GetResponse Tutorial 2021 | STEP-BY-STEP Email Marketing Tutorial (+10% Lifetime Discount)

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in this get response tutorial for beginners i will show you step by step click by click how to get started with the email marketing software get response so if you're looking for a complete tutorial showing you exactly step by step how to set up your email marketing system with getresponse then keep watching this is the perfect video for you what's up this is simon from medics media providing you with the best tips tools and tutorials to grow your online business so make sure you subscribe to the channel to not miss any upcoming videos so in this tutorial i will walk you through everything on my computer so you can easily follow along and set up your own email marketing system within get response the goal is that at the end of watching this video you'll be all set up with this email marketing provider i'll also leave timestamps down below in the video description so at any time you can come back to this video and re-watch certain parts also if you have any questions whatsoever just leave them down below in the comment section and i'll make sure to get back to you as soon as possible also if you find this video helpful make sure to click that thumbs up button because then the algorithm will show it to more people and then more people will be able to find this video and help them out to set up their own get response account okay so let's get started get response currently offers a 30 day free trial that you can use to try out their software before committing to a paid plan you also don't have to enter any credit card information so the first step is to either go down to the video description and click on the first link you'll find there or if you're watching this on a mobile phone you can also just go to your browser and type in forward slash get response i'm always updating that specific link to the latest discounts and promotions that get response is doing so that you can get the best price that is currently available so do that now and we'll move on from there all right so we're starting off here with an empty browser and the first step that we're going to do is like i said we're going to go to the top url and we're going to type in forward slash get response and this is my referral link and i always make sure that to put the latest promotions under this specific link so and sometimes get responses doing like an end of the year promotion with like 30 off 20 off and i'm also working on getting an exclusive discount for my audience with like a 10 or 20 off and i'm always putting this those promotions that are going on right now the best price that is currently available under this specific link so go to this link and then it will redirect you to the get response website um so currently don't have any promotion going on so this is what you see right now um but to get started we're going to click on sign up free on the top right and that will take us to the sign up page so here we have to type in our name so i'm just going to type in medics media and then the email address let's take one of mine medics tutorials at then decide on a password make sure that you can remember it and that it's actually a safe password you also have to use a special character as you see right here and then click on create your account okay so before we get access to our new get response account we have to activate it by going to the inbox of the email that we have just used to sign up for get response and then we have to click on the button to activate our account so let me just quickly log into my email account so this is what the email looks like that you'll be getting in your email inbox so all you have to do here is to click on activate my account and then it will take you into your get response account you can close all the other tabs up here because now it will guide us through the next part of the sign up process which is actually type in your first name your last name and the country that you live in and actually also your address because um with email marketing with in most countries you have to put your physical address at the bottom of every email um so with get response you actually have the option to turn this off but for specific countries it is actually mandatory to have your physical address down there so i usually recommend to have like a po address or a business address that you can put at the bottom of your emails but you can also turn it off with get response so let me just quickly fill out this form right here and that should take you into your get response dashboard now you might get some message here that um if you upgrade today you will get an email marketing certification program worth 200 um but if you actually close this and then you will still have access to this if you upgrade i think within 30 days so don't worry you don't have to upgrade right away but i do want to take a look quickly at all the get response plans because they have changed a couple of things since i made my last tutorial um so we're going to quickly look at each of these plans so personally i think you want to either go with the basic plan or with the plus plan because with the basic plan you basically get email marketing which is newsletters broadcast then you get autoresponders which is like a specific email series that you can just send out once um somebody signs up to your list or once somebody downloads a lead method or something and then you get unlimited landing pages which is pretty cool and you get unlimited automation templates sales funnels unlimited lead funnels and the only thing that you don't have in the basic that i think is very useful is the automation builder and when i did my last tutorial for get response this automation builder was actually part of the basic plan or a part of the cheapest plan so that has actually changed and if you do need this automation builder you will need to ha you will have to go for the plus plan right here so that just so you know what you'll be getting with each plan because when you build out something in the free trial let's say you use the automation builder um a couple of times but then you don't want to actually go for the plus plan then you won't be able to use your automation that you have built um after the 30 days have run out so you want to make sure that you actually are aware of the plans that getresponse is offering here so let's close this down and let's actually get started with the tutorial so we're now in our get response dashboard which is what you'll see every time you log into your get response account so you basically in the middle here you have some different so called widgets these are like different boxes that give you quick information to specific things that are going on within your get response account so right now you have like tips and tricks um growing with get response stuff like that which are mainly promotions and so i usually just remove those widgets and then i add the ones that i think make more sense and this list building program right by the way is pretty good in my opinion so you can take that if you want to but you don't want to see that every time you log into your get response account remove remove and remove i do like these quick actions here so i'm going to keep this widget but if you click on add new widget then you see all the different widgets that you can add to your get response dashboard so what i like to have is this one list size then i have list trends as well then i have um sign up source not that important to me new contacts um last new this is a pretty cool the last newsletter sent because then you see um the last newsletter that you send out you see how well it did you don't have to go into the reports every time you see how well it did with like open rates click-through rates and so on so this is the one i add as well and autoresponders i don't really use autoresponse because i mainly use automations but i'm going to cover our responders in this tutorial as well then landing pages um this is not that important to me as well forms you can also see like the signup rate or the conversion rate of your landing pages and forms if you want to have that as well in your dashboard then workflows is what i use because i do mainly automations and this is workflows so you see how many people are in your workflows how many people finish your workflows and all that kind of stuff um then let's see conversion funnel if you use funnels um so yeah um so these are the ones that i like to use obviously you can put there more more information to your dashboard and this will become really interesting once you already have a couple of emails sent out once you have a couple of landing pages a couple of funnels and all that kind of stuff you get a lot more data in here and it will become a lot more interesting but we're going to leave it at that for the moment so um to navigate through get response um you basically go through the menu on the top left right here so you have the menu here and here you see all the different features or tools that get response is offering so you have email marketing which is newsletters like one-time email campaigns then you have autoresponders which like i said is like a let's say um you for everybody that joins your email list you want to have an email series of five emails sent out and you can use autoresponders for that um the downside with all responders is that you don't really have any flexibility with um customization so you can say that if somebody clicked this link then i want to send them through this route and somebody like open this email i wanna i wanna send them this email so the um the custom the customized email journeys is doable with the automation the autoresponders are like just static email it's just a static email series they will go out the same way every time for everyone and then automations like i said you have a lot more possibilities you can go um you can do like split tests or you can do like if else different email sequences if somebody clicks a link then you will send them this if somebody doesn't open the email then you will send them this so you have a lot more flexibility with automation then webinars is something i don't really use so i'm not going to cover that in this tutorial uh web no push notifications i don't use uh either then conversion funnel is something that i've added i think last year which is pretty cool in my opinion it doesn't work perfectly yet but um i do use it and i'm going to show you how to use it in this tutorial then landing pages is something they have integrated for a long time landing pages are like one page websites where you can that you can send people to um give them your their email address basically to gain get leads and then you have forms and surveys so forms is something that you can put on your website um to um to also get new email addresses from your website i'm also going to show you how to set up your forms and put them on your wordpress website then you have ads which is something that i've just introduced um stores you can also do like sell stuff with get response but this is really not what they specialize in so i'm not going to cover it in this tutorial and then the rest we're going to look at later then you also have like this second menu up top here this is also something that i've changed since the last time i did the tutorial so you have lists this is an overview of all your different email lists so you have to understand that when you get an email address or an email contact they will go on specific lists so maybe you have different lists for different kinds of audiences maybe you have a list for your customers then you have a list for your blog readers you have a list for your people in your in your coaching or something like that so you can segment people by putting them on different lists and just so you know um if you have like the same contact on different lists it will count as multiple contacts and as you know get response they charge based on how many contacts you have so you really want to make sure that people are only on one list otherwise you will have to pay twice for the same contact what you can also do is put everyone on one list and then segment them by giving them different tags this is also something you can do or use this segment option right here to um to segment people um in different kind of categories but this is like more advanced stuff so you have lists uh sorry you have lists up here then you have reports which also will become interesting once you have send out a couple of email campaigns drafts or drafts that you have done and then you have like quick links can create so it can create newsletters landing pages funnels forms and autoresponders these are just quick links that go to these menus right here and then the last thing you have to know um to navigate through get response is this one right here the support this comes in really handy because uh i think getresponse is one of the best supports in all the email marketing providers that i know because they are very available like quickly available and very easy to to use because if you just click here and then you can drag them around you can start a chat and right now it says it takes two minutes which is really long for get response but uh normally i see somebody like pop in here as soon as i click the button and then they will be able to chat with the support and they will be able to help you out really quickly which is something that i love about gut response so um yeah after two minutes somebody will come in here and then help you out with your problem so this is everything i want to show you about the dashboard let's get now started setting up our email system all right so the first thing you want to do is you want to set up the email address that you will be sending out emails from it's very important that you don't just use your gmail or your aol or hotmail address because then all your emails will end up in the spam folder so what you have to do is you have to go up to the top here where it says my account and then you go to manage account right here and on the left side you see email addresses here is where you see the email address that you have used to sign up for get resp for get response and um as you see i have used a gmail address i usually sign up using a gmail address and then what i will do i will add my personal branded email address which is simon so i'm going to show you how to add this you just click on add email and then you just type in the name that should appear for people when they receive an email from you so for me this just would be simon maybe i'm going to say medics media so that they know who's actually sending them an email and then my email address that i wanna that i want people to see is medics simon medics and then i click add address so now we have to confirm this email address so right now it's unconfirmed what they will do is they will send an email to this specific email address again similarly as when we have to had to activate our get response account you just click on the button and then it will activate this specific email address so let me just log into my email all right so there we go this is the email that you'll be getting to the email that you want to add to your get response account and all you have to do here is just click on confirm and then it will take you back to your get response account and as you see now this new email address is confirmed so you can use this email address to send out emails from now and not so you can use this now but another thing that i would really recommend you do is to authenticate your like your email your domain um which this email represents so um i don't want to explain why this is important um you can i'll leave some links down below if you're interested or you can just click on read more about dmarc and get response but i would suggest you do this because and this will increase your deliverability rate which means that the emails will be more likely to actually be seen by your subscribers which is what you try to do so and click on authenticate right here and here you see the instructions so all you have to do is you have to add a text record for um this uh domain right here and you have to add this value so you have to go to to your domain registrar so it might be godaddy might be namecheap might be bluehost or whatever and then you have to add a text record now i'm going to show you how to do this with bluehost but if you if you don't use bluehost maybe using other provider you can always just ask their support to just send them a screenshot of this or send them or copy paste this into their support chat and then they will add it for you so don't worry you will be you will be able to get this to work um and i would really recommend you do it because then it will increase your deliverability rate so i'm just going to quickly log into my bluehost account so i'm now in the bluehost account and here i just go to domains right here then i look for the domain and that i'm using for the email address that i'm using so in this case it would be so here just click on manage then i click on dns and then i scroll down and look for the text records so the txt records so i see it right here so what i'm going to do now is click on add record and then we go back to get response and here is where we have to copy this part right here copy then we go back we paste this in here for the record and then we go back and we copy this by just clicking copy and we paste it inside of the text value and that's all we have to do now we have to click on save right here and then it will take maybe a couple of hours until it's propagated which means it will only work after a couple of hours but we're going to need some time to set up our account anyway so that this doesn't really matter um okay cool so that's all we have to do we can go back here got it and um and as you see our authentication is pending now after a couple of hours you can come back here in this menu email addresses and see if this actually uh if this has worked and now the last step is to actually set this new email that we have just added to your default email address otherwise you will always have to change it manually so click on this little drop down arrow and then go to this email address this that you have just added go to the three dots and click on set as default and then it will take by default this specific email address alright so the next settings that we want to go into and see if everything is correct is our email list settings so to get there we go to the top menu click on lists and that will take us into our overview of all of our email lists as you can see now we only have one email list right here called medics tutorials and we also have one contact in our list which is actually the email address that you have used to sign up to get response so if you send out emails to this specific list you will also get your own email which is good because then you see what people will see so you can see the exact email that people are getting and what we want to do here is we want to hover over the three dots on the right side and then we want to click on settings and that will take us into the list settings and here you have three tabs so you have general subscription and confirmation message so first let's go over the general settings the list name is what people will see when they have to confirm subscription or when they unsubscribe from your list so let me just quickly show you what i mean um when people for example want to unsubscribe um they see this page right here at the bottom of every email that you send out there will be a link that is saying unsubscribe and people can click on this link and then they will get to this page where they can confirm that they don't want to be on your list anymore that they don't want to receive your emails anymore and as you can see here they see which list they are unsubscribing from and in this case it's medics tutorials and you can change this name right right here so make sure this name also makes sense for your subscribers and then you can also give the list title and list description then you can give it a category which is not that important but you can add it then language um this is the language that people also see when they unsubscribe from your list or when they have to confirm subscription to your list so make sure this language is the language that your subscribers are using mainly in my case this is english then the next step here is show postal address in message footer so maybe you know that with many countries it's required by law that at every with every marketing email email you have to have your physical business address at the bottom of every email that you send out so find out what the laws are for your specific case and if you don't have to have your address at the bottom of every email you can turn this off right here and then they won't see the specific address so you can change this right here it's actually specific to get response a lot of other providers are not even giving you the option to turn this off so let's move on the next step is to add your logo so if you have a logo you can just click here and then upload your logo and then it will show also when people unsubscribe or when people have to confirm subscription to your email list i'll show you in a moment what this means and um you can also give a link uh to your own website and when people click on your logo then it will go to this specific link so let's say then make sure you save general settings also click save because otherwise it won't be saved i want to quickly show you where you see that logo so if you go to subscription and then you go to confirmation page then you see here on the top you see this logo that you have just added so this is for branding purposes otherwise i think it will show get response which is not what you want so um yeah add your logo and add also the link that the logo will point to right here and again make sure you save it then you we're going to go to the next tab here which is subscription settings and here on the first step i would turn this off because if you have it turned on and you get like 10 new email subscribers every day then you will get 10 emails every day telling you that you have a new subscriber which i don't really like so i have this turned off and then the next step here is double opt-in now um if you want to you can have people double opted into your list the advantage is that you won't get fake email addresses because and when somebody types in a fake email address in your landing page or in your form then it won't really be on your email list until they have until they confirm it in your email inbox and the the disadvantage is that many people want won't go through your email and reconfirm so i actually have this turned off and what i do is i in my welcome email i tell them that if they want to unsubscribe at any time they have to just go to the bottom of my email and click on unsubscribe so i have this actually turned off but this is up to you um then if if you have this turned on then you have to take a look at those settings as well confirmation page so these are the pages that people will go to when when they reconfirm so you can have them sent to a specific url or you can have them sent to this the standard get response url so right now the standard one is this one right here what you can also take a look at if you want to have a double opt-in and confirmation message is the confirmation message tab so let's quickly save this right here and then go to the confirmation message and this is the subject line of your confirmation message currently it's set to please confirm a subscription to medics tutorials you can also add a custom subject line so you can tell something like hey um please confirm real quick something like that and then the from address i would change to this branded email address then body template you can change the template so let's say you give away an e-book you can change it to ebook request and then you see the confirm confirmation message right here so you can type in something here and then this is by default your request for my ebook blah blah easy one-click confirmation so they have to confirm right here then you can save confirmation message and that's it again this is only if you have this turned on so in my case i just turn it off and i don't have to deal with any confirmation message i will set up my own welcome message so this is everything that you have to look at in your list settings so let's go back to lists and also if you want to create new list just click on create list and here let's say we have a customer customers okay so now we have a new list and we can put people on either this list or this list and what i want to tell you is that when you have the same email contact on both of these lists you have to pay for them two twice so if you have a thousand people on this list and a thousand people on this list and they're actually identical so there are the same email addresses then officially you will have 2 000 email contacts and you will have to pay for a plan that includes 2000 contacts so what i would recommend is to only have one person on one list and the same way as we did before with this list when you create a new one always go into the list settings right here and change all the settings the way you want it to have all right now the next step that i want to show you is only for people that already have an email list and they want to import that specific email list to get response so if you don't already have a list or you don't have any email contacts just skip ahead to the next part just hover over the progress part of this video and skip ahead to the next part which is how to create a signup form so for people who want to import a list what you have to do is first of all go to lists on the top here and then you will end up on this screen and then just click on add contacts then we have to choose the list we want to put those people on so let's choose the medics tutorials list and then you can either add people one by one which is really a lot of work so i would suggest you choose upload a file and what you have to do is you have to export your email list as a csv file from your other email marketing provider that you're currently using and then you can just upload that list to your get response account using this option so i'm going to choose upload file option and then i'm going to click on select a file from computer i'm going to choose this example file right here so this is your csv file that you download from your other email marketing provider and then you can decide on add and update existing only add new or only update existing as i don't have any people in my get response account it doesn't really matter what i choose here so let's just say only add new then you have to take this i have permission to add these people to my list which means that they have voluntarily given you permission to put them on your email list which is the case if they have opted in to your email list on your other provider then click next and then it will open up kind of a couple of columns which so get response is trying to figure out what column is will be assigned to what to what factor so right here it recognizes that these are email addresses so it automatically changes this to email so these will be saved up as email addresses and then also the country for example it also recognizes that these are countries so it's it assigns them to a country and if it's something if something is does is not recognized then you can assign it here so let's for example say that for example this one these are tags so what i can do is just change this to so let's say this is a comment that i also want to have assigned to each of these contacts so you don't lose any information when you're importing your contacts to get response and then if everything looks fine you can click on skip columns with marked question mark which means that all of these data all of this data right here will be lost because i don't have any data in there anyway so i don't care so i'm just going to click on import right here now it's importing your contacts and this might take a while because people like the staff of get response has to now look at these contacts and make sure they're actually legit and you're not just um importing random contacts that you're gonna spam um later on so um don't worry about this just click ok and then after like two hours come back to this and see if everything worked all right so now that we have set up our email list we want to have a way that people can use to actually sign up to our email list to our email newsletter so if you have a website what you can do is just put a simple registration form on your website or if you don't have a website or you don't want to use your website to gain new subscribers you can also just build a landing page um i'm going to show you how to build a form first and how to put that form on your wordpress website so if you go to the menu on the top left right here you see forms and surveys so we're gonna click on this and then we're gonna click on create form right here and what we're going to use for this tutorial is this list builder wizard where they have a lot of templates that you can use already so whatever fits your website or whatever makes sense for you you want to go through all these templates and choose the one that makes the more sense for you on the left side here you have some different categories so you have general signup forms you have order signup forms free download signup forms which is great for lead magnets so you can go through there and also you can um you can change these sizes so you can change it from wide to wider to max so for example at a in a blog post a wide um form would make more sense and for the footer for example a um a square form might make more sense or for a sidebar a square form might make more sense so for this tutorial let's choose a wider form and for example i'm going to choose this one right here and then it opens up our forum builder where we can change everything of uh all the content in our form so here first of all let's change the text so i'm going to just highlight this and i'm going to change it to um let's say i'm giving away a one lead mag that i'm giving away is a free youtube optimization checklist so i'm just gonna say um get our free youtube optimize checklist here then i'm going to change this image to the cover of the checklist so i'm going to click on this right here and then i'm going to add file upload from computer choose this cover right here add and then i'm gonna click on use and then it changes this image right here so let's make it a bit smaller you can also mess around with the size of this form so you can drag it out but then you have to just move this over as well so just drag it over and you can also drag around the button as well if you want to have more um more things on your form what you can do is go to the right side look here and then you can drag in whatever you want to put in your form so you can drag in some more text right here you can drag in maybe you want to also ask for the last name so you can drag in a last name field right here but you would have to make this a bit bigger and then you would have to kind of put it here as well so you can really just it's really drag and drop and you can take some time to build the perfect form that fits your website so i don't want to spend too much time designing with this with this builder one thing i want to show you is that you can on the top right here you can click on the plus and then you have a variant form so what you can do is maybe change up the text here on this form on this uh example and then it will just sometimes it will show the variant a and sometimes it will show the variant b and then you will see exactly how many people opt in with the first option with this variant a and how many opt in how many um how much percent lot um opts in with the variant b so you can see which one converts better which is really powerful you can always test out what works best for your website so let's say we're happy with this form right now what we can do is click on preview on the top right and then we see how it looks like how it will look like eventually and then we can also go to the settings on the top here and we can change the name so let's say this is youtube checklist choose the list that people will put on when they sign up through that signup form then confirm opt-in i have it turned off right here then you can also add it to a cycle of a of your autoresponder so you can say maybe they start on day three of your autoresponder or on day zero um i don't have set up an autoresponder yet so i'm gonna turn this off then um you can say that you want to have them stay on the page which is what i recommend because they maybe are reading your blog post and they don't want to get off your website when they when they sign up using your form um then already subscribed url so what will happen if they are already subscribed i would just leave it on stay on page then recapture on the second step i just have it turned off because it's really annoying um choose tracking custom this is really advanced for contact data not needed so this is what i would do with the settings click save and then we can go to the top here and click on publish all right so now we have this java code and we have to use this code to put on our website so i'm going to show you how to put this form on your wordpress website alright so now i open one of my example websites that i use for tutorials and to put this specific form on your website all you got to do is you have to go to for example we want to put it in a blog post let's go to all posts right here and then choose this hello world post and then what i do is i go to the part where i want to insert this specific form so let's say we want to insert it here i'm going to type in something that i know where i want to put it in so i'm going to just going to type in 999 then i'm going to go to the top right click on the three dots and i'm going to change to code editor then i go back to my get response account and copy this javascript code copy right here then i go back to my code editor of my blog post and i look for whatever i've inserted as a placeholder for this form so here i just highlight this part and i right click and paste this will paste my javascript code in my blog post and now when we go to update on the top right and click on preview preview in a new tab then we should see this specific form on our website so as you can see the form that we have built now is in our website and we can type in our email address right here so let's say simon at click on download now and then people stay on the page they can continue reading this blog post and now when we go back to our get response account then we will when we go to lists right here we should see um a new subscriber so let's go to medics tutorials which is our list and as you can see here this new contact is now in our email list now you can also put that form on the footer of your website or on the sidebar if you would want to do that you would go to your wordpress account then go to appearance appearance go to customize and then go to widgets right here and here you see the footer widget number one and the footer widget number two if i would want to put it here i just go to footer widget number one click on add widget go to custom html and then i would just paste my javascript code in this field right here click on add widget and then i have to click on publish on the top right here and then it will add this format here obviously now it would make more sense to have like a square form because it fits better in the footer or if you have a sidebar as well then you can put it in the sidebar widget however you want to so another way you can use to get people to sign up to your email list is to use a landing page and with getresponse i've introduced a very cool feature called conversion funnel so what you can do is build a funnel with a landing page that people can go to and then they they sign up with their contact details and what you are doing is you're giving away something for free in exchange for the lead in exchange for the email address and then it will go to the second step of the funnel which will be a thank you page and then it will say check your email inbox and then in their email inbox they will get an email from you sending them to your and download page where they can download whatever you were giving away so now i'm going to show you how to build um a conversion funnel using get response so to do that you just go to the top here on the left side where it says menu and now we're going to click on conversion funnel click on create funnel right here and here you see a couple of different fonts that you can build so what we're going to do is we're going to build a lead magnet funnel because using that funnel we can give away something in exchange for an email address what you can also do is a build a standard opt-in funnel where it just will ask subscribers to sign up to your list but i would suggest or i would recommend you you use a lead magnet funnel because um people are much more likely to actually sign up to your email list when you're giving them something for free that's how pretty much everybody does it they give away a free ebook a free resource list a free checklist a free mini course whatever you want to give away but you will increase your opt-in rates by a lot if you just give away something for free so um by the way you can also use this to build a sales funnel or promote a webinar but i did haven't really used a get response to build a sales funnel so i'm gonna show you how to build a lead magnet funnel but the process is pretty much similar so you can also watch this if you are if you want to build a sales funnel so click on create lead magnet funnel and then you have to give the funnel a name so in my example i'm giving away a free um a free youtube optimization checklist again so i'm gonna name this youtube checklist then click save and continue and then we have to decide or we have to give a get response our lead magnet so that they can then create that download page for us so um i'm going to click on add lead magnet right here and i'm going to name this lead magnet youtube checklist description um learn how to rank number one on youtube then i have to first upload the cover off my lead magnet so i'm going to upload the cover off my youtube checklist so i'm going to click here and i already have uploaded this cover because i've used it before so i'm going to click here then i'm going to make this a bit smaller like this click confirm and then i'm going to move on and actually upload my lead magnet so this is where i upload my pdf document so i'm going to choose it here upload and then i'm going to click on add and go to funnel all right so here we see an overview of our funnel so the first step right here is where people will go to first so this is the sign up page which is our landing page then the second step is our thank you page where we say thank you for signing up now go to your email inbox and then you can also create a welcome email or this email that will go out when somebody signs up and at the bottom right here you will also see kind of how many people have subscribed how many people have actually joined your list and you can also build multiple landing pages and you see which landing page performs the best and all that kind of stuff so what you want to do here is you just want to go through here from top to bottom and create every step of the funnel so let's start out with creating our landing page so click on create signup page right here and then it will take us to the landing page builder if you only want to have a landing page you can also use this tutorial to just learn how to build a landing page because it's pretty much the same process so here you see all the different templates that they offer you can click on lead magnets on the left side and then it will filter out every um it already has filtered out every other landing page and you'll you only see the landing page templates here specific to giving away something for free in exchange for a lead so let's just go with this one right here and let's give it a name let's say youtube checklist landing page and here by the way you see the thank you page landing page and you can change all the content on here to your specific business click next step then it will open up our landing page builder which is like a drag and drop builder so you can just drag drag and stuff from the right side so we can just maybe drag in an image or you can drag in a button like this but what i try to do is to keep this landing page kind of like the template is already built because i think it already looks pretty good and then i just change all the text so here i would say learn or get my free youtube checklist something like that maybe uh maybe delete this drag this up in to the bottom so you can just drag stuff around maybe change this image as well um so let's change uh this replace replace it with the cover make this smaller drag it up so you can just build out your landing page like this and it will already kind of put in your icon off your lead magnet right here and what will happen when people click on download now it will automatically scroll down to this signup form right here and then they can enter their name and email address and then they will be put on your email list and they will go to the next page which is the thank you page right here and as you can see here it says check your email and then they will see the link in their email again like similarly with the signup forms you can also create like split test landing pages so if you click on the plus right here it will open up a new variant and what you can do here is just change up the title change up the text a little bit and see what what will convert the most visitors into leads so this is a very powerful feature as well then what you see up here is the this is a pop-up form placeholder so what you can do with this is that when people visit your landing page and then they want to close out of the browser out of the page then it will open up this pop-up and this is very powerful as well because it also will increase conversions so you can also redesign this to whatever makes sense for you and so people can it gives the people another notch to actually opt in to your email list so you can change all the settings right here change the design i'm gonna leave it as it is right here and what you also want to do is make sure to optimize it for mobile so on the top here you see this mobile phone click on mobile on this mobile phone click ok let's go to mobile and most of these templates are already optimized for mobile so there's not a lot you would have to change here but go through here and make sure everything looks looks good on mobile as well especially if you get a lot of traffic from mobile so go through here make sure everything looks fine then do the same thing for the thank you page as well look at the thank you page see if everything makes sense obviously you want to change the logo to your logo as well just change it to more switch it to mobile as well make sure everything looks fine and then once everything is good we go to the next step on the top right all right so here we can change some seo settings so we have the page title we have already decided on that then description learn how to rank number one on youtube um does this doesn't really matter then choose page url so right now um when you send people to this specific landing page you will have to send them to this url this is because we haven't set up our own domain with get response so i'm going to publish it on this domain right now but i will show you in a moment how to add your own domain and how to put it on your own branded domain so for my example it would be forward slash youtube checklist something like that so for now i'm just going to leave it at that and then subscription settings um thank you page go to the default thank you page which is the one that we have just created if you want to have it to go to another thank you page maybe a specific page on your website you just click on custom thank you page right here and enter your your url in this box right here but i'm going to leave it at that and then click on publish and as you can see now it has created our first step of the funnel which is our landing page and here this right here is the link so what we can do is copy this link and then maybe test out this landing page so i'm going to open up a new browser so i'm going to paste this link in here click enter and that will get us to our landing page then when you click on download now it will scroll down to this sign up form you can also test it out just type in your name and your email address and see if it actually if it actually works and now if i want to close out of the page like this then it will open up this specific pop-up and here it asks us okay why don't you give us your name and email address so when we actually type in our name right here let's test this out as well um com click get it and then it should take us to our thank you page right here where it says check your email now the next thing we have to do is the next step of the funnel which is our download page this is the page that people will go to when they when i want to download your lead magnet so let's click on create download page and again we have a couple of templates i'm just going to use this template right here youtube check checklist download page click on next step and then again it will open up the page builder so obviously you want to change out all the things to your own brand so you want to change out the logo maybe change the text and this is where people will see your file so the cover that we've uploaded off our lead magnet so this should should change in the actual download page so when you've when you're done here also change click mobile see if everything looks good on mobile then click on next step then again seo settings right here i'm just going to leave it as it is click on publish and then it takes us back to our funnel and we have created our download page and then this is the email that people will see so what they can do then is click on this download button and then it will open up the download page for this specific lead magnet so then when i click on download it will download this checklist to their download folder and as you can see here this is my pdf document and then there's one more step that you can do within your funnel which is set up an automatic email that will go out after they actually receive that download email and i usually don't do this because when they are put on my email list i have already set up an automation or an autoresponder that will go out to them as an email sequence once they join the list so i don't really need this specific step um off the funnel but if you only have if you only want to have one email that goes out after they have subscribed um then you can create the email right here but um in my case right now i'm not going to do this one thing you do have to remember though is that when you create a conversion funnel like a lead magnet funnel that you use to get new email leads then get response will automatically create a new email list for this specific funnel so now when we go to lists then you see that they have created a specific list right here and right now you kind of you can't really change it so the funnel goes to a specific list that's already existing so what i recommend is if you want to use the conversion funnel then let it create this list right here but then go into the settings right here and make sure all the settings are correct so what you can do here is a youtube funnel and change your list name to youtube funnel one and make sure to go through all these settings like um add your logo here then also disable the subscription notifications if you wanna have double opt-in turn on double opt-in and all that kind of stuff you just want to go through here and make sure everything is correct with your list settings of your new email list so we have created now two landing pages for our conversion funnel and both of these landing pages are now set to a url from get response if you want to have it on our own url which is then we have to add this specific url so let's go to menu click on landing pages where we see all of the landing pages that we have built and then we want to go to the right side click on edit settings and then we scroll down and we see here our current url url is medics tutorials hyphen.gr8 and we want to change that to our own domain so click on add new domain click and here you can type in your domain so if you have a specific dedicated url or domain specifically for your get response landing pages then you can type in your domain right here for example but if you have this landing page or this url as your main website as your home page then you only want to assign a sub domain so in my case i would put in something like uh so i'm going to click on add domain so now we can change this drop down menu right here to the subdomain that we have just added but as you see it doesn't work just yet what we have to do is we have to add a cm record to our domain dns settings in our registrar provider so in my case i have this specific domain on bluehost so what i have to do is log into my bluehost account and add a new cname record and if you want to know how to do this you can click on this add a cname record to your subdomain and you see the instructions here or you can just follow along with this tutorial because i'm going to quickly show you how to do this so let me quickly log into my bluehost account so here my bluehost account i have to go to my domains and then look for the domain that i want to add to get response in this case it is click on manage and then go to the dns settings right here and scroll down where it says cname right here so i have to add a new record and the host record will be if it's an entire url you would just put in an add symbol and if it's only a subdomain you just put in the first part of your subdomain which is in my case content so then it points to so this part you find in the instruction of get response so it is just copy this part and then put it into the points2 box and that's it now we have to click on save so now as you can see the new cname record was added content points to and it will take a couple of hours until it is propagated and it's actually working so then you can go back to your getresponse account and right now as you can still see this isn't active yet but it will be active in a couple of hours so um then now right now it says and i can also put in forward slash youtube checklist which is my lead magnet then all you have to do is click on publish and that has now changed your url from the get response url to your own branded url all right so let's now actually take a look at how to send out emails using get response so there's a couple of different ways you can send out emails with uh this software so if you go to the menu on the top left you see you have email marketing autoresponders and automation email marketing is basically just one-time emails email newsletters email broadcast then you have auto-responders which is like email sequences and you have automation which is like more complex email sequences than you can build with a visual automation sequence builder and i'm going to show you each of them in this tutorial and we're going to start off with the email marketing so how to set up how to send out a one-time email so click on email marketing right here and then click on start or create newsletter and then it will guide you through this uh this creating of this new message so first of all let's give it a message let's say we have a new youtube video and i'm gonna send this out to my email subscribers so let's say youtube video email marketing and then we can already link this to a list so let's say this is linked to this specific list right here and we have the from email address which will just be displayed as the from email which is the default one that we have sent set up then you have to reply to email so if you wanted to go to another email when they actually reply to this email then you can change it right here um then we have to give it a subject line and obviously with email marketing you always try to get people to click on your email so you want to make it a bit clickbaity so you want to make it that people actually would want to know what's inside of your email so i like to personalize my email so what i do i click on this button right here and then it opens up a couple of options so when people give you their name as well when they sign up to your email list you can use their name in the subject line as well so let's use a name right here then you have these brackets and name so it will for example say simon simon i have big news something like that and then recipients you want to decide on who will actually receive this email so click on add recipients and here you can either just decide on what email list this email will go to or if you have set up different segments so you can set up segments by saying okay this segment um is only people who have signed up through this landing page or this segment is only people who have the tag and customer or the tag blog reader or something like that and then you can decide on who will receive that specific email let's say i want to send it to this specific list right here and then click add and you can just go through from top to bottom and when it's like a green check mark right here then you're finished with this segment so it's pretty straightforward now the next part is actually designing and creating our email so let's go ahead click on design message right here and then it opens up a lot of different templates that we can choose from to uh to to create to design our email so if you find something here that really fits what you want to send out then just choose a template right here and if you want to go from scratch you can also click on blank templates and then use a template like this where there's already an image right here or you can just start from scratch so i'm going to use this blank template right here so you can understand how you can design emails so now we are in the email builder right here and the way this is set up is that you have different sections so this blue blue square right here is a section as you can see here and so we have a header section and a content section and then a footer section the photo section will always display your address your business address unless you actually turn this off in the list settings and then it will also have a unsubscribe link and a change your contact details link so if people don't want to get your emails anymore they just click here unsubscribe and then they can opt out of your list or if they want to change their email address they can just click on this link right here the powerpack got response logo this will be removed once you actually choose a paid plan with getresponse but if you're under when you're on the trial you will always see this powered by getresponse badge right here so um you can change this to your own logo if you want to i don't really use a header for my email so what i do is i just turn this off right here on the right side show logo and also um turn this off as well show view online link and then this header will disappear and then you can start building out your email by going on the right side click on layout right here and then you can just drag in whatever you want to have in your email so let's start out with a text block just drag in the text block right here and then let's say hi there or hi um i'm not gonna spend a lot of time creating this email but just so you know how it works um i have a new youtube video check check it out here and what you can do is you can make this text also a link so you can highlight it and then on the top here you can click on the link icon then um you can send them to a specific landing page to webinar to an email address um what i want to do it i want to send them to a specific address which is the youtube video so for example this would be forward slash blah blah blah so i click insert and then this will become a hyperlink and people can click on it you can also personalize your emails by clicking right here so after hype you want to have the name so we click on this icon right here and then we just choose let's say first name and then it will say hey peter hey simon and so on so let's say we want to also have an image so we go back to the layout and then we're going to drag in an image right below our text so let's browse this and let's say i want to add the thumbnail of the youtube video that i want to send out to my subscribers so let's choose this click on add and then it will be uploaded in the library you can use this and it will just be displayed in our email thing i want to say that be careful with adding too many images to your email because the more images you add the more likely it will be that providers like gmail and so on will mark your email as spam and then it will end up in the spam folder so here you can also change the size so on the right side just decrease the size right here the width the height and make it look however you think it looks best um then let's say i also want to add a button so i can just go to the layout library as well again and then i'm going to drag in a button below here and i'm going to ch click on the element and i'm going to change the settings here so i'm going to say click here to watch now i'm going to change maybe the color to a red and you can change all kinds of things on the right side menu so whatever you need just drag it in the canvas and then click on the element and then change all the settings on the right side it's really learning by doing and then once you have created your email once it's finished you can click on you can go to the top here where it says test and preview and then what i would do is i want i would want to do a spam check so click on spam check and then get response will check your email for trigger words that other providers have flagged as spam so if you use a lot of words like free and maybe financial independence maybe discount or promotion or something like that then get response will notice that this email has a high potential of actually being as marked as spam so if it says anything other than good to go here then i would go back to your email and see if you can change something up um that will not mark your email as spam and they will also give you suggestions right here so here's where we found more images than text um so as as you see we should add a bit more text here and this is fine as well okay so once everything is good here we can also send ourselves a test message so if you go here click on send test message we can choose an email address you want to send the test message to so you can choose your own email your gmail click on send test and then they will send a this specific email that would get out to your subscribers to your own email and you can check out how it will look like for your subscriber which is pretty cool i usually do this and i check for any mistakes and then i go back here and then i change everything so i have the final version um cool so um that's pretty much it then once you have finished your email click on next on the top right and as you can see we have now finished our design and content then what you can do is also turn on click tracking so you can see how many people actually clicked on your links you can also use google analytics this is more advanced and then you can decide on when you want to send that email out so do you want to send it immediately or do you want to schedule it for later so if you want to schedule it you can just type in the date and the time here or you can send it immediately and what i also really like is this feature right here called perfect timing so what this does is get response will analyze the behavior of your email subscribers and will notice when they are most likely to open your email so when somebody always opens your email at like between five and seven pm then it will make sure that it will they will send the email just before five and seven pm so that the likelihood of them actually seeing the email will increase because it's higher in the inbox so i and then it will be sent out within the next 24 hours at the best time that get response believes to um this email to be received so click on perfect timing and then click on send message and then this message is prepared to be sent out you will always have this timer on the top here that if you click on send matches message by accident you can um click on don't send it and then it will board sending the message so i don't want to send it actually so i'm going to click on dot send and that's basically how you can send out email newsletters email broadcasts so now let's look at how to create an autoresponder inside of getresponse again autoresponders are a message sequences so you can have like five emails that will be sent out over the course of a specific time frame so if you go to the menu on the top left here click on autoresponders then you see we don't have any autoresponders set up so we're going to click on create autoresponder on the right side and we're going to give that our responder a name let's call it um welcome see welcome email series let's say new blog readers new blog readers and then we're going to move on to first of all you want to make sure it's on the correct list because that autoresponder will start when people are put on a specific list so let's say i have a landing page that puts people on the medics tutorials list and then everybody that will put will be put on this list this autoresponder will be triggered so on the first day maybe there will be send like a welcome email on the second or third day there will be like an informational email giving them tips about whatever they were looking for and then on the let's say 10th day you will promote something to them that maybe your course or maybe your book or something whatever you want to do with your email marketing so then the autoresponder settings when should this first email or this email go out so let's say we want to have a let's say we have this email go out on the first day so let's say zero which means that this email goes out at the same time as people subscribe to your email list what you can also do is exclude certain days so if you only want to have emails sent out through the work week and you don't want to have it on saturday and sunday then you can just uncheck these days but if you wanted to go out immediately and when somebody signs up on on sunday then um you have to check this box because otherwise it won't go out and if you have this unchecked it will wait until it's a monday okay now the next thing is from email address and reply to email address this is set up as default the ones that we have added which is also good um then subject line let's make this welcome to our community and let's personalize this as well click on this icon and we're going to choose we're going to choose name actually let's put this welcome welcome simon or let's put this in the beginning well simon welcome to our community um when you use like their name then the the open rate will increase in my experience so i usually use their name as well in the subject line then design and content we have to create our autoresponder email so click on design message and let's now choose one of these templates again if you want to start from scratch you can click on blank template and then choose one of these or you can just use a pre-designed email so let's just use let's use this one and then it will open up the page editor it's basically the same as we have looked if we have taken a look before you can change all the images right here you can change the text as well and make everything really fit to what you want to send out again i would send i would do a spam check before you send before you finish it and then also send a test email to your own email address once you've finished your email click on next on the top right and then let's scroll down and we don't have any links here so that's why the link tracking click tracking is not active okay so let's finish our message click save and publish and now we have our first email inside of our autoresponder you can always turn these emails off and on right here and you can also change the day those this specific email will go out so right now if you click on the calendar view right here you see that on the first day this specific email that we have just created will go out now we can um put this email maybe on the fifth day or on the 17th day whatever you want to and obviously we want to create now more emails and have an entire sequence so what you can do is you can send you can create like 100 emails and then every second day you send out a specific email so you can even show more days and you can have as much emails as you want so um let's go back so what you would do is create another autoresponder email and now maybe this one will go out on the third day and then do the same thing create your email click next and then it will be inside of your autoresponder emails always make sure that you that you select the correct list because each autoresponder corresponds to a specific list so if i would change the list right here from medics tutorials to youtube funnel then you see i don't have any autoresponders email autoresponder emails in there alright so let's now take a look at email automations this is a very powerful tool of get response where you can visually build your email sequences and you have a lot of flexibility too that when your email subscribers don't really don't open an email you can send them um down different email sequences or when people for example you can ask them what are you interested in and then they click on the link that they're interested in and then you know exactly what email sequence you will send them down next so to build our first automation we go to the menu on the top left side here and then we click on automation and as you can see we already have one automation which is automatically created because we have built our conversion funnel and now we want what what we want to do is create a new automation so we're going to create a new workflow right here and then get response already gives you a couple of templates that you can use to um because then you have a pre-built automation and all you have to do now is put in emails instead of this automation so for example if you are promoting an email course like sending each course a step via email every like third day or something then you can use this template right here or you have maybe a retargeting campaign um so all that kind of stuff but to show you how to use this automation builder we're just gonna start from scratch so i'm gonna click on start now here where it says build from scratch and then they kind of want to walk you through exactly how this works because when you do this for the first time you don't really know how it works but you can click all this away i'm going to show you everything in this tutorial so we're going to give our animation a name so let's name this um welcome email series or malcolm email automation and then you have to give the automation a trigger so what will trigger this specific automation will it be when somebody opens a specific message in your autoresponder will it be when somebody clicks a specific link will it be when somebody subscribes to a specific email list so for this example let's say we want to build an automation for everybody who subscribes to our email list so click on subscribes right here and then it will start off with our first block by the way if you have a lot of like windows right here trying to show you how everything works you can turn off the interactive tutorial on the top here if you turn it on it will tell you what to do but i don't really like this so i'm just gonna have it turned off and then we have to decide on uh click on this block right here and then decide on what list do they have to be put on in order for this automation to be triggered so let's say select list you can put it you can say any list or specific list let's say the medics tutorials list and then which method doesn't matter any method cool and then the next step is let's say we want to send out an immediate message or let's say we want to give them a tag so let's say so go let me drag myself to the left side and then what you can do here is drag in a tag so that everybody that is put on this list and starts with this automation will get a specific tag so let's say our tag is let's create a tag right here create a tag new subscriber click on add actually we have to give this under underline here click on add and then these contacts will be assigned this specific tag so you know exactly um who of your subscribers are new subscribers and are in this specific automation so maybe you don't want to send new email newsletters to people who are in this automation um all right so let's afterwards send a first email message so scroll down here and then drag in a message block so just drag this in here always combine the blocks together and then what you can do is select a message so as you can see we don't have a lot of messages yet so what we have to do is create a new message so what i do is so just click on create message let's just create one real quick so you see how this works design message so i've now created a new email that will be sent out immediately when somebody subscribes to this list and i have just selected it here and then afterwards let's say we want to have them wait for like three days after they receive this first email so again go to add elements and then go to weight right here and then drag in the wait block below this email make sure you combine the both both of them click on the element and then you can decide exactly how long they should wait so let's say they have to wait uh they have to wait three days so just type in three here so what we can do now is we can check if people actually open this email and depending on if they open it we wanna send them down different paths so let's say let's go to add elements and then go to the right side and choose this one right here message opened i'm going to drag this into canvas combine the two click on the element and then which message opens we want to track so we have to um track a specific message so we want to track this specific message which is the first message that we have sent out so we have to choose this message which is this one right here and then when the assumed condition wasn't met so if after three days they haven't opened the email then it will be automatically sent set as hasn't opened cool and now let's say to everybody who didn't open the email we want to send another message so another email and we will be sending them the same email but with a different title or we will send them a kind of a reminder email um asking them if they want to download the lead magnet that you've offered them or whatever you want to and whoever and whoever did open the email we're going to send a separate email um maybe going through our next email automation sequence teaching them more stuff or maybe promoting something to them and so on so you really have tons of possibilities with this automation builder you can just basically segment your list just by people going through this automation and you don't have to do everything manually by just adding different blocks so you can remove contacts if they are not active anymore you can based on specific events and remove them from a specific list maybe put them on other lists you can also give them scores right here so you can score them based on how active they are so really a lot of stuff that you can do um many times in my experience um you would you have something in your mind like an automation that you want to build but you don't don't really know how to build it so i'd really recommend you actually hit this you hit this support here on the left side click on chat and then tell them exactly what you want to build and then they will go ahead and help you out as you can see they are very quick um somebody's in here right now trying to help me out so make sure you actually make use of their support it is really good and i usually when i am building automations and i am not finished yet then what i do is i just add in a weight block and just um combine my weight block with the latest messages that i have created and i just set the weight block to 999 days because then i it gives me more time people will stay in the automation and it gives me more time to actually build out the automation you can build this out to eternity basically you can build it out for a year so that when you get a new lead there will be a year's worth of emails ready to be sent out and this way you can really build out an automated selling machine with this automation builder and it's actually really powerful and when you finish creating your automation sequence you have to go to the top here and click on save and publish and make sure you actually click on save and publish because otherwise it won't be active and it won't actually send out emails so now perfect we have created our first automation workflow and now when you go to automations you see that we have created this specific welcome email automation workflow that you can always turn on and off depending on if you want it to be active all right so i hope this video helped you getting started with get response if it did i'd really appreciate if you give this video a thumbs up because then a lot more people will be able to find this video in youtube and also if you have any specific questions whatsoever just leave them down below in the comment section and i'll make sure to answer all of them and if you want to see more videos just like this one make sure you subscribe to the channel to not miss any upcoming videos and with that being said thank you very much for watching and i look forward to seeing you in the next video
Channel: Metics Media
Views: 36,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: getresponse, getresponse review, getresponse tutorial, getresponse demo, best email software, best email marketing program, getresponse email marketing, getresponse autoresponder, getresponse training, getresponse pricing, email marketing automation, getresponse free trial, getresponse tutorial for beginners, get response, getresponse tips, getresponse automation, best email marketing software, email marketing software, getresponse tutorials, getresponse 2021
Id: jeVfx54JPlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 21sec (4821 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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