Get Your First Fief Easier Step By Step From Merc To Vassal Bannerlord 2023 Flesson19

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hello everyone and today I'm going to show you how to seamlessly transfer from being a mercenary to being a vassal and taking your first beat now before we get started here's a list of things that I like to have but they are not required I like to be Clan tier 4 as you get one additional party starting at Clan tier two so you'll have an additional party at 2 3 and 4 giving you three additional parties I also like to have 250 leadership for the talent magnet perk that gives you an additional party that one is a little bit more difficult to accomplish by the time you become a mercenary 275 charm Immortal charm gives you one influence for every five charm over 250. so when you get the perk you will get five influence a day and Immortal charm is the only way to get influenced while not in a kingdom and that will come in very handy when we take our first beat I also try to have at least three hundred thousands in ours now this is a little bit on the iffy side on how you want to work it but the worst thing that you can do is get all set up be burning two three four thousand dinars a day during the kingdom and a piece out and you have nothing to do and you're burning money so have a little bit of extra just in case I also save up all the low end gear everything below 500 value as I'm playing the game and then I will use my two perks from Steward paid and promised and giving hands to donate those items to train my troops now I already have my party I already have my conscard so I know what the makeup of my troops are going to be so the first thing I want to do is I want to get my parties going now you have to choose and figure out where you want to go because you need to figure out what troop you want for me I want all of my parties to really have Empire true I will focus on the rest so all you do is you just go from town to town or Village to Village and just start recruiting troops so we're gonna go into the client screen party create a new party whoever it might be I will go ahead I will give her the troops and if you feel like it's not enough you can end up giving her some of your own troops and send her out and now she will go collect them up now I'm gonna do the same thing again for the rest of my people so I'm going to be able to get four groups right now I don't have 250 leadership so I'm gonna go collect up and now I will go ahead and I will send out my second party so once again party create and send them out again so now she is gone I can create one more party and we'll just go ahead and send them out with this one and these will be my three parties and there we go so now they're gonna go run around and they're going to go train their troop you'll know when they're full because you can see that it can hold 35 of 91. now while they're doing that now I want to figure out what do I want I already have consgaard they're getting the Empire troops which are going to be my inventory so I want to go ahead and I want to get myself some archers so whether you want to go down and you want to just grab some master archers or you want to head up and you want to go grab yourself some Beyonds now is when you'll go ahead and do that I now have all of my troops collected so the next thing I want to do is I want to make sure that I have enough food I cannot stress it enough that food is so important not only for food variety getting Steward scale but for morale morale is a huge factor in battles so you want to make sure that you have enough food and that you're not going to run out especially since when you're in an army if they run out of food they're gonna start eating yours so I would highly recommend that you stock up a little bit extra on food so I've collected a ball on my food as you can see I have a bunch the next thing you want to do is you want to figure out what town do you want pick any town in the game that you want to go for so I want to end up taking rote that's my objective what I want to do is see who are they at war with they're at war with the sturgeons so I plan on joining the sturgeon now this is something extremely important that I missed in one of my episodes look at the leaders Clan make sure he has feet because if he doesn't have beefs then you're probably not going to get it he's going to get it in voting but by having beef you're most likely going to go ahead and get it so figure out where he's at he's at epcotia we're gonna go over there we're gonna go talk to him and we're going to join us a vassal so we found him the very first thing you want to do once you become a vassal is you want to make an army don't do anything else you do not want your people to get pulled into a different Army so the first thing I'm going to do is make an army go ahead and sort my cost it's the easiest way to find your people since they cost nothing here are my three people they are now pulled into my Army and I don't need to worry about them this is one thing you have to be super careful of when you're doing this see where your people are they are going to make a straight beeline to you non-stop meaning they won't even stop for food and they could get attacked so what I want to do is I want to head straight down to my people and get to them before they get captured now that I have my clan Army ready to go I am really set to go after rotate now there's two things to remember from this point first of all this is where you'd want to train your troop this is where you want to use your Steward perks and you want to donate all of your items to go ahead and increase the tears of your truth the second thing is this is where Immortal charm would come into effect if I had a mortal charm I would probably have anywhere between two to four hundred influence ready to go and I could call these vassals to my Army which would ensure that I would be able to take my first beat however because I don't I cannot call a single one of them as I only have 13 right now so what we want to do is we want to go after rotate now there is a possibility you could get given a thief that gets taken while doing this if you get given a peep and you don't want it don't be afraid to give it back go to the thiefs tab figure out which it is and this button here will say give it away or give it back just give it back and let it be voted on if you own a thief there's a chance you might not get the one that you want so now we are going to head over to rotate we're gonna Siege it and we are now going to take it so we have just taken rotate it is now ours we want to do very minimal work at this point as you have not voted on the beef just yet I am a little bit over on troops so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to give my troops away which we want to go from this green because we don't want to donate we want to always make sure we are inspecting so I'm going to give her some of my troops so I am under the limit you want to wait until the beef is boated on first here is the vote for it as you can see I have the majority of the vote so I'm going to abstain it is given to me it is now my feet this is where we want to be very quick in what we do and be very efficient first thing we want to do is manage the town this is where you want to look at whether or not you want to install your Governor which is going to help out tremendously you need to look at everything including loyalty well you can see we are dropping 4.8 a day this is going to be very very important if you have to and you need to get loyalty all you need to do is just go ahead and click this little circle thing once so it puts it on just one of these and then you click the plus and it will cancel all projects and default to the Daily project that way it is now only losing 1.8 a day but installing a governor can be a huge help in getting this done which I normally have a governor set up ready to go from this point you want to see whether or not you want to put any troops in the Garrison we have 153 in the Garrison this town is pretty much good to go it says they're they're losing loyalty but at least we are starting to gain our militia and of course we are now gaining food this is something to be very mindful of in the game the AI magically know what you have in your feet therefore you do not want to sit in your fee for long periods of time if you do they're gonna come at you with huge armies so what I like to do is I like to set a trap now if your town has less than 25 loyalty and it's in danger of rebelling you obviously cannot leave as long as you are in a fee it cannot Rebel castles can't Rebel pounds can but if you are in the thief it cannot so what I want to do is I want to get out of town that way the AI now thinks it only has 220 Defenders it might come at it with about six seven hundred troops instead of a thousand to two thousand I will go off to the side here while the town is being worked on and I will wait this is where I'm setting my trap so if the AI does come after it they're going to come after it with six maybe 700 troops and then I can walk in and I can go after them that is how you get your town built up taken transitioned from becoming a mercenary to a vassal and get your first beat until next time take care and thanks for watching
Channel: Flesson19
Views: 10,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord fief guide, bannerlord kingdom guide, mount and blade 2 tips, bannerlord guide 2022, flesson19, bannerlord 2023, mount and blade 2, bannerlord tips, Bannerlord kingdom management, Bannerlord tips and tricks, bannerlord hints and tips, bannerlord 2 tips, bannerlord top 10, Bannerlord 2, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade bannerlord, bannrlord top 10, Bannerlord tutorial, bannerlord full release, bannerlord 1.0, Bannerlord 1.1.0, Bannerlord fief guide 2
Id: NBP2ldWaxhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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