Get Ready To Be Amazed As We Take Pipe-plowing To A Whole New Level - It's Hammer Time!

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good morning guys hopefully you guys are doing good this morning I'm not even going to beat around the bush we got a lot of pipe to put in a short time to do it according to the uh weather forecast make it [Music] happen [Music] morning man behind the scenes morning see you managed to find yet another new parag glov par glov yeah I'm impressed you've had the same hat on for I know I know like three or four videos in a row this is a change what we call out the purple scum yeah you call this the purle I smelled the purple skunk driving in here the other day oh yeah yeah it was pretty bad all right I told our people we got a whole lot of pipe to put in and according to the weather forecast we don't have a whole lot of time to get it done so the majority of the pipe we are putting in this r is 4 in so we're going to try to switch over to our other boot the difference between the 4in boot and the 6-in boot is basically the size of the hole coming out of the back if you run 4 in through that one which we've done before you take the risk of dirt getting under the pipe that's why we put that wood Block in there we got enough well I guess what I'm trying to say is we got enough pipe to put in I think it's worth putting in the other boot don't you think yeah and in theory this one should pull easier we've only used it one other time guess what else I remembered what else you remember the weight the weight yeah which that'll definitely help us hrade so all right let's uh we late but let's do than never I guess let's do the old switcher room all right we have not had that boot in there since we redone everything so I'm hoping this is not an issue this morning uh yeah me too man that other boot fit in there like an absolute glove that system that system we got works so well took a little less than 10 minutes to get that boot switched out we're going to get this weight w just that thing's heavy get this weight set on the front of the Dozer and we're going to be [Music] off what this weight does it helps me with traction more importantly and that of keep that Dozer from Teeter Totten as much when we're trying to keep grade really close like we're running really flat right here we don't have a whole lot of room for air this just kind of helps us keep everything everything leveled out that's why we use it use it occasionally and don't use it all the time it kind of depends on what the situation situation we're in as far as what we're plowing and what the grades like and ground conditions and there's just there's just a few factors to go into it today is definitely one of those days where we need it I get this thing to roll around here come [Music] on there we [Music] go there [Music] now getting up there looks good don't it yeah we are officially off we're going to do this little little section right here first I think there's nine runs coming up through here the weather forecast like the next 3 days 70% chance of scattered shower so hopefully there's a 30% chance we miss everything we can get this done we need get just done to get out of here if we do get that rain this is going to turn into an absolute mud hole so we're going to go down here and start getting these start holes popped in and away we [Music] go all right guys the whole trick to the success of how fast and easy this is going to go it's how fast I can get down to these tile lines find the pipe and not damaging so all Aaron has to do is come in all Aaron's got to do is come in drill a hole in it we'll uh put our teap in the way we go quick and precise is going to be what we're going for I also got to dig the hole pick it up we can get in to work I don't want to dig it too deep or too big where it's we got a big hole to fill in there where you at B they getting close that was deep oh there she is found it jump down here and show you this is what we found with the excavator what I want to do I don't want to dig down too low cuz we're going to put a 4 in into this 6 in so we want to stay up just a little bit and then on this side of stuff I got a nice little flat bottom with maybe a slight slight slight slope up so we'll set that plow down in there and then go right along that way so Aaron is rounding up Aaron is rounding up whatever he needs to get all that stuff in there the everything I need to do it's right here where we're sitting at need to make sure all this dirt make sure all this dirts push back to the edge right here I then that way whenever we back up start the ploud out in here those are sitting nice and level cuz I don't want to take off on a crooked not so there we go that was ready oh man guys look how lucky found it again [Music] beautiful onward now all all right guys there's the last one right there we are right on I'm talking right on the end of the pipe that was a little bit of an accident but it worked out but the good news is we have found the pipe and got it dug up everywhere down through there and we are bang on bang on the money down through there Heron's in this first hole getting the look at that every one of them just as pretty as could be hey good news I didn't damage the pipe on any of them any of them that's good the very very last one I'm on the end of the pipe and it hooks up like the last 6 inches and I barely nicked it but it ain't going to hurt anything all right good deal oh look at that you've already got a te tap in see that's perfect the way you got it how it's angled up just a little bit yeah that way everything will drain into it and and go all right is there any water in it no there what dry yeah it was dry that's perfect so all right well while you're uh banging those in I'm going to go ahead and get our laser set up all right Aaron's working on getting his teaps in we're going to get the laser set up and survey we run all of our grade based off laser we do not run GPS there's pros and cons to both the big thing is this is a whole lot cheaper from what we do and honestly I still believe it's a little bit more accurate it just takes a little bit more work on getting everything laid out so couple things you need to pay attention to we are plowing everything this way so we need to make sure our XR Y axis one or the other is parallel to what we are plowing so basically these two gun s sites lined up or lined up on our flags now once we get this laser set up right here we can leave it set up all these are pretty much going to be on the same grade so we'll just keep Leap Frog and holes over we'll just have to adjust our receiver on there right now I got this thing completely zeroed out I'm going to shoot a baseline grade when we're starting out here and then we'll go up there to the other end see how much rise we got or do one handed see how much rise we got and then adjust our slope accordingly to get what we can I picked up a Hitcher yeah good looking one too huh well that's debatable all right I got my base set somebody needed a few pieces and parts how's that how's that excavation job doing there for you bud started out great tell the operator was diing the holes was starting to get lazy towards the end getting a little sloppy uh that one's in right here this one uh just a few l I got give you it's like a parade hand up I'll tell you what you want to switch huh I let you dig and I'll install Che no we already got a system down the system made as bad as you thought huh oh there's water in that one I don't like that you can have that one okay we'll switch on that one that's pretty much in the pipe right there right there y gotta oh look at that you got one left for me yeah there you go all right I'm going to take him up get the tractor we're shoot the grade on the other end of this thing all right guys we got that laser set dead zero and if you look we're about 6 in off so how we're going to get our slope is we're starting off 4T deep and we can lose a foot between here and there so what we're going to do got the fancy little remote right here hopefully it connects to my Lowe's connects to my laser channel search it says oh they found something so there's the same display that I have down there so on the x axis I'm going to go negative 500s which is my guess where it's going to be it's resetting itself and we'll see uh see where we're at like I said that's kind of all we got the weight and everything on here we knew this was oh look at that puts us right on grade I think we can go a little bit more we may try to go one1 on that see what we can come up with super scientific uh method here but it's uh it's kind of foolproof cuz you got gnome points and you're checking them before you ever uh shoot GD you know what I might do let's go over here I'm kind of shooting the average on these cuz they're going to change a little bit we may plow these first first two on 110 plow the middle two on 500s and then switch over to those end ones down there let's see what we got down here on the far far end oh look at that it's pretty pretty close L's pretty flat on there we're going to adjust that up just a little bit we're going to run with it we got so we got that Main Line in so deep so we know we could uh got that Main Line in so deep so we know we could get a little bit of fall coming up through here as we knew this laid pretty pretty flat so all right laser set aon's got the TS in stretch some pipe and go plowing oh you got to hide our the wal drill today yeah you be careful is that rip rip your hand off so I see water in the hole is there water in the pipe yeah there's water in the pipe really yeah you show them I can see in there or not oh yeah you can see the you can see the water in there another real quick and it is it is blowing is it flowing the right way yeah oh that right yeah you can I mean it's not a lot it's just barely over the ribs flowing but like a little piece of plastic yeah watch what is crazy is this is the wetest hole but it's the highest one up here yeah like you think the water would be down there nope it's up on the ridge yeah it's crazy the everything thing is pretty impressive I watched Aaron drill that hole we have no tile stretch whatsoever you can see how tight those teaps fit in there yep beautiful all right we're going to go finish getting our laser set up we got our we got our slopes figured out survey crew was on it I don't know if I trust I like locate sometimes hey our locate was on it too H I said our locate was good ours was but the act loate that came out that one job I don't know about all right it's about time to go plowing all right guys it's go time on the first run I bought this super nice mouth put my phone right here I left it in my other truck so going have to uh supervise with the cup holder here I loed up on my [Music] flag we on baby here's what I'm watching forward still need to get this tied into my automatic gray control system I built but better what we had [Music] before man guys that went Flawless definitely got that other boot fixed look how I hadn't make zero Corrections absolute perfect perfect straight line we nailed our flag didn't we oh yeah nailed it all my guidance maybe like that the uh you guys can see the you see the pipe laying out down there very nice very nice right there nice de I love it all right here we go lot easier with these 4 in I hope they're all like this I know you got find this hard to believe the 4 in is not as big as it thing huh really he never would have thought that so I'm a sixy year four [Music] oh yeah come on that's all you got is that all you got huh uhoh that in trouble oh he com out me oh it's all right I'll take the victory it's like raceing Gokarts just for the record I won that race but since I won that race we had a little cave in right here apparently nether one of us work that was vibration you putting through the ground that's what was but hey I was just running half throttle Oh that's oh man put a in this yep that wasn't too bad I've seen worse yeah don't worry I got it all right thank you boss laser set pipes connected we lined up on her flag go time right yep let's go [Music] [Applause] tab oh coming to the end of another one run de on her flag de on grade man she looks good boys oh what dog B it must have just who won who won the race now up I yeah uh-huh I come in the tire trucks over here where you're driving like a you know if I would have done that you would had something to say about it no I wouldn't have right here there's my cap just fell out but over there they just fell out from over there the wind feel that wind look see look which way the wind's blowing yeah okay where's all his friends at then oh oh there's one there there's one there ah oh interesting huh it's like every time you went maniac and down through look there's a whole bunch of them up here man there was a lot of bumps coming up through there and I was going slow too and I don't think the wind's blowing any harder and these are a lot farther away should have never hit that KN button on oh hey it is [Laughter] Easter oh my goodness good thing they're cheap hey you just won't tell them after that happen yeah he bought them all right we are to the end of another run there buddy that went pretty smooth again didn't it yeah it did another run down guys let's go back and do it again is we're going to try to lay this one down on the ground pick it up off the ground and see if it uh just kind of see how does just kind of see what's easier experiment a little bit this is what I'm trying to say old fashion experiment all right so he's laid far enough it's staying on its own let's chase it he I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a hey Matt is that cap still in that [Music] [Music] [Music] end [Music] [Music] all right guys we're just about done pull the last run out in this pistem about 5,000 ft went very well I I about 4 and2 I only one 4 and2 There She Goes [Music] [Music] good all right guys that is this section completely done seven runs tied in complete you can already see the water coming in we're going to jump over do this section and if I can find a new Gap battery for this this GoPro we're going to Time Lapse it yeah no promises it ain't looking good guys
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 75,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew camarata, bulldozer, construction, diesel creek, dig drive dyi, digger, dozer, excavation, excavator, grading, heavydsparks, larson farms, letsdig18, letsdig18 volvo, matt's off road recovery, millennial farmer, mini, mulcher, mustie1, out door with the morgens, skid, stanly, steer, trackhoe, welker farms, field tile, farming, drain tile, tile drainage, tile plow, field drainage, farm drainage, drainage, laying pipe, drain tile system, dry dams, water erosion, land management, pipe
Id: 6YomoGz-HpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 52sec (2272 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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