Get Good at Tekken 8! Using Training Mode Efficiently

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hello and welcome this is rufer my friends here we are with another Tekken 8 guide and in this video specifically we're going to be showing you how to properly be utilizing training mode to get good at Tekken 8 using training mode if you want to get good at any fighting game you're going to spend time in training mode simple as that right this is where you hone your craft every fighting game player you've ever liked has spent their time in the dungeon of training mode right so we're just going to give you some tips to utilize training mode to its maximum so you can get the most out of it and enhance your skills in Tekken 8 now one of the first things here is actually just on by default was it just a beauty is the frame counter is on by default so how fast a move is how negative or advantaged is on hit or on block all the stuff's there for you out of the gate that's actually great and most of the time if it wasn't on I would just be screaming at you to turn it on as the first thing but here it's on by default so that is fantastic now the first thing we're going to talk about is is something else that should be on by default but it isn't is we go into our settings here we go into our practice settings and you can see here specifically opponents actions we have opponent actions and action after a hit or block right so that's great so you know uh standing still for the first action probably what you want so you can practice whatever moves you're going to practice on them however the default setting may lead you to a bit of a misunderstanding on how some moves work cuz a lot of moves a lot of strings like say Nina 3334 okay it all connected right that's great however in reality not all of this is a true combo like all the moves hit sure or say something like n 43 right so the moves are hitting so it should work right but it doesn't so what we want to do here is when we're in our options practice settings action after I'll hit or a block there's a lot of good things here but the first thing you should do is set it to block all so whenever there's a gap in whatever you're doing the opponent is is going to block be it a high mid or a low and now something like that 43 you see here Fang is blocking that second hit cuz it's not a true combo 3 three three 4 the first three hits are true combo sure but that last one even though before we saw a connect rate that last one's not a true hit right so a lot of things in this game if you just leave that sitting by itself you may be tricked in believing it's like a combo or hits or situations where it just actually doesn't work that way in a real match so for your own sanity here so you don't get blown up in real match here practice settings opponent's actions you can leave that standing for now that's fine there's things you can do with it later but for now that's fine and set action after hit or blocks at the block all so whenever there is any kind of Gap in your offense the opponent will go out of their way to block it and then you'll know what's real and what isn't in that way now another important thing to know here with training mode and what setting should be on is really helping and seeing what things are real or not so for an example here we use Ford forward four with Fang and we're not going to do an elabor juggle here but just to show so the settings default to your wake up to stand up which is actually great stand up is the fastest possible way you can get up off the ground if you're just grounded right fastest possible way to get up and block specifically but what it doesn't take into account as you see here we're getting our big stomp in right so this should be guaranteed but it's not guaranteed because what's not taken into account here is one of the other settings is what happens when you're on the ground but what happens when you hit the ground this is ground techniques so say now we set it to side ukmi side roll left oh it turns out uh our stomp which looked guaranteed cuz they couldn't block it with the fast wakeup timing right looked guaranteed but just easily defeated by a side roll when they hit the ground and you're going to find the case for a lot of things like that where you think a grounded hit especially may be guaranteed but if you don't have the setting set up for like say a side roll or whatever on then turns out it might not be as guaranteed as it looked certain options on hitting the ground can lead to guaranteed situations like say here we have back quick roll right in the same scenario they can start the beginning of that roll but they'll still get hit cuz they can't block right away right but just keep in mind uh certain situations even if you're not allowed to necessarily block instantly a simple roll into or out of the foreground with a quick roll when you touch the ground can completely and easily defeat whatever quote unquote guaranteed damage you might think you might have right so please just by default uh until you want to test out things specifically set your ground technique to one of the side roles because generally speaking uh if a setup is fake a side roll will defeat it easily and then you can find out what's real and what's not next up we're going to talk about the ultra critical importance of the remember feature this is one of the biggest blessings of this game so remember is simply you hit R3 on whatever control you might have so let's say we're behind oan mitsu right I hit R3 remember it's like record the status and oh yeah let's do it okay and now whenever I hit L3 whatever we may be doing if I hit L3 we go back to where I hit remember and this is amazing for so many reasons let me give you a few examples say you're practicing a difficult combo or even specifically the combo is not too bad but there's one part that's annoying now safe for n we're going to do a launcher combo and the first part of this combo not too bad it works out it's just a little thing with the second part the second bit of our combo entails just a tricky bit to it this guy right here right there right uh it's difficult after we hit down back two to combo into the wave Dash 4 into the whole string it's very doable But It's Tricky and there's timing so what if we could skip the middleman right do we have to do the same combo over and over and over no we don't I only want to practice on the part that's actually difficult right so let's get most of that combo out of the way and then we'll hit remember okay so this point I'm good with this part of the combo so here's where we're going to remember so now whenever we go and go to a remember point it's always going to be that point of the combo so basically the point of the combo I'm struggling with and now I can kind of freely practice that bit over and over and over okay I boted it that time we can try again and again and again though till I get it and there we go I got it that time right so if you are finding one specific issue uh difficult you can basically cut all the fluff all the stuff beforehand and get to the actual meat of the matter right so for that combo the beginning part no big deal I'm good the last little bit difficult I want to practice that over and over and thanks to the fact that we have the remember feature I can just go into it as many times as I would like and I suck at it now but with enough repetition enough practice and the fact I can skip waste of my time with the rest of it I will eventually make it good to go and of course there's a lot more than just you know the basic midscreen combo as well say we're practicing Corner combos there's a lot of good things like one we can just remember our position at the corner so whenever we reset well then you know hey we're in the corner no big deal right so we can always have that advantageous position to practice directly against the wall and if we can just kind of keep resending at the corner if we're just looking to practice more advanced Corner techniques then we can just keep going like say for Jack right I spite in the wall and I want to do back one into back one two but it sucks I didn't space it correctly all that kind of stuff but I can keep trying over and over and over again hopefully this time I can get you know the correct spacing and just try it over and over again till I learned the proper timing I learn the proper just measures I need to learn here and eventually with the timing and spacing I need I can just practice it over and over and over cuz that one specifically is difficult because you need to create exactly enough space with Jack to kind of float them back up high enough then the followup back one two will connect right so now I can just kind of grind it out that's great now another one here specifically what if I'm just doing combos that are like working my way to the corner right I want to do whatever my normal B&B combo is and then figure out how I can get them to the wall efficiently and what I can do in the wall once I get them there well just do whatever combo you're going to do anyways and right here oh good timing right now we'll hit record here this is where we're going to be and now once again here there we go they're constantly there and now what can I do with this specifically can I do my run forward back one oh turns out I can I'll float them up just enough to hit the wall and once we get him on the wall here then we can start practicing all our various setups right uh do we have the optimal damage can we Tinker around that's on you you got to figure that part out I can't do everything for you right uh but once you have the easy just kind of easy use practice setup man you can just repeat over and over and over and then you can easily figure stuff out basically the remember feature is fantastic for so many reasons cuz it just kind of cuts the middleman in so many situations and it just saves you time on so so much another wonderful thing about training mode is that can teach you to defend yourself in a lot of ways one of the key ways of Defending yourself in any fighting game is the ability to react and sometimes hey you're just that good you can just react to everything no big deal but sometimes with some practice you can teach yourself to react so if we go into our menu here go to our practice settings the basic thing that says training mode here we can actually switch that to offense to defense and from defense you can see here CPU opponent action so you can record the dummy to do basically anything that's possible in their move set and you can record multiple things so we're going to go here select from move list right so we have Brian Fury and what we're going to do for Brian is we're going to select this specific string here we're going to select double body blow this is down forward one two and that's uh simple enough right so if we play it just two mids sure enough right and if you get hit you get hit but we're also going to be recording more moves here and specifically we're looking for one nasty move an Infamous move if you will we're going to look for the snake Edge so the snake Edge is the infamous low it's a launcher if you get hit by it you're going to be losing a lot of your life but it is on the slower end of things and if you block it you do get a guaranteed punish into like a launcher or whatever you want to do this is a move if you see coming you can block on reaction but too many people might get anticipatory and block low when nothing's there so you can have the bot B basically switch between which one it's going to do randomly so two mids or the big old nasty low the mids you can't react to necessarily so you just have to block them and you're just going to block standing and wait for the low and then block the low when appropriate so now Brian's going to switch between the two attacks the two mids and the low and it's up to us just to block correctly I don't know which one oh see I got hit I can still get hit cuz I'm talking right if you don't know which one's which you're you're going to get blasted right you got to teach yourself to do it correctly and since it's completely random which one's going to be next you don't know you just simply have to react correctly and this is a great way to do it and you may notice here there's a frequency setting so you can have it set up here okay he's going to do four times as many mids as he is going to do the low so now when you're blocking it's almost always going to be mids right the low is only going to be every now and then so you got to be really prepared for it cuz who knows when it's coming and if you don't well then you're going to get blasted right so you can mess with the frequency of the various moves and that can be very helpful cuz if you're looking for something that's like actually something you have to purely react to so this kind of situation is really good for like reaction heavy moves it'll teach you to see the move visually and react to it when it's there and of course on top of the frequency right you can set a lot of moves you can set eight moves to all play randomly and if you want to like say disqualify move you can just set it to zero so it won't show up but yeah just playing with the offense uh characters have especially strong Mix-Ups mids lows all that kind of stuff getting familiar with them is a big part of Defending against them and this is a great way to do it now much the same another core part of Defending yourself in Tekken is defending from throws so we have here dragonov set up to do three different throws these moves here are basically each of the throw breaks he has a one break a two break and a OnePlus Two Break and in Tekken you can visually see which break it's going to be before the move connects based off which which arm is extended if it's only the right arm it's a two if it's only the left arm it's a one and if it's both arms it's 1 plus two so you can see he's just going to mix and match between all these and it's up to me to just purely by visual telling which one I need to Tech by and it can be truly difficult depending on the Move sometimes right uh it can be hard straight up no matter what you will get hit by the a throw right no one's going to Tech them all uh once again as mentioned in other videos as well some characters just have throws that are better so if you know what their throws are which helps you if they go into training mode and find out their moves right uh certain characters they might favor a one break a two break or one plus two break right cuz that just simply might be the throw to go for but in training mode it gives you the option to defend yourself in a lot of ways be it Mix-Ups be it throws be whatever you can dream up so it behooves you to try it out and defend yourself now next up this is a very handy feature just kind of built in is we have a feature called punishment training so if we go here we can kind of look through what the enemy just has as general move so pick whoever gives you some frustration and it'll give you just kind of just what the recommended buttons are right so here against this specific Raina string okay this is 112 all right recommended punish says forward two that's a pretty good one to go for for this specific move here this specific string it's telling us okay let's go for back 4 two and sure enough it works now you can select like which moves you want you can go through the whole move list if you want or you just pick out specific moves so punishment training is just a really easy way to just understand how everything works right you'll see what the characters are capable of here you can see what your options are and just kind of go from there so if you struggle against specific characters and you don't know all the numbers right you don't know if this is plus 103 or whatever this will teach you basically what's good for every situation which is very helpful you just got to go by what the screen says kind of work from there also another important feature is just simply the restart settings as restart settings can dictate where you are well going to restart it can be kind of basic like say we set it to the wall right so okay we restart we're always at the wall so we can have a restart and a remember in different positions so if we restart we're at the wall if we remember we're somewhere else where we need to be right so if we need two different situations at the same time this is incredibly helpful also so you can see here a wall bound specifically all right I near something that will kind of explode if it hits if it's on the stage it'll bring you directly to that part of the stage much the same here balcony break okay this is the part of the stage that breaks open we can kind of go from there and basically all the parts of the stage that matter you can just find yourself there out of the gate also you can find yourself in specific situations so like this stage here okay let's go nearer to uh where the wall break is or if we just want the default of where after the wall break would be we can start there every single time so it's very handy cuz uh stages matter in Tekken quite a bit right uh Parts explode Corner combos weird setups everything you can think of so just saving time without having to like you know manually work your way in to the corner every time just to get whatever you want done ease of use is a big part of training mode and Tekken thankfully is very helpful in that way also for the stages that have it not too many but for the stages that have it for purely cosmetic reasons if you want like a different time of the stage like it's a later round well then we can also go here to our restart settings and see here stage environment so we have evening which is default and Knight and I think Knight looks cooler so now when you reset you're in the night version of the stage which would be like later rounds right so if you're looking for that kind of just cosmetic values well there you go you got them and that said I hope this video has helped you out in understanding training mode we didn't go through every single feature nor should we right it's not necessarily the point of the video but just going through some of the things that matter the most to help improve your game if you want to get better at fighting games training mode is usually a pretty good way to do it things like you know the combo challenge the sample combos definitely help out as well they're not necessarily the most optimal but they're there to get your feet off the ground right so that said I highly suggest you also explore like see how everything works don't be afraid of it see how everything works try out the settings for yourself cuz it it'll be to your benefit and it'll make you a better player in the end for sure that all said we're at the end the video so thank you very much for watching hope this video has found you well and go out and play some tag [Music] in this is love making
Channel: rooflemonger
Views: 54,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roofle, rooflemonger, gaming, video games, fighting games, tekken, tekken 8, tekken 8 guide, tekken 8 tutorial, tekken 8 training, tekken 8 training mode, how to use training mode, tekken training mode, get better at tekken, get better at tekken 8, training mode tekken 8, improve at tekken, tekken 8 beginner guide, tekken 8 tips, training mode guide, tekken 8 training mode guide, tekken 8 beginners guide, tekken 8 gameplay, tekken remember, tekken oki, tekken okizeme, namco
Id: tvrjAka7GHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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