The Unity Tutorial For Complete Beginners

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Hi, my name is Mark. For years I've wanted to  make my very own video games, using software   like Unity. Unity is the powerful game engine  behind titles like Cuphead, Neon White, Tunic,   Outer Wilds, Hearthstone, Firewatch,  and even the Pokemon Diamond remake. But I've always found that lengthy, multi-part,  meandering tutorials just send me to sleep. I   can't learn by watching someone else - I have to  get hands-on and figure things out for myself. And so last year I developed a solution that  actually works. It's a three-step technique   where you: one just learn the absolute basics of  Unity. Then, two, cement those lessons with simple   exercises. And then, three, figure out the rest as  you go along. And it totally worked! In the space   of about a year, I went from ripping off iPhone  games to working on my very own puzzle platformer   about magnets. And I released an interactive  video essay that's had over 100,000 plays. But wait, I hear you say! How do you do  step one? How do you learn the basics,   when the software is so complicated to figure out? Well for me it was about writing down  a list of things I would need to know,   regardless of what game I was going to make.  Things like how to make a character appear and   move them around the screen. How to make  stuff spawn in and then delete it again   later. How to have collisions and game  over and animations and sound effects. Then I learned all that by hunting through  lengthy tutorials, reading the Unity docs,   Googling esoteric words, and doing a lot of trial   and error. And so the whole point of  this video is to save you that hassle. This video is the tutorial I wish  I had when I was learning Unity. So in the next 40 minutes we're going to use the  engine to make Flappy Bird. Not because we want   to make Flappy Bird, but because in order to  remake this addictive iPhone game, we'll need   to learn basically everything I just listed,  from spawning objects to getting game overs. This tutorial will cover every step of the way  from downloading Unity, to understanding the UI,   to writing your very first line of programming  code, to building a game that you can share with   your friends. And then, when the tutorial is over,  I'll share some concrete next steps that you can   take in order to continue learning the rest by  yourself. Sound good? Then let's get started. Okay, let's start by getting Unity from the  website. Download and install the Unity Hub.   And then you'll need to make a free account  to actually use it. Once that's done,   you'll be asked to install the Unity Editor  - I'm using version 2021.3 for this tutorial,   if you're watching a million years  in the future and wondering why   things are different. Let's pretend  I have fast internet - Neeooowwwwmm. We're not quite done yet. Under installs, hit the  cog icon on the Unity Editor and pick modules.   You'll see that Microsoft Visual Studio has  been ticked - this is the software we'll use   to write programming code. So hit continue.  And install Visual Studio. On this screen,   scroll down and tick game development  with Unity, and untick Unity Hub,   because we already have it. Neeooowwwwmm.  We don't need to make an account to use Visual Studio,   so skip that. And don't bother loading  it, we'll open it later. Okay, that's all done now. So in Unity Hub, pick  new project. Choose all templates. And use 2D,   Core. This is an empty project, with a  few configurations to make it suitable   for 2D games. Give your project a name,  hit create, and let's get game makin'. In step one, we're going to become familiar  with the default Unity user interface. And   as we explore the different panels,  we'll make the bird appear on screen. Right. So this is the default screen layout  for Unity, and it's split into four panels. First of all, down here, is the Project panel.  This will contain everything that is in our game   - like sprites, sound effects, scripts, tiles,  fonts, and so on. Some of this stuff will be made   in Unity as we go along. But we can also just drag  and drop files from elsewhere on our computer. Like, I've made some sprites for the bird  and the pipe in Photoshop and I'm going to   import them into my project like so. I'd  recommend you make your own - that's always more   fun - but if you have zero artistic ability  then check the description for these assets. The next panel is the hierarchy. This contains all  of the stuff that's in the current scene - which,   in most games, will be a level. We're  going to start by making the bird,   so right click and choose Create Empty. This  has made an empty GameObject... so what's that? Well, a GameObject is essentially an invisible  container. It has a position in space, a rotation,   and a scale. Then, you can fill that container  with components - to add extra features. For   example, if we add a Sprite Renderer component,  we can slap the bird image onto the GameObject. Absolutely everything in our level will be  a GameObject with components - the bird,   the pipes, even the user interface and the camera. All of this magic happens in the third panel, the  Inspector - which is for messing with GameObjects.   So, once we've selected our new, empty GameObject  we can put a name in the top field - let's call it   Bird. And we can see and change the GameObject's  position, rotation, and scale, under Transform. We can now press Add Component, pick Rendering,  and pick Sprite Renderer. To make this work,   we need to fill in the sprite field -  so just drag the bird image from the   project panel into the field  and viola, we have graphics! That will, of course, show up  in the fourth and final panel,   the scene view. Here we can see  what's in our current scene, and,   if you want, you can use these tools to  move stuff around, scale it, and so on. This section has an extra tab for game view,  which shows us what the game will look like from   the main camera when it's running. Also, from this  dropdown, we can set a resolution or aspect ratio   to get a better idea of what it will look like  when played - so I'm going to choose 1920 by 1080. Oof, the bird takes up way too much space.  We could scale it down, but let's actually   just zoom out the camera. Like I said before, the  camera itself is a GameObject in the hierarchy.   And it has a camera component with stats we can  mess with. By changing the size, we can zoom out.   I'm also going to change the  background colour. Lovely. We can now press the play button up  here to start... the world's most   boring game. Okay, let's make it a bit more exciting. A quick recap. Unity has four panels by  default. Project holds all the stuff in our   game. Hierarchy lists all of the GameObjects  in the current level. Inspector lets us see   and change those GameObjects. And we  can see the level in the scene view. And a GameObject is an invisible container that we  can fill with components, like a sprite renderer. In step two we're going to use more  components to make the bird into a   physics object that is affected by  gravity. And then we're going to   write some programming code to make the  bird fly up when we press the space bar. So let's add another component to our bird:  a Rigidbody 2D. This turns our bird into a   physics object, with gravity. So when we hit play,  the bird drops, and falls off the screen. Cool. We'll also want this bird to be able to interact  with other objects, so let's add a collider.   A circle collider 2D. Back in scene view we can see the collider as  a green outline. It's a bit off-center for me,   so I'll use the offset to move it. And, a  little game design trick - if we make the   collider a bit smaller than the image, it will  let the player get through pipes even if they   juuust touched the edge. It gives the game a  bit of leniency and makes it feel more fair. The final thing to add right now: a script.  This essentially lets us make our own custom   component - but we'll have to write it ourself  using programming code. Choose New Script from   the components list. And call it BirdScript.  Once it's loaded, double click the script   field to open it up. This will open the file  in Visual Studio, which we installed earlier. So, welcome to programming! It's not too scary,   promise. We'll take it slow. We're writing  in C sharp, that's the programming language.   And the only thing to worry about right now  is these two chunks here: start and update. Start is for any code that will run as  soon as this script is enabled. And it   runs precisely once. Update runs constantly  while the script is enabled. And it will fire   off every line of code, every single  frame. Over and over and over again. So the main thing we're going to be doing  with code right now is - well, if we go back   to Unity - see these numbers and text fields in  the components? And how we can change them in   the Unity editor? We're just going to write code  to change these stats while the game is running. Just as a dumb example, and we'll  delete this in a second. In start,   we can type gameObject - that refers to this bit  up here. And then a dot. You'll see a list appear,   and many of the items refer to stuff back  in the Inspector, like isStatic,   tag, layer, and name. So let's pick name.  Then write an equals sign. And in quotes,   give our bird a name. Finally, we must always  use a semi-colon to mark the end of a command. And we must always save the script before we go back to Unity. Now, when we run the game... the name of  the GameObject has been changed. Nice.   Okay, delete that code. That was just  for sillies - but it shows us how we   can use code to talk to the game. We can  write a command by choosing someone to   talk to - in this game, the GameObject  - and then a topic of conversation - its   name - and then a command - change it to  Bob Birdington. We'll be doing this a lot. So what we actually want to do is... in  the Rigidbody 2D's component, under info,   we'll see a greyed-out field  for velocity. And we want to   write some code to add upward velocity  to the bird to make it fly into the air. The problem is... initially, a script can  only talk to the GameObject's top bit and   the transform. Right now, this script is  completely unaware of the other components.   So we need to sort that out first. We need  to make a special slot on this script for   a Rigidbody2D - so we can then talk to it and  send it commands. This is called a reference. We're going to create the reference  up here, between the class name and   the start function. We're going to  write public Rigidbody2D myRigidbody. So we now have a slot to store a Rigidbody2D.  And we have a name that we can refer to - to make sure   we're talking about this specific Rigidbody2D. And  because we made it public, it means we can access   this slot from outside the script. So, if we save.  And go back to Unity, we'll see that the script   component now has a field for a Rigidbody2D. We  can drag the component into that slot, and viola.   We have established a line of communication  between the script and the Rigidbody. Okay, back in Visual Studio. In update,  we can type myRigidbody. Then dot. And   now look at all the things we can talk  about. Angular drag, gravity scale,   mass - these are all properties on the  component. The one we want is velocity.   We want to set this to a new number, and so, just  like before with the name, we'll write an equals. Now what we're actually writing here is a vector,  which is two numbers, to represent a position in   2D space. And in this case, it's used to represent  a direction for the bird to travel. We want the   bird to go straight up, so zero, comma one would  be a good one. I'm just going to use Vector2.up,   which a built-in shorthand for zero comma one.  And to give it a bit more power, I'm going   to multiply that vector by a number. Say, 10,  which should send the bird flying up in the sky. Now, like I said before, any code in  update will run, over and over again,   every frame. So if we save the script and  hit play in Unity... off goes our bird. Bye!! That's not what we want. We want this to only  happen when the player hits the space bar. So   it's time to use the most fundamental bit  of programming code: the if statement. An if statement is like a gate. You can surround some code with a fence,  and every frame that code will be completely   ignored. Unless, the game meets some  specific conditions that are written   on the gate - in which case the gate is  open, and the code is read and executed. So we want to say "if the player hits  the space bar, then add upward velocity". To do this... we can write if, and then in  brackets we can write the condition. This time   we're not talking to a component, we're talking to  Unity itself - specifically its input system. So   we'll write Input. Then we can pick GetKeyDown,  and in brackets, KeyCode.Space. This asks Unity   if the space bar has been pressed on this frame.  And then we'll finish with equals, equals true. A quick note on equals signs - we use one  to make the thing on the left be the same   as the thing on the right. And we  use two if we're just checking if   the thing on the left is the same  as the thing on the right. Cool? Anyway. So this code says... if the space bar  has just been pressed, then... and then we'll   use curly brackets - these are the fence in our  little analogy - and put the flap code in here. So, now in update - every frame the game  will go to the gate and be asked "hey,   has the spacebar just been pressed?" If yes, the  code will fire and the bird will flap. If not,   it will skip the code in the curly  brackets and try again next frame. So - save the script and go back to  Unity. We can now hit play and tada:   the bird goes up when we press space. We have now   created a character and made it react  to input. This is a video game. Hooray! However, it feels like trash. The flap isn't  right, and it doesn't feel like the original   iPhone game. So we could change this number.  Save. Open Unity. Run the game. Not quite right. Stop. Change   the number. Save. But that's slow and  dumb. Let's do something smarter. First, we're going to make a variable. Let's  go back to the top of the script and under   our reference to the Rigidbody, let's make  a public float called flapstrength. A float   is a floating point number - basically a  number that can have a decimal place. And   then back in our update code, we'll multiply  the vector2.up by flapstrength, instead of 10. Now, back in Unity, you'll see that  the script component has a new field:   flapStrength. And we can change that  whenever we want to make the game feel   different. We can even change it during the  game, but note that anything you change while   the game is running won't save when you  press stop. This means you can play with   values to your heart's content without  worrying about screwing up your game. So, if we mess with the flapStrength,  and also the gravity scale on   the Rigidbody, we'll hopefully get  to something that feels good. Ah,   changing numbers back and forth:  honey, that's game design! Recap time. We can use code to change the properties  of a component, while the game is running. A script cannot talk to the other components  on the gameobject, by default. You have to   make a line of communication by storing  a reference to that specific component.   We create the reference in code, and then  fill it in Unity by dragging and dropping. Code in start runs once, when the script comes  into existence. Code in update runs continuously,   every single frame. But, we can use if statements  to skip some code, unless a condition is met. And we can use public variables to change certain   values in Unity's inspector -  even while the game is running. Okay, so the secret to Flappy Bird  is that while it looks like a bird   is flapping along through a world of  pipes - it's actually not. The bird   stays completely still and the pipes move  across the screen. So in step three we're   going to make pipes spawn into the world, move  across the screen, and then delete themselves. We'll start by making the object  we want to spawn. This will be   two pipes which move across the  screen, from the left to right. Let's make another GameObject called  pipe. Put it exactly on the bird for now,   to get the sizing right. And then we'll  make another object within this one,   called top pipe. This is a child of the  first GameObject's parent. This way we   can nest multiple GameObjects, and move all  of them at once just by moving the parent. So let's repeat what we did for the bird.  Add a sprite renderer for the pipe image.   And add a collider - a Box Collider 2D, this time.  We don't need a RigidBody because it's not going   to be affected by physics. We can then move it up  above the bird - but keep the X position as zero.   Finally, we can duplicate this whole top  pipe object. Call it bottom pipe. And flip   it upside down by changing the Y scale to  minus one. Then move it down below the bird. As you can see, if we mess with the pipe  parent GameObject, both pipes move, scale,   and rotate along with it, with the  parent as the pivot point. So let's   add a script to this parent's object  to make it move across the screen. We'll start by creating a variable for  moveSpeed. If we give it a number here,   it will fill this as the default value in  Unity. But we can always change it there, later. Then we'll write code to move the object, in  update. Now it would be lovely if we could just   type transform.position.x, and change this number  directly - but, no, boo, you have to change the   entire Vector in one go. Oh, and this time we're  gonna have to use Vector3, instead of Vector2,   because the transform has three numbers. Even  though we're making our game in 2D, Unity is still   fundamentally a 3D engine and so it's keeping  track of the object's depth with the Z value. So, here's what we'll do. We'll take the  current transform.position. And then equals.   We want to add to its current position,  so write transform.position again. And   then plus. And finally, in brackets,  we'll do Vector3.left * moveSpeed. Back in Unity, press play and  vroooof. That's way too fast. Now,   you might think that you could just change  this moveSpeed variable down to a really   small number like 0.001. And that will work  - but that's not actually the problem here. You see, code in update just runs as often as it  can. In fact, if we check the stats in Game view,   we'll see the game is running at  over 1,000 frames per second. Heh,   sorry PlayStation 5. 120 fps? Pfft,  that's got nothing on Flappy Bird.   And the real problem is that the game may run  at different speeds on different computers,   and we don't want the pipe to move  faster or slower depending on your rig. Real games have actually made this mistake - in  Dark Souls 2, weapon durability was once tied   to frame rate, so your swords would break twice  as fast at 60 FPS, compared to 30 FPS. That was a whoopsie. Luckily, it's a pretty easy fix. We  just multiply it by Time.deltaTime.   This ensures the multiplication happens the  same, no matter the frame rate. We didn't   need it for the velocity code because  physics runs on its own little clock,   but otherwise we will need it. if you want to  know more - about this, or anything really,   the Unity docs are a good place to  check. You'll find info and sample code. Okay, now with that fix in place, our pipe  moves smoothly across the screen. Lovely. Next, we want to create a system that will  continually spawn new pipes. To start,   take the parent GameObject from the hierarchy  and drag it into your project. This creates a   prefabricated GameObject. Or prefab. This is like  a blueprint for a GameObject and we can create new   versions of this entire GameObject- with all  its children, components, and properties. Oh,   and before we move on, we can delete the  original in our hierarchy now. Bye bye. Let's make a new GameObject called Pipe Spawner.   We'll put it just to the right of the camera. And  we'll make a script for it. The purpose of this   script is to spawn new versions of the pipe prefab  every few seconds. And because the pipe already   has code to move left, the pipe will automatically  move across the screen as soon as it spawns in. We're going to write some code to  spawn that prefab we just made. So   we'll start by making a reference  to the prefab. Up here, we'll type Public GameObject pipe.   Then in Unity, we'll use the same drag and  drop method to fill the slot, but this time,   instead of a component, we'll drag  the prefab from the project panel. Now, Unity has a nice built-in method for spawning   new GameObjects. We'll type Instantiate, and then  open the brackets. In here, the command is asking   for some extra details. we can actually flip  through these to find different, I dunno, recipes?   I guess? Number 4 looks good - it will create  an object at a specified position and rotation. So, for the GameObject, we can  type pipe. For position we can just type transform.position to  get the position of the object holding   this script. That will make it spawn on  top of the spawner. And for rotation,   let's just use transform.rotation so,  again, it's the same as the spawner. Let's run it and oh my god, that's not  what we want. Spawning works great,   but they're coming out every single  frame - and we want them to come   out on a nice interval that we can  control. So, back to Visual Studio. What we're going to do now is to write some  code to make a timer. this will count up for   a specified number of seconds, run some code,  and then start the count again. To do this,   we'll need to make a couple variables. A  spawnRate is how many seconds it should be   between spawns. And then a timer is the  number that counts up. We can make this   one private as we won't be changing  it in the editor or anywhere else. In update, we'll do another if statement. This  time, if the timer is less than the spawnRate,   then we want to make the timer count up by one.  So we'll take the timer as it currently is,   and add Time.deltaTime to it. This creates  a number that counts up every frame,   and works the same no matter what  your computer's frame rate is. We can actually shorten this by changing it to +=,  but, don't feel like you need to make your code as   short as humanly possible just to avoid  getting sniffy YouTube comments. If   timer = timer + is easier to read and  grasp, then that's absolutely fine. You   can always swap to the other version in  the future when you feel more confident. Now, before I said an if statement is like a gate.   And we can add another gate to the  side of it, with else. This means,   if the condition isn't met, then skip the  code - and do the code in else, instead. So we'll put the spawn code in here, and also  reset the timer to zero. So now, every frame, it   asks if the timer is less than the spawn rate. If  it is, then count the timer up. If it's not - i.e.   the timer has actually met or exceeded the spawn  rate, then spawn a pipe and start the timer again. Put this in Unity and - pretty good. I'm happy  with that. The only problem is... we have to   wait ages for the first pipe to spawn. It would  be good if this came out immediately, right? Now, we could copy and paste the spawn code  into start, so it happens once in start.   And then happens over and over in update. But  that's a bad idea. You should generally try to   avoid having the same, or even similar code  in multiple places. What happens if we want   to change how the spawn works? We'll have  to find and change it everywhere. No good. Instead, we can put the spawn code in  a new function, and then just run that   function. So here, below update - but  above the final curly bracket - we'll   make a function called void spawnPipe(). And then  cut and paste the Instantiate code into there. Now we can just write spawnPipe, with empty  brackets, in both update and start. This will run   all the code in that function when these lines  are executed. And with that done, it will make   a pipe as soon as the game begins, and will make  new pipes every time the timer maxes out. Perfect. However - this is a pretty boring game, right? The  pipes always come out in the middle. we want them   to come out at random heights. So, remember  that when we wrote the instantiate code,   we had to pick a position for the object  to appear? We'll change that value. Right now the pipes always spawn on the same  position as the spawner. We want the X value   to be the same... but for Y, we want to pick a  random point somewhere above or below the spawner. So let's create a public variable  for a heightOffset, maybe 10. And then we'll make a float called lowestPoint.  Because we're making this variable inside the   function, rather than at the top of the script, it means  it can only be used within the function. But,   also, it means we can set  it by doing a calculation. so we'll do equals transform.position.y -  heightOffset. And then we'll make another   one for highestPoint, but this time it's plus  heightOffset. That gets us these two numbers. Then we'll replace the transform.position  in our Instantiate code. We're gonna write new Vector3, we have to write that  whenever we're specifying our own numbers for a   vector. and then in brackets we'll specify the X,  Y, and Z values as three different floats. For X,   we want this to be the same as the spawner,  so we'll do transform.position.x. But for Y,   we can do Random.Range. And in the brackets for  that, we can supply a minimum and maximum point   to pick from. That's lowestPoint and highestPoint.  Then a 0 for Z. And close the brackets. Back in Unity.... nice! The pipes will  spawn anywhere between these two numbers. Oh, one last thing. Every time these  pipes spawn they'll appear and move   left.... forever. Which isn't great practice -  they're off screen and doing absolutely nothing,   and yet they're still in memory and running code  every frame. And if too many spawn they'll start   to spill out the side of your monitor and  make a right mess of your desk. So let's fix that. Now we could make a timer, and delete the  pipe after a few seconds. But instead,   we'll check the X position of the pipe, and delete  it if it goes past a certain point. We'll borrow   the bird to find out the X coordinate of the  left of the screen. Looks about minus 45. In   the pipe move script, we'll add a float for a  deadzone. -45. And then a simple if statement - if   transform.position.x is less than deadZone, then  destroy the GameObject that holds this script. Run it in Unity and, bam, they're dead. Let's do one more thing, just as a teachable  moment. Just before the destroy line,   let's write Debug.Log, and in brackets, Pipe Deleted. Then, back in Unity, you'll see one other panel   I skipped during the UI demo - it's a tab next  to project, called console. Then when we run the   game... every time a pipe is deleted, our  message is sent to the console. This is a   wonderfully useful way to debug our code, because  we can find out exactly what the code is up to. Recap time! GameObjects can be turned into prefabs,   by dragging them from the hierarchy,  and dropping them into the project. You can then drag these into scenes - I use  prefabs to create levels in my puzzle game,   for example. Or you can make a spawner  to instantiate new ones during the game. Timers are a great way to make  code happen on a certain interval,   but always use Time.deltaTime to keep things  consistent across different computers. If statements can have an else gate,  to make code fire if the condition   is not met. You can also have else  if, to make more complicated gates. And you should try to delete GameObjects if  they're no longer needed, to free up memory. Okay, our next step is to keep  track of the player's score,   and show it to the player  on the user interface. Then,   we want the score to go up by one, every  time the bird goes through the pipes. So, remember that a GameObject doesn't  have to be a physical thing in your game   world like a character or an enemy - it  can be a completely invisible manager   that's just keeping track of critical data  like health, or time, or score. And then,   we can make that information visible  to the player, using a user interface. So let's start by making the UI. Like  everything else, it's a GameObject in   the hierarchy. This time go down to  UI and pick text - which may be under   legacy. We'll need to zoom really far out  on the scene view to actually see the UI. To make sure the UI looks the same on every  device, we'll pick this new canvas GameObject   and set the canvas scaler component's UI scale  to scale with screen size, and choose a sensible   reference resolution - I'm gonna use 1080p again.  We can then move our text around. You'll notice   that UI has a rect transform, rather than a normal  transform. The most important thing to note is   that you don't really want to mess with scale of  elements - instead, change the width and height.   I'll then increase the font size and set the default   text to 0. And then check it  all looks nice on the game view. Okay, now we want to make a script  that will store the player's score,   and change the number on the UI to that score. We'll make a GameObject called Logic Manager.   And we'll give it a script. This script is  going to keep track of high level information   like the player's score. And it will have  various meta-level functions that we can run. So we'll delete start and update, we don't  need them in this script. We can always add   them back later if we change our mind. We want to  store a number for the player's score. This time,   we don't want a float because we only ever  want round numbers. So let's do an int,   instead. That's an integer. No decimal places. And because we want to update the UI  text we just made we will, as always,   have to make a reference. Except...  text doesn't seem to be a thing? Ah, well. By default, a script only loads  in the stuff you need for basic Unity   functionality - but if we go up to the top  and type using UnityEngine.UI;, we can now   access more functionality - in this case, UI  stuff. Now we can make a reference to text.   We'll need to drag the text component into this  field back in Unity. Because we're referencing a component   on another GameObject - the text on the UI  - the best way to do this is to just drag   the whole GameObject into our slot. This will  automatically find the text component for us. Handy. So now we want to make a function. And  we'll call it addScore. And because   we're going to run this function from  other scripts, we'll set it to public void. This function needs to do two things. Add  one to the player's score. Easy enough,   we know how to do that now. And change the text  on the UI to be this number. Oh, the text box is   looking for a string - a sequences of characters  - and our score is an integer. They look identical   to us humans, but robots are fussy. Easily fixed,  mind you, by adding .toString() to the game score. To make sure this works, let's give  ourselves the power to run this function   from Unity itself. All we need to do is write  ContextMenu, and a name, above the function.   Now, in Unity, while the game is running, hit the  little dots on this script and pick the function.   Nice! This sort of thing comes  in real handy for testing. Okay, so now that we know the function  runs, we specifically want to run it   when the bird goes between the pipes.  And the way to do this is collisions. Now if two objects have colliders, they will  bash into each other - in fact, in our game,   the bird will already crash into the pipes because  we've added colliders to both. However - you   can also have invisible colliders, called  triggers. They don't create an actual collision,   but they do let you know that two objects have  touched - and you can run code at that moment. So we're going to put a  trigger in between the pipes,   so we know that the bird has passed through them. And then at that moment, we'll run addScore. Let's open up the prefab for the pipes. We'll  make another GameObject called middle - and   it needs a box collider. Let's make it  this sort of shape. And this time we'll   tick the box isTrigger. Finally, let's add  a script to this new middle GameObject. Beneath Update, type ontrig, and the autocorrect  will help us type out OnTriggerEnter2D. Just   press tab to autofill. Anything in this  function will run whenever an object first   hits the trigger. There's also OnTriggerExit and  OnTriggerStay, for future reference. And its in here,   that we want to run the addscore function we  wrote earlier... except. ah. once again,   this script doesn't know about any other scripts  in the game, until we make a reference to it. So we can write public LogicScript logic.  But back in Unity, you'll quickly realise   that you can't drag the script into this  slot. You can't drag it from the project   panel - we can only talk to an instance of a  script that lives on a GameObject. But we also   can't drag from the scene into the prefab. That's  because the pipe doesn't exist in the scene yet,   it will only exist when the game is running,  and the spawner starts making pipes. So, instead, we'll need to fill  this reference using code. and   this needs to happen when the pipe first spawns. To do this, we'll need to help the  code find the logic script. To do this,   take the Game Logic object, and  look at the top of the inspector:   you'll see tags. From the drop down,  choose add tag. Make a new tag called, say,   Logic. And make sure you go back to the GameObject  and actually set this new tag. You will forget to   do this approximately eight thousand times in  your Unity career, so look forward to that. Now, back in the PipeMiddleScript,   under start we can write logic =  GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Logic"). this will look for the first GameObject  in the hierarchy with the tag,   Logic. In our case, there will  only ever be one in the scene,   so we know it will always find the  right one - but do be mindful of that. And then we can add .GetComponent<LogicScript>(); So, as soon as a new pipe spawns, it will look  through the hierarchy to find a GameObject with   the tag Logic. Then, it will look through  that object's components to find a script   of the class LogicScript. And if it finds  one, it will put that in our reference slot. It has done the exact same thing as  dragging and dropping the component   in the Unity editor - except it has done  it instantly, during run time. Excellent. So now, the pipe's middle script can  find and talk to the logic script.   And if we write logic.addScore, this  will run that code. Back in Unity,   hit play and if we did everything right, the score  will go up by one when we pass between the pipes. Oh, and just for future proofing and whatnot,  let's make sure that it was actually the bird   that went through. We'll do this by putting the  bird on a layer, and checking if the colliding   object was on that layer. Go to the bird's GameObject  and this time, instead of the tag, we'll change   the bird's layer. Make a new one, remember to  actually assign it, and make a note of the number. Now, on the pipe's middle script, we can add an if statement around addScore,   and check if the collision that just happened  was with a GameObject on the bird's layer. One more bit of future proofing, while we're on  the subject. Go back to the Logic Script. And, let's take the AddScore function, and in these empty brackets we'll write int   scoreToAdd. And then instead of  adding one, we'll add scoreToAdd. Then in the pipe middle script, we can write  a 1 in the brackets after addScore. Right   now this does exactly the same thing as we  had before. But, as you can surely guess,   you could later add some other goal  in the game that adds, say, 5 to your score. This allows us to make a function  more versatile, as it can be used   in different ways, from different places.  Part of being a good programmer, I think,   is making stuff less rigid, and keeping it open for  future ideas. This makes it easier and faster  to iterate on your designs. Right! Recap! UI is just another GameObject,  but if we want to reference any   of these components we'll need to add  using UnityEngine.UI to the top of the script. GameObjects can be completely invisible things,   merely there to keep track of rules,  logic, score, and so on. If we want to a reference a component  when one of the GameObjects is not in the scene,   we'll need to find that component during run time.   One way to do this is to use tags,  findGameObject, and GetComponent. A public function can be run from another  script, as long as you have a reference   to that script. And we can even pass  in variables when that function runs. And Collisions and triggers can be used to make  stuff happen when two objects touch. Speaking of collisions, let's  move on to the next step... The final step is to add a fail state. When  the bird hits the pipes, the game is over.   We'll do this by making a game over screen,  and have it appear when the bird crashes   into a pipe. The game over screen will have  a button, which we can use to reset the game. First, let's make that game over  screen. On the canvas GameObject,   add a new empty one called game over screen.  Then, in that parent, add a text for game over.   And also a a button - that's also  under legacy. Resize it. And change   the text on the button - the text can be  found as a child on the button itself. So back on the button GameObject,  on the button component, you'll see   this bit that says On Click. This is  an event, and it allows us to call a   public function on a GameObject. So let's  make a function for restarting the level. We can put this code in the logic script,   underneath our addScore function. You  could make a seperate script if you want,   but I think this is fine. Let's make  another public function called restartGame,   and in here we'll write code to restart the  scene. Just like before with the UI, if we're   managing scenes then we'll need to add a line the  top - this time, using UnityEngine.SceneManagment. Now in our function, we'll call up the  SceneManager and then, dot, LoadScene. This   is looking for the name of a scene. Literally the  filename. But because we want the current scene we   can simply type SceneManager dot GetActiveScene,  brackets, dot name. Close off all the brackets. Now back in Unity, add an event to this button.   Then drag in the logic GameObject.  and find the restartGame function.   Give it a test and... nice. Every time we  press the button, the game begins anew. Now obviously we don't want this to be on the screen  all the time - just when we fail. So,   we can just take the whole game over screen  GameObject and disable it with this checkmark.   Then we'll make it show up when  the bird hits into the pipes. Let's write the function first. Again in the  logic script, let's make a public function for gameOver. We'll need to make a reference to the game over screen GameObject.   And fill it in Unity. And then we can simply type  gameoverscreen.SetActive true in this function. So we want this function to trigger  when the bird crashes into a pipe. Back on the bird script, let's reuse that  code from before to access the logic script   from the bird script. Yes, we could drag  and drop the reference in Unity, but hey,   we've written this code now. And then we're going to do  a similar thing to the trigger code, but this time   we'll use OnCollisionEnter2D, because the pipes  are solid objects, and not set to be triggers. And when that collision occurs, trigger  the game over script with logic.gameOver. Back in Unity... it kind of works, but we can  still play in the game over screen. Not ideal. So, I've talked about a few key  variable types, already. Floats   and ints are numbers. And string is usually  for text. The other important one is a bool,   short for boolean. This is a really simple  type that is either true, or false. On,   or off. Yes, or no. It's a great way to  simply check or change something's state. So let's have a bool called birdisalive,  and make sure it starts as true. Then when the collision happens,  we'll set birdisalive to false. And finally, we'll add an extra condition to  our very first if statement. We're going to   say if the space bar has just been pressed and...  written with two ampersands... and birdisalive is   equal to true. Actually, we don't need to  add this equals equals true thing. It does the exact   same thing without it. But, again, it's up to you  - maybe it's easier to read this with the full code written out. Anyway, now, the bird won't flap if it's  dead, which seems quite logical to me. The final thing to do is to build the game. Which is really easy. Pick file, build settings, and build. Pick a folder on   your hard drive. And let Unity do its work. Then you  can open this file to play your game! Amazing. In a very short period of time, we  have made a pretty functional game. And what’s more, we’ve learned loads  of fundamental lessons about Unity.   We have made a character that moves  in response to our input. We have   spawned in new objects on a timer. We  have created a UI that shows a score,   and made that score tick up when conditions are  met. And we've got the ability to get a game over,   and start again. Now, I should note that there are different - and  perhaps better ways to do pretty much everything   in this tutorial. For example - I used Unity's  old way of checking for inputs, and the company   has since developed a much, much better Input  System. But it's a lot more complicated to   use - so this simple method is great for now, and  you can look into the new input system later down   the line, when you feel more confident. That's how  it went for me. There's also TextMeshPro, which   has replaced the old legacy UI system - so you'll  want to graduate to that, at some point, as well. Anyway, these are lessons that will be useful, for making all sorts of games. But... the game isn't quite finished yet.  There's still a few more things to figure out. Though,   I don't want to tell you how to do everything.  So i'm gonna give you some suggestions for how   to finish up the game, but I want you  to try and figure it out for yourself. So first of all, we need to have a game  over if the bird goes off the screen.   That shouldn't be too hard. There's  also a bug where the score can go up,   even after a game over. Try to solve that one too. We also want sound effects. I want you to add  an Audio Source component to the logic manager.   fill it with a sound effect file. Reference it on the  script. And have it play when the score goes up. Then, i want you to play around with the particle  system to make clouds appear in the game. Next, open the animation window, and  add some flapping wings to the bird. Then i want you to add another  scene to make a title screen,   so the game doesn't immediately  launch into the action. Here's a clue:   you'll need to add this new scene  to the build settings window. And finally, if you want a real  challenge - use PlayerPrefs   to save the player's high score to the hard  drive, and draw that on the UI as well. For each one of these, you will probably want to  Google the relevant terms, read the Unity docs,   watch some quick tutorial videos, or  ask for help in the comments down below. Next, you could expand on  Flappy Bird. Get creative   and add in ideas or designs that weren't  there in the original iPhone game. For example, with a little messing around I gave  the bird the ability to shoot out a missile,   and then I added targets to the pipes. You've  now got to hit the target with a missile to open   a gap you can flap through. It's pretty cool,  and adds a lot more depth to the simple game. In fact, I'd love to see how you  might expand on the original game. If   you make something interesting, record  a bit of footage, pop it on YouTube,   and drop a link in the comments. I might  feature some of them in the future. And then, finally, I'd recommend that you take   another simple game and try to  remake it in Unity, like we just did right now. This is a great technique because you don't have  to worry about art or design... just code. And the problem-solving puzzles you'll face are a perfect example of what real game development will be like. Good candidates for this include Pong, Space  Invaders, Breakout, Pop the Lock, Angry Birds, various WarioWare mini games, and that dinosaur game  that plays in Chrome if your internet's broken. So, in this video I wanted to teach you the   fundamental concepts behind Unity  - but, the rest is up to you. Luckily, I reckon this sort of hands-on,  self-directed, learn from your mistakes style of   learning is the most fun and effective way  to make stuff stick. But we’ll see! Let me know how you got on in the  comments down below. And if you   want to watch my game development  story - which is still ongoing,   promise - then click here,  for episode one of Developing. Thanks very much to my Patrons - they're  the reason you don't get mid-roll   ads in a looong video like this one. You  can help support GMTK at
Channel: Game Maker's Toolkit
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Length: 46min 39sec (2799 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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