Getting Out Of A Boatload Of Problems - Pastor Nicole Crank

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so there's this guy he needed a job you just looked at Florida and he's in sales well he gets a job at this all-encompassing department store everything in the world under one roof fills manager says take your first day at work I'll check in with you at the end the day will school see if you got a job or not the end of the first day comes to he says son would you sell he said I had one sale he said you had one sale I our salespeople they have 20 or 30 sales how much was your one sale kid says well it was $100,000 manager says okay now we're talking tell me about this lawn sale he said well I got the guy's small fish hook and absently needed a medium one then we talked about a large fish hook and I said both you got three fish hooks don't you need a fishing rod so we got him a fishing rod I asked him where he wanted to go fishing and he said off the coast I said well you're gonna be off the coast don't you need a boat so we walked down with the boat Department I sold him a twin-engine boat I asked him how he's going to get that boat to the coaster you got a car that'll pull it he said no I know so I walked him the automotive apartment I sold him before about four and that's how I got $100,000 sales manager says all that and a guy came in for a small fish hook he said oh no sir he didn't come in for a small fish hook he came in for a crock-pot you see his mother-in-law was coming to spend the weekend and I said sir your week is shot you need to go fishing [Laughter] there are different kinds of problems and some of them require fishing and some of them require a boat how many of y'all would say you got a boatload of problems how many got boatload of problems got relationship problems work problems money problems can't sleep problems waking up at night problems health problems we just we got problems and sometimes we think man why do i why do I have all these problems well you know even Jesus had problems you just betrayed him and Peter denied him John the Baptist was jealous of him and the Jews wanted to stone him 5,000 people got hungry and somehow that was his problem he needed money to pay his taxes and had to look to a fish to make that happen the six are broken though the hurting and people who came to him and somehow he had to build a staff team out of those people to change the world how many of you know Jesus had problems what I love a man I love how cuff and you guys are so that come on you just do it because you're good at it I like it the thing I love about Jesus is he never let problems stop him and I think that's where we get stuck sometimes as we get stuck in the problems and we let them stop us right there a lot of times we don't move on things because it doesn't hurt bad enough we stay where we're at we stay in the situation we don't do what it takes to change the situation we just complain about it say how awful it is sometimes invite God to change it but we don't really do anything to help God change it like God bring me more money PS I'm not getting a job and then we get frustrated with God because he doesn't do it or we get stuck in the problem and we kind of invite get got in but we don't necessarily work with him all the way and then we start to think time are you able to do this well I have good news for your voice a good news well then there's good news here's what the good news news is John 16:33 Jesus is talking the bad part of it is in this world you will have tribulation trouble problems so as Christians our life does not suddenly become rainbows and unicorns it never rains on my parade because I'm a Christian and it is sunshine everywhere I go no no that's not the problem or that's not the promise problems are going to come but here's the promise right after that Jesus and substance but take heart I have over combed the world no matter what problem comes no matter what the situation is no matter what happened to Jesus all the way from he was hungry to crucifixion Jesus is not a wimp my friends he was a carpenter he was physically strong emotionally strong he is spiritually strong he is the son of God he is your brother and he is your Gateway to the throne room yeah but I can't relate to Jesus's kind of problems he didn't have my kind of problems oh really he didn't because I remember one time and Mark 11 it says that Jesus was hungry how many y'all hungry okay those you aren't give me two seconds fried chicken and your grandma's kettle Oh pot black coal iron iron skillet with the lumpy mashed potatoes and the white gravy that corn with the seasoning just right and then your favorite pecan coconut cream chocolate back berry cobbler pie y'all hungry now I feel you often so Jesus is hungry like hangry hungry and he walks up to this fig tree and she goes to pick a fig the problem with the season that he was picking the fig it would be like me trying to pick an apple in North Dakota in January how many of you know that's not the time that's just not the time so he goes to pick a fig and even though it's not the time he curses the tree and there's like a hole deep message there about how Jesus expects us to bear fruit even in the lives and the seasons that we don't expect we should be bearing fruit like that the whole thing so he goes to bear the fruit or he goes to pick the fruit it's not there so what does he do he curses the tree she died who told you Jesus was going to wimp right we want to we want to have Jesus on our side because he's going to say that same thing to the enemy when we have a problem with them he's going to look at the enemy and say cursed you and Doc so the first thing Jesus does when he has a problem is he curses the problem everybody cursed it so not not like four-letter word curse that y'all really know you speak to that problem and you put it back where it belongs and it belongs in the pit of hell it doesn't belong in your life so then the next thing he does is he goes on about his business he's spoken to the problem he expects his word to not return to avoid like it says in Isaiah and as he comes back the next day the disciples start freaking out they're like Jesus that tree that you cursed obviously country today I don't know how I did it jesus said tree that you cursed it is dead not like the leaves are wilted dead like the leaves are gone they're blown off it's dried up it's about to fall over double dogs triple dog dead Jesus and he's like yeah I know it is and then he comes to these hallmark scriptures mark 11:22 through 26 they are hallmark scriptures of faith and I want you to mark that get your Bible out and mark it up I want you to paint it yellow green purple your mark the page and write on it and if you didn't bring your Bible to church today we give them out free when you get safe here because we want you I know we put on the screen but I want you to bring your Bible and here's why a well-marked Bible will save your life you're going to be like they talked about this one thing and it's going to be that dog-eared page and you're not going to remember where it was but it's going to be the part that was all marked up in church and that will teach you to mark it up in your prayer time and that will allow God to speak to you things and you'll come back and you'll be like oh I remember when God was talking to me about that and it'll bring you so much closer to God well this is one of these passages that you can't live without and as he's with the disciples and they're freaking out about the dead tree he says mark 11:22 he says guys have faith have faith in God you see that's the second point on how we deal with problems when we curse the problem and two we gotta have faith and God that he's handling it he says have faith in God and then mark 11:23 he says for whosoever now I just want to pause on that word and ask you a question well then online TV Facebook Sunset Hills oh yo y'all let me ask you I want to see your hand in the air if you qualify as a whosoever whosoever so does whosoever include Christians this whosoever includes sinners so here's a Tom that might freak you out does whosoever include atheists shows whosoever whosoever me whosoever it says so whosoever shall say shall say into the mountain so they speaking to the problem it's cursing the problem mountain you be removed and you get into the sea you tell that problem where to go and how to get there without missing any word and so much doubt in his heart but believe those things which he says shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he says that is it all right there it's cursed the problem speak to the mountain room about where to go and then have faith in God over that thing you know what I love about it he tells the mountain where to go and he tells the mountain to go to a place that it will sink into the sea and nobody will even notice that there was a mountain there in the first place when you move the mountain it doesn't hurt anybody else when you curse the problem it doesn't hurt anybody else you can even be speaking over a person enemy that's speaking into your life and you can curse what they're doing to you without cursing the person right and he will help you remove that problem and it will cast in the sea not the person the problem becoming out of the person amen don't make anybody concrete boots this is the pirate series there is no real point walking happening but their problem will be put into the sea but we have to have faith everybody say have faith and God wants us to have faith not only for our own lives but he wants us to have enough faith where we can literally deal with other people's boat loads of problems it's not all about us Jesus did that a lot of times he would walk right into somebody's boatload of problems and get right in the boat he did that when he first met Peter you see they didn't know each other yet and Jesus was preaching and so many people came they kind of kept backing him up to the water and so now he's like oh they're pushing me into the water and they can't hear me any see Peter and he sees the boat now Peter had a bad day at the office friends he'd been fishing all night didn't catch anything that means no money for his family it means no food for his family he's hungry he's tired he just watched his nets and he's ready to lock up for the day you ever had a bad day at work with hair on it you didn't even want to talk to your family even that's for Peter was that right about that time Jesus is sir I needed to use your boat he's like oh I'm not a boat texting man he's like no and this is not like a literal translation it's nichole translation and he says no I need to use your boat and I need to use it for free and I need to use it right now and Jesus literally just climbs into his boat I think I have to take my shoes off so I don't pop this boat is okay if I preach barefoot so the only preacher did this in town today that's all right it only gets weirder so he gets into the boat with Peter and he starts speaking to the people and he speaks for like three hours like I'm going to do today Yeah right we're hungry remember we're hungry and so but Peters my bro and tired Jesus finally finishes up and Jesus looks at Peter about that time he's like I wanted a home long time ago you took a free boat ride you kept me here all day let's go home and he said hey bro before you go I want you to take your net and put them out on the other side of the boat and go fishing Peter says sir you don't know nothing about fishing and it's funny how we tell God he didn't know anything about what we're going through or how to fix it kind of like when we have financial trouble and God's like hey I need you to tithe and you're like God you don't know nothing about my financial situation because you wouldn't ask me to spend any more money you'd be sending some hits close to home doesn't it you see the way God tells us the fixed problems doesn't usually make sense in the natural the way he tells us to fix problems makes sense in the supernatural which is an area we can't see 1st Corinthians said we operate in the unseen we have to believe in the unseen not the seen walk by faith and not by sight 1st Corinthians 5:7 so he operates in the unseen and so Peter says sir you fish during the night not during the day we fished all night and the fish aren't biting and my nuts are finally washed and put up so aunt wrong answer and Jesus says I know you're telling me that of all your problems you see he rehearsed the problems in that what we do let's press pause right there and let's go back to mark 11:23 for a minute why not rehearse the problem why not tell everybody how bad it is oh you don't know how bad it is in my marriage I mean they're just so mean to me she's just wax and he's hormone medication guy say does it work for real I know what to do and she's like he just never says he loves me and just treats me like an object and we're just roommates well there's this word this little tagline let a face Church we put on the end of the statement to see if it's a faith statement or not and it's and that's the way I want it she's just whack she's got hormone problems she's never going to straighten out a mess the way I won he treats me like an object he doesn't love me anymore and we're just roommates and that's the way I start to see a problem with that my grandpa died my uncle died my grandma died my mom died all the same thing I got it so I'm probably going to die of it too and that's the way I worked so hard all day and all night and I've got two jobs and now I got three jobs and I just I never make enough money to pay the bills and that's the way I you see instead of Kirsten the problem or Kirsten the solution we tell God about the problem problem problem problem Peters telling can problem problem problem and you can't fix it God and Jesus like if you will rely on me and listen to what you think does it make sense to fix your problems so Peter finally puts the net off on the other side of the boat in the middle of the day when the fish aren't biting and he pulls up the single biggest net load of fish that he has ever pulled out of the water in his life you know the cool thing about God is he can take what seems like the biggest problems in our life and turn them into the biggest blessings so there's other things that happen to we don't always get into other people's boat loads of problems sometimes we invite problems into our boat there are a couple pirates and a Jesus around here that could help me out I'm sure every Church in the world has these hanging around hey guys so what happens in our lives is sometimes how many of you can admit you may have possibly invited a problem or two onto the vessel of your life you see we get to look in at different things that happen and hey guys guys I'll see y'all oh that's good that's good so I'm going to need your help I need you I don't need y'all to necessarily say anything because I don't think they can hear you but I need you to like shake your head yes or shake your head no and you're just gonna be my no guy okay okay so um hey you're kind of cute huh huh you treat women good you know you are you got job you're a pirate are you sad about this are you sad about this I'm go so is telling show them you ain't sad about this you treat women right you ever want treat women right you gonna treat me right you got a job you gettin a job you gonna stop partying if we get together but you're cute and I'm lonely get my boat now guys your questions would have been like girl you gonna act straight you want to take care of me you're gonna love me am I gonna be the only man in your life you're going to take care of our kids and love our family and she's like no and I ain't even gonna take my medicine [Laughter] so I'm not this is not a man haters Club okay this is just making a point so let's move on to occupation oh my gosh I got this deadbeat boyfriend he's got six kids and we got to feed the kids he doesn have anywhere though they moved in I need more money I need more money I need more money you just say yes everything I say hey you got a job available they can't tell them you got a job Val cool um are you gonna make me work overtime you don't tell me about our are you gonna have a benefit package that you canceled on me are you going to like yell at me when things don't go right even though it's not my fault but I need a job you promised me a salary right but you plan on making a commission only after I get there you know what I need the promise of this job can you get in my boat you see God will reveal things to our hearts and we'll have this little tiny scratching down and like the pit of our stomach and the back of our our consciousness you ever had one of those you ever ignored it hmm you ever wish you to listen that's how we invite pirates onto our phones and what we start doing is is we start having a pie up full of anxiety and fear and guilts and bitterness and an aggravation and hurt and they're supposed to be loved and there isn't and then we're like God Jesus Jesus I need your help Jesus can you get in my boat please I mean I can't I can't make room Jim can you please get in my boat I can't make room that I can't do it I mean I can't get out of the boat I just need you to get Jesus I literally I'm asking you please handle my problems please handle buffer I knew Jesus didn't work you see we don't make room for God and we don't we don't give him an opportunity truly and then we blame him for not fixing the problems in our life and God is in heaven saying I need you to make room for me in your life I need you to make room how do i how do i make room make room and then I cannot grow those relationships those deep relationship people who will pray for you people who will counsel you people who will love you people who will lift you up growth track private study time giving room for him to speak to our heart and give us that direction by peace that he wants to give us so badly make room how make room by actually being uncomfortable enough like the dog you see there's a lady and she's acting like a chicken so her husband takes her to psychiatrist and they get the office and she's literally all around the office the psychiatrist is like wow how long has she been like that guy says two years he's like why did you wait two years to bring her to me he said we needed the eggs sometimes we need the eggs so bad I just need that love and I mean I can't quit this job because I mean last one I took this job but wasn't I expected that's how the next job is going to be we need the eggs so bad we sit there like the dog and we whimper on the porch but we don't make the room to move in our life Ephesians 4:27 it says do not leave room do not make room do not give place depending on which translation for the devil what is the devil the devil is anxiety instead of peace it is fear instead of faith it is bitterness instead of happiness and I'm if I'm describing the feelings that you're having in your life right now I'm telling you there are pirates in your boat and it's time from that you and I tell these pirates that they need to get out I'm scared of being alone and I don't want you to leave me but I can't be treated this way anymore in my life I am a godly woman and you got to go you and your kids you're not my problem they're not my children you're just going to have to find somebody else to support you because it's not my job by the way that pop can ring you gave me and one everywhere consent go never even married me in the first place living in my house and you you know what you made promises that you did not keep I'm going to go and I'm gonna believe somebody else is telling the truth I've got to go you're gonna have to find somebody else to be your sucker you get out I'm going to get a good job one word somebody treats me like a person one word somebody doesn't lie to me plumber somebody believes in me and I have opportunities that done can't be talked no more empty promises and then we make room here's what we have to make room because Jesus is a gentleman he doesn't force his way into our life we have to invite him but to invite him we have to make room for him everybody say make room you know there's a girl on staff here named Adrienne she's been on staff six years and about two years ago she came up to me and she said hey mom I she's not my daughter on her spiritual mom she says hey mom I need you to pray for me I'm feeling this stirring in my soul to move to Dallas and I said we don't have a church in Dallas and she said I know that's why it's weird can you pray with me I was so proud of her for not just hearing some random voice and deciding it with God you see that's what I hear people do a lot of time so come and talk to me in the lobby and say hey God told me and they'll tell me something and immediately there's this like feeling I'm going to puke in the pit of my stomach and I just know that is so far from God that's the devil trying to get pirates in your boat but we hear a voice and it sounds like what we want to hear he told me he loved me so I put him in my boat sweetie he's lying to you he just wants your money want me to take care of him and his kids we decide it's God we invite him on the boat but we have to make room so she was she asked me to pray and I did about eight weeks later she said you get anything I said no I didn't and she waited like eight more weeks she took my clothes she said hey did you get anything yet I said I did and you're not going to like it she's like what do you mean I said sweetie I prayed and prayed and prayed and I cannot get peace in my heart about you moving to Dallas I would never hold you back for any reason but I can't get piece of my heart about you going and she listened she said well if my spiritual mom doesn't have peace I'm not going and she listened but I don't know as a few weeks month or so a month or two later we she helped us with events and she went to the West Palm Beach campus to help us with an event and there was this guy on staff down there playing the keyboard named Daniel they started flirting suddenly Daniel needed a transfer to the st. Louis campus Daniel transfers up to the st. Louis campus and Friday I have a picture these two just got back from there Oh got back from their honeymoon and the enemy dissatisfaction things aren't right a change is coming almost cost her to put pirates in her boat and miss the blessing of her husband she's 32 years old she was ready for her husband she thought maybe he was in Dallas but he was around the corner you see the enemy saw her blessing around the corner and tried to keep her from it so we have to invite Jesus Jesus would you please join me like a gentleman in my boat we have to make room for the blessing and this is my closing story here's why in second Kings floor there's a widow she loses everything she's get some big debt and they want to take her two sons to pay the debt and they try to take the two son make them slaves not like work at McDonald's I work too hard I feel like a slave no like legitimate they don't feed you they lock you up they tell you what they work you until you die and throw you away slaves I can't imagine what would break a mother's heart more so she goes to the man of God Elijah and she said Elijah what am I going to do well she went to Elijah a prophet in the Old Testament a man of God you and I live in the New Testament which is after Jesus died Jesus made a way jesus close the gap we can go directly to God to the throne of grace amen but the answer the Prophet gave her he says what does this have to do with me and what do you have in your house I'm like foo that wasn't very nice but it was so true you see God tells us hey I gave you money I just asked for the time hey I gave you time I just asked for you to spend some of it with me I gave you legs in a car and opportunity I want you to spend some of it worshipping with me I gave you a relationship but you won't connect with other Christian and develop strong Christian relationships what do you have in your house I've already given you your miracle so she says all I got in the house is this will they cruse of oil I don't know what I'm going to do that prophet says if that's all you've got that's what God wants now you and your son should go borrow every vessel from everywhere you can find whether it's a Tupperware a coffee can I don't care if it's a urinal or a pot or a pan you get that vessel and you get it back to your house close the door so she did that thing and he said now you four out that oil you pour does she support out this and into this he said pour out the oil and don't stop so she goes to pour out the oil and the first pot fills up and the second pot fills up and the coffee can fills up and the stew pot fills up and the pan fill up and the Tupperware fill up she's like boys keep bringing me more keep bringing me bring me more and she's a bring me more and they're like we don't have any more and that's when the oil stopped you see the blessing will flow as long as we make room but as soon as we're out of room the blessing stops what she should have done friends what she should have done is she should have gone and she should have sent her son to one town and her other son to another town and covered that town herself and not gotten the pots from one town she should have gotten the pots from three towns because God would have continued to bless her as long as she had made more room for the blessing I want to ask you today for in how much room are we making for the blessing in our life there was enough oil to pay off her debt and get her sons back and it said and some to live on I believe God's perfect III xx Ephesians 3:20 a seemingly abundantly above all we can ask think or imagine I believe God's plan was not a little believe on I believe it was enough to stain them the rest of their life so children and their children's children that's the kind of God we serve he doesn't want to solve our problem he wants to bless our socks on and I believe that that is what God wants for you today thank you very much Jesus we appreciate your help with every head bowed and every eye closed if you've got problems maybe even a boatload in your life would you just lift your hand so I know who I'm praying for and that is like 95% of everybody so don't feel alone I want to pray for you on Facebook on television and Wheldon spring campus our other campuses online I want to pray for you right now god wants to do something in your life you're here on purpose you're here for a reason this is not an accidental connection this is God telling you I want room in your life and I have a plan to bless you beyond your expectation but I need you to listen to me and follow what I tell you to do father God in the name of Jesus we incline our ear to you and we listen to the words that you give us God we can see the pirates' that have been in our boat eating away at our happiness our peace our joy the things causing the stress the anxiety the overwhelmingness some of it is pride and self caused and other of it we got know a boatload of problems that weren't ours but no problem is too big for you right now I just make room we make room and we start pushing out those things that we should never allow it in we curse the problem not the solution and we start saying in faith I know my god is big enough I know my God is strong enough I know my God is resourceful enough and God in heaven I ask you to pour out your blessing and pour out your favor and pour out your wisdom pour out your direction and pour out your Redemption and pour out your restoration and pour out your healing and pour out your prosperity God we ask you to just pour out on that as we make room to receive your blessing in Jesus name we pray amen and a man was all right for today
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 3,439
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Keywords: Nicole, Faith Church, Problems, WPB, Florida, Missouri, Nicole Crank, Pastor Nicole, faithchurch, best church, st louis, funny preacher, beautiful preacher, woman preacher, hi god, money problems, marriage problems, mother-in- law problems, health, kid problems, career problems, mental problems, tax problems, weight problems, have faith, boat
Id: Wckth31_224
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
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