learned from my father to preach experientially and to become vulnerable and to let my hair down what hair our God so people can see how we have overcome I remember in 1977 in February when my sister my older sister whom Chloe favors my older sister and her husband were killed in a plane crash an ice storm over Kansas and we got the news that my older sister and her husband had been killed and left three beautiful young children and nearly killed my parents this was their firstborn she was 10 years older than nine years older than me Rebecca and her husband Marshall we cried and we cried and we cried and we cried until there were no more tears and there are those who said to my my dad and my mother you need to you need to get in the plane and go somewhere and and get away from everything I said my dad said no no no no no not the only person in America or Canada who's lost a child I'm getting up on television on Cindy and I don't want to tell the story that's gonna help me get through it but more than that it's gonna help a lot of others one of the largest TV audiences who ever had in the history of our ministry was that Cindy because it was in every newspaper in America everyone knew and everyone was tuning in to see what a role Roberts was going to say about his daughter and son-in-law being killed millions of people watched as he poured his heart and preached from the Word of God of how to get through that store my fellow ministers and a great deal this morning our ministers of the gospel that's how you need to preach you need to take the word and you need to apply it to yourself and demonstrate and that's what we're the Copeland did he showed us where he slipped and fell he showed us his successes he became vulnerable that's what makes us real that's what makes people want to tap you on the shoulder and say pray for me your prayers can help me because if you can make it I can now this morning we're going to deal with that little pocket of doubt I don't know what yours is not really any of my business but I guarantee you you know what it is you know what it is that's what we're going to deal with this morning we're going to deal with it in prayer we're gonna take authority over it in Jesus name we're gonna command it to come out just like Jesus commanded that spirit to come out of that boy and the Spirit came out in the same way we're gonna take authority over it and we're going to eliminate that from our lives and I'm going to be at the head of the line because there are some things in my life that need to be gone just like there's some things in your life that need to be gone that's right so stand up with me this morning I prayed and asked the Lord how I should follow her the Copeland and this is what he gave me father you created us as flesh and blood and when someone says to us we're in the flesh they're really telling the truth because we are in the flesh the real us is down inside our flesh so when they say you're in the flesh they're really tell the truth we are in the flesh the real spirit is down inside our flesh our flesh is not really us our Spirit is inside our flesh right god made us flesh and spirit so father right now and I want you to lay your hand on yourself and wrap your arms around yourself and I want you just say to the Lord more this is the little area that I want to deal with this morning whatever it is you know what it is father and the authority of the name of Jesus I come against this little pocket of doubt for Lord when that man said I do believe help me in the area where I'm having trouble believing or that's me and that's many that are here today Lord I take authority over this area now it may be spiritual it may be physical it may be financial it may be in your emotions your family your business your job your ministry in some other area of your life but in the name of Jesus and by his authority I take hold of that little pocket and pull it out of you are you listening to me I pull it out of you I pull it out I'm taking hold of it with my faith and pulling it out of you I'm handing it to this angel to standing right behind me because he knows where to take that little pocket of doubt so that today when you leave this place and this week when you leave this conference and you come down from this mountain top experience and we're all having [Music] and the demonic forces come just like they came against Jesus you know that you have the authority to deal with them not only in your old life but in the lives of others and that's what our Christian walk is all about it's not just about us it's about being a witness and I pray this prayer over each one of you today in the name of Jesus and take authority over this thing and pull it out of you and I declare by my faith today that you will not leave this place the same in Jesus name key hasta en santa casa que la ma casa de anima casita Casa Paraiso brocken Santana casita caste and a casaya show t arnica Sabra casa kiosk stop someone needs Haley in your back where are you wave your hand at me you who need healing in your back wave your hand at me where you're standing somebody touch them right now where they are touch them somebody touch them you see somebody with their hands raised to touch them father and the authority of Jesus name I send the word into your back every back be made whole every pain problem with the disc with the vertebra with the spinal column with the shoulder blade with the collarbone with the yes I even the spina bifida yes I hear that Lord with the curvature and the spine in the name of Jesus I take authority over that now there's a healing wave it's coming right now it's coming right through that wall it's coming right across this congregation and there's warmth coming into backs right now and you're going to be able to have freedom of movement people are going to have freedom of movement in your back and you may be able to do something right now that you've not been able to do you may be able to move in a way right now in Jesus name who this morning needs healing in your shoulders wave your hand at me whether with it let me see them all over now someone touched that person someone touched them in the authority of the name of Jesus I send the word into your shoulder remember the Bible says in Psalm 107 verse 20 he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction I send the word to your shoulder shoulder in Jesus name be healed every pain come out so that you have the ability to do what I'm doing with my shoulder right now in the name of Jesus hallelujah shoulders being healed right now someone's going to be able to have complete freedom of movement in Jesus name thank you father who needs healing in your knees your hips your feet or your legs or the veins in your legs leave your we've handed me somebody touch them right now key out some like us are your father in the name of Jesus now they're varicose veins that are going down in the back of the right leg right now you'll be able to reach down and feel those things have gone flat in Jesus name I speak to the knees the swelling the fluid that's built up I speak all that fluid just to drain out and be assimilated throughout your body with no harm a problem with the kneecap with the ACL the MCL in Jesus name I take authority over that come out all that there goes there goes pain come out again I say pain come out now and enter into these knees again no more forever someone's gonna be able to lift your knees now you'll find the pain is gone the swelling is gone the clicking is gone ankles feet Kenneth Minister tantos I thank God for all those testimonies about toes hallelujah feet knees legs hips in the authority of Jesus name hips someone here this morning every time you sit down it just it just shoots pain down the back of your legs I rebuke that sciatica problem right now in Jesus name the hip the problem where you fell in Jesus name I rebuke that and pray for healing to come into your hips now Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya their shoulders being healed now and someone's going to be able to move your hips all the way from right to left you're gonna find the pain is gonna go be able to lift your legs and find your able to lift them you'll be able to walk around feel like you got new feet in the name of Jesus hallelujah now someone here has a blood sugar or a blood pressure issues where are you blood sugar blood pressure lift and lift it up high now someone who's near that person touched them there's healing oh yes yes yes they're healing and fingers right now healing and fingers someone who has a thumb that's twisted from arthritis it's being healed right now and you're gonna be able to have a complete freedom of movement of your thumb it's straightening out did he not say I will make the crooked places straight Palelei blood pressure that which is too high in the name of Jesus come down that which is too low in the name of Jesus come up regulate blood sugar diabetes which is too high come down hypoglycemia low blood sugar come up and regulate regulate regulate everybody say regulate that's what you want you wanted to regulate that would just do higher to come down that's what you do low to come up regulate everybody say regulate in the name of Jesus blood pressure blood sugar regulate I send that word to you now and he sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destruction I send that to you every vessel every blood vessel every artery every vein every capillary open up that the blood may flow unrestricted carotid artery open up arteries around the heart open up arteries the main arteries that go down in your legs open up that the blood may flow unrestricted yes I'll do that Lord I come against infection wherever it is in your body I curse it in Jesus name every infection come out I take hold of that infection with my faith and pull it out in the authority of the name of the Lord there's a person who has a growth on the inside of one of your legs and if you'll reach down the field you'll find the growth is going flat in Jesus name I'll never forget being in Kenya praying for a woman who had a basketball-sized tumor in her belly and when I prayed for her her stomach went flat and the tumor was completely gone if he can handle a basketball-sized to him where he could handle that little tumor in Jesus mighty name I send the word to you migraine I rebuke the migraine the continual pain just seems to be there that seemed like every other day it seems like it just on you in the name of Jesus I take authority over the migraines I bind it and pain behind your eye come out come out now in Jesus name I take hold of it with my faith and pull it out of you that's how the Lord showed me years ago that he would use me he said Richard you'll have twice as many healings as your father had because you will not have to lay hands on people the way I ordered a way i anointed him in order for my father to activate the healing ministry that God gave him he had to use his right hand because that's the method that God gave him but how many of you know that God has many different methods God is not limited in his methods and he said because I'm going to be on television so much more I will not be able to touch people and I will have crowds especially in third world nations where there's no way when we had two hundred thousand in Kenya there's no way you could touch that many people can you imagine if I had done what brother Copeland did and said all of you come up here I guarantee you all two hundred thousand those Kenyans would have come forward I couldn't do that but there's another method one's not better than the other it's just different the method that God gave brother Kenneth is different than the method he gave me his is no better than mine mine's no better than his it's just different so we're not making a comparison it's just different and when you come under a man or a woman's anointing they are required to operate in that anointing and not operate in somebody else's anointing I used to you know I I used to bother me when I was young people who say how are you going to fill your dad's choose you know you oughta Tribune Oral Roberts send some time you know how do you gonna do that well I realized early on that he wore in eleven and I wore nine and a half I wasn't likely to be able to fill out a size 11 shoe I tried when I was a boy I put Kleenex in the end you know I put on his shoes and usually fall off but God said you don't you don't have to fill out eleven you just fill out your own shoes you be the man that I've called you to be don't try to be like other men be like Jesus and bring healing to the people praise God in the last twenty years my wife and I have seen and receive over a hundred and fifty thousand healing testimonies not a day goes by without our office ministry headquarters receiving testimony from all over the world there's not because of me it's because of him in the authority of the name of Jesus I come against this problem with your eyes anyone with an eye situation raise your hands cataract glaucoma something like that touch that person was holding up their hand and anyone with the problem with your hearing we had three hearing healings earlier who else has a need of healing and you're hearing wave your head wave hand at me now someone touched that person in Jesus name [Music] you feeling what I'm feeling that's the presence of God be healed in your eyes be healed in your hearing eardrum you station to open up and here comes right now stopping the popping like Rice Krispies going off in somebody's ear snap crackle and pop eyes open up cataract dissolve the bird the blurred vision come out vision clear up be healed in your hearing be healed in your vision be healed in your breathing who has a need of healing in your breathing wait for henna me somebody touched that person is Right waving their hand in the name of Jesus the COPD the asthma the emphysema the bronchial problem in the name of this the sinus problem in the name of Jesus lungs open up I just began to breathe in it's healing coming in lungs right now she's still Brooke or so yet Sunday Ashtanga kidney liver digestion Oh sir hernia gallbladder colitis pancreas in the name of Jesus take hold of that by faith pull it out of you all that which is tried to attach itself to the organs in your body come out in the name of Jesus cancer you foul tormenting thing i adjure you by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth every cancer come out come out of the bone come out of the breast come out of the liver come out of the brain come out of the skin come out of the blood cut out cancer we arrest you in Jesus name hardly a week goes by without hearing of a tremendous cancer healing in Jesus name praise God praise God I read a medical journal article the other day and it confirmed what where the Kenneth said the other night if cancer doctors are getting their patients together and leading them in laughing it confirmed what I almost stood up and said Kenneth I read an article saying the same thing at that surgeon he talked about the other night from Detroit and who knows what God may do tonight because you know the Bible says laughter doeth good like a medicine and we might have to have a double dose tonight so I apologize in advance for what is likely to happen here tonight it's liable to look like a combat zone that'll be alright with me praise God every sickness every disease for Jesus came to heal the Bible says all manner of sickness and disease all sickness all disease in the authority of Jesus name I speak to you commands you come out you take your dirty rotten stinking filthy hands off and father we release our faith come on let your faith go this morning I let my faith go sail with me I let my faith go say father I release my faith I let my faith go for a miracle in my life for nothing less will do in Jesus name now just begin to lift your hands and give Him praise and give him honor and give him glory Kia Sandow Cassandra Casas Colio Morocco so teondra naka did I not say unto you that if you would pray and stretch forth your hands and use the authority that I have given you that I would bring miracles in your midst praise your father thank you for that word yes you did say that to me and I thank you that it's being confirmed in this service in Jesus name thank you for this church thank you for what it has meant to me and to my family thank you for these precious ministers of the gospel whom I have now gotten acquainted with over these times of being here in the past year praise God for your ministries praise God for your churches praise God for the anointing that's on your lives I fallen in love with you it's such an honor and a privilege to be here and pastor Nancy thank you for this invitation to come it was an invitation I wasn't expecting in the natural but I'm so glad that I got the opportunity to come and I praise God for it hallelujah can you say Amen let's just lift their hands one more time and I sing because I'm happy and I sing because I'm free his on the sparrow and I know [Music] he watches [Music] hallelujah can't wait till tonight holy I hear the Lord saying the Holy Ghost blow out holy ghost what does that look like we'll come and find out Holy Ghost blowout total combat zone hallelujah I sing because I'm happy I sing because I'm free it's high isn't it for his eye his heart this and I know he watches [Music] me [Music] hallelujah I want to see a show of hands of those of you who say from the time this service began to just now you can say I I can already tell a change in my body raise your hand raise it real high raise it real high turn around and look everyone turn around you braise your hand real high not just its shoulder height look at look at this look at this keep it up keep it up look look what the Lord has done Amen hallelujah the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing halle-loo your father we thank you for that anointing that yoke destroying anointing we're so grateful to be the healed so grateful to be whole we so appreciated thank you hallelujah it's important that we tell him we acknowledge what he moves in our lives how he moves when he moves it's important to acknowledge that and show gratitude that's how you keep it be grateful amen
Channel: Dufresne Ministries
Views: 20,623
Rating: 4.8457298 out of 5
Keywords: #dufresneministries, #nancydufresne, #jesusthehealer, #whbtc, #dufresne
Id: 66zfjL-9Idg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 48sec (4308 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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