Getting Over A Breakup Unfiltered

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being at the house like where we both used to live is so like torturing and so awful we changed a lot we both have our own goals and unfortunately our goals didn't lie [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you so you've made it to episode three as you guys know I've never seen a youtuber go from breakup video and show absolutely everything that is gone afterwards from the mental breakdowns to getting over it hi my name is adilyn Lauren and you're watching a mental breakdown I feel like just getting over a breakup is so taboo and nobody really talks about it because it's such a dark point in your life and I've never seen it before anything so I just wanted to bead that big sister that you can look up to her help go through a breakup together if you're going through a breakup the same time scrub October it's a month of breakups but it's been a couple months now since Matt and I broke up and I feel like I have gone through majority of the stages of getting over a breakup you feel like I can kind of speak on it here let me show you the stages of a breakup I found this chart online somewhere but it was so relevant to my case that this I feel like is the most accurate stages of going over and going through a breakup for some people just can take months for some people this can take years for some people it could take days for me personally it took like two months but depending on how long you've been with the person how long you feel like you started to fall out of love with them so many factors that come into it let me break it down step number one denial Oh denial my good old friend it was the day that I got home from LA I just finished beauty class in it Matt wasn't coming home he was he had work it was done I was like hey where are you a couple hours roll by hasn't responded and then I'm in the shower he he's here and he's like we need to talk so he sets me down and he's like I don't think that we should be together anymore like we've been fighting for so long so I was like okay whatever we had like a fight he left girl she was in denial so I called up my girlfriend I'm like brie do you want to go clubbing tomorrow she's like bring Brie yes I'd always hope we head on over to the city we go to the best nightclubs in Toronto I dress in my little euphoria Matty all fails feeling myself we got a little hotel you're just having a good old well she didn't think she was broken up here the next stage is depression about a week of Matt and I not texting I am always the one to text him I was like you know at this time I'm not doing it a whole week with no texting no communication that's when it started to kind of hit me and I started kind of weighing out the pros and cons of the relationship and if there's more prone if there's more cons I think in conclusion I found out that there's more cons and that's when I kind of started to spiral to break up day 5 update on life and then hatred and anger I don't know maybe able to come in like waves but just watch to full-season up change the version and I'm talking like Holly we're thinking about doing the necessaries like the mental health series up over YouTube right now I literally I can't watch this on youtube but like I'm really just taking it day by day but I think I was in denial at first [Music] now I'm starting to feel like maybe this is like something that's meant to happen and something that's meant to be like maybe we're not meant to be together because Matt is Matt is the only guy that I've ever known he's my only boyfriend that I've ever had since high school we've been dating for five and a half years I always thought that it was an independent person but losing a huge part of what kind of your identity was literally my branding was like couple II thing it's it's kind of like a big shock so I remember a week after I went over to Matt's house and one thing that really helped me that my life coach told me to do is to write all of your feelings down on a card or a piece of paper which is what I did I wrote a little card for him because once you show up at their doorstep you're probably gonna forget everything that you're about to say and it helps so much I wrote everything down that I was feeling why I think it's better that we're apart and that's kind of where everything started to hit and I remember I would spend a lot of time like just sleeping trying to really just take care of myself but also trying to work and try and distract myself because thinking about it too much is also not good anger believe it or not the happiest place on the internet also gets angry I remember for me personally there were a couple days where I was super angry at him or even just angry at the world I would be like you know what he should see other girls and realize how amazing I am and when I don't know I feel like egg the anger phase is such a bad phase I remember it was the day that Matt and I filmed the breakup video that we had a huge fight and I feel like as long as you know that you're in that phase it'll be easy to get yourself out of it what the [ __ ] like you said that you're supposed to be here I like I don't have time to wait around for you all day like you need to be here on time when you said that you're going to be here the next piece is acceptance now this one was a hard one to rap a little brighter just realizing myself and realizing what I like to do what I do for myself what I do for self care what I genuinely enjoy not just for the both of us but for just me blowing things for just me so I remember I've had a life coach for about a year now she's also studying to be a certified therapist during this time these are the times where I didn't want to talk to her the most but these are the times that I needed to talk to her the most I just sad breakup songs cuz I haven't cried a lot and I'm trying to process it her blues calendar they asked me to send over like cute photos of her throughout the year I was at a restaurant my mom and my sister I was just looking at pictures from the last like two years Matt I thought sorry I ran at his face Matt and I fought a lot as a couple but I think as friends we were so we had so much fun I was talking to him about this movie broke up it's just so sad when you break up with someone I think right now we are not meant to be a couple you have to lose your best friend for you to grow and it just me or do like tears it's really good it just sucks because like the first person that I wanted to talk about are you breaking up with with him know everything about me and I know everything about him and wait I don't even know how you would still be friends after a relationship like how are you supposed to move on I don't think I would be able to move on if we were to EXCI each other every day so oh my god Wow it also sucks cuz when you break up with someone you lose their dog and their mom and their dad the people that you would spend Christmas with every single year and celebrate birthdays with every single year something that I've also been thinking about is I don't like people always are like I think your soul mate Mike this is my soul mate these are my soul mate like and another way that would meet my soul mate but I'm like I don't even know if I believe it so badly do you have a soul mate out there is there just like people that are higher percentages of compatibility to you and lower compatibility to you like everybody's a little bit [ __ ] up like will you ever be satisfied and that's very scary like was Matt my soul mate is my soul mate out there like should I look where like scary because he could be someone and he marries a would how are you supposed to know if they're right for you also yesterday Matt asked me if I got lip injections I was like no I crying all day that's why my lips are big one thing that she always told me she's like Adeline meditation is the type of thing where when you're going through something it's when you don't want to do it the most but it's when you do need to do it the most it's the same with just talking to people but the acceptance was hard I remember when people would ask me what I break up I'd be like you know what the timing was just right like maybe we'll get back together one day if it's meant to be I kept telling myself that over and over and over and over again recovery I feel like recovery was a huge part of my learning about myself my self development my evolution into the new person that I am today - the better person that I try to be every single day so I filmed this segment this is with my life coach Kylie this was fresh out of the break-up I feel like it's even in the acceptance recovery stage where things were very touchy if you brought stuff up I would be emotional about it not really knowing what my life purpose is or what I'm going to be doing in my life coz big my whole life I thought I was gonna be spending with this person and this breakup just like [ __ ] it all up which by the way Kylie calls me a dalinar out of line and I just want to let you guys know I saw that you guys comment in my vlogs and stuff like that they're like you guys are like Kylie you're like what'd you say your name wrong guys my mom and dad called me ed Len my teacher is growing up we'll call me out of line or Adaline I just like I kind of like it feels kind of like Frej I don't know I never correct people when I say it like there's really no right or wrong way of saying my name I just say Adeline it's like Madelyn without the M so don't say anything about the way that Kylie says my name cuz I saw you guys commenting on the blog I couldn't like it okay anyway hey guys so this is my life coach Kylie I'm like how long have we been working together I'm just about a year I believe my way to have my meeting with my life coach right now I like to bring blue in my meetings I just told her that we did two huge things today we bought the condo and we got the car with a bang with a bet you know we were working together for like about a year and the clip that you guys are about to watch this was me fresh out of the break-up it was I think it was a week or two weeks after it was pretty fresh yes I just weeks I remember I was like so emotional during that time and I really wanted to film in like bring you guys through the process of going through a relationship and a breakup and Kylie's helped me a lot through it so Kylie's a life coach maybe you can like discuss like what the difference from like a life coach and a therapist is mhm yes so a life coat or excuse me a therapist is really focused on the past and healing from old wounds and a life coach is focused on moving forward and but many times when you move forward you have to actually go back and visit the past because what prevents you from making progress in your life is typically rooted in the past so like life coaching is sort of an integration of past present and future so typically you know we work on on goals how you're spending your time we do work on you know mental wellness just improving your life and going you know going after your dreams yeah and then sometimes we deal with you know breakups because life happens life happens and we're [ __ ] oh shoot is this Andre Andre oh my god line it ah Kylie's also thinking of doing a YouTube channel so make sure to check her out yeah I'm in Los Angeles County out of all the adolescents that sought mental health treatment we 60% didn't get it so whether they can't afford it they can't they don't have the transportation that they didn't like their therapist so it's just you know think about the people who didn't even ask for help yeah yeah and it's hard to ask for help like I remember when I was in high school like I would ask my guidance counselor for help but it took me so much to like go up there I don't know mm-hmm yeah people start feeling a shame that they're struggling when honestly it's struggling and pain it is like it's a part of a human experience and it doesn't make you weak to ask for support it makes you it makes you strong I was telling unaligned that vulnerability is strength yeah everyone needs a therapist and or a life coach mmhmm yeah truth yeah even Ariana Grande says that she's like I would be a mess without my therapist I don't know and I think it's so nice that people are talking about to happen whoever like isn't able to afford I think I hope that like these videos can help a little bit or help can help you relate or yeah just know that you're not alone and that that it can be temporary and the hard times past yeah it's crazy I feel like I've already changed so much in a couple weeks so time passes I'm just stay strong and ask for support oh he's not a ring but I'm about to have a call of my life coach because she's been helping me a lot just like with my mental health and breaking down like every time I have a breakdown I text her I call her she always calls me back she's like the best but I need my tripod literally going in the snow with no pants oh my god bye oh my god my tripod hello inside found my stuff I'm Tommy got blue let's do this call so we filmed our breakup video um and literally in the breakup video like he was crying and I was crying and he wasn't and I'm like oh my god like people are like think that he's crazier they're like not gonna like him or like feel like I don't know I just like don't want people to hate him but it's just like the way that he processes things like he doesn't process it right away like it takes him a long time to process something like he bottles everything in I don't know or he'll just like ignore problem I don't know emotions really quickly and then sometimes people other people process information really slowly yeah I feel like that's him and he's like gone through so much this year like I don't know what's gonna happen to him like he's like gone through two deaths and then also the breakup of his friend of like five years so I just like I don't know a part of me feels bad but at the same time like he broke up with me and he needs to be in control of his own mental health people - are you like do you want to continue being really busy or do you want to leave in like a little bit more like self-reflection or processing because it's just distractions or of help yeah I think like with the holidays coming up I kind of am forcing myself to be busy like with launches and like a big bear trip and everything like I'm kind of forcing myself to be busy but I'm hoping maybe in January I could like take some time to like cool down and yeah because I was like thinking about a lot and obsessing about it like it just constantly like throughout the day and the person who I was working with at the time suggested that I take even just like 20 minutes 30 minutes a day where I can just sort of stick with the fact of this we had broken up essentially more the relationship because if I'm just obsessively thinking about it or than thinking about this that can just sort of take up a lot of I think I've been almost kind of doing that without realizing it like I did the journaling which helped a lot yeah and like I was doing laundry and there was like this note and it said like it was like months ago and it was like a delay like I love you so much like I hope you know that I'm trying and like it's like forget that I like [ __ ] love you it just like said something like that and I just like saw it in his hamper and I'm like oh my god like I miss him and then I realized all the things that was like going wrong and I'm like I don't know I just like it's easy from you know like remember all of the good things gonna be like oh my god like I really miss him like I want him back like that note and then I don't know I have like a like a note on my phone it's like the pros and cons of Matt and I just look at the cons list and I feel better at it like okay add on you need to relax you know it's just yeah that's like that's exactly how it's been feeling I know and I I have like a closet cuz like I can't get myself to throw out the photos and I literally just pull all of the photos in the notes in the closet and like I don't know let's just yeah so it's like when you're from this and you're just like not even thinking about you know you want to ask you something mm-hmm yeah like yeah he was like a huge part of my life I'm like high school and like starting my youtube like I literally met him when I was like at 300,000 and like I was entering the NYX face awards which is like one of the things that helped me grow my youtube channel yeah and I like we're we're still friends so I like can't get myself to like throw out the photos but like I also can't see the photos every day like when I wake up and like every day in the kitchen and stuff like that I did and decorated at Christmas decorating for Christmas and I ordered these like customs and stockings last year they didn't but it looks like this and I have it for me Lola Matt and blue and like I'm just gonna funny and blue in the vlog but then I just like I knew that there would be comments being like where's Matt Melissa talking like it's like I never responded those comments but guys like I really see them and it really like sucks to see them but just us two I don't know I feel like I always saw comments about like where's Matt where's Lola and it never bothered me like until we broke up and now it's like I don't know it's just very personal and like when we first broke up I wasn't ready and I just like seeing the comments is like the icing on top of the cake I'm ready now and that's why I'm filming when I would see comments about it when I wasn't ready really affected me I don't know we decorated for Christmas do you like it pop yeah when Matt came over on Sunday he was like so I see you took the photos down of me but you kept the ones of Lola and I was like yeah because I love Lola to break up with me I have a Marc Jacobs brand deal they're just doing like an event and I have to be there and then it's just like it's just sad being here by myself like Holly literally comes here like from 9 to 3 and then from 3 to like midnight I'm just twiddling my thumb's like bored think over thinking like facetiming my friends like asking my friends that they're busy my friends are busy and I'm like oh I don't know I just think that when I'm here I just it's just sad because I used to live with him here and it's weird not having him here so I just I don't know I feel like I don't know if it'll be easier to process our breakup in New York in LA but it just like I think it'll just help me like focus on me and like not be in the house that we used to be in and like think about it a lot the environment yeah like even going to the grocery store and like even just like doing the things that we used to do I would look at it and then I would like think of him and it's like I don't know if he feels the same way but like I just like everything that pops up that we did I just like think of him and then I get like sad yeah I think he's sad he just like he doesn't show it and he tries to be like I don't know she tries to be like manly and like this doesn't bother me but I don't really know how he's feeling he's just like been like I feel like before I used to be able to like know his every move I know exactly what he's gonna say like we're always on the same page but now I feel like he's just doing his own or I don't know he's just like we're not on the same wavelength find a way to express itself whether it's an unhealthy or healthy ways yeah yeah sorry I think I want to bring up wasting time she's been thinking about on our breakup video I don't know if I'm gonna like keep it in in our breakup video he he was like I don't know maybe in like a year or five years like we could get back together or something like that and I was like I don't know I feel like when you say that it just like gives people hope and like a kind of gave me hope but there's always the chance that he might meet someone or I might meet someone and want to start a relationship and then we just never get back together and just like I don't know it's just like a gamble no matter what yeah yeah yeah I like I kept thinking about that and I was like oh my god like I probably shouldn't get in a relationship because like what if he wants to get back together but like I don't know I feel like I shouldn't stop myself I don't know I don't plan on going getting into a relationship anytime seems like I'm really excited to be single but like I don't know it's just scary like thinking that he might meet someone and that might be his person or I might meet someone that might be my person it's hard for me to let go of the fact that I don't know part of me thinks that this is like a break but this is like a break up it's like the way that he was saying it and it's what i thus weird thing happened it's like after you sort of heal like the person that you were like obsessing over or like so sad about or you thought me like they're so scared that they would find someone it's so interesting because you when not half answer typically in a place where you don't you're not that affected by it yeah I hope I mean my suggestion would be to just really try it as much as possible keep your thinking in the present moment like going down a path but I do feel like you're ruminating for too long what does ruminating me ruminating means like thinking thinking about something for about something you can when you're starting to sort of spin out you might just want to just keep the might like keep your mind on the time like or there's like a thing where like you I've heard of people I've never done there I've heard look look actually set timer like if they're like feeling it like really bad and they want to allow that feeling because I think I don't I don't want you to subtract your motion I think that's good I come home on next Wednesday one day because I have a hair appointment that day I'm gonna pick up blue and then I'm going to LA the day after so I'm only home for one day Christmas so I think I'll be back December 10th okay yeah alright yeah so I am hopefully gonna get a mortgage pre-approval and hopefully fingers crossed I don't know if it's gonna happen moving to a condo in the city bye I want it to be I literally wanted it to be this month but I don't know because I'm not gonna be home I think you could buy a house without actually being there like uh yeah DocuSign fingers crossed I'll have the condo by the time I get back that way I don't have to like I don't know it's just a B and I can go to a SoulCycle class and I can there's a movie theater and there's so only so many movies that you can watch by yourself yeah Holly saw that on my to-do list she was like a French tutor and I was like Holly you need to understand how bored I am every day and she goes adilyn I literally look at your calendar and I get stressed out for you and I'm like I I don't know I just like I don't know I I'm trying to keep myself busy every second of the day and I don't know if that's okay but I don't know again I think it's a balance right it's like if staying busy helps you then that's okay but then maybe you start that nightly journaling practice mm-hmm I checked out a note though I don't know if I it was a EEMA I emailed you some things to like help you get get through this week you can always you can always do it no worries it's just like a daily self-love plan right because I think that'd be helpful for you it's about like as you're starting more focused on yourself there's a values assessment in there so we can so we can really see what value system you're living by because when your values are in alignment then you're gonna just and you're acting by your values that's when you're gonna feel most authentic and powerful yeah so we can just put that on pause because I know you're gonna be super busy if there's one thing you know you sort of want to address or get out of the rest of the session what would that be I don't even know if I should even talk about this but like I like it on bumble it's like I've been swiping and like I don't know I message like two guys and like they message back but I just like wasn't excited about it I don't know a part of me like wants to rebound and I don't even know if that's healthy but another part of me is like this sucks like all boys suck like there's nothing wrong like even you know kissing a different guy the first time yeah I don't know I'm just like the thought of like having someone to give me attention is exciting but like actually doing it I was like you know I don't know I just felt like weird because I haven't dated in like five years yeah you'll know when you're ready yeah subscriber found my but eliminated it to me and I was like oh my god so I'm I'm curious to like I mean not this really matters at all it just like bothers me a little bit like I did a premiere of my YouTube video so it's like live comments and I was like hey guys how are you enjoying today's video and literally like almost all of the comments were like did Adelaide map break up like guys we shouldn't ask her that because they feel like if she was ready then she would tell us and they were like put Adeline Matt break up like where's Matt like Lowell is there where is Matt and it's like I don't know like it sucks seeing those comments because like I really liked that video and all of the comments were on Matt and I don't know I feel like people like on YouTube they feel like they're entitled to know everything but like both Matt and I really aren't ready yet like I'm scared about the comments and I'm sure that he is too and like as much as I want to say that it doesn't affect me it does like especially when it's something like so personal remembering this right but I'm like 80% sure that his mom took this photo yep um I think that's why it's good that you're waiting because hopefully by the time you post it you'll be ready yeah and maybe like is there a way I guess we can talk about it one when the time comes but just something to think about is there a way that you could post this video and have the perspective that you're just really doing it for yourself and from that and not even read the comments mm-hmm yeah I really like that yeah because yes you're like a public figure but you know you know that you're doing the best thing for you mm-hmm I noticed that you said like you only like when I saw the note like I don't know like it kind of like what you said like it comes in waves like I'll be happy the whole day and then I'll think of like something triggering like his grandma and I'll just like get really sad and I'll start listening to a Spotify playlist about breakup songs are all like Google breakup songs and Spotify and just like start crying in my car and singing really bad I think I feel like I text you like every time like something bad happens I didn't tell you this but I think it was it was the day that he was supposed it was it was Sunday when he was supposed to come here and he was like no I have work and I sent you that video and I freaked out to my dad and he was like I don't you just need to calm down he gave me a hug which was really nice and then time you can incorporate movement when you're like dysregulated it's really going to help move that energy out of your body sure mm-hmm you know it's like that's why sometimes people actually like to do therapy and walk sometimes oh well yeah or like or even going long walks with like their partner something like like these deeper conversations because there's something about that mm-hmm I feel like if I didn't go on that walk I wouldn't have apologized for like freaking out on the phone it's always like yeah when you're dysregulated you these are sort of the questions you want to ask yourself like can I solve this problem right now if you can solve the problem solve it you can't then you have like put it aside and then you ask yourself right you have to know the different levels of friends like handily but you're worse and some friends can ya know and then what do I need to do to regulate that would be the walk and then basically what are my enhancement practices right so enhancement practices are gonna make you more resilient so that would be whatever learning French journaling those are all like enhancement practices okay so I've gotta go we didn't set a goal for this week I don't know if you want to UM I think I'm just like I have a lot going on with New York and Pennsylvania maybe like keep it chill for this week that's that's sort of what I was thinking too and then when I'm home and like able to focus on stuff we can set goals and I'll try I'll go home work this week whenever I've liked time yeah thank you so much for this call and thank you for letting me record it yeah of course any time but I hope you enjoy our little segment like right fresh out of the break-up I mean she's she says that she's gonna mess but our little session it's always like super hard like putting something so vulnerable out on the internet but I hope that like this encourages you guys if you're going through something to ask for help and not be embarrassed to accept that you need to feel like everybody needs a therapist and everybody needs at least a friend to talk to and it feels so good to talk to someone about what you're going through or even just writing it down on a piece of paper helped so much thank you yeah you told me to like write in a journal like all the things that I'm feeling and it just it takes all of the worries and overthinking in your head onto a piece of paper you don't have to think about it anymore hmm it's a very it's a very cathartic and yeah I write all the time well hope you guys enjoyed um we're [Music] last stage which I feel like I'm kind of in the process of getting over the breakup now I feel like for everybody this is very different I feel like especially for guys it's really hard for them to go through these stages because they're spending a lot of time in denial and I saw a lot of your guys's comments you guys are like Matt isn't crying in the breakup video duh you guys don't understand that every single person not even just guys every single person has a different way of coping with stress or trauma or a breakup or whatever and for some people they take longer it take longer in certain periods or stages getting over the break-up I feel like is just a balance of grieving it accepting it thinking about it writing songs about it looking at old pictures looking at old things remembering old memories and being grateful that it happened and being grateful that you got to experience those things and closing the end of a chapter I feel like having an equal balance of focusing on those memories and remembering those memories and being grateful for those memories and also distracting yourself a friend spending time with people that you love whether it's your family your girlfriend traveling traveling made it so much easier at least for me I know that not everybody can do it but even spending time at a friend's house or spending time in a hotel I don't really know get crazy I don't know immediately after Matt and I spoke up I went to New York and I spent time with my friend Haley and it's been so fun I feel like being in the environment that you and that person once we're in it just triggers you and like I remember I would go to the grocery store and I would remember Matt and I grocery shopping all the time and I would get upset and I'd feel so negative and even just being in the house that we were both in and waking up in the bed that we were both once in it's a lot so I don't know just if you're able to spend time away from all everything spending time with girlfriends I went on a trip with my girlfriends and Big Bear it was so fun just distracting yourself and finding yourself and finding what makes you happy having a balance of those two I feel like was so important and I feel like I did kind of a little bit well I don't know we'll see next month everybody goes through a breakup in a different way for some people it takes longer for some people it takes shorter and no matter what going through breakup is gonna suck and it's gonna [ __ ] you up and it's you're gonna cry and you're I don't know maybe you won't cry maybe you'll cry in a year and it won't hit you till a year you'll be in [ __ ] denial for or maybe you'll get through it in like a month it really depends everybody's different use for the stages of my breakup I also just wanted to add to anybody going through a breakup one thing that I know is cliche and I know it's the last thing that you want to hear but everything is going to be okay and you may not see the light at the end of the tunnel but there is I thought that I had my whole life planned I thought that I knew exactly what I wanted in life but sometimes life throws you curveballs and sometimes you're wrong about it and sometimes you have to reevaluate and sometimes I don't know as I said in the first episode I feel like you have to go through the pain or go through the bad in order to appreciate the good I feel like this breakup has showed me that I can be even more independent I learned what I what truly makes me happy and I learned that I can do things for me and not feel bad about it not that Matt would make me feel bad about anything but I can do things selfishly for me for me only and it's completely okay I also realized the relationship that I was very comfortable and now that I look back on I don't know why I allowed myself to get so comfortable in a relationship why I would never work out why I would eat like [ __ ] why I wouldn't be achieving my goals why I wouldn't be pushing myself to achieve my goals not that Matt was holding me back but I was holding myself back because I was so comfortable in the relationship and I was so comfortable in my life been in there good to be comfortable but it's also really fun and inspiring to be uncomfortable and it's so crazy to make yourself purposely uncomfortable to become the best version of you and I feel like that happened to me this year 20:19 holy [ __ ] was a year but you know what I think over the past couple months I've learned more about myself than I have in a really long time and dear whoever is also going through a breakup you got this it's happening for a reason you're transforming into your best most authentic most powerful self yeah a lot of shitty things will happen in yah there's a lot of cons to going through breakup but trust me when I say that there's a lot of pros and you're gonna learn so much and you're gonna be grateful that you went through it and it's keep a journal keep write down everything that you feel it really helps and it really makes a big difference I guess we got this now one thing that really helped me in the process of getting over her breakup something that I've always always always always always wanted to do was go to a psychic and I don't know if I necessarily believe in all of this stuff I know it's crazy I know we've been so deep and so serious and so so much has happened within the past three episodes that I kind of want to end this series off my final episode on a kind of a lighter note looking into the future so next episode I'm going to be going to a psychic we're going to be talking about my future husband my future partner what she sees for me and my future and so much more I've never been to a psychic before I don't really know what to expect like what is gonna happen am I gonna get alert with that I guess I'll see you guys next Sunday so we just finished the reading with Terry I don't even I don't even know what they are so I'm so you
Channel: AdelaineMorin
Views: 590,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2019, adelaine morin, getting over a breakup, stages of a breakup, breakup, unfiltered
Id: bamzNwtILao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 31sec (2911 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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