Q&A #1 Get to know me! (Incl. pics from my childhood)

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Welcome back to my channel, my dear elegant ladies! Today I have a Q&A video for you and it's actually for the first time ever on this channel. I had my YouTube birthday recently. And so if you were acting in my community tab section, you would have noticed when I asked you to ask me questions that I would answer in this Q&A. But if you are here for the first time, my name is Anna and I run an online finishing school called School Of Affluence. I teach women high society skills and elegance and this is also what my channel is all about. So visit www.SchoolOfAffluence.om if you want to join my program and don't forget to subscribe to my channel. Let's start with this video. So your questions are here and I'm going to go through them. I'm obviously not going to be able to answer 570 plus questions, but I will answer a few. I'm just gonna randomly pick them. So let's start with the first question. What does your typical day in the life consist of? I really try to keep my days as structured and organized as possible and this really has to do for my own mental wellbeing. I really need to have set routines. I need to have balance in life because if I don't, it really disrupts my balance easily. So what I do is that my alarm goes off at 6:00 AM every morning. I don't always manage to wake up that early, but I try to wake up the latest 7. On a day when I would sleep in, it would be 7:38 but those days thankfully do not happen anymore because it actually wastes a lot of my time and I try to be as productive as I can every day. This is very important that when you run a business, if you're being lazy, if you're really just wasting time, then obviously you're not going to be successful in the end. So I try to wake up early. These days, I managed to get up at 6:00 AM. Now I'm actually trying to see if I can push it even earlier, like at 5:30 AM, that would be great. I feel like when you wake up early you get much more done in the day and that's really important for me. So the first thing that I do when I wake up is, you know, besides the whole bathroom thing is to put on my exercise clothes and I usually do it so that I really go exercising and I always exercise first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. I don't have breakfast. I do intermittent fasting every day. Well yeah, maybe six days a week. One day, I usually take like a rest day from it and usually maybe on a Saturday or Sunday. Oh, anyway, it depends. So, so typical day would be me waking up early, going to train, intermittent fasting. Then I start my work day, usually around eight in the morning or at nine in the morning, it depends. I forgot to mention, on a daily basis I alternate between running and training with a personal trainer. That's kind of my routine. Now then I basically work, a whole working day usually. Occasionally I do have appointments. Maybe I have some meetings, maybe some business related meetings, maybe I have some beauty appointments, maybe I have for instance, like on a weekly basis, I go for massages twice a week. On weekends, me and my partner, we always do our spa Saturdays, meaning we'd go to the spa and just relax and have a massage and all that. And I also do once a week sports massage because it really helps me. It's very painful, but it really, really helps me with certain, you know, certain muscle pains and back issues when you sit in front of a computer a lot, which I do, but that's kind of my usual routine. And then, you know, workday finished, I relax with my partner. We do things, we would go somewhere, we'd go out for dinner, we do things, we meet friends. It really depends on the day of the week. Beginning of the week tend to be more quiet and then the action happens, you know, comes Wednesday, Thursday. We have a lot of friends that we spend time with where we live. It's very great community in Geneva. So that's kind of the usual day in my life. Okay, next question ladies. What was your motivation to make the changes you made on yourself to enter high society and to attract a different man than the average and what made you keep going to finally change the quality of your life? Good one. So my motivation has always been that I once saw this quote, "Don't let dreams only be dreams". And it just made me realize I have all these dreams and I don't want them to just kind of never happened. I actually want to live this, I want to have this. I really understood that it would be very, very sad thing if I live this lifetime, especially if we only live once, right? If I had this lifetime to not do what I really want to do, to only be like living on autopilot, to only be doing what maybe other people want me to do, but actually not be true to myself and do the things that I want to do. And of course, you know, I didn't think that I could do this. I didn't think that I could possibly transform myself or learn certain skills or even have access to a world that was foreign to me back in the days. But I made it happen somehow because there was also point that I realized that anything is possible and when I kind of started puzzling all these aha moments together, it just fueled me to just like do whatever I want. Nothing is going to come in my way. It's this or nothing. I don't settle for less. I don't settle for mediocre. I'm going to get what I want because I know I can and I know I deserve it. So that was my motivation. How do you travel a lot? I'm not really sure what that question is asking, but I don't really travel that much. I travel once a month but that's usually as much as I can cope with. I am not the type who could be away every week, every second week. When me and my partner had long-distance relationship, it was sometimes very frustrating because I need my balance. I need my routine, I need my days to be somehow very structured and very aligned with each other. I know some people are so able to do the traveling around, always be in different places and parts of the world, but me, I'm a person I crave routine and it makes me feel my best truly. What inspired or encouraged you to be who you are today and how did get rid of old habits to be in that more ladylike? Inspired? Other women who did this before me inspired me and especially those who did not come from money, who simply had the same background as me. I had so many women like that in front of my eyes. They inspired me because I saw that it was possible for them and I just wanted to rinse and repeat what they did and apply it in my own life just to kind of see is it going to work? And it did. And that's basically what I teach today. But encouragement came really from myself because I wanted this and I think my craving for wanting it so badly enough, I think that has always encouraged me to keep on going and to never give up. And getting rid of old habits really comes from one word, self-awareness. You just have to start practicing, being very self aware with yourself and accepting a view of yourself that you might not appreciate. I think that's where change comes from and that's how I managed to create change in my life. What is your biggest regret? I know this cliche, you should never have regrets, but I think we all maybe have a few regrets that we think about like, Hmm, why did I do that? Right? But for me, it would definitely be, why did I spend so much time, hours analyzing, obsessing about men that actually, that weren't worth it, men that weren't worth the time? I think that's what I regret the most. Can you tell us more about your partner? How did you meet him? So this is a very common question that I get ladies and I do understand that a lot of you are very curious about my personal life, actually, the parts that I keep private. So for those of you who do not know, I keep my relationship, my family and my circle of friends private. Some friends, I actually don't keep private, but majority I do. And it's a simple reason for that. I run a channel, I run a program that is a little bit controversial. So it's really important for me to keep some privacy. That's the decision I've taken. So for that reason, I'm not really going to answer any questions that has to do with my personal life. And I'm sure you will understand that and respect it because after all, you are elegant ladies. But just, you know, it's not a secret how me and my boyfriend met. We met through introductions, through friends and I actually think that sometimes, that's the easiest way to meet somebody who is of high quality and who is serious. So that has also really laid the foundation for what it is that I teach and it's about networking. Networking is so important ladies, but that's something that I cover more in my online finishing school. So if you are interested in that, make sure to visit www.SchoolOfAffluence.com How do you practice so much patience with law of attraction? How do you deal with days where negativity seems inevitable? I can tell you one thing, I'm not a robot. I'm a human being. I'm a person just like you and me. I have my bad days, I have my negative days. Luckily, they don't happen often anymore. These days, I'm able to majority of the times be very positive, shift my focus when needed, focus on the things that really matter. And I guess, that's something that does come with age and it also comes with practice. I would say if I look back in my past, I would have definitely been more negative than I am today. After I did my spiritual journey, when I went to a Vipassana 10 day silent retreat, I think that was one of the biggest shifts that I did. I started to understand how important some parts of my life were and how unimportant other parts were. And that has helped me to create my positive mindset and really work on positivity and I can tell you that positivity do not happen overnight. Those days when negativity just comes and you feel like it's out of your control. You know what? If I really feel okay, I've tried everything in my toolbox, I have a mental toolbox that I've developed together with my therapist. Now if nothing in my toolbox work, then sometimes I just call it a night, really. Sometimes I'm just, you know what? It's better if I just sleep this bad day off and just do things that requires no brain activity, requires no decision making, requires no contact with people. I'm just going to stay in my little bubble. Maybe I'll watch a good movie and maybe I do some self care. Maybe I just do things that do not require much emotion or thought process from me and then I sleep it off. Apart from rhinoplasty, have you had any other procedures? When it comes to surgery, no. Rhinoplasty is my only surgery. But ladies, I have made a video about my before and after, so I have really described in great detail about everything that I've done to my appearance. So you go and watch that video. Did you work a job or have a career before created your YouTube channel? Yes, of course. Although, I haven't worked for X amount of years under a boss, under some form of corporate job. But yes, I did have a career in digital marketing. That was the only thing I've done my entire life. I mean, besides some random jobs I've had, but so my background is digital marketing and I was specifically involved in the online gambling industry, so that's kind of where I did career before deciding to create my own business. What star sign are you, your sun, your moon and your rising and your partner's too? My star sign is I'm an Aries sun. I'm a Scorpio moon and my rising star is Capricorn and my Chinese horoscope is, I'm born in the year of the tiger and my numerology, my number is 11. So it's a master number. But based on this information, if you have experience in astrology and numerology or Chinese horoscopes, feel free to leave me a comment below because I'm very curious, what's your quick analysis of me based on this information? Why marry an affluent man, asides from financial and social benefits? I think that's a very individual question for me. I always found power, finances to be more attractive than those men who don't have it. And that's a very common female instinct that has been with us for years and years, so just embracing that. What's your favorite TV show or movie, genre of music, books, sports? Oh my God, there's just so many questions. What's your talent or hobby? Okay, let's, okay, I'm going to quickly answer this. My favorite TV show is Sex in the City. Although, I've watched it like hundred times now. I don't watch TV series because TV series tend to bore me. I'm trying at the moment to watch Downton Abbey, but it makes me fall asleep quite frankly. My favorite movie, I mean I have many. I really love French movies. I really like this movie called, Priceless. So that's definitely one of my favorite movies. Genre of music I love Latin American music and I love deep house. Books Anything non-fiction and self-improvement or business or marketing related Sports My favorite sport is equestrian sports. What's your talent or hobby? My hobby is horseback riding. My hobby is dancing. I love Latin American dance. I love Latin American ballroom dancing that I used to do for many years, back in the days. My talent, I am very good at analyzing things that is especially has to do with psychology. I would like to hear about your upbringing and childhood. So I grew up in Sweden, in Stockholm, and my childhood was all about me being in the stable. I was big animal lover since I was very young and I almost, you can say that I grew up in a stable because we had next to our house, there was a stable there that I used to go to every day, every day for hours and hours and hours a day. Sometimes my mom have to come looking for me because she couldn't find me. I was so passionate about these animals and there was many different types of animals there. There was a lot of rabbits, there was pigs, sheep, we had the horses. Horses is my spirit animal and something I always been very passionate about. I've also been horseback riding for majority part of my life. So I grew up on the stable, up until highschool when I kind of lost touch with that life, after I transitioned to studying at a more elite school in Stockholm. And after that, as soon as I was done at the school, I packed my bags and I left Sweden for good. But that's kind of my upbringing in a nutshell, stable, school, high school, I'm out of here. That was kind of my path. So the second question actually touches upon this. Do you come from a modest family or were you born rich? I'm absolutely not born rich. I came from a normal family, that's it. Do you ever get uncomfortable with other women staring at you with judgment when you're looking your best? Absolutely not. I know that they're staring at me because they're feeling bad about themselves. Because all of a sudden I came there, I look good and they feel like they don't look good enough. So for that reason, they're staring and they're trying to kind of bully you with their eyes. I usually don't pay attention and I know and I understand what's going on with them right now. So sometimes I really try to switch on kind of my sense of compassion. Like ladies, I understand you're not doing this because you are probably mean people. You're just extremely insecure right now. I get it. It's okay. How to build a good image and how to network yourself into the right circles? This question is, it's a very good question because I have built a whole course around this. So if you are interested in this, this is what my course is going to teach you, visit www.SchoolOfAffluence.com. How did you learned all those affluent manners, by yourself going to classes? So my mother was teaching me a lot of etiquette when I was brought up. But of course, throughout the years, you adopt a few bad habits along the way. So I have worked with that with self-awareness, by taking classes and also I did this year in 2019 and I went to a Swiss finishing school where actually got certified and etiquette and protocol, which is why I'm now teaching this to you ladies. What does the term high society mean for you? Rich people, noble men, powerful group and also with which of this niches do you identify yourself with? So high society is very kind of old school term. The reason why I'm using this term so much is because, quite frankly, there is no such good word for what it is that I'm trying to talk about. There isn't that many words for this. What are we going to always say, rich people? So high society just makes it very easy. We start thinking about what the kind of, what the older definition was standing for and that was probably standing more for nobleman for the aristocracy, for socialites. The truth is that today, high society does not really look like that. It has evolved and it has become much more accessible than how we used to be back in the days. So for me, high society just really means a widespread of affluent people, of elegant people, people who are into a certain kind of more elite lifestyle. It's like a community more. I think we all may have a different definition to it, but if you have any better terms of the word high society, feel free to leave a comment because I'm definitely somebody who would like some variations in some of the terms that I use. How tall are you? I'm 5'7. So that's 170 centimeters tall. If you hadn't become a Youtuber, what would you be? That is so funny because I mean YouTube is just kind of my way of communicating with my community. I mean, what I really do is that I run a business. I have my online school. So that is my business and you asked me what I've done besides YouTube. I would have had a business even if that business wouldn't be with what it is that I do today, it would have been a different business evolving something else. The point is that if you know Myers Briggs personality, I'm an adventurer. So that is my Myers Briggs. Feel free to let me know in the comments section if you have done the Myers Briggs personality and if you're also an adventurer. If you are not understanding what this Myers Briggs is that I'm now talking about, go to www.16personalities.com and take the test. It's a very famous personality test and it's really interesting because it's very accurate. So the point that I wanted to make is that the personality that I have in Myers Briggs is the person who really cannot work for anybody, but themselves. Because I need to have my kind of creative space. I need to kind of have, I need to have my wiggle room to do things the way I want to do them, to kind of just be who I am. And the only career that kind of really taps into that specificness is when you are your own boss. So for me it's having my own business. It's always been my dream and I'm so grateful that I actually managed to reach my dream. For us happily married with an average Joe, what do you recommend? Do what you want. Stay happy, if you're happy. Who knows you best? Definitely my partner I think he knows me inside out by now. Take it or leave it, but this is what you get. How long does it take you to make a YouTube video? To make a YouTube video today for me is much faster than it was one year ago. Let's put it this way. So for instance, if you're watching a 10 minute video, I have probably been speaking for about 20 minutes, but we have cutout half of it cut out. The things that are a little bit irrelevant, a little bit of when you go off tangent and so on. Because that would just bore my audience to watch. So I'm trying to keep it as short and concise as possible. Creating a video takes long sometimes, but oftentimes, the things I really take time as the preparation for it. Once I shoot, I only shoot once. Actually, Youtube is such a big work. You have no idea. I would never be able to do this by myself. That's one thing for sure. Well, I started off doing it by myself. But if you want to get into YouTube, really think about if you have the time for you to, because you are not going to have time for anything else in your life besides YouTube. I promise you that. YouTube probably takes up 70% of my time, work time, I'm saying. It's crazy. In your personal life, are you a housewife who cook and clean and do you want kids? We have somebody who takes care of our household, including cooking. So I don't do any of that because simply, I don't have time. I have a full-time job after all, so I refuse to have another job at home. That's one thing that's for sure. Can I still show cleavage even if it's just a little bit and still be elegant? Yes, of course, you can show cleavage. Ladies, you cannot be extremist here. It's about doing things tastefully when you are elegant. Of course, you can show a little bit of cleavage and sometimes a bit of legs and still be appearing very elegant and sophisticated. It's about how you do it. If you have these things under control, you, of course, can do it, but you need to have good taste. If you have good taste, you're safe. If you don't have good taste, don't take the risk. Do you like animals? If you do, which one is your favorite? I love, love, love, love animals truly. It's one of my biggest passions in life, animals. Every day, I think about that I am sad over the fact that I don't have any animals my life at the moment. But it is in my pipeline to get a dog. I just don't feel like the time is really right now. Dogs, cats, I love them. Horse is my spirit animal. I just love horses. I used to horseback ride for many years and I actually love all kinds of animals. Do you always follow all of your own rules or do you sometimes cut loose? So I feel like I have touched on this topic in my video when elegance has gone wrong. So basically, you have to understand that what it is that I teach here, etiquette, elegance, I'm teaching it in a very kind of formal way. I'm teaching it in a formal way so that anybody who's watching, no matter where you are in your life, whether you are an absolute beginner, maybe you are extremely clueless and act in a very inappropriate way, or maybe you're somebody who is already polished up, but you just need to tweak a few things. I really want my formal training to be applicable for all of you. So of course, we are being very formal in our conversation here. Reality is not always formal. If I will teach you, for instance, if I were to have a video on how to sit properly, I will tell you you cannot rest your back against them, against the rest. You cannot put your elbows here and you cannot cross your legs because that's the formal way of sitting. But does that mean that I never put my elbow here? Does it mean that I never can actually sit casually? Maybe I feel like putting my legs up and just being a little bit casual in a casual environment. Everything has its time and place. Sometimes I act very formal, exactly the way that I teach in my videos. Sometimes I am more casual and maybe yes, I would sit a bit more like this. I would be maybe dress more casual like I am today. Everything has its place ladies and you have to be aware of this, but I am here to cater for you so that you don't feel awkward in high society. And if you are sticking to the most formal rules, you will definitely not do anything wrong and you will definitely not feel out of place. But does it mean you have to be a slave to etiquette and elegance? No. If you know when to be casual, when it's appropriate for more casual behavior, then you know when to apply that and you will not do any mistakes. Last question ladies. How did you deal with failure during your path into high society? Let's be honest here. We all go through failures and we all sometimes suffer from them. I could suffer from my failure for a brief moment, sometimes more, sometimes less. It really depends. Thankfully with the years, I've gone by, I suffered less and less and less. But also the failures became less and less. I would definitely say the failures were more in the beginning when you were totally clueless and a beginner. But hey, I guess that's normal. How I dealt with this, that I allow myself just the right amount of, you know, licking my own wounds and feeling sorry for myself. Because I think that it's good to kind of have that moment, you know, even if it's just a brief moment, whether it is 10 minutes, an hour, a day, a week, it doesn't matter. It depends on the situation. But you allow yourself to just kind of process what has happened. Let that emotion go through you, let that energy pass through you. And then beginning of a new cycle, you pick up the reins where you left them, you do not look back or what has been, you try to look forward of what it is that you want to achieve. You want to have, you want to succeed with your goals, right? So you cannot be stuck in the wounds in the, "Oh, I feel so bad" and "what a failure that all was". No. You just have to not to think so much about it. The only thing you have to think about is what you could learn from that experience. And that's the only thing you keep in your mind when you keep on going, when you move forward. The whole secret to success is to always have this momentum, always have this action. Never ever give up. Put your life on pause or on hold just because, I don't know, things are not working out or you did a mistake with something. Pull yourself together, pick up the reins and just go. Just go without thinking. That's something that I really feel like that has always been helping me on my journey, and of course, even still today. If we have things that are happening in our lives that might not be positive at times, then this is how I deal with it. Now that was it for me ladies. I hope you have enjoyed a little personal moments with me. If you want more personal videos, let me know in the comments section below. Now, if you want to find out more about how my luxury lifestyle started, I actually have a video about it and that video, you will join me in Rome when I was 19 and I will tell you all about it. So I will see you in that video.
Channel: Anna Bey
Views: 393,187
Rating: 4.9110765 out of 5
Keywords: school of affluence, jetsetbabe, anna bey, luxury, luxury lifestyle, get to know me, questions and answers, get to know me tag, get to know me tag questions, about me, facts about me, all about me, q and a, school of affluence law of attraction, the school of affluence, jet set babe, anna bey interview, anna bey school of affluence, anna bey law of attraction, school of affluence students, school of affluence interview, school of affluence makeup, school of affluence hair
Id: 34QzrGSsjEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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