Ultimate Guide On How To Stop Rebellions in Towns V 1.0 Bannerlord | Flesson19

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hello everybody it's wasan 19 and welcome to my updated guide on how to stabilize a town not just loyalty but also starvation and security in this guide i'm going to break it down into three sections starvation security and loyalty since for the most part they all affect each other and you can no longer just worry about one you need to deal with all three when you first get a town it can look like this so the very first thing that we want to try to worry about is a governor now you want to try to have somebody that has a lot of skills but also is the same culture of the town that you have taken if they are not of the same culture you will get a minus one loyalty penalty if they are of the same culture you will get a plus one loyalty to it so what you do is click on governor and here are the people that can join if you hover over them it will show what skills they will give so we are going to make the wayne wright as the governor so once you have the governor established the very next thing you need to work on is if your town is starving you will see here that i am minus 18 and starvation is one of the worst things you can ever have happen to a town so there are two really good ways to work on this the way that you're going to stabilize long term is going to be through your project you're going to have two things you're going to have the orchard and the granary the orchard will give plus six food to production per day per level this is already sitting at level three so it is giving 18 food the granary will increase plus 200 to the limit for each level it is the other way to do it is by giving them food here is the town and here is what they currently have so that is all the surplus they have and if you hover over your food you will see that it has beer plus two meat plus two grain plus eleven so what you really wanna do is stack it with as much food as you can to get them out of starvation so giving food is the quickest and easiest way to get yourself out of starvation so what i am going to do is i am going to put this town full of food what i cannot stress enough is the importance of grain when you talk about how much it gives for a thousand of each it gives approximately 38 food per grain 12 for fish 10 for meat 8 for beer 6 for butter and cheese 5 for olives and grape and 4 per day that is per 1 000. you could see by just adding food to the town i have gone from red and everything to adding the governor with food and now everything is green except for loyalty which is still dropping 0.99 but that is something we will easily take care of later so we have now handled this entire situation in just two quick easy steps security is also one of the easiest ways that you can also increase loyalty as you build up a garrison you're going to increase your security security is a direct correlation to loyalty in here we have 48 security that gives us a minus point zero seven so if we go ahead and we go to our garrison which has a hundred and two troops though if we give them a hundred and five we are going to be increasing it 150 percent so our security has now increased and now going up to 2.1 now the loyalty will start to increase as that security increase we're at a minus .49 and a minus .07 direct so when we go to the next day we're at a plus point six three we're now up to 50 security and now our security is increasing 0.05 so we have gone from a negative in our loyalty to a positive because our security is now going to start increasing our loyalty another huge issue that comes to security is going to be it settlement bound settlement issues slash bandit basis you could see from this one we have a minus point five settlement issue the way that you can tell whether or not it is your town or it is your village if it is a settlement issue it is your town if it is a village it will stay bound settlement issue the other issue is bandit based if there is any bandit base in your vicinity what that will do is give you a minus two security the other way that you can deal with security is with hurt the 200 charm perk gives plus security bonus but that is a governor per 125 leadership present plus five security in a town per day while waiting this is a personal her so it's not for a party leader it definitely not for a governor anyone can have this and if you are sitting in town you are going to gain five security now if you get yourself a hundred security normally with your drift it's gonna come back down but this is a great way when you first get a town to get it stabilized very very quickly the last way to gain security is by policy serfdom will add one security per day magistrate will add one as well bailiffs will also add one per day but you need to be careful with these because they do have negative effect to them so when you go ahead and add that now those will increase and we are now sitting at plus 4.22 and at the bottom you will see security drip when it is at 50 it is a zero basically consider it a rubber band as you move one way or the other you have the rubber band that is going to be pulling you so if you go too far down in the negative that security drift is actually going to give you a positive to try to pull you back to 50. and the same way if you go above 50 it will start giving you a negative trying to pull you back to 50. there are quite a few things that we are going to be able to do to increase that loyalty currently we are sitting at 29. however we started working on our security and that security is now going to increase it from here you could see we are at point zero eight because of our security every day our security goes up that number is going to increase i believe it caps at one for a hundred security the other is of course culture as i explained before if you are not of the same culture i am battanian this is blandian i get a minus three if this was a britannian town i would not get that minus three your governor if they are a big different culture they will get a minus one but since they are of the same culture they get a lost one there are a few perks that you can get at 200 a governor perk which i've explained before in the security section which you could take this one you can also take this one instead which will give plus 10 loyalty as the governor at 2 25 you get good old parade when you are visiting a settlement they get bust by loyalty once a day 75 leadership heroic leader this is a governor perk so it's a little difficult for new people to get but existing companions especially lords like ones you would marry normally have 75 already and finally one perk you're probably never going to get is going to be the 200 medicine perk as a governor increases loyalty of settlement by one per day policies are another way you can gain it and there are five of them but you need to be careful of the secondary effect imperial town towns held by the ruler clan gained one loyalty so any towns they you have will gain when loyalty but non-ruler clans will lose 0.3 so it's not a lot for them but that's a lot for you citizenship plus 0.5 loyalty per day to settlements that have the same culture as their owner clan meaning i am betanian so any betanian settlement will gain 0.5 loyalty however if they are non-betanian they will lose five loyalty forgiveness of debts one of the best policies in the game settlement loyalty is increased by two per day tribunes of the people loyalty is increased by one per day trial by jury settlement loyalty is increased by 0.5 per day you lose a little bit of security and clients lose one influence but it's a great way to go ahead and get that loyalty so by taking all of that and including my plus five perc so just from policies and per we have gone from minus 0.99 to plus 10.59 while i wait in town if i'm not in town it drops five it's still gaining 5.59 a day there are two more things that we can do with fairground it will increase the town loyalty that's what morale is by 0.5 per level of the fairground right now we have fairgrounds level one so it increases it 0.5 so you can get that up to three which means we would now be at 11.59 also you can do daily defaults these are projects that you can work on if you are not working on any normal projects if you get a town and there is nothing you want to work on and you need that loyalty asap here is what you do you can go ahead and you hit this little button here and that will be the only one that is worked on then you click it again and hit the plus sign that now gets rid of all project now it is defaulted to this though it is now working on these we will now switch it over to festival and game you'll see that it's 10.59 when we switch it here it's gaining 1.03 so if we back out and we go ahead and look at it again just to double check 1.03 okay what can we do let's add some money i wonder what that is going to do to it 1.9 so instantly if your town is suffering from a loyalty problem cancel all projects focus on festival and games and put a little bit of money and you're going to gain 1.9 the other thing that i want to stress also is when it comes to project which also comes to workshop the loyalty directly affect production in that town and that includes construction so as this increases what is going to happen is more people are going to work and therefore this number is actually going to increase so let's wait one day increase this by 12 and see what it does to settlement loyalty increase so we advanced one day we did get a little bit from our security to increase and we gained that 12 loyalty so our 1.9 increase the loyalty from festival games has now increased to 2.57 as this loyalty increases so will this i am now going to fast forward this for five days and let you see what this looks like 85 security 94 loyalty we this is now producing 3.4 loyalty per day so the one thing to remember from all of this though is we have two things going for us that are going to change one is present that is my presence gaining five being in town the second is we're going to have our parade perk that is going to decrease this by five as soon as we leave town so let's leave town and let's look at what our beef looks like without us there we're still gaining three loyalty a day our security is sitting at minus five three which we could increase very easily if we just add more to the garrison we're gaining prosperity garrison our food is great malicious great we have now completely stabilized our town now obviously you are never going to be able to do all of this unless you set yourself up you're running a kingdom you get the right situation however out of everything i've run through you should be able to do a decent majority of it and it is much easier to get loyalty than you really think and while the loyalty section of this video is not very long that is because getting your starvation and your security fixed first will directly impact your loyalty so when you focus on the other two things it makes loyalty really easy to do so never just think of loyalty think of the other two and those two will snowball your loyalty to get it quicker so i hope this guide helped you out if there's anything i missed or anything that was incorrect please leave a message in the comments so that way i know about it and i can let others know about it as well until next time take care and thanks for watching
Channel: Flesson19
Views: 47,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord towns loyalty, bannerlord rebellion loyalty, Bannerlord loyalty, bannerlord towns, bannerlord rebellion, bannerlord loyalty drift, bannerlord fief loyalty, flesson19, mount and blade, bannerlord guide, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade bannerlord, Bannerlord tips and tricks, bannerlord skills, Bannerlord tips, mount and blade 2, mount and blade bannerlord tips, bannerlord 1.0, bannerlord full release, strat gaming
Id: Qfe1gb1SvHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 06 2021
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