Get out of My Private Property ! Karen Wait Until The Owner Tells You Who I Am ! r/IDontWorkHereLady

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hello friends and welcome back to the new episode of our slash i don't work here lady and today is another great day to hear three new great stories so sit comfortably and let's get started why can't you be nicer to paying customers so this happened to me a while back i was probably around 12 at the time i was walking around a clothing store at the mall looking for jeans waiting on my mom trying on clothes this lady maybe 40 or 50 starts asking questions about the store to what i thought was thin air i was just ignoring her as i didn't work there and couldn't find a reason she'd think i would the employees all had bright specific uniforms and wannabe emo me was looking like i'd walked right out of hot topic after a few minutes of talking to herself or me apparently she starts waving her arms around while staring directly at me i'm not one for social interaction especially with strangers who are getting seemingly irritated with me so i didn't acknowledge her when she's done trying to fly like a chicken the lady comes over and starts aggressively tapping on my shoulder at this point i realize i can no longer escape the situation and look at her to see what the problem is she starts complaining about me saying how i should be nicer to paying customers as i'm being paid myself she then tells me i should be too young to work there anyway and why my generation sucks blah blah blah the entire time i'm thinking yeah i am too young lady i'm 12 and i don't work here edit i forgot to mention earlier i tried telling her i didn't work there but every time i started she yelled at me for talking back and told me it was rude to interrupt her after a while an actual employee comes to my rescue and asked to assist her in her search for whatever the heck she wanted as i said i wasn't paying enough attention to realize she was even talking to me and gets her away from me shortly after my mom came out and we continued shopping whenever we saw the lady she would glare at me but it's like whatever i don't work here lady and our second story i'm an accountant i don't know anything about the parking fine this isn't strictly an id whl but i've been reading through a fair few stories similar to this so i think this should be okay so i discovered this sub today and read through lots of stories time well spent decided to share my own story i work in the uk as an accountant for a fairly big firm our office in the city center has an intercom and camera to converse with people at the front door however it's been broken for a while so we just walk downstairs and greet clients we're the only tenants of our building which is quite clearly marked as an accountancy firm right outside the door right next to the post box and the multiple signs inside roughly six months ago i was in the office browsing the internet during my lunch hour and the intercom started buzzing it's not my job to answer the intercom but many people were not in the office due to it being lunch so i decided to go down and answer the door an irate looking man let's call him angry [ __ ] or ac for short was standing behind the glass door with a yellow plastic envelope in hand i knew instantly what the envelope was and that i was in for a mouthful based on the expression on his face the street in front of my building had free parking for 30 minutes but no returns after two hours so you guessed it the envelope was a parking ticket i began to open the door and as soon as i did i got verbally abused by ac and his girlfriend as they tell me the sign outside says free parking always it doesn't the conversation went something like this ac i can't believe you've given me this ticket for parking here the sign says parking's free i want to speak to someone me as calmly as possible i haven't given you the parking ticket that has nothing to do with us well it clearly is because i parked outside this building i want to speak to your manager now you can speak to him if you want but he'll say the same thing as me i then tried to correct him by showing him the signs plural outside but he took me walking towards him as a show of confrontation and got more angered shouting more this is an accountancy firm i was going to show you the sign outside the office that doesn't mean you haven't given me the ticket this is appalling i'm getting frustrated now yes it does we do accountancy work also why do you think that you can park for free there when all the other car parks around here make you pay four pounds and this road is empty don't you think that this road would be completely full by lunchtime on a weekday at this point ac walked outside to prove me wrong check the sign that apparently said free parking and lo and behold couldn't find his leg to stand on he then actually looked at the parking ticket and i could see the horror on his face when he realized that it had come from our city council ac then proceeded to sink into the floor oh by the way that fine isn't tax deductible have a nice day and our third story for today when the drive for a new iphone is too great you get fired i work as an executive support technician for a large company i have a team of eight people under me and we support high ranking executives and their administrative assistants because of the nature of our work we have the ability to get things done that the standard help desk cannot we can force upgrades that would otherwise be denied get things expedited skip the normal procedures and talk directly with the people who fix the issues while we are at executive support there are still levels when the ceo is in town one of us is camped outside of wherever he might be in case there's any sort of issue for lower people we make sure things get done as quickly as possible but it's not a drop everything situation as we prepped for the releases of the new iphones we braced for the flood of i need this that inevitably happens we slot in orders immediately for the top of the pyramid guys then work our way down replacing and sometimes having to tell them that they have to wait because the device they have is too new to warrant replacing so on monday the ea of a lower end exec put in a request to get both herself and the exec new 256 gig iphone 10s the exec was put on the approval list with a weight but the ea was denied she'd just been issued an iphone 7 a few months ago and she began to raise hell about i have to support him so i need to have the exact same phone etc etc still denied on tuesday i get a ticket from the ea iphone will not turn on require replacement with attached ticket for iphone 10 request i send one of my drones out to investigate and i immediately get a text saying i have to get out there i get out there and the iphone is wet not just wet but like dripping wet like just pulled out of a glass of water wet with a screen that could only be called heavily cracked the ea states i was using it and it fell into my water bottle so we take the phone back to our area but i've called my manager over and we explain it it's obvious what's happened we've towed it off and when we turn it over water drizzles out of the cracked screen well as luck would have it we have spares so i pluck a nice 64 gig rose gold iphone 6s that was returned with the previous owner departed the company i call have the sim reprovisioned i reassign the phone in airwatch and have the phone returned to the ea ten minutes later said ea is at our door ranting screaming saying that she can't work like this she needs a new phone and if we don't give her one executive will make us give her one i step in and tell her a permanent replacement is just beginning the process we've had to issue this phone as a loaner so you can continue working until a permanent replacement is sourced cue wednesday the approval process has come back denied for her replacement the loner phone is now her permanent phone this info is relayed to the ea who is fuming lots of executive will hear about this and statements of i can't believe this is happening to me how will i work wednesday afternoon same ea new ticket iphone broken need replacement i head out myself to see the issue and the phone looks like it was dragged behind a semi for a hundred miles and the screen is shattered a big chunk missing out the top near the camera big dents in the back i calmly ask what happened this phone was perfect this morning the reply well since you gave me an old phone my case didn't fit and it slipped out of my hands and fell down the stairs well okay could you tell me when and what stairwell this happened she does and i take the mangled phone grab my manager and we head off to the security office we pull the tapes on the video we see the ea walking up the stairwell concrete stairs metal handrail your typical big building non-public stairwell she reaches the top and proceeds to fling the phone like one would skip a stone down from the sixth floor to the mid-floor landing where it lands she steps on it then kicks it down to the fifth floor it bangs off the metal fire door she picks it up examines it then tosses it down the stairs toward the fourth floor bouncing off a few steps before landing on the mid landing between five and four she picks the device up and pries a large section of something off the phone we suspect this was the chunk missing by the camera then heads back up the stairs running the phone against the cinder block wall as she climbs so we grab a copy of the video and head straight to hr we sit with the personnel director we show her the video we show her the two damaged iphones we show her the tickets i relay the abuse thrown to myself and my texts about how she demands an iphone 10 and is taken to destroying company property to get it termination follows however the user has gone home for the day her accounts are disabled her security badge flagged 7 30 a.m today the ea attempts to get into the building and her badge does not work so she had to walk to the security office the security officer takes the badge and walks her to hr 8 am the security officer and two members of hr are escorting the ea out of the building she's alternating between yelling and crying demanding that executive be called and that she's being framed as she's brought through the main foyer i'm in the second floor balcony that overlooks the entrance she looks up at me curses me and is gone both phones her laptop and other equipment have been placed with the legal team as a precaution company policy when there's a messy separation maybe i'll buy my team pizza for lunch today seems like the right thing to do hey guys thank you all for watching the video to the end and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: RedWheel
Views: 76,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r/IDontWorkHereLady, Get out of, My Private Property, Karen, Wait Until, The Owner, Tells You, Who I Am, Private Property, Property, My Property, I Am The Owner, Owner, I Am Owner, this is my private property, my private property, this is my property, Get Out, of My Private Property, of the Private Property, Private, r/idontworkherelady, r/, reddit, r/TalesFromRetail, sub, comedy, r/prorevenge, r/entitled parents, subreddit, work, Work, RedWheel, reddit stories, fails, funny
Id: IU5Aix6ebF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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