I only ate YELLOW food for 24 HOURS Challenge!

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[Music] hello welcome to the happiest place on the internet girl my name is adilyn more in it today I'm going to be doing the most requested video on my channel ever I show off the comment it was like my top liked comment on my most recent video and I'm like okay girl you guys back I'm giving it to you today me a little more in the crazy yellow lover is going to be eating only yellow foods for 24 hours I watch other people's videos on this they eat like blue foods for 24 hours they eat baked foods for 24 hours I've also done challenges like I'm wearing only yellow for a week only yellow like this video I'm just like so excited for also a little nervous I don't really know why I feel like there's a lot of yellow foods out there also my company girls fighting girls just had a one-year anniversary lunch Jimmy let's backpack hoodies and sweatpants so make sure to go check it out link will be down below adilyn more calm blues like a video about food I'll be there show you that you don't have to ask me twice but thank you so let's get started if you guys like this we doesn't really give it a like and also make sure to subscribe okay let's go good morning blue we're gonna be eating only yellow foods per day you gotta you gotta wear yellow same with me maybe this is like this literally a bib for a child why oh wow it's so pretty oh my god so cute that's a good pineapple we'll take off your necklace has an alpha change here's my outfit of the day today I tried to make an effort to wear yellow because that we're gonna be only yellow so it's for 24 hours wearing my girls pretty girls hoodie shop like it buy out a delivery comm eye coochie belt short from forever 21 and platform shoes okay let's go one potato two potato three potato I brought my friend Holly because I was scared that I was gonna have some other food within 24 hours like Kay because there's so many foods at the Starbucks that I wrote down a bunch of yellow food we could get for today I think we should starting with breakfast like Starbucks but they definitely have like a mango refresher or something like that I've never tried it but like okay so we made it to Starbucks and I just realized how easy this challenge will be because literally anything like fried is yellow fries are yellow like egg bites are you I don't have a query survivor like Jesus yellow this is so easy high five high five dad we got this challenge in the bag okay okay so I went in with the impression that I was gonna get a mango refresher because apparently there's like a yellow pink trigger like a yellow version of the pink drink someone is apparently told me thank you for trippin Starbucks are there and you are in a second get started food today hi um do you guys have like a mango refresher yeah the mango dark fruit yeah is that yellow no it's like oh and it turns out it's actually with dragon fruit and it's pink I like actually then I might get that I think there was like a lemonade thing on the screen it was like iced peach lemonade I think you're like a crazy person asking the Starbucks lady like what is the yellow drink can I get the peach alright um can I get it in a grande and can I get the egg bite so they can but egg white are they go yellow I literally feel insane for asking if the egg is yellow we have the egg white and it's just the egg one um maybe I'll get the I'll get the ham and cheddar one I'm ENGLISH idiot okay right hand window Thanks okay thank you but this is so easy I feel like I would eat this already who's like yes oh I should get her a puppet Chino I'm so sorry baby it's not yellow though I'm sorry we're in this challenge together this reminds me way too much of the letting the person in front of me decide my meal okay here we go thank you so we get to the window I like Oh Dora the Explorer map vision goggles on there's a yellow drink and I'm like am I being pranked right now is someone getting the same exact food as in front of me like two challenges in one how did I just realized that there's two I see my drink I see two of them so we're like in front of me decide what I eat challenge yeah ciao inception but now thank you thank you you too who's the person - I'm a young are they something they don't have a camera I can't tell you that they've like tinted Holly and I ended up getting the same drinks yo this is so good you feel like a bagel I feel like it's basically yellow - yeah that's faster yellow this is the easiest I was a little scared because like I like lemonade I had like green tea in it and then peach I was like oh I don't know about this combo it just tastes like a really like peachy lemonade I think it's really good but it was actually really good and it matches my hoodie now for the egg buy booze I oh I'm interested in the egg bite like these are yellow I'm actually obsessed the lady was so confused when I was like are they I think she was like asking if they iced they have like the yellow yolk yeah um please no egg white eat that right now I want it to be yellow I think of Chinese boy is really good literally watching the eggs I don't think I would get it ever again it's a good like quick snack and it has protein in it so but I don't know it just don't really love the eggs ice they taste a little bit plastic a to me open my mouth since you're doing the challenge with me what do you think good yes I love this challenge this one is so easy breakfast complete so McDonald's is so close to those like cake girl we're going at McDonald's for lunch almost advertisements literally every single food is yellow what is yellow at McDonald's literally everything you've literally gone up this red and yellow but a Papa easiest challenge ever there's just like there's like this line like it is it yellow is it brown is it orange so I think I'm just gonna get fries for now and then we could go to Target and like we can get actual snacks from Target everybody loves McDonald's fries I had to get McDonald's fries hi can I get a large fries and then Oh yellow God's heard me right in front of me I see a huge sign oh my god I just saw there's like a yellow smoothie right here at the Mojave Desert with a yellow drink on it and my photo I mean that drink it was signed from the yellow gut it would be disrespectful to not listen to the yellow god okay oh my god and I already ordered but we see if I can try and get it hi I know that it already ordered but what I'll be able to get the mango slushie thank you with enough good straw but that is looking as we have reusable straws at home we get a jig we get the fries cheese bomb you can't go wrong with McDonald's it was a dark and stormy night waiting in the target parking lot I wanted to try the McDonald's fries and I think they said this is like a pineapple mango smoothie and it's like shoot the pasta yellow we love that she's like so perfect mmm this tastes like you gonna try sure it is gonna like a dull whip knockoff kind of it's gonna good yeah I really taste the mango yeah me too it's good though tentative Ted McDonald's I want to add to the lunch so we rise Harvey right now I kind of pick up a couple things I have a list Oh yellow it everywhere blue I mean it's all good I can't wait definitely new part oh wow we got it something yellow in our car blue this is super easy this is just at the front macaroni and cheese dinner I like anything cheese what kind of work from your smelly there you go oh wow you look so pretty so ready okay we're in the food section they have right yellow chipped it we could also get I feel like it's our Doritos yellow are they orange this whole video is a question is it yellow or orange or brown I kind of want I'm kind of craving like cheese's juicy fruit beep stop it imagine they had all yo I know it's like the worst like starburst flavor but like that would be so perfect I guess we could get this in kind of tore through it this are you kidding it's a little pineapple oh definitely okay oh my god all of the snack are yellow do you think it's like a kid thing like you're attracted to the color yellow all of the stacks are yellow let's get cheese it move stop it I've never seen this before lemon flavored Oreos like it's yellow on the inside of the Oreo things like the classic but I don't really know this is like yellow yellow or like whitish so Halle was like what if we got the veggie straws but sorted through um cuz they're more yellow I think that's a move but what do you want cheddar or seesaw popper cheddar yeah popper sea salt yeah Oh popper cheddar no popper sea salt yeah out of all the popcorns very yellow I hate butter popcorn I think it's cuz not always as way too much butter and I like now I don't like it in vitamin water everything here is like mango flavor you can meet Bujji LA girls and get like oi does I can you say it like wha she got say blue which one should we get mangoes are by far the best fruit girl she's yellow boop bop yellow lemon I'll get this one I also just realized for dinner if you don't like mac and cheese you can always get sue chicken noodle soup is all yellow yellow blue can we put anything I don't think you put mustard on anything huh he's like wait let me make sure yeah we don't need it I would say this is a pretty successful yellow shopping trip at this moment I realize I regret everything commuter car with your dog is so scary with all of the yellow foods that you can smush and step on I'm like this is gonna be the eating Brown food for 24 hours because I'm about to smush all the bananas just to merge all the lemons and switch all the mango [Music] it's been successful it's like you want the easy puppy to work with denied for good measure we'll add a lemon bar [Music] over the yellow so we leave to the tutorial we carry all my bags real Holly and I are like we're not taking two trips we carry everything and we're like you liking it up my apartment and I like girl I had the best idea I'm like what if I put everything in bowls to make it aesthetically pleasing and we got all of the food all laid out I think okay before anything I want to separate anything that's not yellow from this pile so we have the veggie stress which we should probably start out there's like green orange and yellow we're only going to be a yellow one and then starburst there's pink yellow orange red only eating the yellow ones would you buy them we also have like these we don't like yellow ones are the worst okay so we ate all of them except for the yellow there's like some orange in here too but for the lunch snack I think we should start off with those that was so satisfying [Music] okay so they have I think it's a lettuce tomato and potato oh my god all of the yellow ones together they cut I realize they kind of look like fries like big bubble surprise they have a little bit of like an orange powder on it but I think it's because of the cheese one that blue picks I think everything looks really satisfying you bowl so I'm gonna put everything in bowls [Music] [Music] oh god I just put everything in the balls in the nothing is more satisfying than separating the starburst colors in two categories are separating the chips in two categories of I owe some ASMR visual aids Ammar tethered attend recommend just look at the brother interview roll clips [Music] [Music] behind-the-scenes of those dramatic shots blue is really living your best life meeting all of these chips these snacks these bananas these mangoes he's everything she's I I'm a full girl I'm the full Tommy Maggie I want you to react to all of my yellow food like you gonna do a collab with Adeline for this and do yellow Meg did eating only blue foods do anything yeah this is all the time eating for 24 hours plus some mac and cheese for dinner but we'll show you guys that later all right we just finished lunch which we have so many leftovers and I have to eat it through dinner too for dinner I wanted to make something that's also yellow so I know chef boyardee over here I don't really know how to cook that well normally mad cooks every meal so I'm like you know what I know how to make a sandwich in cereal that's really sad I don't I need to take a baking class mac and cheese so I put on my Chef Boyardee hat I have my little chef boyardee robe on I have my little mustache I'm a I'm ready ratatouille in my hat pulling my hair making the meals on my gasps hey crab dinner coming right up nothing cheese come on I can choose a tutorial III oughta learn more eating only yellow food for 24 hours okay the water is boiling boil water done stir in macaroni cook 78 minutes sounds easy enough to me Matt's gonna watch us and left because I sometimes don't even know how to make Maggie its to be like cooks every meal gender stereotypes we don't know them I never cook oh my god okay so eight minutes timer let's go she said didn't need lathe or okay the timer went up the mac and cheese she looks ready I'm scared of this is gonna be more orange than yellow but honestly you can make an exception for mac and cheese y'all say and like it's like the same color as my sweater and my Twitter's I'm the yellow okay we drained her now we're adding that yellow no I'm filming eating yellow for 24 hours Andres atcha everything yellow is bad for you but I just showed him my heart healthy snack stupid also yellow there's no takers I'm adding my cheese oh my god curry would be so good okay I think it had like water in it so it's more yellow than it is orange success oh yeah this looks so good it's like epic ever cuz it's so hot oh you want some mac and cheese tilts ear Holly good some magazines your legs cheers to 24 hours last meal of the day that hit the spot also mac and cheese is always a move who's gonna have a little bit of mac and cheese you know what I realize would be a super easy challenge eating only brown fruits or 24 hours chocolate like anything fried bread potatoes everything everything would be like I'm seeing coffee that would be such an easy challenge I thought it was done the video but thirsty let's have some pineapple juice as if I didn't already have enough yellow drinks beep boop bop whoa this is the perfect ending to an eating only yellow for 24 hours video I think the only thing that would make it better is if we got the Dole Whip you know from Disneyland there's just whoo oh no it's like pineapple ice cream but I'm like girl we're not driving all the way to Disney Legends for this video we need a higher production budget here to go to Disneyland and get a dull wit we could just imagine it the best ice cream ever if you guys think I missed out on anything good then let me know in the comments down below but I didn't have butter Samaki is even reading the damn instructions I forgot the butter but you know what she still tasted pretty fine I didn't realize and Holly didn't realize since she tasted it either so I'm like what can he do I thought it still tasted good I didn't notice oops but I also forgot to show you guys um we had yellow butter but we didn't use her let me know if you know any other yellow food items and if I should do this again with more yellow food items blue sure love this challenge didn't you baby a full day of eating snack girl one that continues well blue and I hope you guys enjoy oh that was a sassy little brat juice me after all this next you fall asleep in the video after all this really quickly I wanted to show you guys my company you davao del amor in a k-8 girls squealing girls just watch this weekend our one-year anniversary like huge lodge so we have a brand new website Couture so this is the old girls pointy girl sweater and this is the brand new one so she has the custom stripes that go all the way around the sweater obviously blues on it leave the girls bleeding girl type it's the golden yellow and it's to match it oh this is my favorite piece of the collection these golden yellow sweatpants with the custom stripes all the way around it blue in the little bucket and I actually actually the best part about this goes for girls another booty it says girls pretty girls it has like a little pocket and I'm obsessed so then they're the comfiest I'll show you the inside the comfiest material ever oh you know and I wore these in Hawaii so don't judge how dirty they are I having through the QT like the cutest costume items that I've ever made in my collection they're mini backpacks and grow up they she fits a lot in her surprisingly like I went hiking I had like my phone my portable charger this is the inside like my wallet my food like literally a menu water bottle my room key like random receipts trashley baby fit everything I'm obsessed I'm in love these are just like the samples if you guys enjoyed today's video thank you guys so much for watching make sure to go check out my vlog it'll be linked down below where I do a Monday to Friday daily vlog sometimes we skip a few days make sure to follow me on Instagram it's out of the Morin and blue on Instagram it's at my Freddy named blue yeah let me know any other yellow foods that you guys think that I miss down below that I should definitely do it in fact if you want me to do another one if you made it all the way here make sure to give this video a like and also make sure to subscribe and make sure that you have your notifications on but every day so much and I'll see you this in my neck we CLE video every Sunday I love you guys bye Oh have a beautiful match go into this okay [Music] you
Channel: AdelaineMorin
Views: 641,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2019, adelaine morin, channel, video, lifestyle, i ate only yellow food, i ate only, yellow, food, 24 hours challenge, challenge, 24 hours
Id: mG7qsA7FDVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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