SSundee's Evil Shadow in Among Us

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who got the light bearer who is it hello is it oh Z did oh okay prot prot we can't die when we're inside the light we can't die when we're inside the light it cently off oh now the light's working dud look okay we can't die we're in there my okay boys we need to we need to turn on the generators get gas turn on the generators boys welcome to I think this Mod's called Sunday's evil Shadow or something like that I am the impostor this is my evil Shadow I I look kind of happy though Zod is the lightbearer my goal is to destroy all of these generators like you see this generator is currently not on but if I finish some tasks around the map I get 10 gas now check this out if I fill up the gas I'm just showing you this but I'm going to break it afterwards because H my goal is to turn off all these gener look at this the lights are on in here if they're in this room I can't kill them look I'm sad because I can't kill them cuz I'm in the light but it's as soon as I go out into the dark I'm ready to kill so as I destroy these generators I unlock more abilities as I kill more players if I make it to where everyone's dead except for the light bearer then I can kill the light bearer so we got to do this not get caught because they'll call a meeting and vote me out so uh let's do this oh look and they turn on that generator okay I got to go up here NE like I'm hey guys oh go not stay in the I'm sorry I was walking around I was trying to get my task done to get more gas don't worry I just turn you don't need to leave the lamp on whenever the generator's on zud you're wasting your gas and comments follow I'm going to escort you come on this way come on here it's dark out there oh we're good okay this generator's on okay so this generator has 15 more power in it got it okay y keep it powered sorry okay would you light it up for me please light it up for me okay I have a I have a task right here task right here T task right here test right here test right here wa where is it run right here sorry right there okay got to fix that my gas is running out I'm getting gy fix that fix that and there we go take it oh look I got 10 here come on come on okay I'll fill this one up do I'll fill this one up filling it up yes my man there we go hey dude look at it's not scary in purple anymore that's pretty neat yippe yippe oh my okay this should have G me a good Alibi let me get my task done and get more gas and there we go Okay so now that I have guess I got to be careful make sure oh Gary's coming here go away Gary okay one away I'm going to burn this generator burn it nobody's coming now this room is in darkness the only way to fix this generator is if the the light bearer comes up here and fix it but it takes him like 2 minutes to fix that one generator so that'll be fun for him okay I unlocked dark portal wait what does this do um oh gosh I'm going to put this down down right there oh oh I can walk through walls as this guy because I'm a shadow look at him fixing it I'm repairing repair the generator how dare you is this you who are you tell me your name all right so I don't know what that did I think that sent Biffle to jail yeah biffle's in jail now look at him and since the Jail's generator isn't on he can perod die so uh I got bite hey Mr dark this monster I see that no one put a light on in here and that it's really scary um we can talk abouty it's Sun Sunny listen Sunny listen listen listen listen listen I have an idea listening listening listening listen we can talk about this you know um but here's the deal you know you know it's me so if I let you go you're going to yeah but keep secrets yeah but I I can I can bite you viciously though no no please don't bite me vicious I can viciously bite you though T do you want me to viciously bite you I don't taste like I've been viously bite him that happening where's my I can't see anything bi bi Biffle oh did I spit your head out I spit my head out I'm [Applause] dying his head's just bouncing around in there all right well I need to pick up his gas can that he dropped um ah great I got hit by his head great now I'm stunned for 30 seconds perfect okay well I got 10 gas though I can uh sabotage another generator cuz sabotaging a generator cost 10 gas to do so um okay well let me check on zud how's zud doing zud fixed it no help someone help help help help help whatever his name is I'll turn on the generator so you're not in the dark my God can you please pull the L and let me out of here I literally witnessed the death wait what thanks so oh my why did that take okay so uh what happened I don't know all all I know is I got teleported to the thingy and a head hit me and I was stunned in there so so what no I just came and turned on the light I'm a hero oh right right you came to check on your dead body huh my light everyone get my go there go okay this this is a really good Alibi for me I didn't even mean to make that happen all right let me go sabotage another thingy so I can get another uh ability bi is permanently dead I need to unlock more kills to do that I need to sabotage more that one's oh gosh why did they sabot why did he fix this um I'm going to sabotage it sabotage it again sabotage it again sabotage it again there we go that didn't oh I need to get more I need to get more gas let me do this task there we go and then this task okay that got it great task complete make me a cappuccino I'm not making you nothing I can't see anything turn on the I'll give you some light dude I'll give you some light there you go gosh okay I don't want to go out here oh no oh no oh no run okay I need I need to sabotage the generator stop fixing all the generators I can't kill them when they're in the light uh I'm going to go ahead and should I sabotage this one I'm going to sabotage this one inside nobody's here I'm going to sabotage this one so that I can come back and kill somebody easily hurry up make sure nobody comes this way yes I unlocked Shadow Ball what is that and Terror twister um okay I got Shadow Ball oh dark portal I'm going to put somebody else in jail I'm going to put this right there all right perfect somebody hits that they'll go to jail um and Pat's in jail want to go kill looks uh I have Shadow Ball and Terror twist let's use Shadow Ball throw it oh where's L I can't fix it is look dead I I think he might be dead all right well good mod we did it um cool great he's dead now what does Terror twister do uh I'm going to use it I'm going to go this way there's sigils um wait I took his gas scary as 20 wait I don't want to I don't want to do this around too many people I don't want to sus myself out I have to be careful though I just took sigil gas can I just just sabotage hold I have another Shadow Ball I'm going to use another Shadow Ball so he's permanently dead can I stay in the dark can't be careful me stay in the light stay in the light stay in the light everything's going to be okay so I can't hurt Z but you know I can stun her so now she can't help with the generators right that's pretty good uh should I put her in jail too I want to put sigil in jail yep I'm going to put H where's he going to go I'm going to wait till he walks in a direction I'm and there we go now he's in jail all right let's sabotage this there we go we set it on fire make it all burn did I unlock another ability I didn't dang it because they got he's trying to fix it I have to stop him from fixing this how do I stop him if he keeps fixing these I'm not going to be able to win I only unlock abilities when the generators are broken this is not good okay we got two broken he's trying to fix that one I need to stop him how do I stop him Will Shadow Ball stop him I don't think it will all hands on dead K all hands on De do something Terrorizer maybe will this stop him I need to stop him hey go do something oh my hey hello why isn't it stopping them I'm in vulnerable to your attack why does this not work what is that noise I need to get more gas I need to get more gas okay turn this off uh turn this off I need to burn this generator make sure nobody comes over here burn it burn it burn it give me Lantern corruptor what does that do Lantern corruptor I just unlocked that what done I'm almost done I'm almost done I'm so close what why what I make his Lantern explode that's what I'm talking about that stops him from fixing the generator I'm going to go talk oh look how sad I am because I was in the light okay hold let me go talk to him I'm going give myself another Alibi okay I have 13 gas so I can go corrupt another or break another generator was it you was it P was it I don't know what's wrong what happened can you fix the generators up please I was working on it my Lantern blew up what do you want from me why did your Lantern blow up I don't know it turned red and like that okay well I'm going to go fix another generator hey wait now let me know when that's done and I'll come fill it up with gas here in the meantime I'll help you work faster that's not it why all right um I need to use that I think I can kill somebody with that Lantern Gary go talk to zud he's talk I'm going to use the lantern corruptor hold on faster I'm going G Gary all right um Gary is permanently dead now that's good oh you can see the meter up here so if the the meter is farther this way that means they're C they're fixing more generators if it's farther this way it's heading towards Darkness I don't know why I like that okay uh anybody no there's that okay got to be careful don't want to break that give up I give up forever I'm I give up with that one I'm doing this one now I'm doing this one now just fix something do anything anything literally you're useless Ked cuz of my Lantern I don't know died because of you what kind of light bearer are you Z it's not my fault I promise stop stop my butt stop it dance dance on you stop stop it go do something sorry he I'm going to got it I got it I was going to fix that what's wrong with you all right good job all right it's got that I need to break this one should I break this one I'm going to break this one yeah I'll break this one okay uh did I use my abilities Lantern so let me check zud let me see if zud's fixing it okay Russell zoom in on that he's about halfway done let me stop him yes we I why I hate you I like this mod this is a fun mod um okay uh let's go ahead and corrupt this one there we go perfect and ghastly grasp unlocked what is that ghastly grasp oh what this what does this do oh gosh can't do this I just can't do I can't do it's so dark out I can't see oh my God what is that stop it stop it leave me alone take take someone else instead not me I don't know what this does um let me go find somebody maybe I could I can't do it on him maybe oh Pat's in jail and sigils great they're both in jail because the light bearer hasn't lot of M yet get out of here oh no P I don't think we will um uh no please go for Sig idea I have an idea this will be fun I have an idea wait no I can't I can't I can't I can't I can't oh wait no no okay hi bring put me down I can't do that I'm sorry I can't do that I can't I can't let you free now you know too much you know too much you go out into the shadows and you what the no okay I have two buttons here I either have drop crew mate or ghastly grasp what should I click any ideas I I think no matter what I say it's going to be bad okay all right well have fun oh I got to spam the space bar what's that do no no no no I got [Music] this oh all right well that's fun um okay now I have to be careful I can't use Lantern corruptor unless I know where zud is because if zud is near Pat and sigils when I use that all three of them know they're clear okay there's sigils where zud okay they're together I'm going to use it where zud I have stop from that's I'm almost done yeah what I'm so sick of this I'm I don't he was close to being done oh this is fun um all right uh let's go ahead what do I do now oh he's trying to he's trying to fix that in the gas ah it's nice and you can't hurt me in here you can't hear me I'm I'm wear it's light why do you you look you are not a morning person huh no um oh okay what um Okay cool so you can hurt me in the light good to know good to know I can't kill him because he was in the light but you know let's drop him right there cool what am I supposed to do what am I supposed to what am I that's fun I like that okay um what do I do now um do I have gas to do I want to repair one generator trying to fix it I need to get gas I need to do my task uh this task and that task got it okay all right got that one easy let me get the next one and there we go stop it stop it easy ah crap stop it stop it easy okay wait I got to check out hold on Lantern corruptor done we're halfway done we're halfway done yeah what I I'm done I'm not wait Z knows Pat's clear now because zud or Pat walked down I should have unlocked another ability right oh wait no I need to corrupt this or I need to burn this generator and then I'll unlock another ability I got to kill Pat umbrell sword what is that I legitimately don't know I guess we'll see in a minute um there's sigils he's still outside perfect Pat's just hanging around the generator hoping not to die all right well I need to go corrupt that generator then and burn it you can see the mini map all the blue parts are the dark areas the yellow part is the only fixed area all right let me go ahead and stop z uh there we go I just want I just want to do one I have umbrell sword I'll do that in a minute I need to do these tasks to get 10 more um gas quit my job no every time I try to fix a generator my thing blows up and it stops all my progress I quit I'm done just do it already Z just fix trying suy I've been trying fine I'll try one more time this is my last fix something please they to stay down there I need to I need to do this fast hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up puppet master okay hold on what if I do this I have Puppet Master what is this sig or Pat I want to kill Pat so I got to use this on sigils oh H why not again dude no put me down what is this what is this wait hello hey Sig it's been you all along Sig please please please Sig please please don't do this we were in jail together we shared something I don't please I got light in here man no no no Pat listen pat pat listen to me listen to me you have you're a monster why would you leave I don't know I don't I can't see how am I supposed to know why would he leave the light all right well I'll take it he's dead and Pat just fell over died um what's going on hello coincidence is next to me I'm going to finish I got to do this I got to stop him I got to stop him I got to stop him I got to stop him I got to stop him I got to stop him it's not Sig maybe it's not Sig wait it's sigils no wait no it's sigil guys is it just a z it's sigil zud it's sigil you would listen to that this you never listen to me and you never help me look look what's happening to this family we're falling apart I want to see a th umbrell sword what it mean sword what is that um I think he died no I'm wrenching right now leave me alone I'm fixing let me fix one generator literally one please go ahead go ahead have fun I need to get 10 more gas so if you fix that generator before I get 10 more gas I'll let you win okay okay I'm working on it so my task is right over here so no okay hold on wait empty in the trash all right trash is done zud you better hurry Z think he's panicking a little where's my task right here and swipe the card there we go that's done and and I got 10 more gas hey Z I got 10 more gas I'm so close Z I got Z I got 10 more gas okay okay that's cool man you finish right there's a generator right down here Z stop stop stop stop stop and set this on fire and this should unlock my final [Laughter] ability night terror is unlock you're so close look how close you are it's time for the night terror Z what are you doing wait at least wait do I finish it come on that's all I want what please it no oh Z you were so close I did You're The Last One Alive Z at least you can keep fixing it Z keep fixing it keep fixing I'm I'm fixing the walls I'm fixing the floor I can't fix anything in my life my life over okay zad you're The Last One Alive night terror it's time for you to die I don't know how you die but you die now I would prefer not to die what oh like what is [Music] um hit the like button hit the Subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 1,855,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b8oEB3YJShQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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