Help Solve The Mystery Of The Strange Hole - I'm Confused And Need Your Expertise!

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Man Behind the Scenes that right there my friend's a problem that is a problem that's a sinkhole in the middle of the yard somehow we're responsible for I told you to be determined on how we're responsible but uh told you there's another field tole runer here somewhere but you didn't listen yeah all right give you guys a little rundown where we're at this is the job we did last fall where we had a wet hole out there we took the Dozer notched a slight trench through here I think this is one of the first jobs the 750 uh M Dozer was on back filling all this yeah so long story short we put a tile in here that goes from that orange Riser over here to this ditch plowed in I think I think this is the job we actually broke the plow on I I agree I agree with that cuz if you guys remember these if you guys remember these videos it got really hard right in there we were like 5T deep we were pulling for everything the 210 was worth yeah the plow did make it on through but the very next job is Where She Went yeah in two so we're blaming this job here for actually being the tole plow failure we should have we should have notched this down about another foot it would have saved us a whole lot of trouble yeah but the good news is you want the good news yes I want the hole is dry it drains it drains so we got that part right water comes out and water comes out the other end the problem is we got a big sink hole right here about halfway through so you want that guesses on what's going on I'd say about a foot above our tile we're going to find another tile because we are uncertain where the old tile went we were thinking it went up yeah or we're just uncertain of a random tile that might be in here that nobody knows about that's one disadvantage of plowing is you don't have X-ray vision no so if you go through a to you don't know it so our guess is I think the most likely guess is what Aaron said there is another tile down there we didn't see we opened the end of it up water's getting from our tile to that tile there are a few tiles that come out right here but I don't think we would be let say shot straight shot yeah I don't know which honestly that almost make more sense than going all the way up around the trees probably found out they uh I we know the contractor put this in it's hard tell much way he went I don't think I love the guy to death I don't think he's ever dug a straight ditch in his life all right here's option two after thinking about this this was put in in 300t roll so there is two couplings in there somewhere there's a slight chance that a couple could have come undone but I think that's highly unlikely yeah so I don't know we'll have to use the exposer here and see what we find the good news is it happened in the absolute deepest part of this H tile that's super convenient yeah yeah it is is it all right let's dig her up see what we got [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Man Behind the Scenes you can see that you can see that trench from that field tile just as it's it's still what 4T down 3 ft down 3T down 3T down yet yeah I don't see anything else yet you kind of see the old sinkhole right here well I do have another theory potentially potentially yes so you guys have to visualize when we put this tile in I'll try to link the video down below but I'll probably forget but we had a big Notch cut through here with a dozer and we plowed down that Notch so that Notch being in here we couldn't walk beside the towel trench to to close it up so I could have left a void down to the pipe which allowed all this dirt to settle down in there to it you know what I mean yeah which would also explain these aren't sink holes out here but we do have a little bit of settling out here uh I don't know I think we're this far committed we might as well dig on down and yeah see what we got down there right yep okay I don't know if you guys can see much of anything at all down there but by the time this is all said and done going to be pretty close to uh max depth of the old 304 but it's a good thing we still got the 2 210 sitting up over in case we need it I knew it was [Music] deep we're getting close [Music] I don't know what it is but there's a hole in the bank over [Music] here you see it huh [Music] that wouldn't be from the plows you can see the plow Mark right [Music] there your guess is as good as mine buddy I know it look at them nice set of steps there man behind the scenes these are almost up to code yeah so so we find it oh look at that baby oh my goodness attack dogs does dive off there a little bit but it's all still connected ain't it yeah I wonder if that's where we would have cammed over it's going downhill so that's a good thing it ain't going uphill yeah she's going down quite a bit though yeah where's she going to Bud I don't know my next question is this ours that's got to be ours but I wonder if that's where it fell into the ditch of another one that's what I'm wonder if we don't need a dig it on back and see what we got going right there sad part is I don't know if you're going to be able to reach yeah we might have to go get the other we might have to go get the other machine cuz there ain't no way the plow at it like that no it's ball like that it's almost impossible for the plow to do that almost impossible I don't see anything in the banks no I mean this is the type of material it's got enough sand in that clay that it would start washing through I mean it's very erodable but that don't make any sense at all that it Dives right there cuz I mean look at the plow you can see it just laid this just as beautiful as can be then for some reason we took off South right there interesting mhm very interesting [Music] [Music] [Music] come [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Man Behind the Scenes I'm not 100% for sure what we got going on we got something super goofy going on here so the tile dips right there and it heads back on grade there is no way the tile plow we couldn't do that with the toall plow if we tried as we were digging down in here unfortunately it's already collapsed in but there's a huge void right here I can actually see the tile running almost vertical in the back of that the other thing we noticed is this material from one side of this hole to the other has changed to a very very Sandy lomy Clay versus an actual actual clay back here which long story short what I'm saying is that would be easily washed out I like at this point the 210 still sitting on this job yeah I like at this point we need to fire up 210 and just dig this on back to the trench and see what we got going on from point A to point B yeah what do you think yeah I think that's about the only only we can do now cuz uh I don't know if we had a void down there from the plow and the water started fing on the plow trench instead of getting in the pipe like surface water coming down or I don't know what's going on that's a long way to go down through there it is for surface water it is scares me I think we're sitting on one big sinkhole where we going to China yeah and and bad part is we are up above y we're sitting plenty high you can almost see the look right there in the bank you can see the dirt change see from here to here yeah which is exactly where that hole is at it is and look at that I mean hopefully that shows up on camera but you can see how this Clay is ripping you turn over here and get into that sand and it don't see how that smears and that don't some of the job you get this into you yeah I'm uh we don't have this kind of stuff where I live all right I think it's time to switch out for a bigger machine yeah the biggest thing back see what we got I agree well lucky for us this guy is still sitting here from the last job she is filthy inside she needs a good a good surface and a good cleaning but first she's going to go dig up a turle always something she's [Music] alive crazy part is this thing drains like a dream everything works great whole thing is just a big mystery we'll figure it out one way or another all right the bad news is guys I do not have a proper bucket on this machine be big enough Fel tile without damaging it going to try to improvise and do the best we can I really like the [Music] chase like chase this tile without damaging it but it's going to be hard how am I doing doing good so far you say out louder so the camera can hear it you okay still [Music] good yep all right hold back get something there tie in right there and then just take off all right you ready for our mcgyver inspection or gu estimations of what might have happened here guess I'm going to go with your idea on it well it's the only Theory we got to be honest with you yeah it is so here's what we're thinking happen is the dirt changes the dirt changes right here where this sink holes at when the plow goes through the ground it kind of leaves it open and it comes back together over time we may not done as good a job as what we were supposed to getting that closed back up but what you guys can't see cuz we've already dug it out is right here this tile come up vertically almost what 2 and 1 12 3 ft yeah now I don't know if they understand how the tile plow works but there is no conceivable way we could have laid that tile that way no uh another thing the homeowner mentioned to us this morning is that the water is coming out of the ground next to the tile and not out of the tile that was a conversation right yeah well we had water coming out of the tile but there's more coming out the side side the tole so what I'm thinking has happened is somehow this water the the Outlet's just on the a side of the excavator so so it's not really far down there somehow or another this water has found a way to go beside the tile instead of through the tile and through the process of doing that it's carried this very ero material with it creating a cavity which then in turn allowed that tile to float up in that cavity and cause total chaos yep that what we're going with total chaos yeah total chaos on this all right so now that we have found the problem I'm thinking obviously L from here down the towel has to be replaced no matter what confirmed um actually we're probably going to start off from what right in here somewhere yeah cuz from here back here back it looks it looks good looks really good the soil looks good and the soil looks good whatever happened happened from here to there oh we need to go back and get tile I don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves in this ditch um we start getting crumbs falling in this dish we got to dug back pretty nice I think we'll be fine but or do you want to go ahead and dig it all the way out well that's what I was looking at is we did get crumbs in it CU you dig from both ends it'd be close honestly behind me it's not that deep cuz the hill falls off this is the deepest spot so yeah you want to go ahead and just punch her on through and then we'll go get TI yeah okay all right [Music] than [Music] well that's it let's see night kind of see right here where it makes the DraStic drop from right here to right there if you can see it that makes like a 4 foot three to four foot back down like it Flo up you see it going back down yeah that's crazy yeah it is I never see anything like that it had to float yeah had to my [Music] coule start down rightward [Music] [Music] I falling from here to there uh maybe one more scrape through here it looks like we got a little high spot right [Applause] there [Music] [Music] St all right so here we are here let's see if we can get a look at this real quick show you how high up that is and that is crazy that's up quite a bit it's the same P yeah I mean it's new the pipe looks good like it's still getting around yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] my fancy CR control I should be pretty close looks pretty good looks like it dropped off maybe a little heavy right there but it ain't [Music] bad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] h [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah I see it [Music] there [Music] all righty guys we got that all daylighted back out I know it's hard to tell up from here but it actually uh actually slopes out pretty good from there went and grabbed lunch grabbed a little bit of pipe we have what three random sections of pipe down there it's going to be close close instead of wasting a whole new full roll on this we are going to switch over from 6 in to 8 in cuz it's what we got available and I should make it a little harder for it to move and make it a little bit more durable yeah you agree with all that yeah I hope SBS you know BS can stand for something else right yeah yeah it other than V service what it is is it stands for Steve's better than Sam oh you better oh yeah he sees this he sees this he probably ain't going to be teeing me he's going to be doing something else you know what else he's going to have something to say about your tie down method over here huh well I learned that from him not Steve Sam Sam maybe Steve taught Sam this and then Sam taught me this but this is quite the this is quite the rigging you got going on here bud well is that is the fender well and approved toe down hook uh we're going to defend it is all right hey it's a Chevy it can handle this is true so all right I think you're unhooked all right we're going to get this flop down the ditch and uh yeah let's get this flopped down there and see if we can get it tied on there and might going to work yep I promise you there's a pipe right [Applause] there [Applause] man that pipe right there looks as good as can be I know it I don't get it just don't get it it all right guys just kind of worked that in with my foot that looks really good for just some rough digging there man behind the scenes yeah guess next thing we need to do man I wish you could see in this pipe it looks it looks unbelievably perfect for being look how deep that is yeah and uh contrary to what everybody believes it's not full of silt yeah and this is like the this is the prime stuff that clog it up all right enough of M and our old work as far as I can see back in there it's good going that way so we're going to get this attached switch over to eight question's going to be can you get it to me without messing up my beautiful grade down here ni son can you put that on the other side so we can see the sun is rting away shines like me doesn't it oh my goodness all right I got this end all right I guess go ahead and flop her down in there and we'll pull her out all right it's going to be close on pipe yeah that wasn't bad considering pulled it too far go [Music] I made my connection you got the easy easy one all right see the Man Hands there tag team it yeah there there we go all right well that's the good news the bad news is we're like what man that one stick I said we should have brought I don't think we had room for it if you held on to it outside the window that would have been the options so what do you think if I start back filling this will you go and get uh I'll get that other one yeah we got a full roll down there we're just trying to use up a bunch of these random scraps I got this is a good place to burn them up so all right all right BLS in there nice yeah yeah it does much better than the last one did well not as good as the last one did one was laying in there tell something happened to it all right we're going to back filler and make sure we don't have more issues all right aon's going to run back to lot get that last piece of pipe we need we're going to try to get a head start on bike felling the problem is we need to start up there on that end come this way she's got a couple little cedar trees pling here I don't want to damage I'm hoping hoping I can sneak up a by come on baby sneak up a b we'll start back filling then we'll split the split the difference once we get up there oh yeah I know you guys K probably can't see but I'm going to be super cautious about this dirt I put on top of this pipe make sure none of it gets underneath it make sure we hold our grade we don't want to be back a third time bring that to you there 5 I want to keep you going I don't want you stop it so uh you got to be all right or you need me to stick around I need to go get some more pipe you back with that pipe yet I should have been I was a little worried about you I want to make sure you didn't need me to stick around for anything need any tips or anything H don't eat yellow snow well good news it's not snowing today just get back with a pipe all right I'll go get some pipe we'll see you in a minute with pipe got eight problems my phone's on 24/7 just give me holler right just no service yeah yeah no service leave a message I'll get back with you I know how that [Music] [Music] goes [Music] [Music] is [Music] all right guys this is going pretty good I'm just trying to go down through here nice and gently and lay all this back in kind of making sure it's packed around that pipe but yet protecting that pipe Aon should be back any minute with the rest of our pipe that run out but uh you guys will have to go back and watch the install videos of putting this uh putting this pipe in let me know what your thoughts are I've never seen never seen tile do anything quite like that the way that tile was in there it would be impossible for us to plow it that way but something happen to it after it was in most reasonable explanation I can come up with is there was a void left by the plow and it floated but that's just my thought so you guys are never short with comments about what you guys think happens so I'm curious curious what you guys think might be the culprit and hopefully we got it fixed we're not back a third time I got to be careful here she's uh you want me to damage any trees and we got an big pieces of equipment in here working around the trees have to get the 304 down here in a little bit and clean up around the trees but all right we'll finish getting this last little bit back fiill Aaron should be here in a minute we'll get the last piece on the end down there we'll get this cleaned up see what happens I guess [Music] oh we don't want the brush there's the dirt [Music] [Music] placee crazy [Music] now [Music] [Music] come [Music] Man Behind the Scenes I see you made it back with another piece of pipe yeah did you uh custom cut that or did you just get lucky and have a long enough piece no I custom cut that two three maybe four months ago you're so full of crap well I did this goes back to the BS standing for something else I'll keep it PG and call bull crap H yeah it was prec cut well fell exactly where I wanted it to fall out right it fell out it fell out about right if you didn't like it I did bring another couple and another piece that we can add on you brought an insurance policy yeah see that all that brown stuff down there I think that's everything I washed out of our sinkhole up I do believe so all right so here's the plan today is what Tuesday Tuesday they're calling for a pretty good rain on Thursday yeah so I'll say we get this covered up get it mostly put back together we'll let that big rain come through make sure it drains make sure it works make sure we don't have any more sink holes yeah and then let it settle out and then if that's the case we'll come in here and uh finish her up and py rre it out and call it good so all right big job like this I can't believe you didn't bring another piece of equipment I know this is quite ridiculous that thing we just got lucky he's here we were coming to get him we were coming to get him the semi over there we're coming to get him load him up but I'm glad we GL we didn't load him up first I know that was a good call there so all right I am going to hop back on the little one and kind of pull some of this stuff back around save his as much of this dirt as we can let's get this let's get this smoed up and color good all [Applause] right hey if you don't mind a little smoother on this bud we're we're doing finish work now it's hard to go from that one this I can go back and forth between the 210 and the 120 but that thing to this thing yeah it's like slow and steady and this is like high speeded chaos I thought you were good give me a minute [Applause] hey you don't want you don't have to bring them tree limbs along you want to go ground that no goe get it now I'll don't trust [Applause] you being so particular smart guy wouldn't have threw that dirt over there in that limb pile well should have move the Lim pile F away the hole there who put the LM pile there to begin with was it us it was you I think you dis like my wife you just want no I prefer not to listen to [Applause] complaining [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well man behind the scenes we got her all closed back up and roughed in I think the only thing to do at this point is uh Let It Rain wait and see what happens happens yeah it actually cleaned up for having a big old machine a little B of spot yeah don't look too shabby does it yeah the main thing is it's close enough I'm pretty sure we can come in here with the skid steer in the Ruckus stke and finish it off if everything's good so yeah all right that's going to be a wrap on this one for now stay tuned we get a rain here Thursday maybe we'll try to get a clip of everything working and see what it's doing if not that's going to be a rrap hope you guys enjoyed big old thumbs up if you did consider subscribing if you want to cuz we sure appreciate it we'll catch you on the next one tell bye see you guys couple days later guys we did get a good rain it is not running currently but you can see where the uh water was washing out of it pretty good coming on down through there everything has settled down quite nice we'll probably get down here one more time after everything settles out and uh everything settles out and get this yard yard polished up just a little bit but all in all guys I think we got her I think we got her fixed
Channel: Dirt Perfect
Views: 195,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andrew camarata, bulldozer, construction, diesel creek, dig drive dyi, digger, dozer, excavation, excavator, grading, heavydsparks, larson farms, letsdig18, letsdig18 volvo, matt's off road recovery, millennial farmer, mini, mulcher, mustie1, out door with the morgens, skid, stanly, steer, trackhoe, welker farms, sink hole, field tile, drain tile, tile drainage, drainage, field drainage, drainage tile pipe, sandy clay, 304 excavator, mini excavator, cat 304, excavator working, void
Id: op372uapylY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 12sec (3312 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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