Bannerlord Tips The Real Reason Companion Clans/Vassals Betray You-Finally Discovered | Flesson19

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so i have finally figured out the companion clan problem which i do believe also goes to vassals however i want to take this moment to apologize to everyone for putting out two videos that i believe to be somewhat inaccurate i thought the first one was very accurate then come to find out that wasn't necessarily the case so i made the second video which was released and then i was told something by flavius who is a member of this channel i thought it was absolutely ridiculous there's no possible way that could be it so i released my video and then finally after you talked to me some more i decided to run the test after running his tests i was shocked to find out what the results were as soon as that happened i immediately unlisted both of those videos which is something youtubers say you should never do however my integrity and my reputation on youtube means more than the algorithm my first video in a week had about seven thousand views and my second one already had 500 views in the first three hours i want you guys to know that when i do post a video i truly feel that it is going to be accurate to the best of my ability and when i do make a mistake i am going to make sure that i correct that mistake going forward here is what it comes down to what would be absolutely shocking is for you to realize what is the most important factor when it comes to whether or not a clan will betray you it's not relation it's not feasts it's money that's it that is the most important thing so what you do is you go to the encyclopedia and you look at their wealth now how do you know what that mean wealth is equivalent to very poor means they have less than fifteen thousand four means they have between fifteen thousand and forty nine thousand nine hundred ninety nine average means they have fifty thousand to a hundred and thirty four thousand nine hundred ninety nine rich means they have a hundred and thirty five thousand 409 9999 and very rich means they have at least 410 000 so when you're looking at whether or not clans are going to leave you wealth is the most important factor that you need to watch for now there are several other factors that do come into play when it comes to whether or not they're going to leave you the other two major factors are going to be beefs and relation those three together will make up the bulk of whether or not someone is going to end up leaving you so i did extensive testing after i pulled those two videos now i feel to get an accurate estimation of what all these different things will be and so whether or not clans or vassals will leave you i think it could take upwards of a week to figure out without knowing the code so i did a bunch of testing to try to give you a baseline of what possibly is going to be when a clan will leave you now take these with a grain of salt i spent many hours testing it but as you know there's a lot of rng involved into this if a clan is very poor it doesn't matter how many feet you give them they are a danger of leaving you at any moment even if they're plus 100 if a clan is poor and you have zero relation with them you should at least make sure they have a town if you're not going to give them a town and you're going to give them a castle you need to try to give them a little bit more money now once you get to average which this is only the 50 000 mark this is where it becomes a lot easier to manage them as long as they have a castle and they are even they will never leave you if you start to go negative with them there is a small very small risk that they can leave you now when we get too rich and very rich this is where as long as they have a castle it does not matter the relation they will not leave you i had minus 100 relation with five different clans and i ran it for 15 years maintaining them with at least a rich wealth and not one left b so as i said these numbers are going to be a guide for you to try to follow however always play it safe so if you're worried that they're going to leave you maybe give them a little bit more money or make sure they have a little bit more relation so when it comes down to it money is everything to a clan now i want to reiterate something very important when you go to a clan to see how much money they have which you can just open a proposal with them to see how much money they have and therefore you can give them how much money you want to so they can reach that next tier of wealth you cannot go to a klan member you must go to the leader his money is what counts for wealth just like with your clan parties they have a certain amount of money on them if they make a profit they send a percentage of that money to the leader so don't go to a member and give them money if you do they will only send some of that money to the leader at a percentage over time so i hope i did enough in this video to show that i tried to make right in the last two videos that i did and i gave you at least enough information for you to get a head start in knowing what you need to look for in your game if you see them poor or very poor think about giving them some money if you see very poor that is an alert to immediately get with them so when you create a clan party make sure you give him a little bit of money just so he can pop up and not leave you right away any other questions you can leave a comment for me here or you can come to my new discord channel which will be in the description i am still a member of strat gaming's italian spartacus party elite so if you tag my name in any one of their discords i'll get a message knowing it or you can come hit mine and i can talk about it further with you so i apologize again for the previous two videos and i hope this set the record straight until next time take care and thanks for watching
Channel: Flesson19
Views: 43,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flesson19, bannerlord relations, bannerlord tips, bannerlord guide 2022, Mount and blade 2 bannerlord guide, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade bannerlord, bannerlord guide, Bannerlord tutorial, Mount and blade bannerlord gameplay, Bannerlord tips and tricks, mount and blade bannerlord tips, mount and blade, mount and blade 2, Mount and blade 2 tips, bannerlord tips and guide, bannerlord clans leaving kingdom
Id: hdHCJcQUj34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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