Tekken 8 Frame Traps: The Complete Guide

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in my last frame trapping video frame trapping for dummies we described the concept of frame trapping from the ground up from how Frame data works in the first place all the way to demonstrating frame traps in actual ranked matches the problem is that video wasn't a complete resource and that's what I want to provide to you today I want to fill in all the holes pause of the knowledge you might be missing so feel free to jump to the timestamps below if you need a specific concept we're going to talk about uh we're going to talk about the frame traps originally we're going to talk about frame traps on hit we're going to talk about mental frames and then we're going to show you how you can find all your frame traps okay it's going to be really exciting if you feel like jumping to the summary at the end please leave a like and a comment if you have nothing to say please leave an emoji that helps me out a ton that's about it let's get right into it so I have the dragonov bot set to jab me in retaliation the reason I have that is because the jab is generally seen in Tekken as the fastest move most characters can do we'll cover the exceptions here but we usually calculate our frame traps based on the jab jab is 10 frames Steve's back one is a high reward counter hit move that's 13 frames and conveniently his upback two is plus three un block we hold back because if you don't he goes into lion heart's dance right he does a little dance so we hold back so he doesn't do that let's demonstrate this okay boom Steve does up back two on block he's now plus three dragonov Jabs in response if I hit back one here I counter hit dragonov it trades and he dies here's the math behind that you can think of it in two ways here's the first way but I'll show you the way I think about it right after this you can think of the jab as 13 frames you take Steve's plus three advantage and add it by thereby slowing down the speed of the jab right more frames is slower so it's now a 13 frame jab if you factor in Steve's plus three Advantage okay that's why they trade they're both 13 frames if you want to think about the way I do it's uh applying the math to the other side so you can think of Steve's back one being sped up or happening sooner by three frames right so now it's a 10 frame back one matching dragunov's 10 frame jab the reason I like to think of it this way is because it makes the math easier for finding out what frame traps what so if I know one character has a really strong 11 frame option I don't have to take 11 and then plus all these different numbers I just say okay in this situation plus three I know all of my options that are faster than 11 frames that's how I like to think of it pick whatever's easier for you that's just a review of the first concept or the very basics of frame trapping let's talk about some of the exceptions so Jabs are 10 frames but there are a lot of other options that are faster these are the generic ones I'll talk about character specific ones a little later but um parry and reversal comes out in five frames uh the I here means impact so it's it's it's the same thing as saying five frames a startup say like it comes out uh at a five frame impact right or in five frames okay armor and heat burst are seven frames fast rage art comes out on frame eight and jump status moves happen on frame 9 so because of this we'll have to use a different frame trap okay instead of using upb two I'm going to use running two I need more plus frames to frame trap these options cuz they're faster than the jab let's set dragon off to do his rard okay if I try to do this up back two back one I'm getting rarded and dying right and the math should make sense right because I was frame trapping I was trading with a 10 frame move there's no way I'm going to outpace an eight frame move so instead we're going to use wall running 2 and we'll cover more of these situations so uh if the rage art is eight frames right and we trade with it we lose so that makes sense right uh Steves one plus two the Sonic Fang will trade with rage art trades with rage art okay so if we want to beat it we'll have to use the next fastest option his down forward one down forward one comes out in 13 frames so if I do running two into 13 frame move it beats the rard nice so that's how we know that rard is eight frames and we have to beat it with a seven frame move right unfortunately if dragonov does an armor move we trade once again which means the armor move will come out depending on the move you pick you might not be able to block this in time luckily Steve can block here that's a slower move so that is not really a fair comparison but as you can see it's not always the case that you'll be able to block in time down forward one right um so this trades with power Crush uh now the Parry being frame five makes it really difficult to deal with I'm going to set dragon off to Parry here if I do down forward one here which I was doing before he parries me if I do 21 which is frame six I still lose to Parry right 21 would beat the power Crush but it still loses to the Parry so the only way I can really beat this is with a jab or a jab combo um but yeah Parry is a very strong option for that reason if you expect a Parry you should probably let him do it and then whiff punish okay uh last thing to cover is the jump status move and this one is even more uh difficult to show so I have to use a different example okay so to cover the jump status move let's say I use the running two for example right if I do down one my down one is 16 frames you can see that here down one is 16 frames so it comes out frame eight wait sorry it comes out frame eight in a plus eight situation but if I were to apply that here in the uh while running 2 situation subtract six frames it comes out on frame 10 right and if jump status is frame 9ine that is why the down one gets beat okay so I have to use a different situation I'm going to go with the situation where I hit a jab on hit right instead of on block so if I jab here and then do down one I stop dragonov before he does the jumping attack right if I do it exactly in frame if I delay it even one frame I lose right the traps jump right if I choose down two which is one frame slower he jumps over it so dragonov up forward three is not the scarest move but this covers like Brian orbital uh L's orbital it covers hop kcks so this is really really important to understand how to trap the nine frame jump status as well okay this is a quick summary of all of that let's go to the next section now this one's really fun uh oh sorry before the next section we'll talk about the exceptions okay so um Leroy's hermit Parry is frame three yoshimitsu's flash is frame six Yoshi's no sword stance flash is frame eight and shu's back one is also frame eight so these are characters there are others as well or there may be others in the future that break the rules of the 10f frame jab being the fastest move okay great so that was all the basics of frame trapping on block let's talk about frame trapping on hit now we did technically do the jab on hit but I think demonstrating this with Jin is much more effective right Jin does have Plus frame moves on block he has the electric uh he has running three but JY has a lot of situations where he benefits from frame trapping on hit just for the sake of example I just mentioned it running three is plus six and uh electric is plus oh no that's a wind godfist electric is plus five so he does have access to a lot of good plus frames but if you're a beginner it may be harder to do these techniques and pull them off so let's talk about the ones on hit I have to set dragon off to jab again fast High attack okay so again uh this situation is going to look really similar to Steve's actually because we're doing a 13 frame move as our frame trapping move and we're doing it from a plus three situation so just look at this for now jy's down back four is plus three so dragonov decides to jab it trades with Jinn standing for and this is actually better than if he just lands a counter hit right so if if he lands a counter hit let me uh set dragon off to do a different attack that's a bit slower say dragonar responds with a down forward one and I turn on so that he actually executes it JY gets a guaranteed 13 frame move right that's kind of the benefit of this he's plus 13 in The Frame data so he gets a 13 frame move 1 plus two is usually preferred because it's a heat engager but there's a unique situation where if he trades with a jab look at The Frame data here he's plus 27 he could do a de he could do a delayed hopkick to guarantee a full combo so JY actually likes trading with a jab here unless he dies right so the down back four is a quick way to access plus frames this is why plus frame lows are so good is because your opponent's usually stand blocking you get plus frames and if they make a dumb decision they get launched right plus frames on lows are really really nice Brian has these um and JY clearly has one here they're not super common but for the characters that do have them they're really really good another situation to look at is jy's 21 jyn's 21 is plus six on hit let me make sure dragonov stops blocking so we can actually see it FDX plus six on hit coincidentally jyn's forward four is a 16 frame counter hit launcher so after 21 on hit you can frame trap a jab by hitting forward four and getting a full launch after super nice right so at a low level just do the frame trap at a high level you can build the mind game off of this if they know that you're going to frame trap them with this launching counter hit mid that happens to be safe as well it changes their options and we'll talk about that later okay frame traps on hit are very very valuable there's another layer here and this is very very Advanced but highle players uh will frame trapping will frame trap off their jab and their down forward one another quick pokes so you're one jab and df1 okay so I'm going to show you a quick drill how to demonstrate that and then we'll or how to practice that and then we'll move on go to defensive train uh no yes go to offense training set your opponent to random block okay set your opponent to random block so if dragonov blocks normally do nothing just continue blocking right if he gets hit which we'll see how the random block pays off there then do your frame trap okay so I'm going to do it specifically with 21 at first to build up to this 21 if he blocks it I'm going to do nothing if he gets hit I'll frame trap with forward four then you can build up to doing it with one jab if my one jab hits I'll do forward four if it's blocked I'll just block and then down forward one is plus4 so let me write this out one jab is Plus 8 on hit down forward one is plus uh four on hit so um practice confirming that you actually hit them before you do your frame trap right so the frame trap here for down forward one is uh standing four frame trap for one jab is forward for and if you don't play Jin um there's ways to adapt this to your character and we'll talk about that in a little bit at the end of the video but here my drill is going to be to frame trap dragonov responding only when I see the hit spark happen this is pretty hard this is like higher level stuff like Tournament level player stuff so don't worry if this is difficult this is something you should reach for down the road okay let's move on to the next topic what if your frame traps aren't even working I want to talk about this in a layered way so in fighting games we talk about layers as mind games or mind games in the form of layers okay you talk about your option as layer one layer two is your opponent's counter Layer Three is your counter to their counter and by the time you reach layer four it wraps back around okay so let's talk about it in the context of frame traps very very Basics I do a frame trapping move and they mash and die what why did he oh he did random block okay standing BL I do a frame trap and they die right classic example we love that that's ideal if they just die every time that's perfect but say you start reaching higher ranks or you're fighting somebody who has a bit more um comfort in the game or pattern recognition and they start blocking all right what happens if they start blocking so I'm going to set dragon off to just stand block twice he takes the minus three and then he blocks now I'm minus 9 it's not my turn anymore and if I'm fighting an opponent who is very very patient then I just keep giving up my turn on minus 9 they get a mixup on me okay so giving up your turn over and over and over again uh is puts yourself in a bad position over and over and over again right at minus 9 dragonov can have his way with me pause check this out uh I'm going to set it to defensive training um actually no I have to set it to punish I'm going to set dragonov instead of punishing with a quick move I'm going to let him do a frame trap right right he's going to do this let's see what happens say uh we've completed the frame trap he blocks this move and uh now he he's - 9 or I'm Min - 9 he's + 9 right this is a 22 frame move so at - 9 if I try to down forward one I'm getting blown up either he gets a free stomp there or if I decide to block he frame traps me here this mid is plus six on block so giving up my turn as I'm sure you felt in game is pretty scary right if they continue blocking your move and you keep going minus 9 or however un unsafe your frame trapping move is you risk dying right you you are putting yourself in a bad situation over and over so what's the counterplay to that instead of spamming your plus frame uh trapping move you know they're blocking so take advantage of the fact that you know they're blocking right let's look at this I'm going to set dragon off to stand block twice cuz we know he's going to block instead of going minus 9 as I just said you have a few options you know he's going to block you could do a mixup right that's high value you could do a plus frame move again right it could either be the same low or you could do like a higher plus frame move plus six you can do this into electric plus five tons of options okay even as simple as a jab plus one you could go plus again and continue the pressure you can also do nothing and I think this is actually the strongest one at low level even through blue ranks and I have a demonstration of this later at the end of the video through a play if you do nothing with your plus frames they might think that it's their turn again oh he did nothing I I'm safe to retaliate why don't I just why don't I just challenge him again do nothing right do nothing and then I block then he plays his turn do nothing he plays his turn the third time or the fourth time or fifth time or whatever I finally decide to frame trap him now he dies by blocking I didn't lose much but now that he mashed he's exposing himself to the frame trap so at low level midlevel even high level doing your frame trap and or your plus frame move and then doing nothing is so good keep that in mind now layer four is they Mash to stop the mixup right so if you're doing nothing or if you're doing a mixup it's usually too slow to frame trap them so let's say I set dragon off to do a fast move again say I just set him to do a down forward two actually it doesn't even have to be super fast it could be uh uh a launcher 15 frame launcher right if I try to do a double low he beats me right I'm only plus three I don't have that much Advantage my 20 frame move is going to lose to his 15 frame move if I'm plus three cuz this is only coming out at uh 17 frames right again if the math is confusing definitely do some of it on your own that will help out build the intuition and let you get faster at the mental math right um but if they Mash to stop your mixup you're back at layer one where you just do the plus frame move and do your frame trap right so I should say do the the plus frame move do the frame trap they mash and die right that's layer one you have to trap them okay that covers the very very basic mind game of how frame traps interact and in my opinion the best way to do it is do a lot of nothing and then do a lot of frame trap because by doing nothing you will incentivize the to mash either to stop a mixup or just to take their turn then you can just go back to doing a basic frame trap it's so safe and it's so effective doing a mixup makes it a bit obvious doing a plus frame move again is kind of putting yourself at risk but doing nothing is so strong okay you take nothing else from the video do nothing and frame trap is so good I've Hammer that point away enough let's go to the next thing mental frame traps okay now mental frames are built on the idea that your strings have extensions and your opponent knows that and they're going to block them so at low level this is worthless your opponent does not know that your string has an extension they're going to mash every time especially if your string has a little delay see that gin's 214 slight delay worthless at low level don't even do this okay if you're playing I have a video of this too even in like blue rank I could just do two one sometimes do the fourth hit which is actually a bit of an extension of this do nothing concept that I'll talk about in a little bit okay but don't spam this at super low like don't try to play mental frames at Red rank don't try to play mental frames at purple rank just do your strings sometimes and then finish it sometimes everybody will die okay but I said we talk about it in a structured way let's look at the layers of this mind game okay layer 1 2 3 and layer four wraps around to layer one okay layer one do or delay the string they will mash and die okay well not if the second hit whiffs right the nice part about gin string is that it's safe right and it has his counter hit knockdown but some characters have even higher reward ones if you fought a dragonov you've seen a bunch of these he does this and then he hases a third hit right you've seen this happen I know you have right you block the first two I mash on the third and I die that leads do a full combo okay every character pretty much has strings like this okay so this this is a mind game that will apply across any character layer one do the string they mash and die right and if you're not sure they're going to mash just do part of the string and see what happens oh I see he's mashing all the time now that I know that finish the string he's dead Layer Two your opponent keeps blocking this is like high level [ __ ] okay like I know you probably don't see this very often but what if they just keep blocking I'm doing this now I'm going minus 9 this is the same situation we saw before if you go minus 9 and they know that you're going minus 9 they'll just wait and then beat your ass after you go minus 9 right so like uh I think I have to finish it here no I have to do it like this because of the bot I have to do it in a way where he blocks the hit without back dashing dragonov it might not be possible to oh there we go it might not be possible to demonstrate on the bot because of his back dash but the concept is the same as the previous one he blocks the third hit I go minus n and then he just plays his frame Advantage after and now I'm in a shitty situation okay worse if you're a character like dragonov you might do the third hit and actually be literally unsafe so if dragonov does this three string mixup I get a true punish on him he goes minus 14 on that last hit just showing it one more time two hits fourth it he's minus 14 I get a real punish on him you can get a better punish than just that but you know demonstrating the concept that's Layer Two so just like with true frame traps layer three looks very similar layer three looks very very similar just don't finish the string I know they're going to block right so instead of going minus every time if they're not going to fall for it let's Advance the Mind Game 21 stop I'm minus three technically it's not my turn right I'm at disadvantage but I know he's going to I'm making a read that he's going to block mental frame Advantage because I think he's going to block respecting the third hit either I'm guessing or he's shown me evidence ideally you would do it based on evidence right okay same three options as with the true plus frame mixup okay same three options here these are true plus frames these are mental plus frames do a mixup do it again or do nothing you can gauge their response especially with the do nothing technique just like in the previous example they might mash and you get to collect your reward with that call up okay now if you do something if you're less uh the the what's scary about this took a while to formulate my thoughts what's scary about this versus true plus frames is that you're technically minus right so if you decide to play around too much you might get blown up let me show a quick example it's not going to be super scary right it's not going to be super scary but if I do 21 and then I try to two one again on a slight delay he actually beats me with that down forward one I'm minus three he does a 13 frame move it's a bit scarier if he does a high reward move like that down forward two that's not a down forward two if he does a down forward two right if I slightly delay suddenly it's easier for him to hit his move because I'm minus three so the layer four gets a lot stronger because you don't have true plus frames to back up your mind game you are at technical disadvantage banking on the fact that they're afraid and want to block if they have no fear and do not care you will probably die okay so this is why true plus frames are better or you can take advantage of the mental frames here if I just do nothing and I know he's going to do that this is a minus 12 down forward to I get a punish okay so mental frames are not worthless but they're definitely more useful at a higher level we want to talk about finding your frame traps but before we do that let me show you a replay that demonstrates these layered Mind Games in action I recorded this right before we started recording this video and it was a great example okay I'm actually fighting a dragon off as Jin it was that was perfect and I don't get to demonstrate the true plus frames a lot but if you've been following along this whole time you'll know that uh the mind game plays out similar it's just mental frames are more more risky because you don't have objective Advantage right you have subjective Advantage based on your opponent's mind State watch my gameplay here we'll do a lot of replays but I want to just play it out straight through it first this is our third game right so I've seen a bit of his habits and a bit of his other uh behaviors so for example that's how I knew how to block low there in the first set he killed me with like six of those lows in a row right away look at what happened here 21 do nothing what did he do he back dashed okay this is deep analysis but it's really worth doing two 21 he back dashed I did nothing right this is that do nothing technique next time 21 he mashed an armor move right so I do or delay the string they mash and die let's check it out let's keep going Jin's wall Splat so he gets a full combo if you're not a scrub like me okay I didn't punish that there we go what what did I just do here 21 do nothing 21 do nothing 21 and it hits him trying to jab right so in this space between the do nothing he actually tried to attack me I finish the string I go minus 9 so I just block 21 21 okay he beat me up here but notice how much damage I got just doing 21 and then I kill him with 21 so jyn is an exceptional example here because his is safe throughout um most characters will be taking a bit more risk but again showing the example to accelerate sharing how the mind game works dragonov jabbing me I'm just blocking nice there's a dragonov string that has three hits right there's a common one too 1 32 if I mash here I die so I just block back to the two one Mind Games okay here's another great example 2 one do the four I'm blocking and then I get a punish what do I do right away after I survive this I get blown up by his heat engage Dash heat Dash combo that is a ton of damage there's lots of ways to lose outside of these right but we're going to go right back to the concept right away block punish on the low okay doing that fancy oh wait I got a nasty combo here no wait I dropped the combo I lied it's okay more two one I finished the string break the throw finish the string again he's chilling I know he's chilling right so I'm going to use that information if he's chilling next time maybe I won't finish the string I actually don't remember what I did so we'll see what I did okay I ran into that nice little timing catch by him 2 one okay notice this notice this interaction this is actually really cool this is actually a really cool interaction too so I did 21 and dash forward he did nothing and then he beat me on a timing cuz I had to run forward he did a back dash okay this is one of those Tekken 2011 Concepts like back dashing to create space that'll come back later for now we're just doing frame TR traps 21 21 he cracked why did he crack I don't know it's impossible to fully download your opponent's intentions okay but if you play solid with like layer one where you just do the string which happens to be safe or you do nothing you will just get opportunities if they decide to make a mistake so here 2 one it hit him he decides to block this time then he felt like retaliating so he died 2 1 he mashed again I'm not sure why he did that but I have the information I need I died to the throw no big deal little punish oh I did not get the punish 21 2 one I knew he was mashing from the previous interaction hit him again 21 he didn't Mash this time that's not going to deter me just because one time fails doesn't mean you abandon the plan okay just because they block one time doesn't mean okay we're on layer three okay no the game is moving so fast that you should actually stay at the same layer and just alternate between doing nothing sometimes and doing something sometimes okay but if you keep jumping through the Mind Games you don't know if your opponent is actually even paying attention right so he didn't Mash that time I'm still going to do nothing now I have visual confirmation that he was doing it again let's play it all the way back okay he mashed there he didn't Mash there okay he mashed there so I'm getting a better better idea intuitively I'm not really counting it every single time but I'm getting a better idea intuitively and doing nothing keeps me safe he didn't Mash that time nice good to know he mashed that time it just happened to be really safe and then I get a nice s side step punish on the heat smash okay so hopefully that extremely exaggerated example makes it clear this mind game is so good when you do nothing and this is how plus frames work too it'll happen less quickly because plus frame moves tend to be slower right a real plus frame moves tend to be a bit slower you'll uh there'll be more space between the interactions these mental frame moves work really fast because they come off of quick strings okay but I wanted to really demonstrate how doing nothing is just so powerful and then suddenly doing a frame trap okay so in the Steve example if you remember the Steve moves all the way back here all the way back here what that will translate to on Steve's level is just doing the upb two over and over again and then doing nothing and then when they finally think they're safe you do upback two back one right that is a very successful and I wanted to highlight that again this is not throwing shade this is no kind of shaming but that guy was a ryen level player so this is a technique that will be valuable from yellow ranks even below yellow ranks all the way through the high level I want to emphasize that the true plus frames are what you want to lean towards okay mental plus frames suck against low levels cuz they will Mash regardless they will Mash regardless at low level okay but frames objectively dictate the rules of the road no matter what level you're at if you mash when the opponent has plus frames you die so this is the basis of all levels of play this is why when you watch a high level azua they will just do running 3-2 over and over and over again because the opponent is respecting the plus frame situation so the attacker is playing very statistically safe by forcing them into that horrible situation over and over and over again I'm just loading up the characters to demonstrate that while I keep rambling um the last concept I want to cover is how to find these frame traps okay so there are resources we used to use before The in-game Frame data existed and I'm going to pull up those websites but now that it's loaded in let me show you what I was talking about here if the opponent is just stand blocking over and over and over again especially an Asian approach to the game a Korean approach to the game is to just keep the advantage situation plus five plus five plus five you have to make a decision I'm chilling and the one time they do decide to make a decis a decision something even as innocent as a jab right something as innocent as a jab can die to a down fourward two and then I get a combo so true plus frames are better mental plus frames are still valuable let's talk about how to find these resources um after we reinvite the time stamp jumpers all right welcome back time stamp jumpers if you're here no shame your time is valuable I get it let's quickly run through everything I do recommend jumping back to see the examples if any of this is confusing I spent a lot of time on it I think it's you know I think it's pretty useful but up to you um we talked about uh the level one which was just doing frame traps on block okay so Steve's upback three is a on block frame trap they block the move you get a counter hit attempt that is really statistically advantageous okay because even if they jab in retaliation your back one is now the same speed we also talked about how to frame trap these other generic situations that are faster than a jab jump status moves happen here rage ards happen on frame eight armor and heat burst happens on frame seven and paries and reversals are frame five with even more exceptions Leroy has a frame three Perry in stance Yoshi's flash is frame six if he puts his sword away frame eight and shu's back one is actually also frame eight so there are characters that can break these rules there may be more in the future we talked about leveling up your frame traps to handling on hit situations so uh jyn can frame trap off of his low down back four on hit his two1 on hit also frame traps his counter hit launching mid highle players will even frame trap on Jabs and down forward ones these small pokes they'll see it hit and do their frame trap I showed a drill how to handle that check out the time below to get there what if your frame traps aren't working we talked about how mind games work in fighting games they're usually four layers and layer four is just really looping around uh back to layer one so layer the layered mind game for frame traps is you do the plus frame move you do the frame trap they mash and die Layer Two is your opponent just decides to block and now they have Advantage so Layer Three is playing off of the read that they're just going to block we give a few options for that and there's actually a replay before that demonstrates these Concepts please jump there if you'd like to see that replay and then layer four is they are tired of all these mind games they just Mash to stop your mixup which takes you back to here you do the plus frame move you do the frame trap they Mash they die and I was saying that before Tekken Emperor even in Tekken King I was able to just do frame traps over and over and over again obviously there's more to do to actually rank up you have to survive their offense and their frame traps and their other moves but combining do nothing and do the plus frame move is extremely extremely effective mental frame traps the Mind Game Works similar to the layering here but it's built on a different concept mental frames work because some strings have extensions that have high or medium reward so jyn's 214 was our example it is a counter hit knockdown azua actually who we have on screen also has this example down forward 14 is minus 7 but if they retaliate she has a counter hit launching high this is a full combo right so the mind game here exists on the idea that your opponent might block because they're afraid of the extension hence at low level these are worthless your mental frames are worthless okay at low level just do the string add a little delay so they think your string is over don't bother with this if you're in like red rank even in purple rank even in blue rank you can just run a string and kill people you can just run a frame trap and kill people you could do this and just kill people with your frame trap okay I promise be very careful with these just do the string Layer Two is just like what we saw in the pre in the real frame traps the actual positive frames your opponent just decides to block I have to set dragon off to stand block to demonstrate this but if your opponent just decides to block you give up Advantage you're now at minus it's their turn they can run their offense just like with the real plus frames you have extra Mind Games here if your opponent is just going to block even though you have minus you know you know they're going to block right so just do a mixup you can do nothing you can run it again and if they run if they get impatient and you have a good read then you can run it again and kill them okay layer four goes all the way back to layer one they Mash because they're tired of you doing this partial string nonsense all you have to do is delay the string or do the frame trap and they die now last topic is finding your frame traps again before we actually had in-game Frame data people would test and compile Frame data on their own and it would uh be put on websites so what they did here and what I want to demonstrate is Boom demonstrate I want to show you one of these websites this is RB Norway and there's another good one called GE hamus so these are really really the best of the best resources I think for Teek and Frame data did I leave ARB Norway what did I do here ARB norway. org G ausinfo okay great English on the right I don't know how I griefed that I I got clearly confused I'm doing this on OBS so it's all really small to me teeken A Frame data I'm going to show you for first forc I'm going to show you Arbor first because it's the quickest and the easiest and it's uh they have the most data right now so let's say we're looking at Jin because that's what we demonstrated in the first part of the video and here we have an amazing resource okay it has every move in the order of the basic move list with all of the Frame data on Startup on block on hit and on counter hit to find your frame traps you can actually just click here and sort by so we can go block frames we have to get through all the heat stuff at first so these are the minus frames as you can see this is a great way to start looking for punishment data by the way a little trick there um separate video though flip it again and now we have all the plus frames and these are the moves that come with it so this is how you can start exploring what plus frames to look for so look for plus frames is step one of this uh right here then you're going to look for counter hit launchers you'll find this in character guides you'll find this watching Pro play or watching highle replays honestly at lowle replays you'll probably see more counter hits okay so look for these uh the resources are very available um take some time to find these for sure but the plus frames themselves you'll find here this will let you get through it without testing everything uh also as we sh saw in this video you'll want to look at the hit frames okay look at the hit frames and those are also valuable the first few moves are like uh I think these heat specific mechanics maybe yeah and then uh or some are stance specific so Zen 4 is the dive kick from stance for Jin um but yes these are the other moves it's a complete list definitely use this um geotus by the way is also a good resource it just doesn't have every character right now but the benefit to G apotamus is they have these extra details that uh they don't tell you in the game at all so check this out um stuff like this combo from the second on counter hit so you know that if the second hit hits the third one is guaranteed can be delayed up to nine frames but the combo can be delayed up to six frames so this is insane insane detail right insane detail that's really really useful especially if you play at a really high level all right um but for beginners if you're just finding your Frame data in the first place RB Norway is more than sufficient and they even have notes here right so um G aotus is where found at first but clearly RB Norway has stepped up and this is awesome to see now some things to note sometimes you have low reward frame traps so Lily down for three is an example it's only plus three on block your opponent's in Crouch which is nice but she doesn't really get a counter hit launch or knockdown attempt she really gets like a one two right um that's fine you don't have to get a launcher off your counter hit usually the character has something else to compensate in Lily's case she has really good side steps so a s side step launch is more likely to happen with this Frame Advantage than a straight counter hit launch okay sometimes your frame traps won't even be perfect so rain as forward four is only plus two I'll pull this up visually while I talk about it Raina forward four is only plus two but it forces your opponent into Crouch so even though it's not a perfect frame trap for say her down forward one which is 13 frames her 112 will trap most retaliation okay so just because it's not a counter hit launching frame trap doesn't mean it's the end of the world it's still really good okay so let me just show you this last example and this is how we'll wrap up the video okay I have to set dragonov punishment settings to actually the crouching ones down here and I'm going to select his while Rising four this is his fastest one I do forward four his is 11 frames so my 1 one will trap it let me go into stance and keep attacking but if I try to do a down forward one which is 13 frames it loses or trades right and I get nothing off of this trade I can even die but that's fine usually there's other counterplay like side steps so if you can't s side step in this particular situation then it's a bit tough but most of these while standing moves will give you some kind of counterplay right so here you would sidewalk left and then whiff punish that thing uh that move so usually crouching forcing Crouch won't give you as many frames but it's still super valuable for this reason especially if you can actually do electric if not you can just do re is down forward too very sufficient one thing that does get annoying with these punishes uh is if they just do a down jab right so say dragonov blocks this move into Crouch he just does a down jab right that can get annoying because it's 10 frames fast and this whole one one thing doesn't really work if they're just ducking underneath right but just like with the last one you have side steps down for two one launch so you'll have to hop kick you can just hop kick right away cuz it jumps over um you can also back dash and whiff punish so here that's a good option it's a heat engager I have heat turned off right now just for Speed but you have lots of options so just because your frame trap isn't perfect doesn't mean it's the end of the world you probably have advantage that the game or the designers understood you have it's just up to you to find it or be like me watch better players they'll help you find it out this has been a long video If you stuck around this long thank you so much please leave a like please leave a comment and again you got nothing to say leave an emoji but I'm sure you might have some questions please leave them below I do try to read the comments and uh for this kind of content please subscribe to see more that's all I have for you today catch you in the next one peace
Channel: PhiDX
Views: 55,066
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Keywords: tekken 7, tekken, bandai namco, tutorial, guide, entertainment, stream, commentary, arcade, controller, help, news, update, explained, ranked, online, backdash, korean, kbd, sanwa, knee, lever, fightstick, tournament, training, practice, season, twt, world, tour, mainmanswe, tier, list, tierlist, pad, playstation, jdcr, king jae, anakin, themainmanswe, combo, mishima, history, classic, ewgf, player, dlc, bandai, namco, harada, murray, battle, character, boss, unlock, throw, break, rage, art, bandai namco entertainment, tekken world tour, fgc
Id: McXr4FqaMp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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