r/IDontWorkHereLady | The Manager Thinks I'm an Employee at a job I no longer worked at.

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hello friends and welcome back to our slash I don't work here lady and our story for today how I almost got a written warning at the job I no longer worked at I hope you like it and subscribe for future videos this may be a bit long to set the tone hope you enjoy so a little context I'm a dude in my mid-20s used to work for this outsourcing company that was basically a call center I won't get into details as it's not necessary for this story just that it was a call center thing is I'd quit for about two weeks got a new job and was enjoying a small vacation until I started the new one also bureaucracy is a B in my country Eastern Europe I found myself needing some extra paperwork for my new job from my old job I didn't know about initially I kind of expected that so I did end up going twice back to my old job for that when I went there I also visited my ex colleagues who were on the floor to chat second time I went there I stumbled into a guy I got along with well he'd also worked there had also quit he was also in for some extra paperwork not the same new job and okay dude which I knew was the boyfriend of a witch of a team leader I think you're getting the idea of who this will be about also I have no idea how he put up with her we chat about our new workplaces while waiting for HR to get our stuff and we were both going down to the floor to talk to our old colleagues so I'm hanging around cubicles trying not to stand out talking to some friends about how it feels to be free we'll call him be the witch is w BF is witch's boyfriend me is obviously me I was sitting in a chair at an empty computer there were practically no calls at that time of day I put my jacket on the chair so I sort of looked like I was at work now extra context me and B were pretty much like little rascals we'd get into trouble to mess with stingy managers but we always knew the limits lots of malicious compliance stories here to which they could do anything to us some people were after our heads due to this because we weren't the obedient little sheep and stood up for their BS occasionally unluckily for them we never actually broke rules so they didn't have grounds to do anything to us except threaten us suddenly I hear the witch come up to us sorry translation will be a bit different than the original dialogue due to language differences w yo don't you guys have better things to do B there are no calls W and B and silence for a few seconds I had my back turned to her thought she'd left thought her beef was with B me yeah man so W cuts me off you know I was talking to you to me me I turned to look surprised at her W are you playing stupid now because I can write you up you're not wearing your headset your computer's even on sleep mode from doing nothing but talk since you came in did you even log into everything I have all the reasons to issue that warning don't push it me um slightly smirking I couldn't contain my amusement okay but do you know that W cuts me off again I do not care get back to work me no I don't W cuts me off again W ok suit yourself I'm like trying not to laugh hard astonished then she bolts off yeah she didn't really know I'd quit she was not a team leader on my section so I didn't work directly under her but she was the only supervisor on shift also there were 5 people at work at that time it was very early on a Friday with a very low staff requirement point is I was the sixth person there her math should have ticked in her brain that I was extra me and B start laughing our butts off as soon as she left she went in the direction of HR in the meantime me and B maliciously just agreed to play along to poke fun at her stupidity if she keeps it going she couldn't do anything to B and especially to me anyway bf comes over to us he'd noticed the conversation in her irate tone towards us and her stomping off bf what was that all about B barely containing his tears of laughter man she's about to give me a written warning because he wasn't working and was talking with me bf his wide-eyed turns around probably to tell W but B grabs his shirt B come on don't ruin this it's gonna be good B if I don't like this just don't take it too far okay I got enough crap on my head anyway Oh PS he was there to break up with her was searching for his balls to do it though guess he wanted to get some revenge for something idk but we didn't know this which comes back about 15 to 20 minutes later with two papers in her hand for disobedience and another one for work avoidance or some crap she filled my name and my work email my phone number things she knew W so here's how it's gonna go you can loudly apologize for being lazy get back to your desk sit down and be quiet and I'll only give you one warning for work avoidance or you can simply sign both and you're one strike away from being fired at this point B didn't want to get one himself so he folded and acted busy he was still listening though trying really hard not to laugh I was still in their respective chair was actually about to go as I'd grown bored waiting for her me rolling my eyes look I'm W cuts me off W notices my reaction all right what's your agent ID I burst into a short laugh and I'm like screw it wasn't going to actually do this I tried to avoid it so Q my malicious compliance me ABC one two three four I actually gave her my old agent ID she smirks victoriously she finally got me she gives me the two warning papers tells me to sign them and agree and walks back to her computer really close to us and she had to take other details out to fill them I look at her she looks at me W you done I don't say anything I just look at her waiting I knew the moment she was going to input my ID she would see a big bold red and active next to my name and she'd be locked out of my profile as the ex-employees data becomes private to most people I see her frowning and confusion muttering uh whoa she looks at me with wide eyes W are you logged in at this point I laugh hard I laugh with tears I don't stop for like a minute B also starts chuckling unable to hold it anymore W start yelling cut this crap out me now serious I stand up me I've been trying to tell you that I don't work here anymore I quit two weeks ago W then why are you here me I simply came in for some extra papers I need for my new job and came here to keep be company and take him out on a break her jaw is now so close to hitting the floor and she's red from both shame and anger she had no power and it frustrated her w I'm calling security you're not allowed to be here technically she was right practically her boyfriend was there too so she'd have to kick him out also me so I guess I'm taking bf then right which realizes then she's in a pinch starts to sort of panic if she's running out of things to say and do suddenly bf shows up BF w you were supposed to take a break I've been waiting an hour for you can we go now I need to see you in private W not now I'm kind of busy being made look like an idiot as you can see and you're just standing there doing nothing B cuts are off bf you know what I was gonna tell you in private and be nicer to not make a scene but you just proved my point you're like some angsty teen who never listens to others and can't even properly apologize or at least admit you're wrong you're always up in arms about others like you're some symbol of perfection I'm done with your crap proceeds to do a 180 and leave now my jaw was on the floor as well I didn't know of BFS plans beforehand it's like all the planets aligned that day I'm pretty sure I could hear be telepathically yelling damn she starts tearing up now I don't want to watch someone cry she may have been a Class B B but I don't hold grudges me look I'm sorry but I really didn't come here to upset you you just you didn't listen W now almost crying fine just get out I comply B comes after me he took a break we have a laugh in front of the office building he's also feeling sorry for her in a way but we both agree that she kind of dug herself into that hole I later find out from my actual ex team lead with which I got along well that she almost took the day off as W called her sobbing blaring about her bf and me fortunately my ex team lead was a nice but no BS kind of lady she basically berated her like a mama would do to her bratty kid after doing a boo boo later called me to also tell me I should probably not come on the floor again I say I won't need to anyway and I don't like drama I'm glad to say that to a degree the story ends wholesomely has also reported by B and others w's attitude improved over time to where she actually made friends beyond bootlickers the experience must have been a cold shower for realizing she's not the center of the universe I don't work here I'm the bride my husband and I recently celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary and we're looking through our old photos and one reminded me of this encounter hope you like it we had a small wedding and a big evening reception for extended family and friends at a local hotel as a thank-you for my mother and newly minted mother-in-law we bought them bouquets and the staff hid them in the bar stockroom until we were ready for them I got changed out of my dress and into something I could have fun in after the traditional first dance and dancing with my dad things were going well I met a lot of new family members the time came to get the flowers the staff were busy but said I could walk behind the bar and get them myself as I was headed to the storeroom a man shouted excuse me I thought this was for the bar staff because I don't work here man where do you think you're going me Oh to get the flowers man well that can wait I want stuff I can't remember me oh sorry I can't do that man why can't you just serve me I've been here for ages me I don't work here I'm the bride and you are man went quiet and red in the face turns out he worked in the same place as my husband and it tagged along with a group who actually were invited but despite that it was a wonderful day and we can still laugh together after 28 years well that was a great story hope you liked it we'll see you in the next video [Music] you
Channel: RedWheel
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Keywords: r/IDontWorkHereLady, reddit top posts, i dont work here, reddit stories, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit IDWHL, r/idontworkherelady, i dont work here lady storiers, reddit i dont work here lady, idwhl reddit, funny reddit stories, i do work here lady, r/idoworkherelady, i don't work here lady, idontworkherelady, i don't work here, /start, reddit i don't work here lady, #idontworkherelady, r/ i don't work here, idoworkherelady, Stories, Employed, r/, The Manager, Employee
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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