How to Take ANY CASTLE in Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord!

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hey what's up you guys it's Spartan and welcome back to Mountain Blade 2 Banner Lord so for this video I'll be teaching you guys the best tactics to use in order to take any City or Castle in all of Cal radio so for this battle we have 100 attackers against 1500 Defenders so I basically gathered every single Lord and Noble in this entire fashion and put them in a single Castle to make this the hardest Siege battle that could ever possibly happen in all of mountain blade so let's go ahead and show you guys the best tactics to use in order to take this insanely powerful Castle alright there we go so we are ready to get straight into this battle so it's gonna be 1100 dry attack Warriors and their kings and every single one of their nobles against the champion of chaos himself and only 100 soldiers and look at that Power Balance man this is not looking good so we are not supposed to win this so let's go ahead and get straight into this battle and show you guys what to do to take any Castle or city in Mount Blade 2 Band all right so right away we'll go ahead and send all of our infantry to attack the gates and we're gonna put all of our archers as close to our infantry as possible to provide supporting fire but here we go so we basically are going in through the front gate by just chopping at it with swords so this is definitely not the most effective way and this will take a while but this is the only way this tactic will work so you need to destroy their gate with your infantry units and it would definitely help if you had your two-handed giant Berserkers chopping at the gate but it looks like they're kind of they're too above doing that so they're gonna let their uh Gladiator Brothers stab at the gate instead and look at that oh my God he got a Pila straight up his nose but yeah you basically just want to concentrate all of your archers as much as possible right behind your infantry alright so they are hiding way in the back back here and most of their archers are expecting us to try to go up the ladders but we will not be using the walls or the ladders we will be going straight through their Gates but look at this so these guys are one of the most armored units in all of calvaryia and they look absolutely beautiful right here man this is not something we can easily win against with only 100 soldiers this would definitely be in completely unwinnable Siege battle if we were to try this normally titanium fiends are doing a good job it looks like we are almost through the gates so it's looking good so far and as soon as we break this gate we will have to be fast because they will throw Boulders and shoot us from above so you do have to be very cautious in the gate and we can't use our Gatehouse strategy like we have used in the past alright the first gate is destroyed there we go and let's go ahead have our men attack the second gate try not to lose anyone from above but we might lose a couple Gladiators trying to take this gate alright let's see do they have anyone up here do they even have time oh yeah there we go oh never mind they're running past yeah they're not gonna throw any Boulders on us that is amazing to see and we have destroyed both gates so in this strategy you will want to destroy both both of their gates in the middle and then immediately Retreat your men about 50 yards back we're gonna go ahead and divide our archers into halves and we're gonna put one Archer on the left and one Archer group on the right so we're gonna do a reverse wedge formation with a shoe wall right in the middle and I'm going to go ahead and send some of my archers to Mana onager so keep in mind we have four onagers ready to fire and since we took control of every single one of our units none of these have fired yet so these guys are completely ready to start raining down rocks on our enemy and let's go ahead and enact this beautiful strategy right here and tactic to take their Castle so let's go ahead and get off our horse and try not to get shot by these uh catapults here this is definitely a very risky tactic but it will be well worth it so let's go ahead and run straight up to these guys we're gonna stand right here and we're gonna drag them out slowly so we're dragging them out into the wall of monikers that will be coming for them go ahead and hold my shield up and just slowly go off to the side and here come our honors boys let's go ahead and run away so we're gonna go ahead and run away and we can go into slow motion now and look at this so we are dragging their soldiers outside their Gates and they will immediately start to try to run away as soon as you are farther than five meters away from them but now we have the opportunity to shoot them down with our onagers like that and we did lose some legionary so that's why I told you guys to put them farther away but let's go ahead and have everyone fire at will there we go so we're shooting into the backs of their infantry that are gonna get stuck in their Gatehouse and we will slowly mow down every single one of their infantry doing this and let's go ahead and actually move our infantry closer so we're actually going to put our infantry I say about right here so we're actually gonna put them about 30 yards I'd say 30 yards away from their gate so that I can drag them out more so they're running to the basically to our Shield wall and they're going to get slaughtered by your archers that are watching from the side sides there we go so you will lose some infantry if you want to but you don't necessarily have to you can just honestly not even have infantry and just have all archers all right come on boys look at these beautiful Gladiators man they're doing a really good job of holding a shield wall but you will want the best Shield men you like you can possibly get because they will break your Shields very quickly with all their javelins look at that man yeah okay let's go ahead and Retreat so we are out of ammo now and we have killed 750 soldiers and only lost 36 soldiers in a Siege attack situation so you guys can attack and Retreat as soon as your onagers run out of ammo but we do have to destroy their gate yet again so we are taking a risk doing this so it's definitely something you have to weigh in deciding if you want to re-attack and redestraw their gate alright man go ahead and scoop back because I think we have an honor aiming at their gate oh oh my God you have got to be kidding me okay the onager is aiming at the gate so we're gonna go ahead and let it do its thing until it's out of ammo because it just took out 90 of our soldiers which should have never happened so yeah uh make sure not to put any soldiers on the onagers or the catapults until you are ready all right let's go ahead and drag the rest of these guys out they should just be mostly like tier one Tier Two Soldiers now since we've killed so many of them all right come on hopefully I don't get hit oh under your shot yeah there we go come on onager you must kill more the enemy than us here we go slowly dragging them off the walls blocking with my magical banner and there we go that was like 10 kills from a single shot it looks like their infantry is charging my infantry so I will drag them back just a little bit just since we only have four soldiers so we have two of our brave Champion Gladiators left and we have killed 194 soldiers in that single attack right there because of our honors so honestly no matter how many soldiers you are facing in a Siege defense situation or a Siege attack situation you will completely slaughter their army with this tactic right here archers are gonna be firing against the last dry tank Defender that is standing his ground honestly he is very courageous to be able to stand his ground against us and not run away let's see how long he's oh it just pushed straight through his skull right there oh my God four arrows through his chest after it pushed his shield to the side so the king of the dryations is a prisoner of ours and we will execute him on the spot and we have 815 soldiers after that battle because you got to keep in mind every single time you kill someone with an onager it knocks him unconscious so it adds so many prisoners that we can sell for unlimited amounts of gold so drop in Castle is now ours so we have defeated the most difficult Castle in all of bandelord with only 100 soldiers alright so I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you guys end up trying this tactic out for yourselves make sure to put that down on the comments and let me know how it goes for you guys so I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I'll see you guys in the next one peace out Spartans [Music] foreign
Channel: Spartan Gaming
Views: 203,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord, bannerlord 2, bannerlord mods, bannerlord siege, bannerlord siege battle, bannerlord siege tips, bannerlord tips and tricks, mount and blade, mount and blade 2, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade bannerlord, mount and blades 2 bannerlord, spartan gaming
Id: ze7c593AgjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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