today I become a Minecraft assassin as we take out the targets we can buy new guns can we take out all the targets or will we get caught so dudes welcome to Minecraft assassin ah we got the Defenders wait where they at oh I see zud I see Pat boys I am hacking into your call I have to kill the targets there's one there there's one which one of which one am I going to am I going to the lower Northwest one am I going to the Northeast one I don't know your boys where are we watching so as I go through this map right I currently muted I can uh look in the top right this is me I can do this and I hide amongst the NPCs I also have a PPK which does significantly more headshot damage oh I also have this body swap you see the other NPCs I can swap to them from a short distance I also have a thermal grenade I'll use that in a little bit so as I take out these targets I get money you can see that in the top right and I use that money to buy new items and once I get the final item I win okay where do I go okay oh I go up here we gowest I'm upwest are we in oh we're here him look at right there go lower North West I want you to I want you to patrol this area the ten court is thank you yes sir good job I was I was patrolling the tennis court and I died everyone to the tennis court okay here we go right there now check this out this is the first guy if I disguises him I even have his health bar now watch this assassin no I'm in Upper Northeast where uh guys eliminated the upper Target eliminated $1,000 new items available for purchase right down there I'll show you that in a second go find the guy go find the guy following our leader find him find him find him boys we might start doing some demolition no no something I don't maybe it glitch see I the window yeah you're literally packing for nothing West for both of them it's the other one it literally does say lost man how does that make sense lost man today do something please wa I just died I died at the tennis court I'm dying at the tennis cour don't actually yeah go to the don't go to the tennis cour the upper Northwest go all upper Northwest you degenerate my hand true my got to jump down where's the dock here's the dock we're at the dock we got a ,000 Black Market terminal okay what do we got we got three new items oh I forgot I didn't even use a thermal grenade what does that do insta foam a grenade containing pressurized foam I don't know what that means but I'll take it silly bombs a grenade containing a bunch of bouncy balls what kind of an assassin am I I got bouncy balls okay uh what is this breach charge place on walls if enemies walk oppos opposite the breach they glow and then I can detonate the breach now we're in Assassin that's that's what I'm talking about boys you are not going to like the items that I just got something do you mean what do you mean oh you remember that guy that uh sigil said was cleared I was him sigil he not know how how you looked at him too you dummy I who's shooting me stop shooting me your C is speaking at the tennis court bi something just happened why is there a wall that's not important list what does that do so I also have this what does this do what is the thermal I'll use the thermal grenade later okay where do I need to go that that way you where's my other okay so I got an additional Target there where you go to die I'm going to get I'm going to get this target hiding I have the sniper this whole map says upper where is he oh no no no a guy with like a blonde haircut in his suit he held an item and killed me in the uh the hallway right next to the tennis court okay but which tennis court he had blonde hair wearing a suit it was upper wait uh wait where I I don't know I just exploded I don't I don't know what just happened to me I'm going this way I need to go that way I need to go that way I'll get oh there's one back there too one there one target there one target there I don't okay upper let's go this way upper Northeast this way over this way ask I'm asking upper floorthe what happen what do you think happens when you go to the lower floor of upper it's a movie theater um okay so can I do this question and he said don't answer my question I bouncy balls Just Bounce there's no upper there's upper bounce exactly lower Northwest why are you killing everyone $10,000 boys 10K what is your motive Sun tell us your motive you all will die what why is that your motive that's not a good what kind a good man are you that's a very very evil motive as there's ways to get there what are you doing with your life ginor P why' you I don't know man I'm beautiful boys he's down here with me he's down here with me I don't know uh lower Northeast uh somebody threw something get me exploded on the way I'm on the way way way what am I what does he look like what does he look like uh I don't know I'm in a dark I'm down here and I'm ready to kill he got trapped in the wait if I I'm he's here okay no I'm dead never mind doesn't matter the man it's hard lower Northeast dude oh we're in lower Northwest oh we are in lower Northwest crazy you guys better get this together this is getting pretty easy no it's not I am butt buttoning all of you but button mean what does that mean but is wait is that the guy save the I can't use bad words ah do that mean we did a mod that one time I died upper Northeast East he there now I see him I see I see him I see him he's holding he's holding a grenade a stop it stop it I see him this guy okay get wait I just saw I just saw sizzles I just saw sizzles Up on the Roof sizz I'm not on the roof I'm not on the roof okay I don't know if a it's a it's I think it's a dude with a yellow hair with I don't that's all I know R yellow hair get him ah right there he's upper Northeast by the do something get him try he's a blond guy blond guy upper Northeast upper Northeast I'm in Upper Southeast I got to get to my items I need new items CER grenade a grenade containing very cold gas the impact cool surrounding air freezing enemies inside all right and a biotoxin gun I assume that uh biotoxins them okay that'll be fun woman woman red dressest Norwest way I got West I'm coming the oh the breach CH how did I die guards now have motion traps they're invisible and detect hey boys you're not allowed to use that though we're not are we no you're not allowed I'm setting up operation sting operation sting has been why is it smoking here okay what is what is my biotoxin gun do killing us he's glowing I can't even get out I wait he's glowing yeah thank you guys my routin where was he where was he I'm going put this down here is that thing man with how is he killing all of us I froze him and now I'm going to hit him with this he's just spawn stop spawn camping yeah do we get dental he's poisoned wait I think the biotoxin I think spreads poison me I'm dying in my spawn you guys to do something a favor for me here's the guy I want you to go to Every single area and put down can I do this no I cannot biotox him we can cover everything oh opening the door H H in yeah one of the targets 239 2319 239 okay I know exactly that he he's at the guy right by our spawn he's at the Target right by our spawn he just killed right by our one right by our spawn got him there's a woman with a gun in this room guys come to me come to me I think I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming coming SW him him him okay I got the bre charge I got to wait till more people get there where over here over here over here I need to charge how we activated the motion sensor oh our motion sensor our motion sensor's going off over here go go go oh it's down here that makes L why am I why am iing this is someone in here someone's in here it's one of these guys no no behind us behind us behind us it's one of these guys I don't know who it is to the injured people I'm I'm just dying dude guys I'm coming okay the biotoxin is broken I died I he got boys got got to go lit him up I just lit him up I'm getting two security guard of the year not the girl he switched he switched to a dude in a vest in a vest okay me in the face I have heart I have heart he's got brown hair he's in a vest and he looks ugly okay you close your mic for that but I appreciate it please don't get that close your no they're getting in the way got a thermal thermal thermal thermal pleas you know what boys I'm I'm you know I'm upgrading I'm upgrading you're upgrading I'm a big boy I got him no he's still I'm scared guys help help help yeah man I bigger hit we got $10,000 again I cowed in the corner and I die theeast dude that was too close okay I got to go back to Thea I'm here and I'm ready to kill what do that where are you why what is okay I got to go why is he you gun wait actually does help I don't get one shot but he's shooting me help wait does he get one where where Southeast I died thanks a lot fing not the trigger anymore I can shoot I got to go to the exit I got to go to the exit all right let's go down here I got to go buy stuff went motion sensor going off 2393 no no no no no no no stay in the water stay in the water until the motion sensor is gone slim down fatty s okay I got $111,000 let's go buy stuff Black Market what did I get wait no I need another taret Target wait no I didn't get new items yet dang I got to go kill where's another one I need to assassinate this target I'm going straight for the Target straight for the Target I'm putting down everything in the lower Northwest why do you say West like that okay we go we're here oh there a nice pool emerald in I'm put down this is how rich our clients are come on Lost why there so many why are there so many people in this house by the way this is a big family it's oh okay he's in the pool he's in the Emerald Pool he's in the Emerald Pool he missed me and Emerald Pool he said I missed oh here's the target okay here's what I'm going to do I'm one of our I'm going to set this up right there uper or lower I said upper okay I'm coming upper I'm on my way s you're not helping I actually what what room I hear a door I'm going in I'm dead I died with literally got baited and I exped oh go okay uh bouncy balls do a lot of damage 100,000 how important was that 100 ,000 new items available okay what do I get sonar device removes blocks in an area temporarily removed blocks can be shot through huh that seems pretty good semi- sniper silent semi- atic rifle head shots do significantly more damage huh I'm going to replace my pistol with that so our device seems pretty broken what does it do hold on I got to see what this does then I can shoot through it oh my you you guys are not going to like the items that I I just got I haven't liked him at all what you guys are you guys are n how much money have you spent in be so probably a lot from all the targets that I've killed from you cuz you're bad at guarding I have a new plan what's your plan I'm retiring someone else has to be the leader I I think you're good no you cannot retire right before the end you can expire you can expire you expire once you get a migraine okay he's at guards now have special ops armor they take much less damage charge uh what did he just do he went to the left beautiful what I couldn't see that just how did I die go awesome sweet was I supposed to do oh my gosh triple kill okay I need to find this I need to find this guy wait he's right through this wall hold on if I thermal hold on wait it's not oh my huh I sawed he's in here's wait you carved the hole in the oh my what do you mean I never I didn't do anything I talking about you go is carving holes you can't do that I am a butt button in our millionaire estate I am a butt button what do that but button you say that you're murdering innocent people I didn't get the new items yet so I need to kill this other one I'm getting that's a good sense definitely listen to your sense put more I listen to my S why do I just die to that just to bombs and grenades and I don't know what's happen don't touch those things yeah oh my gosh behind us Spa S turn around honestly seems a bad time pat all right I'm going in I've respawned I'm sho I'm Sho why are people dying in this smoke what is happening guys there SP Point you're shooting me down the hallway I think it's a girl it's a boy I don't know I'm just going this this hallway right no I almost got him 2319 239 that expion hold on I need to put down the breach charge what if I put a breach charge right here what are those what are those rubric cubes hitting us I don't know they're not good for you push push push what are we pushing I died again where am I dying from was just it was I he's dressed like a fancy boy in a purple suit with boy fancy boy just don't go through doors all the doors are bad for you okay I got to go I got to go I got to go how do I get how do I get out of here uh put that there I just got to go help you're not helping us at all how did he not see that how did he not see that where is this other Target it's way over there moar no wait it's like it's the girl again in the plat outfit H the plat outfit I can't even spawn mes do that tactical NES incoming I'm stuck how many more CEOs do we have by the way GL oh I don't know I've been I I I'm dead I'm de Ian where send them out send them all out send them all out and Sh charge all way through the smoke and through to Grandma's house we go what is the Grandma's house I'm following Grandma behind you hit him with the strafe hit him with the Crouch strafe what hit it oh he's he's in tennis he's in tennis go to tennis oh no I where's where where is he over there I went wrong way I'm scared of girls I don't want to fight them this guy be this guy this guy gu I just need to kill this last guy I need to assassinate this last guy we're F we F we juk him we juk him what I do where did he go call another man of fish he just open a hole I found him I found him I found him oh I shot him so many times I just shot him a lot I have two hearts have two hearts I have two hearts I have two no I can't at least I'm honest about it how do I get over there what how do I get over there just go this way can you guys like do something and maybe kill him I literally had two in last 20 minutes I'm no longer the El capan this is the dude wait wait if we make if we make suy the captain then he can't kill us anymore wait that's actually wait we can out play this okay well I think it's a little too late to do that I shot him through the window how did I shoot him through the window I shot him through the window how bad are you guys what do you wean how what that window you're not playing are you mad just Che are you mad are you mad how about you come don't be mad tennis real quick I you know I don't believe in tennis I'm standing still what's up where are you at where am I at where are you at I'm at tennis you have tennis elbow I'm dead I just watched him Die s you're supposed to get my come on what are you doing my bad dude what do you want me to do huh back I get okay I have your back get my back surely everything's fine nope I'm dead that's crazy no no no no no stop it stop it Bounty balls wait where are you what s yourself I'm in the wall suy oh there you are you what the oh oh okay wait can I shoot through walls I'll hit you with the crowd shes you can't do nothing oh I can I can and I will s this is your last chance you have to prove yourself prove yourself Pro we will dis if you die what wait where just guessed in was tennis that's all I got the number one tennis tennis because everything's up whatever he's in a suit he he's got yeah he's in a suit of my own emotions dude I'm about to there's a lot of ice I don't really want to why are you why are you why are you frozen all the time is there a reason you're Frozen all the time like Elsa so I have $ million this new item cost 1.5 million okay okay why would you say that the it's the revor you're going to revive all yeah I'll revive all you uh so I took out all the targets okay and I have a heli drone what okay oh now you're glowing Dr oh oh my God our Mansion our Manion no no our sun listen we can talk about what's going on with your Mansion I know you're a monster SP so much time making this what's going on what's wrong with your Mansion stop kill me pleas there's no stopping there's no stopping there's no stoping are you just in the bottom okay well I think I win Fortress I think I win hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we but buttoned it what what