Get Me Your Boss Now ! I'm Not an Employee and You're Banned Now r/IDontWorkHereLady

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hello friends and welcome back to our slash I don't work here lady and if the phrase I want to see your manager now warms your soul I have a couple of stories for you on this topic and the first of them he made an official complaint I don't work there this happened a couple of months ago back story I'm a youth worker and part of my job involves taking clients to a bowling alley I do this a few times a week sometimes more than once a day and usually at odd times 9:00 a.m. Monday bowling anyone so the place is basically my second office and we have a good relationship with the providers during the quiet hours they only have two staff working one in the office / front desk / cafe three separate locations by the way and one behind the scenes it means that often there's a bit of standing around waiting when the front-of-the-house staff member is in a different area myself and the other weekday regulars mostly senior bowlers are used to it it actually works well for me because part of what I'm doing is teaching my clients social skills and coping strategies so having to occupy yourself and be patient and polite is a good teaching moment my client and I have finished bowling and we're sitting at the cafe eating and talking quietly when a man approaches the unattended cafe and immediately starts huffing and pacing restlessly eyesight I am but keep talking to the kid a minute later he comes and looms over our table and says excuse me in an aggressive tone now I've got my calm neutral face on but inside I've started gibbering because I hate confrontation this guy is actually massive the kids I work with are zero to kick your effing teeth in kind of kids they often get very protective of their workers in a sweet but effed up kind of way so if this guy is trying to start something there's a good chance there's going to be red and blue flashing lights in my immediate future yes I inquired politely keeping one eye on the kid and one hand on my phone and a vapid smile on my face how about you do your f and job he leaned down over the table his breath is unpleasant as the rest of them I was surprised because sitting at a bowling alley eating curly fries with a fifteen year old at ten on a Tuesday was my job and I was doing it very well thank you very much I was also alarmed because said 15 year old has become very still and very tense not good I moved back in my seat and resumed the vapid smiling oh sorry I don't work here sometimes you have to wait a minute for someone to see you and come over but otherwise maybe try the front desk well you're dressed like you F and work here he leaned over more and jabbed jabbed he jabbed me in my chest the staff at this bowling alley wear black trousers and violently orange polo shirts that match the violently orange walls awful I'm glad I don't drink because going in there with a hangover would kill me I was wearing baggy hippy jeans my purple Manic Pixie dream tarantula tee and a sparkly sequined backpack and a lanyard with the word staff printed on it I held up the company ID card at the end of the lanyard which identified me as an employee of the nonprofit I worked for no sorry I work for company name we're customers here now if you don't mind you're being very rude me trying to role model terrified I smiled my best everything is fine smile to the kid I in the cutlery bucket don't talk to me like that you little B word I want three beers and some F and wings he actually smacked the table with his hand I looked over the main area oh goody he has friends I leaned back as far as I could the wall was behind me tables either side and him blocking my exit the kid stood up bad staff members spotted us and started rushing over good we had time for a few rounds of I want to speak to your manager I don't work here though please let me out before the actual manager of the bowling alley reached us he pulled the guy away so I could get up but the dude wants to speak to my manager and won't let up manager says I am the manager here dude you're her manager manager no she doesn't work here dude to me I want to speak to your manager now at this point I figured why not I handed him one of our company business cards and said ask for my manager's name he turned away to dial the number and I grabbed the kid and whispered now watch him make it D word of himself the kid laughed in her backstab it thank the three of us stood there in a row watching this dipstick call my actual manager and complain that I wouldn't serve him beer and chicken wings my manager actually took the complaint on an official form and made me sign it when I got back to the office meanwhile dude his band's the bowling alley gave the kid a huge pile of free arcade tokens an apology and I was able to get him to give me back the knife he stole before I dropped him home wins all around the complaint my awesome manager wrote as a joke is stuck up on the staff notice board it's written tongue-in-cheek and will absolutely not come back to bite me we've all enjoyed the running joke and our second story lady is reporting me to the Medical Board I'm an architect I work in an architecture firm in a large building that also contains many other types of professional offices the receptionist for my firm is on another floor my office is on an upper floor in a corner so it's not a logical place for people to go first when they come into our building and don't know where they're going nevertheless it has a door directly to a main corridor so people get lost occasionally and knock on it which is why we have a sign on it with the name of our firm directing people to our receptionist on the third floor alas the sign did not deter this middle-aged impatient lost lady and her husband from knocking on my door lady is this the doctor's office me no this is an architecture firm lady how do I get to the doctor's office me there are building directories in the stairs and at the elevator I started to give her directions to the stairs and elevator but she interrupted lady getting huffy and impatient and pushing their way past me right into the middle of my office why can't you just tell me where the doctor's office is me I'm sorry but there are a lot of offices in this building including at least 10 doctors offices and I don't know their floors or office numbers lady can't you call and find out me I'd be happy to let you use my phone lady why can't you call me sensing I'm not going to get rid of her unless I call somebody what's the doctor's name do you have the number lady I don't remember his name I have a 2:15 appointment I'm going to be late note this is not an elderly woman and I just wasn't getting the sense that this was a confused old person with a memory issue but I'm still trying to be nice and helpful even if just to get her out of my office me I'm sorry but without a name or number I don't think I can call the doctor's office for you maybe I can google this address and see what doctors offices show up maybe that'll jog your memory lady I don't have time for this call the building manager I explained to the woman that I don't have contact info for the building management and there's no staffed main office in this building we're back to there's nothing I can do except suggest that she walked down the hall and check out the building directory at the stairs her husband's trying to drag her in that direction but she's not having it lady you are the worst receptionist businesses don't know how to get good people these days I'm going to tell the doctor about you me I'm sorry but I'm not the receptionist and I don't work for your doctor I'm an architect you're in my office in case that isn't obvious from the fact that the door opens directly into my small messy office filled with drawings our firms receptionist is on the third floor as the sign on my door says lady well why didn't you say so I'll just wait down there me wait for what we're an architecture firm our receptionist works for the architecture firm we have nothing to do with the doctors offices or any other companies in the building lady you call her and tell her I'm on my way down there at this point her husband seems to be grasping that I and my office and my firm have nothing to do with her doctor whose name escapes her and starts trying to explain it to her she brushes him off and yells at me again to call my receptionist I dial our receptionist with the lady standing there I say that a couple is on their way down but that they're looking for a doctor's office in the building and I hope that they will read the building directory in the stairs on their way down lady well I never I'd never actually heard that phrase used in real life I thought it was reserved for caricatures of uptight entitled old women on TV like Nellie Olsen's mother she flounced off down the hall that's like stomping but floatier because she was suspended by hot air dragging her husband I thought that since they had to use the stairs or elevator to get to our reception area they would see the directory on their way down and to jog their memory as to which doctor they were looking for and it had tell them where to go find their doctor but no she did find her way down to pester our receptionist though and told her that I was a horrible employee and that she was reporting me to the state medical board I wonder if she thought architecture was a medical branch like chiropractor or acupuncture or something and our third story for today well I worked here five minutes ago today was a glorious day let me just start off with that I worked in a welding shop this morning and after an hour and a half I was unemployed TLDR at the end a little backstory I've worked in this place for a few years holding down the lone female position outside of the receptionist who I rarely saw I know most of the truck drivers that come in and bring materials but the ones that load out are from all over the United States so today I walk into a complete mess night shift left me in a bind didn't make things didn't restock blah blah blah where's my immediate supervisor hiding out somewhere because he's high as a kite and smells like a distillery I'm not talking high like devil's lettuce I'm talking high like he leaves needles laying around sometimes that's a different story for a different time though i radioed him several times for a mayday situation no response I've got four trucks outside that need to be unloaded one that needs to be loaded and 60 guys inside who either need something or will within the next ten minutes two of my forklift drivers are out so it falls on me so I'm busting my butt trying to get everything done in a timely manner which is obviously impossible I had three whole days left of working there so I was fed up with the crap and just ready to get out my patience with the BS was running out in the garden where I saw my FS was barren q the meltdown one of the guys starts a fight with another guy and I get caught in the crossfire I make it out alive burn a smoke then get back to work while sending them up front boss man still inebriated surfaces and lays into me about Y X Y Z isn't done do I look like I care buddy I'm done so incredibly done take my vest and trash it leave the radio one plug to piss him off tomorrow grab my bag and head up front to let him know I'll bring in uniforms next week truck driver will be TD and me obviously me TD I need my paperwork now I'm so tired of waiting on you guys time is money me rolling my eyes TD I've seen you out in the yard before I need my stuff so I can leave you took forever to unload me and now I'm waiting here it's BS I'm calling your boss me have at it here's this number we've had issues with this guy before TD several forwards me another I roll grab my bag and walk out behind him TD where are you going I need my papers his face is red and he's pounding his fists on the counter now me I don't work here a-hole and with that I'm unemployed do I care nope I start nursing school next week and was working out a notice anyway hey guys hope you enjoyed today's stories and we'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 46,933
Rating: 4.9453993 out of 5
Keywords: r/IDontWorkHereLady, Get Me Your Manager Now, I'm Not an Employee, You're Banned Now, i dont work here, idontworkherelady, i don't work here, r/idontworkherelady fired, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, r/TalesFromRetail, r/Prorevenge, r/IDOWorkHereLady, r/idoworkherelady owner, Your Boss, manager, best of reddit, Manager, r/, reddit, reddit top posts, funny reddit stories, We all know that's not True, YOUR BOSS, BOSS, Get Me Your Boss, Get Me Your Boss Now, Your Boss Now, RedWheel
Id: l3mbismhj-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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