Getting a scammers REAL NAME and telling it to him!

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i don't really understand that's what people like you know you know what that sanjeev guy does all day do you know what he does the sanjeev guy the sanjeev guy you know he he he sits on the phone sanjeev yeah sanjeev kumar meena he he sits on the phone all day um and he pretends to be amazon and they call people's numbers and they leave this voicemail saying that forty dollars has been charged from their amazon account um and then they actually scam them once they get somebody who doesn't realize that it's a scam and it's not actually amazon that's a really bad thing too that's messed up isn't it it's really bad it's screwed up that is indeed indeed yo guys what is up scammer of vaults here bringing you guys the first video of 2021. now in this video i actually get the scammer's name and some of his information off of his computer because he's using his personal computer to scam people which is just insane that's what happens here but the video is gonna kind of start at a different spot it's gonna start with the first call because basically i made a first call and i got hung up on by that guy but i think it's kind of funny to see what happens and then this second call where i got get the actual scammer's name and stuff it's actually pretty long because this internet is so short so the second call is gonna start to where i'm already connected to them and i'm about to delete all of his files that's what you're seeing in the background right now is basically just me downloading all this stuff because his internet was so bad so i hope you guys enjoy this video if you can watch the whole video and tell me what you guys think in the comment section below um and if you like this video like i said give it a thumbs up but other than that i will see you guys in the next one peace click on accept i want you to close you have to just click on accept yes just accept it and reopen okay i did that and it says the waiting thing again we have no chicken oh now there's oh now there's a mouse on my screen yes i'm doing it for you the website yeah okay um do i have to do it in google again or can i do a different browser you can do it on google [Music] do you think i'm a mad i mean i delete your [ __ ] so yeah you're pretty stupid [ __ ] off us what are you gonna do about it little [ __ ] any of my current orders on amazon yeah definitely you can use your amount whatever how whatever you like to do with your month like because i have some orders that i made is this going to affect any of those orders oh so first we will diagnose it and i will let you all the things what you have to do or what you don't have to do okay yeah first we have to diagnose it okay okay sorry you know i'm asking like so many things i just really wanted to make that sure you know um uh-huh i can't understand through definitely i'm very uh i'm very kid you know because of uh you know yeah don't worry just give me a couple of moments okay so that we can connect you with the software after that my team will give you a call okay you don't have to worry okay hello yes sir it's um i'm here so your name is sanjeev okay give me a moment wait hello okay yeah it's my name i have a picture of you here you have a pub g server oh wow look at all this stuff hello yeah i'm online so yeah so can i ask you why you why are you scamming people i'm not scamming anyone okay are you sure because i i think what you guys are doing here um is running a scam no it's true are you sure definitely so so if i had a picture of you that that'd be fine okay because i think this is your picture here you got a couple pictures here which one's you that's not my picture located raja you have some files here some pub g server stuff some documents is this a certificate from a university wow so you went to university to learn how to scam oh my gosh he just hung up let me show you guys this let me show you we got this raja in in klsk written a bunch of times what is this sanjeev kumar and then raja this is what i i think is him because this guy looks young um he has like a minecraft water bottle he has a bunch of random stuff on here which you would just all deleted steam receipt a steamer seat sanjeev for player unknown battlegrounds um look at this for for player for pub g he he's got her seat and we got this guy's email which of course i can't um i can't show his email on youtube but odyssey's a totally different um thing i wonder so yeah we got i can't i can't show his obviously his email but we've also got uh an interesting tidbit here of of something um there's pictures pictures of a water bottle um so sanjeev mina hello can i can i see uh speak to sanjeev kumar mina hold the second chance to send you for me now okay he hung up he hugged up his name is said jeev kuvar vida of new delhi he lives in uh he he passed the 10th grade of high school in 2008 technical education 2012 2017. hello hello is this sanjeev kumar mina no you didn't graduate high school did a high school examination in 2008 mechanical engineering 2012 2017 tech mechanical engineering yeah you don't play pokemon you're talking about but i hope you're aware that you've called amazon customer support no this is an amazon this is a scam no this isn't anything like that no yeah and we didn't send you for anything so we were there to help you i don't know what are the information that you're talking about how are you going to help me for um here you want to you think do you think that i'm lying to you want to reconnect to me on any disk no i don't think that you were lying to me why don't you come reconnect like you know instead of being a bench no that's not the thing you just call customers and we were there to help you your customers support really really so so this is amazon's new customer support number yeah you gave us a call and we just entertained you with it and we were there to help you dot no nothing like that so i don't know about that okay so so how are you gonna help me by uh trying to get me to go to ultra viewer and teamviewer over and over again no sir we were just trying to figure out that what were the charges that were charged on your account that you would figure out what the charges were on my account right which i gave you the information of my account by going on to my computer and then having me sign into my amazon account which you guys should already have access to right since you're amazon that is perfect that is perfect but the way he told us the amount was deducted there are a few informations that were missing over here it was deducted remember you guys called me and told me it was deducted remember i didn't know a call you gave me a call and you left a voicemail that 39.99 were charged for my amazon account okay okay and now you're telling me that uh you need to to investigate why i'm telling you that i got you i don't know everything that i got you know you won't admit to the scam you've been exposed this bad and you won't admit to the scam i'm going to explain sorry for what you what you've gone through sir i'm ready for that you're gonna deny it and deny it again that all of this has been documented okay i don't know yet that's right crap that you peddled me all that your colleague your colleague already exposed it as a scam when i called him earlier and he started cussing me out so i have no idea how much of a coward you're not going to admit it you're that much of a coward you're not going to admit it no sorry it's not being a coward because you guys cause real [ __ ] problems for real people in your [ __ ] country trying to do actual tech support because people don't trust you because all you [ __ ] scamming people all day have you thought about that when you get up every morning decide to steal people innocent people's money you try to steal it do you when you're [ __ ] pretending to be [ __ ] amazon when you're [ __ ] pretending to [ __ ] be amazon have you thought about that if you want to say real people let's talk about real people have you thought about the [ __ ] effects you caused on other people who are trying to do [ __ ] honest jobs and make a [ __ ] honest living every [ __ ] day have you thought about that when you're saying real people even here we are you know the fact that i care about that the fact that i care about that more than you when i don't even [ __ ] live there is insane that just shows how much of a piece of [ __ ] that you are how much of a coward you are and you don't have any [ __ ] backbone because you're a [ __ ] thief and all you want to do is steal money from people that's all you [ __ ] are you never wanted to take anything you know i know you you are the most [ __ ] honest person in this [ __ ] world aren't you you are you are just the nicest most gracious person in this world you probably go every month you go to the [ __ ] homeless shelters you [ __ ] help people you give them money you give them food because you are the [ __ ] most honest person in the world that [ __ ] ever can't do anything wrong right that's you you never that's what you never steal money you never steal money from innocent people cause them to go bankrupt or sometimes commit suicide no that's not you because you're the [ __ ] nicest person in the [ __ ] world aren't you i would never do that to a customer praise the [ __ ] lord because this guy is a [ __ ] man he is the holy man walking on [ __ ] earth right now nothing there's nothing like that sir i understand i understand your concern i understand your anger but what did you say when i called you what did you say when you picked up the phone you said it's amazon yeah what's the details on my amazon account for this number what's the details let me just go through it yeah tell me what's the email over here yeah sorry sorry first yeah sorry for putting a call on hold sir i could see that over here with this number we see an account register on the name of mr rogers is that your name no that's the name i gave you you [ __ ] idiot this number isn't on an amazon account no sir right now we're here i can see that if you need any information regardless let me just tell you one thing as you told me that there have been people that were scamming you and took the amount of 39 and something 89 yeah they left this see it was this guy it was this guy from new delhi and his name was uh sanjeev and he [ __ ] took that 39 for me i'm so pissed man that will be refunded sir let me just see what can i do for you in this scenario yeah i'd really like that money back sanjeev meena yeah that guy [ __ ] he's a piece of [ __ ] you know i don't really understand that's what people like you know you know what that sanjeev guy does all day do you know what he does the sanjeev guy the sanjeev guy you know he he he sits on the phone sanjeev yeah sanjeev kumar meena he he sits on the phone all day um and he pretends to be amazon right isn't that [ __ ] crazy and and they leave voicemails through these bulk uh you know number files they get these data packs of numbers and they call people's numbers and they leave this voicemail saying that forty dollars has been charged from their amazon account um and then they actually scam them once they get somebody who doesn't realize that it's a scam and it's not actually amazon isn't that [ __ ] that's a really bad thing too that's messed up isn't it it's really bad it's screwed up that is indeed indeed yeah could you can you believe someone would do that people have been doing that through and we've been having customers like you who have invented their aggression on us and we have to face them because of people like that i can't believe that that sometimes and i'm really sorry that you had to face any of that what do you think about people who do that that is something that's the way you thinks are about that no no like what do you think about them like i want to know what you think yeah that is something very wrong that they are doing so yeah yep and whatever you said that is actually true because being in your position i can totally understand how would you be feeling yeah yeah yeah yeah because they because basically like these guys they think that everybody you know in the united states is rich um and then they scam people you know who like there's nothing like that so people in every country people in every country they are working really hard to understand yeah yeah but they don't think that they think you know they think everybody's rich and you know people who barely make ends meet get this [ __ ] about an amazon charge and they don't even have forty dollars in their bank account so they can't pay for it so they're getting on the phone doing whatever they can to try and get it fixed and then they get more money stolen you know well then they get money stolen they didn't even have anything stolen but then they get money stolen because of these guys you know isn't that [ __ ] don't you think that's horrible what do you think should happen to people who do that like what do you think i can i can't really tell you over here where there's just a cuddle i can agree to that yeah i cannot see anything i mean like but what do you think what do you think should happen to them you know so if people are doing something bad to people like people should be feeling the same yeah they should they should what should happen to them like nothing good should be happening to them so can you please spell sanji for me s-a-n-j-e-e-v f-e-n-g is in japan yeah it was the same you know it was the same name that was on the mouse cursor when you were on my screen actually so we were not doing we didn't use in your mouse or anything you're connected to anything any disk because when you're connected through anything is yeah i totally understand that and i guess there must have been a mix of connection in that because right now you are connected to me and before that i have no idea this fashion meter and i cannot see this person as well you don't remember me talking to you about uh the different numbers oh no your name's jack wilson huh no my name isn't jack wilson's and my name is matthew oh who's jack wilson jack wilson yeah let me just see may i know the department that you were connected to you were connected to the refund department before you give it yeah the refund department and the name that you told me is jack wilson is that correct jack wilson yeah yeah no no let me just see no sir we don't see any jackpots so that must have been the scammer right you said what what name did you say you had it on file for me for my number what name did you say right now we haven't accessed your concert because remember you headed me up you said you said it was under roger right no that wasn't with your phone number that had to be somewhere else because right now i said i said you could do my phone number and you said you looked it up and you said roger no no i didn't because before going ahead i would have needed your registered email address well you just said that though earlier and you said the name was roger let me just go ahead and look into it for you again so can you help me with your registered email address with amazon oh my yeah my email address it's roger wills28 roger well can you spell that for me it's yeah lls okay yep but i really don't see any amazon id with this email address do you have any other email address registered with that sir not just that one that's my amazon account i don't see anything you just said that earlier you just said you found an account under my number with roger that's what you said no when you were telling me that what was the name that you told me roger so that was the thing no before that but in order to but because before when you called me i didn't verify your answer because i was actually listening to your issues and before to proceed on that and as you told me that you've been scammed we'll take a complaint for that and we'll take it in our hand and we'll look into it for you and for that i will need to verify you and i'll need the details of the person that you had a call with if you have any have you ever had a police examination regarding what's up 4 12 20 20. no it says 14 12 20 20. also 12 14 20 20. that's very recent constable in delhi police exam exam time 12 30 to 2 pm not here do you know where that is if i wanted to contact that specific police station well i guess i got it here right so i can contact i them no idea where you can do that on your end but if you want me to take it in my hand you can help me with the credentials no i don't need to i don't need to give you the credentials of course it's it's deleted do you need any help from our site of course you'd need it yeah you know um no i think i really understand the person you are i understand the type of person you are you're uh you're a coward you're a coward you're uh you're a thief you're coward your scum bench i understand your issues and i'm really sorry that you had to face that but if you need any help from amazon we are here to help you this is great this is great because you know what this shows this shows really how evil you scammers are it shows how evil you are you'll do whatever you can to lie to steal money from people um and even with a paramount of evidence against you you still can't admit it there's nothing to admit away i've been something any issues from our side how many we would have heard amazon would have helped you with it for sure wow hello wow okay so you made a rep wait are you still there you made a police report that you lost your wallet and important documents hello hello can you hear me yeah i'm really sorry for putting caller hold sir i just filed a complaint for you and you'll get a call back within half an hour on the same number really wow great yeah you will get a call back on this number within half an hour and we'll get back to you sir okay is there anything else i can help you with right now no yeah thank you for contacting customer support so have a great yeah oh my gosh what a piece of crap uh obviously there's probably some stuff i had to blur out and can't show on youtube because youtube has the the golden [ __ ] standard for letting scammers get away with crap um but yeah uh wow that that just shows right here guys uh this is this is what uh yeah the this is this is this is how scammers are they don't care about what they they don't care they don't have any conscience about what they do so when people you know it gets really tiring when people are always like nice to scammers um and feel sorry for them i don't understand that because they don't feel sorry for anybody else and they even this guy claims that he says oh yeah it makes it hard for the real people the real people that are trying to do real support actually work get caught in all this stereotype [ __ ] and that's because of these guys um and he doesn't have any feeling about it he does not care he doesn't care at all so yeah um that that's that's it man i i hope you guys like this video i hope you you know the first video 2020 2020 no first video of 2021 i know there was no chicken or anything but but yeah i just i'm just gonna leave it here i feel like uh putting anything else in is just yeah i think this video definitely gets the point of pro point across that i want to get across so other than that i will see you guys in the next video peace
Channel: ScammerRevolts
Views: 277,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scammer, Windows, TechSupport, Tech, support, scam, scammers, scambait, rage, msinfo32, scambaiting, Exposed, Destroying a scammer's PC, SCAMMER'S COMPUTER ANNIHILATED, destroying a scammers computer, computer destroyed, getting a scammers information, Getting a scammers REAL NAME and telling it to him, getting a scammers picture, telling a scammers his details, sr, srarmy, scammer revolts, scammerrevolts, scammers name, scammers personal computer, scammer information exposed, scammer prank call
Id: _NsCWvEL668
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 35sec (1655 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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