Get started with animation in Unity

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hello everybody Welcome to unity's official twitch Channel we're live with another let's Dev So today we're doing the first let's have animation stream so it's the first in a series that we're gonna do I'm here with well I'm your host Hassan as usual and I'm here with an amazing guest been wanting to bring Nathan on for a while uh please introduce yourself Nathan hi everybody I'm Nathan or Nate and I'm an animator here at Unity uh I've spent a lot of my life animating and obsessed with animation and I'm happy just to kind of share some of my tips and trips tips and tricks with you guys today so uh thank you for having me I'm super excited oh it's such a pleasure to have you thank you for joining and thank you for preparing so much for the stream it's going to be so amazing uh like we said I said in the chat earlier this is going to be very like conversational we have a flow of things we're gonna get through but please feel free to chime in in the chat ask questions we'll be taking your questions we'll we'll be building something but we're willing to like make changes to it uh you know you can ask us to like make changes to the animations that we're doing and stuff like that just you know we really want to stick to that whole uh real-time philosophy where we can change things on the fly right um what are we gonna go over today uh today we're looking at a really simple animation of a loot chest opening up and uh having something come out and be awesome it's a very typical thing you might see in a video game and I'm showing how we can make it and what are people going to be learning oh sorry thank you please yeah you got it we're gonna be learning a bunch of stuff animating on timeline the animation editor we're going to learn a little bit about Cinema machine and cameras Oh yeah and even to some simple like like scene layout stuff to keep your scene tidy and make sense for other artists and lastly the recorder so you know how to like record a movie or image sequence out of unity and put that on YouTube or wherever all right so what I love about this is it's all going to be very contextual we're not talking about it just on a high level we're gonna put everything in practice but before we show you what we're gonna make I'd love to do a little intro to just like what you've uh your background Nathan things you've worked on in the past and you have a big like uh a lot of experience in the animation this industry right okay yeah I mean the majority I've been having for about 15 years now and you can tell I'm getting a little bit gray I'm getting a little old and uh uh uh I spent a lot of my time working in movies like animation for live action movies um some of like the most favorite ones were like Star Wars and the Bumblebee movie uh I really like the term last term air movie got to work on was a lot of fun um I don't know a bunch of stuff Batman Superman I don't know yeah it's fun times it's amazing so let's let's play some of the uh footage of some things you've worked on maybe sure yeah but yeah yeah so what we're gonna see here is my own personal work is stuff that I do in my free time with my friends yeah this big dinosaur is uh one of the I guess bigger ones it's voiced by my five-year-old son and this is a fun one because I love the Pacific Rim giant monster movies and stuff um and uh I just thought let's let's take a turn on let's make it in unity let's let's do something funny you know let's have a giant robot and the monster is uh you'll see in a second uh a cute a cute dinosaurs and voiced by voiced by my five-year-old son so yeah if you haven't seen this where can they find these animations uh you can go on YouTube to search up Little Mountain animation uh or on my website Little Mountain animation awesome we dropped the link to that in the chat yeah these animations are really amazing this one I love especially it has such a sense of scale you achieved and I think you did a lot of that with the maybe with the camera work and things like that yeah yeah it was a lot of awesome tools I love using Unity like the virtual camera and all that stuff to help feel realistic and grounded like a real person's filming it you know yeah um so yeah it's tons of fun stuff going out there and this one was really fun this little Dino dancing thing uh we use unity's new tool Ziva Unity acquired this company called Siva and they do a lot of like body Dynamics and my friend key here rigged it up with you get that like jiggly like fleshy stuff on top like I have a close-up here of you know some of the reactions and stuff in the skin which is really hard to do in in Real Time 3D um so it's really cool to see that come through it's so good and and there's like the music that goes with this makes it so much better so please check out the YouTube and watch that video it's uh it's great what is it like the foot is it the Footloose song or something yeah yeah exactly so good absolutely amazing so um I would love to jump to your screen now so we can show the audience what we're actually going to be building today all right sounds good and the questions are already rolling in we haven't even started I love that oh cool I'll try and do uh oh sorry my mic level gets blown out do I have to adjust anything are you guys okay I just heard that in the chat so sorry yeah no I think it's fine okay I think we should be okay yeah all right cool well this is a little scene that we're putting together today um uh it's just a bunch of assets that we pulled from the asset store uh and they're available on the App Store now the assets that we're using um and I just wanted to demonstrate uh what you can do with a couple of quick simple assets I'm going to hit play and show you folks just takes a second to load here hey Harry in the chat we have Harry asafakis uh one of our Unity insiders and definitely in a lot of uh has joined us for a lot of our stream says oh damn I'm a big fan of your work Nathan all right thank you um so yeah that's it just a simple uh it looks better in play mode but a simple little uh chest uh opening up with some lights and some loot coming out uh and the camera is gonna do some some machine goodness in there as well um so that's that's it do you want me to start from scratching yeah and recreate this we can we can do it definitely all right so let's do that so we'll we'll start from scratch build this whole thing it's gonna involve like we said earlier timeline cinemachine so just animating in the timeline right right we're doing everything in unity today yeah everything's needed today yeah awesome let's do it uh so I'm using hdrp I'm gonna make a new scene called basic Outdoors uh just because you know the lighting and the volume just set up to be outdoors which we are in the beach so create that and I don't really want to say anything it's okay or whatever I'll save my old version and here we go so we have a very basically fresh new scene beautiful yeah uh first I'm just going to close this we don't need that right now the first thing I'm going to do though is bring in our uh medieval city from astrofish games okay nice it's one of the assets we're using again if you go to the front page of the asset store you'll see the stream and you'll see all the assets we're using listed right below perfect yeah and I'm just gonna merge this scene in uh so I think it's medieval village demo I'm just going to drag that into my hierarchy view here nice and you'll see here this is kind of a confusing setup because I have two scenes loaded in here one is just our outdoor scene that we made which comes with a camera a sun and a volume nice uh and this one is our medieval village demo scene which has all of our um pre-made asset goodies in here great and you'll see sorry I should have been this up before I put all my stuff in this scene so I'm going to delete it my bro my my magic effect and spoilers yeah spoilers and my lights delete all those guys do it on my cameras I think that's everything okay all right cool we have a great question from the chat which I think we're gonna go over as we go from dju mu uh how does unity animation differ from doing animation for in software is like blender it's a great question and I still love animating in softwares like blender and excuse me I like to use Maya but it's the same kind of idea I would I would still for majority of my character animations still do it in Maya just or blender just because it's those tools are very mature and they're very good at those specific tasks absolutely um but for today using a really simple um setup that we're using uh Unity is totally capable to do that and it works awesome yeah and I think you can like use a mix of things right so you could like have a character done in Maya but then you can have basic stuff in your game like doors opening chest opening and a few other even like little more complex things in Union right absolutely like it's just um a really faster way of kind of iterating on those ideas nice yeah cool all right so the first thing we're going to do now after we have our our awesome city is we're going to try and find a spot to put our chest I mean I put it there before but if we want to do it somewhere else uh we're free to do that but I guess for the sake of uh Simplicity let's just go with this uh and I'm going to look for the hyper casual chests there are some prefabs in here and you can look through here and see all the goodies um yeah I get a preview you can orbit around find the chest that you want which just speaks to you which chest speaks to you I also want to mention that so since we're using hdrp Unity has different render pipelines and these assets were built for the built-in render pipeline so when you download this asset and if you're an hdrp everything is going to be pink and you're gonna freak out and you're gonna send me hate mail and uh it's really easy you just select you go into cereals just select all the materials and if you go window rendering hdrp wizard and the bottom that says convert selected milk built-in materials hdrp it takes two seconds and then everything should work and there's no more hate mail no more hate mail so then I just prevented hate mail so that's good all right okay we're choosing a chest um so I I kind of liked uh this guy um boom look at that beautiful just the right size just the right size uh so the shortcut to scale things down is r and uh click in the middle so I get the same kind of universal scaling and until it feels you know like it belongs in this environment easy all right cool so if in practice if you were like building this and let's say you're like you know you're building this for a game would you scale something down would you mess with a scale like that or would you mess with the scale of the original model or the prefab yeah it totally depends on what you want to do you can just change the scale in the prefab itself and then it applies that to all versions of that asset yeah and so just import it and it just kind of magically is at the right scale so whatever really works for you but when you import things from blender there's actually the model file so you can which is actually like a layer beneath like it's like a layer beneath the actual prefab you can also change that scale too so in your in your practice you usually keep that model scale at one and then change the scale in unity uh it's a great great point I would change the import on the import model so uh I'm like oh it's way too big let's just make it feel right in the import settings and then we'll update in our scene and that way scale at one exactly okay cool yeah yeah because sometimes you don't really want you might want to avoid having weird scale numbers right in here so that's a good way to do that okay cool um and you'll notice that we have this Untitled scene here I'm just going to move all of our stuff into the medieval village scene um and the Sun is kind of like not giving us any light like we're over here we're kind of in the shadow so I'm just going to put this onto Global and just try and like hit some sunlight on our chest I can still see our little chest down there so let's see here yeah how's that look cool uh and I also sometimes like to tear the game window off so that I can see two at once you know so I can I know what the lighting looks like uh in my game camera and I haven't seen you at the same time so this is what the camera is actually going to be seeing right this exactly yeah cool but for today just because streaming is tough to see I'll leave it kind of one View at a time makes sense can be as big as possible for y'all yeah very cool Okay cool so I think what we're going to do before we start animating this guy is uh we need to kind of set up some see here local is this thing open up oh look at that beautiful it's already at the right pivot point and everything so so I love it yeah we don't have to do much great asset paid for games we made for games so what we're going to do is we are going to make a timeline so I'm going to click on this little plus and go create empty and it's going to go okay sorry no no go ahead I'm just going to call it timeline chest yeah and I'm also going to move it into the medieval village demo uh I can probably almost get rid of this scene for now but it's just there for for now oh we have a great question from the chat sure so yeah when I said like great game asset I really meant it because a lot of assets you can get a lot of assets that are made for movies that don't take those things in my like into consideration you know you can get like a wheelbarrow asset where the wheels aren't detached and so you can't actually get them to like at a like rolling animation to them for example right but but a lot of the assets on the asset store obviously are made with games and mind interactivity and mind uh we have a question from Harry on that point um what would you do if the pivot wasn't that conveniently placed and it was say in the middle oh great question Harry I love that stuff so let's unpack this prefab so you can just right click on it prefab unpack and what we're going to do then is do some very basic rigging um if you're used to blender or Maya you know rigging is uh where you put joints and stuff into character mesh and then you can adjust the pivots and stuff but we're not even going to do that we're going to very simple and just use hierarchy changes so what I'm going to do is make a game object and kind of just roughly position it uh where the pivot should be let's say on this hinge that looks roughly like you could really make sure it's in the right spot but for the point of um this discussion today I'm just going to put it there and then I'm going to put the chest cover under that and now when I wrote so it's not right it's not wrote it's not in the right spot so things are kind of off but you can see now that uh this game object has that pivot and then I'm animating that game object instead of the object with the broken pivot if that makes sense makes total sense okay so you're creating an empty object which simply acts as the pivot point and then you're gonna apply the thing will just act like a mesh essentially under that game object exactly yeah and and fill up uh said ah the good old hierarchy rigging work around yeah that's right uh I'm just gonna undo all that and go back to my prefab oh I guess it's uh already I wonder no do that there we go okay we're good uh all right so the first I'm gonna do is make a timeline and if you're used to blender or Maya or anything or even like an editing software there is like one timeline for everything right there's it's like Lord of the Rings just one timeline that rules them all and in video games you can put timelines on anything right like okay uh because you might want every chest in the game to have its own timeline so that's the biggest difference coming from something like Maya is is learning that timelines are flexible and can be applied to numerous objects so so that's super interesting because like that immediately coming from those other softwares sounds immediately confusing because the timeline in Premiere Pro let's say just you know beginning to end it's the whole thing right and then you can have nested timelines within that main timeline but in a game there isn't that main high level timeline that runs the entire thing right so when do those timelines start when do they end like if there are different timelines when when are they happening when do they oh well that can be kind of controlled by the users you can kind of have your timeline like in any game there's probably hundreds of timelines cycling at any given moment so it's um difficult for me to answer whenever so you activate that yeah as a Creator you can activate them and have them looping or whatever um so yeah yeah um so we're gonna make a new one and for this chest and I'm going to go to uh the package manager there's a few packages that we're gonna they're already installed but there's a few ones that you're going to need for this project uh the first one is cinemachine so add that it's already in here second one is timeline which is right here I think and the third one is recorder which is right here and we'll get to those other ones later but right now we're just focusing on timeline nice so we have them all in so you just go to package manager Unity registry and find and then you can even search for those in the search bar you bet yeah thank you awesome and then once it's installed do you want to go window sequencing timeline and you can pop this timeline wherever it makes sense for you I like to kind of put it down here uh and it says here to start creating a timeline select a game object so as I mentioned we can put timelines on anything yeah uh and we made this empty game object here uh and we want to create tablet so let's just click create amazing and it's going to ask us because we're now we're saving this timeline as an actual asset in our project so I'd like to create it nice and tidy by putting in assets a timelines folder I just made this for the previous version of this demo yeah uh and I'm going to call it timeline chest timeline okay why not like we said we're going to go over lots of little tips and tricks and project organization and folder organization is one of those things yeah you know like there's a numerous times where I uh was an animator working on on film projects and I so uh someone else hands over a scene I'm helping them out or whatever and I love the scene and I have no idea what's going on because they're seeing hierarchy management is just all over the place and if you're a Game Dev I'm sure the same thing happens where you got to make sure your scene is tidy and that's other users in your project can can find stuff right um okay and so now you'll notice that we have this timeline with our timeline chess thing here but if I click on something else oh it's gone uh so what it's doing is it's looking for this a timeline on that object so I want to lock this timeline because I'm just going to work on this one for now all right and what we want to do is add a chest let's go into your and go add animation track nice so now we've got an animation track for this chest um and I'm going to start animating away all right so first thing I want to do is I use W and E those are our hotkeys for translation and rotation right uh and I'm just going to right click on on those position oops those positioned values position rotation and just key those guys um just for the first frame and then once you hit this little red button that's kind of like it's an auto key if you're used to my blender um that means that any change I make it will automatically save a key so now you'll see it kind of magically doing what I told it to do and did you create an animation yet or when you're done with this It'll ask you to create an animation file yeah yeah you can right click on this and go convert to clip and then export that so you can repopulate it uh in your scene um but right now there's no actual animation clip it's just part of this timeline okay so this animation exists within the timeline and is there even an animator file right now or no it's not even creating an animated file oh interesting okay I mean maybe I'm not I don't know if I have the answer okay well well if it didn't make one then I think I think uh we're good yeah all right cool yeah uh and one other tip about timeline is you click on this little gear box here you can uh choose your frame rate um so if I'm animating a short film for example I want to make sure that I'm on like a film uh frame rate um or you oh yeah someone adds in the chat timeline requires an animator component but no animator controller asset thank you perfect look at that uh I'm gonna choose uh yeah yeah uh game frames per second um and that means that we have to do a little bit of math here so let's say that this chest let's have it sit for a second uh I'm Gonna Save another key on here after 60 frames uh thank you and then we're gonna just have it you know pop open so I'm gonna try and minimize this guy and let's just see how this goes boom I'm just gonna like a lot of times when I'm animating like I kind of know what I want it to do but not always you know I'm I'm finding it it's kind of like sculpting a little bit so you're going back and forth you're experimenting you see if you like it you go back yeah okay exactly yeah and I don't like this immediately uh so I'm going to delete those keys and so you can click on this little curve expander here oh nice and you can just delete this can you zoom in on that just to show that what that looks like yeah so I'll oh sorry I'll undo yeah and so each one of these if you're used to animation uh this is what gets people a little bit nervous when animation is like each value has its each axis has its own value on a curve okay uh and it has a numerical value assigned to its position um I wouldn't worry about that too much at this stage if you're just starting out just just focus on trying to make uh nice poses a nice animation and timing but okay uh I think what we want to do is I'm thinking I want the chest to rumble before it pops up pops out a little bit some anticipation anticipation I love it yeah so let's just do a little Rumble and then also you can what is a shortcut if you uh use the little arrow keys um while you're over the timeline it'll frame by frame through it oh wonderful um so if you're an animator that's your that's your best friend all right and then we have to be Mouse over the timeline that's the only thing uh that catches me and then okay so let's say we're happy with that I'm going to add a position key and then let's just see how it looks all right all right it's coming and sometimes animation watch people animate is like the most boring thing in the world so uh I find it very uh therapeutic uh that's good to hear Leonard says uh the animator component is on your game object the animator controller asset is an asset that is put as a reference on the animator component so you can imagine as the animator component is the CD player while the controller is the actual CD you put in beautiful analogy I love that thank you so much for just uh adding adding some knowledge yeah this is this is great yeah this is what community is all about like I'm not the best at everything but you know that's why they can leverage each other community yeah yeah jumping off the ground exactly exactly whatever's in there is trying to escape and I like to uh double click on this um timeline and you'll notice hey where oh there you go it's really small it's like where's my animation window but it was Tiny um you'll see here these are my keyframes and this is the dope sheet so this is like why can't I move this window what is that um I will tell there we go so back in the day when they're animating Toy Story That's this is the only way they can manipulate animation timing was with a dope sheet and it's essentially just saying like if you use after effects or Adobe Premiere or anything like that they have a similar kind of looking uh visual keyframe adjustments so it's just saying that you have a key at this frame on these objects so you can then select them and re-time them very easily uh if that makes sense yeah so uh what I see here is my chest bursting to life so but what it's it's not kind of coming back to the same pose at the end so I'm going to take this key essay at the beginning maybe just add a new one I do that in here yeah add key and then just just drag it over to this part here okay so it's going to kind of pop back to where it was so that it's not like in a different spot it doesn't feel weird and that's great if you're looping as well right because then you get to bring it back around exactly you got to have that seamless beginning and end right yeah uh all right cool so now you'll notice that this doesn't look great um but let's go into the curve editor and just start uh seeing what we can tidy up I think what so what is it about it that you're not liking right now oh yeah thank you um I don't like how The Landing yeah it kind of like slides back and what I want to feel is that weight like settle you know everyone it kind of like goes and slides back which is a bit weird it makes sense yeah yeah and you'll sometimes when you're starting to animate you'll know that something doesn't feel right but you don't know why uh and part of getting experience is just you know understanding learning what's giving you that feeling and listening to that intuition that all artists have you know like something's not right with the lighting I don't know what it is I'm Gonna Keep noodling till I feel better about it right uh okay and the why here let's see this I'm gonna give it a bit more hang time so by adjusting this up uh and these curves just playing with this stuff just to like make it feel like it's in the air a little bit longer and okay okay it's coming it's coming together coming along so which curve are you are you at how did you know to animate this curve like yeah that's a good question so if you look at like the local for example this will tell you what curve you're animating so why is typically green right so right now I'm animating the up and down so that's it's going to hang in the air like how much vertical it's getting got it uh and Zed is typically forward Z or Z I'm Canadian so I say Zed all the time [Laughter] uh and X is Extreme exit side to side uh all right and I'm just gonna get rid of this forward because that's probably part of what's causing the uh yeah and it looks like that slide you're not liking is coming from the rotation so we might we need to change the rotation on the green on my right let's see the Y oh oh I got it but I mean it is green in the uh oh I see I see gotcha but they have curve editor is yes yeah no it's okay that's not good you're a better animator than me man no you know what you're talking about you know what you're talking about definitely not all right so this is cool cool that's coming um what if we want to make that drop faster let's do it that's how do you do that it's all in the Y it's all in the Y o so you can see here this is animation like uh 101 but you when objects are in motion they tend to this is a glass case for my glasses so I'll use a demonstration uh when others are in motion they tend to stay in motion until you give them a reason to stop so like right now this box is kind of like coming down fast and then it like slows it's almost like it knows it's about to hit the ground it knows it's about to hit but it shouldn't it shouldn't know that no it shouldn't Miss object accelerating until it hits the ground exactly and so you can see here like this curve is telling it like once you get to the end you gotta slow down yeah because we don't want that we don't want that box to know that no so you can grab this handle and make it straight and that's telling me that like the the rate of D like acceleration into the ground is going to be um constant like that might have made sense for something like a bird or something like that that knows it's like you know slowing down before it lands but not for a physical object that's right not for like a rock or a yeah whatever there we go how does that feel does that feel a little bit better yeah definitely boom all right uh a big part of being an animator is knowing the energy in an object and knowing uh where the energy is coming from and how it's like leaving the object and so I just heard someone behind me I think I got a five-year-old running around back no uh and all right so let's say we're happy with that yeah the next thing we gotta do is add a track for the top because the top has to open otherwise you can't get your loot right exactly we need that loop I need that Loop and this is that so we're going to have to add an animation track I see so it's an animation track for the child of the thing we were animating before and we just drag it into the timeline again right that's right yeah boom and you know what it could be fun yeah it's maybe maybe just maybe I'm gonna add a little bit of oh I know what you're doing you know what I'm doing I know what you're doing you're gonna make the lid open up as it's falling down just a little bit I love that and then when it hits the ground slam okay cool it's not a lot it's subtle oh it's great it's adds so much uh I can't even see it so let's let's make it bigger yeah uh you can already start to imagine like the sound of this now right like oh yeah yeah and if you're a sound designer it's like awesome to work with yes animators and stuff and and like they're really like the work kind of just feeds each other right which is really fun so yeah all right so then we have a little bit of an overlap in that chest maybe it can do a little bounce like it like hits and then there's like oh oh yeah I'm asking too much of you you're hired you are hired let's do it let's do it I love like armchair animating have you seen that Hannah what does this anime gift it's like a artist had a computer and someone's sitting behind them being like Oh yeah yeah that's me right now I love it I wouldn't have it any other way having too much fun yeah all right oh yeah it's subtle but it's there we can make it bigger yeah and then I'll give it just another beat and have it pop open okay and how do you want this to be like a sudden pop or something like that I don't know what does the chat think do you guys want it yeah like really fast let us know a chat let us know how you want this chest to open do you want the lid to just pop off break off and you'll notice that it like it like Loops real fast so I'm just going to add another key at the very end just so that it knows uh the chat seems to say it should open fast and Nathan red dragon says sudden pop give them a little scare all right and then it Tesla RX says I don't open chests anymore I'm too afraid of mimics okay that's fair I love it all right so let's make it a bit faster so I can just use a dope sheet here uh to make this a little bit faster okay I'm dragging it along with time absolutely same animation shorter time that's exactly it just adjusting timing look at that it's Snappy it's popping open love it great all right um so now you notice that we have two objects and our timeline can easily get out of control because we're gonna add oh yeah someone in the chat says there's no loot inside they're gonna get there there will be they will do this uh so our timelines can get messy quickly and uh what's awesome is we've added this uh track group option in our timeline I'm just going to call this give it a name I'm gonna call it chest open and then I can drag these fellas into oops uh into there and then minimize so now I know it's like a nested little option keeps things tidy I know that this section is going to have the chest opening animation in it that's great I had no idea you could do that that's awesome well because timelines can get like huge right so it's nice to keep them tidy where you can definitely uh and let's add another track group we're going to call it Loop just for the chat so can you apply anything to these groups or are they simply there for organization uh apply what do you mean like I don't know some kind of transform animation to the whole group or I don't know like uh activate the group for example that's a good good great question I you can't do that with this group but you can make groups which I will do uh in the scene so you can create a new empty object and I'm going to call it like uh we can call it like chest for example and then I also like to when I'm making a new group for hierarchy reasons I like to make sure that you zero it out so you don't have any transforms on it uh and then you can put that chest in this thing and then you can take this whole group and let's say you have like 50 of these chests in there yeah then you can add that chest as in like an activation track for example like that whole group so now I'll just hope you do it just to illustrate the point so let's say we have three chests right and now they're all in this thing so they're all gone the activation track is just telling us that it's going to be alive during that time oh nice does that make sense is that kind of answer yeah and so why is it only animating one of them uh so I only have animation curves applied to this instance uh I you could make a clip and then apply it to the other prefabs but they're just right now duplicates with no animation makes sense cool thank you yeah sweet yeah thank you good good question all right delete that we have the loot and we're gonna go back to our hyper casual games and find some awesome Loops we got arrows we got bombs nice nice uh I used the bow in the last demo but let's see there's something else like is there should we let's chat like uh yeah chat any suggestions what do you want to come out of this a Thor's hammer what kind of loot are we getting sword and are we getting one thing can we get like multiple things okay see Crown you know what you guys want a crown let's do it let's do it that's too good I don't think there's a medieval machine guns but I could be wrong you never know you never know all right so let's put this Crown up here this is a really big Crown uh well that's okay let's put a little bit higher so it's like magical and all right so then I'm just going to drag this Crown sorry back into my other scene and then drag it into the loot uh group and go add animation track okay and and an activation track but I'll do the activation track after so I think this is probably a good time for it to show up so I'm just going to key it where I want it to wind up and then start it down inside here so it's kind of like hiding and inside the loot chest and I'm going to scale it down a little bit too so it comes out it's like oh you know what I forgot to scale it on this Frame so let's make that one oh so it's going to scale up it's gonna start small and yep yeah every time on like when I worked on like cubes animations and stuff uh for TV there would always be like someone pulling something out of their pocket like a a wand or something okay and we don't want to like scale it down so it's really small so it's hidden in a minute yeah it's okay so this is the same thing applies yeah great that's awesome and then maybe I'll add like a little rotation to it as well so I'll just like go into the curve editor this is the easiest way to do it and just add like whatever 360 or something on it there we go and make it linear let's just see how that looks yeah oh it's way too fast so maybe we'll go back into here and add in the rotation I'll just take this one and just move it out a little bit just just to like let it settle a little bit and even like the settling sometimes for translations I like to like add a key and then just cushion it slightly so let's see if that oops that didn't work so the position why John John 5S says 580 rotation please 580. all right you got it let's just see if this works first there we go it still feels really fast but um let's see what I can do before I adjust the rotation just yeah these guys out all right maybe too slow but whatever okay cool uh rotation 580 let's do it let's oh look at that curve that curve is not very good I'm just going to tidy that up make this guy linear you can right click on it and go I'm in here and go to five a B I think you can change the value so y580 why do you think they chose 580 as Earth is just a random I have no idea no idea okay I was wondering if there's some kind of like animation significance to this you know if there is let me know I'm I'm too old for that reference if that's the case all right it's over 360. okay cool that's why um all right cool so now we're feeling pretty good about our little our little loot it looks great thing um maybe we could add some some special effects a little bit amazing oh wait sorry I was gonna demonstrate one more thing I was gonna add an activation track right so what yeah sorry go ahead no no go ahead uh so in case like um let's say a user knocks the chest over you don't want to see the loot like hiding somewhere underneath it you can have the activation attract add it to this so it's only going to show up you know when you want it to show up interesting okay what are other uses for the activation track oh it could be for like lights like you know turning on in certain cutscenes or characters in cutscenes I do a lot of cutscene stuff so that's that's where I would use it for okay um it's just like when you want a simple off on toggle for any asset okay so you could have an animation that's constantly like on a sine wave let's say that stays on something that you can have it activate then deactivate then reactivate throughout the timeline right totally yeah whenever you want the the audience to see it cool uh but we can also use it for visual effects which we're going to do right yeah and I'll show you how to do that so I use this magic circle effects uh which is in the asset store as well and there's a bunch of these fun little effects you can't really preview them so until you apply it [Music] um I think hit play yeah so we can pick one that we want to kind of show up when our chest opens um I think I used like an orange or yellow one before so I'll try and keep it to that there you go that looks cool uh it's also scaled up a little bit big so I'm just going to drop it down to like 0.5 oops and let's see if that looks good all right that looks cool uh and you'll notice that it's kind of like floating So It's tricky because the ground is a little bit unlevel here right so it's kind of clipping through the ground so I'm just going to try and find something that looks half decent hopefully we can rotate it a bit yeah maybe just rotate a little bit uh where did it go this guy there we go so it looks all right beautiful love it and let's add a new timeline group I'm gonna call it uh VFX and add an activation track yeah for this guy so as soon as the chest opens we're going to have this effect go off and you'll notice that you don't really see it um in preview mode you have to be in game mode to check that out um but let's do that quickly I guess dude have a good camera it's a decent camera see what this looks like let's see what it looks like Chad is very excited about the magic circle and again that's an asset these from NASA so we dropped a link to the chat wow beautiful amazing okay so it's magic covers we're already very close to the to the final result that's right okay uh and I think the last thing we want to talk about is like Cinema machine and cameras and like how do you actually film this thing uh where are we gonna add some volumetric light to this oh yeah yeah that always makes things look super dramatic yeah okay so let's get a uh light spotlight bubble and put it behind I think it's backlight always looks cool so never go wrong so it's always lights camera action you know uh and so I'm not a lighter so apologize I apologize that I don't really know much about Lumen values and stuff but I'm just gonna crank this until it starts to show up yeah I'm sure there's lighters in the audience that are cringing but no no I think makes sense The Lemon Valley has to be super high for you to see it because lighting is uh I guess it's like relative right so if the if the cameras the exposure is set up for a daytime scene you're gonna have to set the lighting even higher so that you can actually see it with that camera exposure right that's yeah you're you're way better lighter than I will ever be so thank you so much the first thing I like to do is make sure you enable volumetrics that just adds a lot of fun stuff to it cool and then just you can crank this to be whatever works best for you um and many little Shadows Shadows yes you gotta have those Shadows oh and make like maybe A Wider Circle so that it's like going around the chest at an angle there we go you get out with that angel choir kind of going off yeah sometimes when you make it uh a wider kind of outer angle you have to make it brighter because it's kind of diffusing a bit so let's see what we have to do here all right I think it's the same but let's try like 7e whatever okay uh cool so now it's looking pretty pretty epic um you can play with all the Shadow and lighting settings in your hdrp asset but that's another topic for another day definitely uh to get nicer shadows and lighting quality let us know if that's something you want us to cover on the stream it's just that whole lighting stream yeah and someone even mentioned yeah I like to use uh lens flare or dirt lens and that is I love that stuff too so yeah we can definitely look into um and then I'm going to have to animate this light because you don't want it on like while the chest is just chilling you want it to be on when the chest opens cool so I'm gonna add a new group I'm going to call it Planet lights and I'm going to add an animation track to this one and just drag it add a mission track I always get activation animation I always click on the wrong one so if you do that as well then you're part of the club you're part of the club uh okay so let's say we want it to be here so I'm going to animate it and select my light and oops that's on the light where is my like spotlight oh look at this I was animating the wrong object let me just forgive me all right okay cool and I'm going to turn that button on and right click on the intensity yeah and then use my arrow keys to go back a few frames and just turn to zero and now beautiful look at that we didn't want it to just pop in with an activation track we wanted to kind of like take him on yeah to fade in yeah you could use an activation track but like you said it will just be like off on there's no Chargers yeah yeah very jar yeah yeah that would work for like a house like like light switch maybe right I probably would still animated animated yeah yeah [Laughter] uh it probably would be a lot faster like maybe a frame or two or you know there's a little bit of a little bit Yeah faded yeah that's how life Works uh yeah cool all right so camera's next I assume yes that's perfect all right okay cool let's do it so I'm going to make a city machine track all right I downloaded cinematology cinemachine I I don't know it depends how you like to organize your scene but I like to drag this camera to the top uh just because we're gonna have a lot of cuts and stuff and sometimes the camera cut will inform you on what you need to animate and change so if you can see the cut from the top it's a much easier way of kind of understanding where in your sequence you are yeah uh and so it says you're none there's nothing drag there's no sew machine brain so I'm going to drag this main camera which is already in our scene and positioned here to this track here and you'll notice that nothing is happening so what you want to do is right click and go add to the machine shut and again nothing is happening because what it's saying is giving us this uh warning here that there is uh nothing there is no submission shot so we have to make an actual camera so if you have some in your scene you can browse with this guy but we're just going to create a new one and when you click this create button it's going to create this virtual camera wherever your scene camera is so if we're like way up here and I click create it'll create the camera from this View so what's a fun tip to kind of like uh you know work increase your your speed is just trying to find a camera angle that you like in your scene View and then click create and then now our game view will be at that exact same camera angle okay uh great and there's a few ways that you can animate your camera um I'll walk you through some of them uh so what are they at a high level what are the three different ways before we jump into each one in detail yeah thank you there is the uh you can animate a virtual camera with keyframes and since I'm an animator I always like to do that yeah you can use the machine to like blend between different cameras so there's no actual keyframes you're just telling I want one camera here one camera here and they just transition between them uh and there's a few other ones with Cinema machine but the one we'll look at today is having a dolly so you can actually like place like markers in your scene and have your camera translate across uh that kind of Dolly as it kind of you know like you would on a real movie Set they have those little dollies and a guy pushes it yeah same idea cool all right so the first one is animation so let's drag this virtual camera into here and go animation track uh and I'm for now I'm going to have to tear this guy off and um I'll just try and maximize it so you guys can see what I'm doing so what we're going to do is hit that little record button hit W for our translate I like to be in the local space for this type of thing and I'm going to save a key both these assets or attributes and this guy starts moving so yeah so what are you thinking though how are we gonna I think we're just gonna do a slow push in and chill yeah yeah okay okay and then maybe it's like starts to back off a little bit oh just as it goes up like anticipating the drop it's like what's happening and then maybe we'll just keep it here until it cracks open yeah we'll see how that looks and then as it's opening we'll pull back a little bit and and orbit up a little bit so that you can see what our camera is looking at whoa oh it's okay so that's one way you can do it I love it all right thank you uh let's do another way let's try I like this next way for like quickly blocking out ideas for cameras you know like sometimes like like animation is exploration you don't really know what you want uh the final item to be so you just start blocking cameras out and roughing it in and you can find a lot of ideas really quickly whereas this is was more of a precise kind of method exactly now you're gonna do something a bit more okay let's see yeah and so someone mentioned uh about fov in the chat and oh yes we will get there we can change the fov as we go along the track as well uh yeah you bet cool so let's just go let's start wide and I'm gonna call um this virtual camera wide I'm just going to duplicate it three times or two times sorry and I call this one oops your name oh interesting question from Nathan red dragon that says wouldn't increasing the fov make the image slightly blurrier blurrier um I don't think I'll make it blurry or you can't add certain different blurs to different types of lenses if you want but that's a custom kind of thing you can do it'll just change the perspective right yeah yeah sorry but like a real camera if you adjust the lens it does change like the the depth of field and all that kind of stuff right but yes those are things we have to add manually to these cameras uh on top of our gotcha gotcha yeah uh and then um oh sorry this one's supposed to be a medium sorry yeah I was saying good question so that's a good question to Nathan great question Nathan I love the name love the color great thing all right so let's see here we got medium and I'm going to right click on here and go add a submission shot and I'm gonna use this little virtual camera thing to populate our uh real close and then this next one has the machine shot I'm gonna go wide so the same machine shot is essentially another camera yeah exactly cool yeah and so now you'll see we have medium hey we didn't actually move these cameras so yeah oh yeah and just for everyone like a cinemachine camera is just essentially a transform with some information that the main cinemachine camera brain is taking from right there's only there's really only one camera in the scene yeah and those are just like packets of information telling the camera what to do that's what uh virtual cameras are right exactly yeah so we render just one camera out but we're able to kind of feed that camera different positions and different focal lengths and all that kind of stuff and you can do a lot of interesting stuff with scripting and and all that kind of stuff that's Way Beyond me but um there's a lot of potential there yeah uh okay so we have our medium we have our close-up and our wide so I think because I duplicated it in the wide angle I'm just going to take the medium Tony when he first showed me what you're about to do is blew my mind I did not know you could do this at all yeah I thought it was so cool but like right now you're showing us the shots separately but you can just drag them into each other as you just did yeah you can drag them into each other just like you're in um Premiere or some other type of editing software so let's see here and then they blend and they blend between the positions so Tada and you can adjust the length of the blend in here can you play with the curve of that blend by any chance great question I'm not I think there is this transition stuff I don't know much about it though I'll have to I'll have to find out and if we do another one I'll I'll update the okay because right now it does feel it's very linear that blend so I would love it if there's a softer like curve transmission I'm sure it's possible I just don't know how uh okay so one thing I also wanted to add is like oh we gotta that's right we got an answer from the nard in the top right you can you can by modifying the blend Curves in and out okay let's try that these guys here hey manual I'm sorry for interrupting you though no that's fine I love it um um I don't know I guess I can adjust this all right there we go let's try adding uh thanks Leonard can I add this I want to add a point this is all stuff that I haven't played with so I would love to add a point and just soften it but um a few options there at the bottom too is there sorry no it's all good all right so there we go it's a bit softer let's try that let's see how that looks okay okay it's kind of eased in at the end yeah yeah let's let's try another one manual see if we can do that nice oh yeah there you go okay there you go yeah the chat once again saving the day who's teaching who here I know [Laughter] all right and one other thing I like to do is add um you can do a lot of stuff with camera volumes and everything I know that's it for another day but one thing I would like to quickly touch on is noise so because the chest is kind of like rumbling in this part I thought maybe we could add some camera noise to kind of react to that you know so on this middle camera I thought hey let's go here add this basic multi-channel curling and it says hey it's you need a profile so there's some preset profiles here and Brilliant is just the type of noise but uh 10 years everyone watching it yeah yeah I don't actually know where that term comes from or what it means but perhaps you do uh let us know yeah uh so you can see now like the the action is paused oh that was so dramatic that was and so you can kind of feel that little bit of rumble on the camera if you can't see it on stream I'll just crank it to be like 10 and then you'll really see it so you can go wild with this if you want you got all up in the chest's face you know it's all up in its personal space yeah I love it yeah uh and someone in the chat says um Nathan dread Dragon says since the chest is rumbling wouldn't it be cool to add spark effects and yes it would be cool that's perfect I don't know if I have any prepared but and and Gregory L underscore Unity said probably from what's the unity says named after its creator Ken perlin amazing Ken perlin my hero I love that guy and thank you and then to mate to Matt Toma 380te says uh purlin sounds like emerge of Berlin in Paris okay thanks yeah awesome all right cool uh uh so now we have this uh second way of animated your camera here and that's a really fast way to kind of block cameras out and uh make you know iterations on your ideas nice um yeah and the last one is so let's just quickly do this here um we have to create a machine Dolly camera with Trek and I'm just going to put those guys once again in our scene down here and this is something I don't do often so if I mess up chat save us but let's just see here I'm just going to rotate this thing around and get this dolly kind of roughly in the right area so it starts with the one track like a straight track yeah we're gonna play with it yeah and we can add more points to it here so let's add like another one or two it's essentially its own little spline yeah it's its own little spline which is uh awesome people love sports I love splines yeah and I'm just going to translate this is probably gonna be a really weird little track but you know what let's just roll with it see what we can do here this is really handy if you're like you know just tracking a character while they're walking and talking or a airplane flying through the sky whatever you needed to do yeah and great so then we're going to take this camera and you can add it as a virtual camera here nice nothing is happening so I'm going to add an animation track and keyframe its values on the there should be a is it on this one I think it's on the dolly from zero to one is it on the dolly I believe it's uh no I did this just track Dolly okay yeah it's on the camera and then you can just click uh path position add key and you can key it oops Yeah that's a very sensitive path position let's say like let's put it here and you're gonna notice hey wait it's not looking at anything so what we have to do is in the camera itself give it a look at and the chest will be the look at so I'm just going to drag that into here and now no matter where this dolly is going what if we did the lookout as the crown sure let's do that happen though maybe a little bit crowns has an activation track so I wonder if it will yeah perhaps you can blend between them or you can even make a game object the look at and animate that game object around if you want makes sense right and then you have control over it yeah and one thing I don't like is like the chest jumps and the camera exactly follows so you can dampen it I think oh yeah sorry this is my I don't do this very often but that that might help with that yeah so it feels like the camera's delayed a little bit like there's an actual person behind it yeah um and so that's that's one thing that I feel like uh just gives your game more of a human touch and less of a gamey approach and yeah and there are more controls I think you can like change the the aim and then have it only move if the object is leaving a certain bound right that way it won't even react unless the object completely leaves a certain like frame that you've you've put in right right yeah that is the composer stuff I think all this yeah and again I don't know much about it but you can change like the offset on these things and the dampening I think it's a dead zone uh like you can Define like the area where the interest is is Count within and stuff but yeah and I think we needed to add the dampening to the aim actually so let's try that okay sure to the maybe to the horizontal uh horizontal dampening let's try that maybe just vertical yeah okay sure yeah that kind of helped a bit okay yeah yeah I think it's because I said it yeah that's cool I'll have to do more uh investigations uh composer but yeah that's pretty fun as an animator I like to just animate a camera but this this is awesome that we have this type of um control here for people that don't like setting Keys exactly exactly yeah all right cool um and I guess the next thing would just be recorder is that correct oh yeah yeah so like we have the whole animation uh uh but Unity also has the recorder feature if you if you just want to intro it to everyone Nathan sure yeah uh and Nathan red dragon says the light seems really obvious in the back why not have it be in the lid hey all right in the chest you know what I think we'll do the recorder and then at the end we'll take a bunch of suggestions and just like uh polish up the animation and have fun with it and do like a little section so we'll we'll get to that yeah yeah all right so you want to go to the window uh General yeah quarter and I like this recorder window and that's of course on the wrong screen um and there's a few things quickly running through here the first thing I do is go add recorder and you can have a animation clip movie whatever in recipients let's just do movie for today uh you can have your game view which is our game camera that we're rendering and the output resolution you can just do 4K full HD is what we're going to do with normal 1080p um and there's a couple of fun things here that are more like offline rendery which is like the accumulation and what accumulation is is like it's like subframe motion blur um because you know in video games motion blur is calculated live right yeah uh it's not it's not the most accurate way to render motion blur so what they have to do is render the subframes between frames of what the actual motion is doing to calculate correct motion blur so it takes a little bit longer so you could run that if you want you also would like to change your favorite we are working at 60 so you can render it right out at 60 if you want what's that what's the benefit of adding motion blur action blur just makes things look like they're more cinematic like they're more like the actual camera has filmed this object it's more like you'd expect to see it in a movie uh and you'd expect to see it in more high-end kind of cinematics okay cool good to know yeah uh it also just makes things look cooler and you know looks good uh and you can choose your Kodak 8264 is pretty common I'm not a master of that stuff uh you can give it a name and it goes to the recordings folder in our project uh so once you hit start recording I couldn't do that I suppose uh it goes into play mode so let's take a second and I'll drink some water I'm assuming it's recording and playing it is you can see it moving along the bottom okay I wonder why my timeline's going so slow notice when you hold click it seems to stop when you're moving the tab yeah my bad yeah I'll tell you okay so now this camera is not the best camera to render your final image out of but uh that at least illustrates the point yeah recording it's pretty cool to see it happening in like slow motion like that yeah uh and when you're ready to watch it you just click on this uh up here and I'm assuming this is it wow beautiful there you go best animation ever yeah and that I think is everything that we have uh planned for discussion but we can take suggestions take questions um yeah yeah whatever I think it would be fun to like keep taking suggestions make a final version record it and then share it on Twitter medium so you just this is a really rough version of what we had ta-da and then if you were to play mode you'll see all the beautiful effects and all that fun stuff laughs and uh yeah thanks for joining us everybody I'm having so much fun this is the best I love this yeah and for everybody who's uh like watching us from the beginning make sure to check out uh Lana's Channel follow Lana Lana streams almost daily Unity like eight hours of unity development today it's amazing uh developing a game named uh strain so go check that out cool yeah can't wait to see that this will be awesome uh yeah so if anyone has any thoughts uh maybe I'll just keep on like I know there was Nathan had one uh message one thought about having maybe a light come from inside and let's do it oh yeah I love that so you know we could do the whole uh typical uh Cinema thing where it's like in the orange and blue orange you can do like a light blue light maybe yeah sure fainter or something um the fainter let's do it I love it in uh I love those effects where you can kind of see the light right before the chest like erupts oh yeah we do have the chest kinda remember when we had a bounce we do have it kind of open there you go yeah something like that that's awesome yeah that's a good idea we can shoot towards the camera to get more bursting out that's fun and then we can animate that camera that light because you don't want it on the whole time it'll look this strange but let's try that all right so in our lights little section here I'll add this uh I'll rename this light to be like interior because uh things can get really confusing if you don't name absolutely so let's go here turn this little recording on and use my arrow keys just to kind of train through so oh you know what let's maybe parent it to the right yes because it just bounces but the light is not bouncing with it right just jumping over the light right pop it in there so now it's a child and it's gonna like it's gonna like follow the chest as it's popping around yeah um a bit of light leaking happening there's a bit of light leaking there I think it's probably just Shadow resolution or maybe it's just the maybe just a big a bit low if we move it up just a bit sure there we go there you go okay perfect there we go awesome this is what we do teamwork teamwork everybody it's the DreamWork you remember before you could barely see the chest kind of like open up this light really exaggerates that little detail yeah now I'm glad we made that detail yeah if you want to see more of these streams everyone make sure to follow us uh right here on this channel we stream every Wednesday sometimes we'll do Tuesday or Thursday streams and we'll be to Creator Spotlight interviews where we interview creators we do let's Dev streams like this one and let's play streams where we play Community games so yeah thanks for joining us I'm just gonna dial this intensity down a little bit Yeah so like it doesn't overpower everything else down a little bit and then beautiful I think I think if we're going to make this light really successful you kind of have to milk it a bit more to be like rumbling for longer okay but um you know we could do that so I just feel like it kind of pops and you just can't see it strobing that's just yeah uh yeah cool I can definitely do that so yeah so like when you what is your fur like you want to go back into the thing do you what's the first step you just like open up the uh I guess this is where the folder organization within the type the groups within the timeline come in yeah right yeah yeah so I would probably play with this chest cover once it'll on that and then or maybe let me see here let me think so maybe we just let it sit here for a bit before it opens before it cracks open and oops nice okay and then so I'm just dragging that over uh this is kind of a fun feature too if you select your keys you can just like scale them oh nice speed faster yeah more open or less open you know like that's the value okay fun uh so I'm just going to now play with this cover opening and closing oops and I have to make sure I'm on pivot and local so now it's just going to be like maybe we're looking at the seams yes sir yes and as you can see we were lucky enough for everyone who's just joining us now that this chest was built with the pivot at the hinge and so we're just rotating from the hinge right now that's right so this is just really simple animation in unity uh if you're doing characters and stuff you might still want to use something like Maya but for our purposes today and for many purposes of Game Dev animating an engine is more than enough okay there you go beautiful and now our light I think probably needs to be re-timed a little bit just because it starts to fade off a bit so let's say I wanted to re-time yes like the rumble of the chest but also the uh bounce at the same time and see them in relation to each other as I'm animating one what would would I just expand the timeline oh like expand them both but then animate one can you see the keyframes of both at the same time or how you can see the keyframes of both but it's you can animate quickly in this timeline here and like re-time things if you want it's just a smaller more compact version of the animation editor I like to make it big so I can see what I'm doing in detail but if you're doing something simple it's easy enough just to scroll wheel in here yeah I can see my chest there is here and my uh the lid of my chest and that's really useful especially if you want to kind of like adjust one in relation to the other exactly yeah exactly so now I feel like this box is a bit too chattery this lid but um you know that's why we have this awesome scale feature and something like that yeah so there you go I think that is uh that is that um So Yesterday level if this is timeline yeah and it is increasingly powerful totally yeah I love time a lot it is my favorite favorite thing so much fun maybe the crown rotates and Glitters are falling down from the crown well we can add more rotation um for sure let's do that should we make the light strength a bit stronger so it's like you already adjust the light I forgot to adjust the light thank you all right so I think what I did is I adjusted the intensity and keep hitting us with your suggestions Chad you want to see them right now we're just we're in the fun part so we just make it uh look good we're just noodling around maybe I will make this even more delayed it's probably too bright but all right that looks cool let's just go ball wants it to be a disco ball so let's adjust this Crown rotation so it comes out maybe it needs to be like more an angle at an angle what if we wanted to replace like let's say we changed our mind or we want to make multiple of these Assets in our game but we don't want to redo the whole animation we just want to replace the mesh you know to save time how should we do that that's pretty simple you can um find the object that you want in your scene so let's take uh instead of magic circles we want hyper casual chests we got some prefabs let's say we want a hammer so let's bring that in yeah I like to just copy like click on this crown and go right up here and go copy World transforms and then click on our hammer and go uh Pace World transforms and now our Hammer is in the same kind of spot as our um uh Crown was and I'm just going to get it to be more aesthetically pleasing oh that looks so great with the lighting at the bottom and then let's just take this hammer and drop it in so we have this loot thing right so right now it's referencing the crown I'm just going to replace it with hammer and you get all the same keyframes and everything same keyframes to everything and so that we lost the rotation that we lost the rotation so I'm going to hide this crown for now uh and then go into the um so now we have a hammer appearing instead of the crown that's awesome that was fast um yeah pretty fast and easy I'm just going to adjust my camera so that I can smell them yes exactly yeah I just watched the new Thor uh it was a lot of fun yeah I hadn't seen it yet oh it's got It's got uh Natalie Portman in his store yeah so spoiler it's in the trailer but spoilers it's two-thirds now two thoughts uh all right and so if you want to adjust the angle of this let's look at the F curves okay let's go into the rotation uh and let's see here what would it be Zed yeah Zed because I'm Canadian sorry I used to get a lot of flack for that and you know what since there's oh what do I have selected Hammer yeah but okay so I'll just save a keyframe here and just be faster okay save some keys and see what it's doing in here so now because there was no Z rotation I'm just going to delete that and see what it's doing with the Y uh juice juice the Hub 25 says maybe the light could be different colors for different loot Rarity absolutely yeah you can totally do that yeah yeah it's really easy to you know change the color animate the color on the light you can just yeah oops save you can select the light and save a key on the filter here this fire oops sorry yeah so even like as it's opening it could be like a neutral white anticipating what color it's gonna become when it pops out so you know like oh yeah it turns out oh yeah okay okay I wasn't even suggesting it but you got excited so let's just do it let's do it all right so let's put a key here and then it's uh the spotlight here so I'm happy with the orange color it's there so let's just add key on there I guess you can't key the temperature but you can't key the color and then let's make it instead of white like I don't know bluish so you can see it's blue maybe it's just not showing up enough because it's um we'll just delay the color yeah so you can kind of see that it starts off blue and then ends yellow but it's a really fast transition so I'm just trying to massage that a little bit right it says blue and then it fades to Yellow beautiful very fast but it's there yeah you can animate almost anything turns out it's a Rusty Hammer says tail of a wolf in the chat yeah that would suck the brown light yeah well and speaking of you can actually add sound effects to the to the uh like there are sound effects tracks right if you had some yeah I don't know if I don't have anything prepared but you can just click on add audio track and then you can right click and add from audio clip so anything like uh a wave or MP3 or whatever uh more yeah and you can assign a source to it say you want to be localized to somewhere in your scene you can assign that Source but if you put none uh it's just kind of like omnipresent it's just kind of wherever you are do you have some kind of like audacity or some audio recorder on your computer I don't think so oh okay I was gonna say we should totally just record something with our voices right now and be like just drop it in there if you got it if you guys if you want to record something now by all means I just realized we're not sharing our audio anyway so it wouldn't show up but you can do that for you know yeah exactly what I do in all my game jams you always add your own sound effects I've done it I've done it a few times that's a great idea I love that it's not time there's no time oh man because I mean you know exactly what you want so it's way faster than searching through audio libraries exactly that's awesome cool that's great yeah so yeah so I do have a question so let's say the hammer comes out all right yeah and and um I guess it's necessarily for the hammer but for any kind of Animation you have the chest rumbling let's say right yeah yeah let's say you wanted everything to be transformed a bit like rotated to the left a bit how do you affect how do you add that overall rotation to everything without affecting the micro rotations if you know what if you know what I mean um I think you can if I understand correctly so you're saying that the whole chest is rumbling and you want the whole chest to move not is that let's say let's say you want the hole just to be like sideways for for example okay would you just rotate the main object on top yeah or or you could like re-parent it so we've put a chest uh parent object oh and we wanted another rotation on top of that okay yeah I mean now we've changed the parent object and now all that the animation is kind of offset yes okay cool cool um that's why it's there exactly yeah when you make uh parent objects or any type of um game object like this that's kind of organizational I always make sure that I zero stuff out because when you have an offset on top of it in terms of like its World space things get messy real fast uh and that's something I can quickly do here too is just like start making uh like game objects for organization or organizing your scene so like this lights for example I'll just zero this out and then put my spotlights and stuff under this um and even like cameras so what what's awesome about this is like if you have your scene for example all in a group you can easily just turn it off but that's not it prefabs you can easily just turn it off so that like if you don't need to see everything in your environment just you have it organized in a way it's easy to toggle it on and off so it keeps your performance light and you're able to iterate quickly and all that kind of stuff um super handy and if you're working with teams it's really it's kind of necessary so yeah yeah absolutely yeah cool cool is there anything anything else Chad I think I think we're good here I think we have a pretty awesome what if we hit play how does it look now okay sure the overall thing let's check it out let us know if you have any questions chat yeah whoa beautiful there are cameras are uh a bit lackluster right now but I think overall pretty happy with how it turned out so we did have that cool like zooming in kind of camera and then the zoom out one that was really awesome I can put that back in there real quick okay cool so let's just do it real quick yeah let's do that 10 seconds Speed Run Speed Run cameras while doing that I'm curious I do have a question sure um let's say you're building a little short film in in unity would you build the entire short film on one timeline or can you or do you usually use multiple timelines um so there's this tool like this is just one timeline but there's a tool called sequences in unity which is essentially like timeline but like the next level up and so it allows you to have every single shot be on its own nested timeline okay um so that you can re-edit and organize your shots in whatever order you want like you would with Premiere or any other editing software and do you create a specific scene for each timeline like a separate scene for each timeline or do you do it all in one scene and just yeah this is something we should probably talk about in the future it's a huge topic but it's like um I like to create what I what I why I kind of work in unity now is because I'm addicted to this workflow of this like scene management where I can like have my entire short film all in one scene file okay and I can have my edit in that scene file using the sequences Tool uh and then and I'm able to have the the power of like editing in Adobe Premiere but it's all happening right here in editor um it's super powerful and um it allows me to make faster creative choices you know and that's the whole thing with with um this type of workers you gotta go fast and if you're able to make these big creative changes like the camera animation and the lighting and and the editorial structure of your scene all at the same place like that is a huge Time Savings and it's super fun so so scenes and sequencers that could be one of the episodes yeah let's do it upcoming animation series yeah all right all right awesome is a little bit slow but yeah and let's just see but that's the general idea yeah [Music] uh uh I guess uh one more question about the frame rates yeah so in the beginning you chose a frame rate for games and so um can you make those do you have to make those decisions in the beginning or can you change your mind halfway through how does that work that's a good question I'm not too sure how it converts down but uh you can change it at any time so now it's at 24 so it's the same amount of time uh it's not like it's stretching out the it's not stretching out the length of anything it's just changing how it's being rendered on the camera okay so it's just changing the rendering yeah so it's only speaking to the camera uh and I guess makes sense makes sense well that's awesome thank you so much uh Nathan this is fantastic this is like uh thank you to the chat for all your questions all your suggestions this is a lot of fun if you if you missed any of this I see people in the chat saying I missed this or I I I overslept or something like that um the Vaude will be recorded and you'll be able to access it right after the stream uh they think this was fantastic I hope you'll join us again for another episode oh I am so grateful to be a part of this uh the community is so so generous for for interacting with us and taking the time out to chat this morning uh and thank you for including me this song this has been so fun no it was a pleasure so where can people find you and find your your work yeah I guess easiest is Twitter it's uh ISO smrt which is an old Simpsons joke uh from a million years ago um I should probably change my Twitter name uh but uh you can also find out my my animation I make with my friends called Little Mountain animation we're on Instagram and our website's little awesome great make sure to follow Nathan follow us here on Twitch to see more of these streams we're gonna definitely have Nathan back on for more in this animation series uh and yeah we'll see you around [Music]
Channel: Unity
Views: 28,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unity3d, Unity, Unity Technologies, Games, Game Development, Game Dev, Game Engine
Id: _GmpouP1-zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 29sec (5249 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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