All About Movement in Tekken 8

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hello and welcome this is Ru Monger my friends in this video we're going to have a guide for you just about movement in Tekken 8 now admittedly some of the ideas of movement are pretty self-explanatory know simple things like moving forward back dashing forward dashing uh since it's a 3D game you can move in and out of the background sure but every now and then when you're watching a Tekken video you may notice that people might start moving around like they're possessed by the devil like straight out of like an exorcist film or something like that right and how do we do all these crazy movements well that's exactly what this video is going to do we're going to cover several important techniques back dash cancelling otherwise sometimes known as the Korean back dash we're going to be covering wave dashing the haaa step otherwise I like to call Crab cancelling things like instant while standing moves and a few other basic topics which we'll get into right now actually let me talk to you about the back dash the main just hitting back right uh this is super important if you don't know Tekken forget all the rest cuz this is actually going to be the most important section now the basic back dash one thing to note about the basic backdash is now it's the best it's ever been so I know people are all crazy about backdash cancelling the crane back dash all that kind of stuff that got nerfed a little bit and the basic back dash actually got a lot better so there's not that wide of a rift between the basic back dash and the Korean SLB Dash cancel right so if you can only do this basic back dash and you can't do the rest of the fancy stuff we're going to show don't feel bad about it cuz it actually works it's a perfectly viable tactic now why are back dashes so important in Tekken other than just the fact that they create space right that's cool and all but here's the thing if you come from like any other fighting game what I'm about to say is going to blow your mind cuz it doesn't work this way in any other game when you're doing a basic back dash and Tekken you can still block yeah that sounds weird right you know if you're playing like uh Guilty Gear playing Street Fighter like whatever any other fighting game when you're back dashing you get hit you better believe you just got hit so we have our pal Leroy here right and otherwise he's not currently blocking at the moment but we're going to set him to just kind of Dash all day backwards right and you know what we're going to try to follow him here let's see oh he's blocking blocking mids blocking all sorts of highs okay now admittedly he's not going to be blocking too much in the way of lows a back dash can block mids and Highs but not lows now we're going to have it that Lor is going to chase me down and much the same here I'm going to be blocking the entire time it's mashing back right that's really all it takes all you got to do is Mash backwards you'll gain space and you're going to be blocking all sorts of highs and mids but not so much the lows so in a nutshell this is why back dashing is so critical in Tekken as a whole because on top of the thing of you gaining space and you know if they go for that big old kick or something and it whiffs and you can launch them punish them whatever right creating space creates opportunities you can defend yourself while creating space and that's why this is so important at its core so if you didn't know now you know right the base back dash can block so that's why it's so important uh you still can't defend against Lowe's but hey that's thems the brakes right but yeah you can defend yourself while gaining space and once again here the base back dash best has ever been so if you can't do the fancy back dash cancels don't worry okay so now that the back dash part is done here let's get into the basics uh I know I kind of put the cart for the horse here but I just want to make sure you really know that about back dash so one of the key things about Tekken is when it comes to movement basically everything cancels into everything else so if we do that back dash I can cancel the back dash into a side step and I can cancel that side step into a forward Dash and I can cancel that forward Dash into a side side step in the other way right so I kind of can freely just move around as I want and that's the big deal there's a lot of freedom of movement when it comes to just general movement some characters also have freedom of movement kind of built into their mov set like Nina here uh she can like s side step cancel certain strings and then say take those strings and then like four dash like it's character to character sometimes it can get a little silly right but the basics is your core movement of you know back dash forward Dash side steps in both directions they can all kind of freely cancel into each other and some people who have fancy steps or fancy movement and they can also cancel those movements into other regular movement right so everything is incredibly free form now obviously a big part of this movement is to make moves with and if you make a move with then you can usually punish them some way somehow and go from there the thing about side stepping is try as you might sometimes you get it but sometimes if you're just a little bit too late a little bit too early you might get bopped anyways right and that's no good but thankfully there's a way to defend ourselves here now normally if we try to side step and then block this is what's going to happen like we don't side side step right cuz you're canceling the basic side step into the back walk to block right so we don't actually get much of a side step going but there is one thing you can do is double tap your side step either way so you're effectively beginning the sidewalk process and then cancel the double tap in the back so now you'll gain a little bit of that evasiveness but you'll still be able to defend yourself so now all Leroy is just attack attacking sometimes in sidewalk situations or just regular side step situations we can make them whiff but sometimes we're just going to get hit however if we do this technique we are for the most part going to be safe like we can still make them whiff but if we have to block you know if a move just tracks well enough then we will block so this is a way to S side step while keeping yourself safe okay now let's talk back dash cancelling Otherwise Known sometimes as Korean backdash and what is it why is it important let's talk about it so before we get into it I just want to stress again really the basic back dash is the best it's ever been so if you can't do back dash cancelling don't worry back dashes are better and back dash cancelling actually got worse in this version of the game so it's actually not too much of a difference let me show you comparison here so yeah certainly the back dash cancel does go a bit further bit faster right but it's not the be all end all so if you can't do it don't stress yourself out about I know a lot of people stress themselves out about it but enough of that said let's talk about just how does it work well back dash cancelling sort of in the name right versus just the raw back dash where you just smash backwards the back dash cancel is you canceling the back dash partway through and then using that to kind of move faster than you otherwise would so a lot of the time when you're going to be looking at the inputs here you're going to see back dash you're usually going to see a diagonal in there and then more back dashes right as you can see in the inputs here right this is roughly what it's always going to look like uh that said you can add an element of slop to it you don't got to be framed perfect or nothing right so especially if you're playing on pad uh the one technique I'm going to show you anyways uh it's just easier on my brain right hey Ru Monger from the future here actually I forgot to mention here when I was recording but the one part of the back dash cancelling where you're not allowed to have that quote unquote element of slop is with characters with back sways so characters with back sus if you do the Korean back dash or back dash cancel correctly and hey no problem cuz you got back down back back all that kind of stuff right these characters with back sways the back Su Enders with the quarter CLE back motion right so if you use that element of slop and you input the back dash cancels with a qu ccle back in there then you'll get the back sway instead so not many characters have the back sway for the rest of the cast you can kind of just be really sloppy with the input and you'll still get it but for these characters you actually need true actual Precision no down inputs at all has to be back down back nothing else so just FYI so keep that in mind when the rest of the video when I'm talking about this here everyone else in the game you can be pretty sloppy and still get what you need but for the backu characters you do have to be pretty much directionally perfect now back to your regularly scheduled program but that said uh you can actually do it another way you can actually put input just any direction you want really like the cancel does not have to be down back you can also hit up back if you want right uh it looks a little jankier but it gets you the same place don't worry about that uh the issue is actually it won't work for most of the characters in the game because for most of the characters in the game if you hit upback it triggers uh the back flip which roughly about half the roster has so just to bring it up it's an option so now before we get into the Weeds about how to do it properly uh this is a technique that is heavily influenced by what device you're using so not to say it's impossible on uh any device cuz it certainly isn't right but it can be easier on some so like if you're playing on a keyboard there's tricks to make it easier than say using it on like a stock PlayStation pad right if you're playing on an arcade stick the type of uh top your arcade stick has actually matters it's actually easier to do on like a bat top lever than it is on like the more traditional ball toop lever you're going to see on most arcade SS cuz they're all Japanese made so Hardware plays A Part but it's not the be all end all and I'm going to show you how to do it on Arcade stick on leverless and on a stock PlayStation controller okay so here we are just a regular old PlayStation 5 pad first right cuz a lot of you watching are probably using even not PlayStation 5 or Xbox or whatever but some standard console controller so we'll start with that and I'm here to tell you the base Concepts effectively the same as we've been showing here we're in a back dash we're going to cancel the back dash and back dash again and we're going to be moving along well there you go right and you can look at the inputs here and this is what I mentioned where you can have a little bit of slop so for ease of use on pads specifically it's easiest just to go like this you back dash and then just enter quarter Circle back just like a hurricane kick right quarter Circle back and then hit back again and when you do it correctly there you go right so there's the base back dash the quarter Circle back will already have the back input you need for the first part of the back dash and you hit back one more time and then it triggers the back dash right and then we just sort of go from there I find it's easier to use like kind of the edge of your thumb you can use the tip of your thumb it doesn't really matter so once again here just kind of back back initial Dash then quarter ccle back back quarter ccle back back quarter ccle back back so on and so forth much the same on the player two side just back back quarle back back quarle back back and there you go right uh for some people it's easier to use your bit your thumb here some people use a tip whatever works easiest for you but that's the general gist of doing it on pad now let's talk the arcade stick in a lot of ways uh this can be the easiest or the hardest uh because the hardware matters a bit uh if you have a different kind of ball top like a bat top versus more traditional Bal HP that can help if you have a very springy stick that can also help uh my my stick isn't particularly springy so I got to do it the oldfashioned way which is frustrating but AMS the brakes right but let's show you how it's done here so what's key is obviously you need the back dash this is where it all begins right and what you want to do is after the back dash when you're holding back basically down back as you do and when you let go kind of let go in the up Direction so something like this now if you have a particularly springy stick you can kind of just slop it and it'll bounce back into the back position so that's why a springy stick matters uh if you do not though you got to do it the oldfashioned way and kind of let go in the back position so if you can tighten your spring in your stick or if you have a springy stick that's a big benefit and just like before it's just a matter of putting all together so once again here back dash hold the second back hold down back let go in the up position and then hit back again which will trigger the next back dash and then hold it repeat and go from there and there you go so like as you can see I sort of SLO my inputs a little bit but as long as the back dash comes out that's kind of what matters so I can do it clean ler which I didn't with the back down back back or you can kind of get that quarter Circle motion that we discussed in the pad part of the section right so to me personally I find stick actually the hardest of the three but I also don't have a stick that's specifically set up for Tekken if you do it gets a lot easier now the third option is leverless or keyboard the kind of effectively the same right so it is button movement and uh for a lot of things it just makes Tekken kind of easier so I'm using a roofle box yes I got my own Brandon controller a furin f FRS leverless style controller so the layouts just a little bit different than you want see uh from other leverless controllers but it's still effectively the same the thing that makes leverless controllers or keyboards so handy is you can use the SD method simultaneous opposing cardinal directions so when you hold back you can't hold forward at the same time if you hold down you can't hold up at the same time it treats that as no input at all and you can actually use that to kind of trick the game and make things a little easier so for using our back dash cancels here we're going to hold back and then hit down so you know back down back and then you f let go that'll give us the back right so that part's easy enough and now notice this here with my fingers uh back dash right so what's happening here is I'm holding back I hit down it gives me that down back and when I hit forward nothing happens cuz you can't hold two directions at the same time right and now when I let go oh it says I'm holding back again so the game basically treats it as back down back let go nothing back which is exactly the input we need so that's kind of the long and short of it now one thing to keep in mind when you're doing this method is you cannot hit down and forward at the same time cuz it's basically will'll give you uh just a down input right you have to use your one finger clearly let go before you hit the next one otherwise you will not get the back dash and it'll kind of slop it all together so once again here just back hold down real quick let go hit forward real quick let go and that's all she wrote that's it now there is one other method here I just want to show you um it has to do with that up I mentioned earlier so on a leverless controller up is usually not where the other directions are right sometimes they're in the middle mine specifically is just right over here and I mentioned earlier in the section how you can also do the back dash cancel with up and this is exactly what is Handy here specifically because you can use both hands so here I'm holding back and I hit up real quick right it'll be a jump but since it's Tekken I can cancel any movement I can cancel my jump into a back dash right and uh two-handed movement specifically I just find personally just much more fast uh it works for me and hey maybe your mileage may vary but uh you know maybe the one-handed s socd method works for you better but for me that's just an extra bonus right I just find that very intuitive and uh works the same on keyboard right just wherever you press your buttons is however you have it laid out and it works like that so be it pad be it arcade stick be it a leverless controller the back dash cancel is very doable on all three uh myself like obviously I to me I think it's the easiest on leverless I also don't think it's that difficult on pad I struggle on Arcade stick personally I always have but some people arcade stick's the easiest right you'll find every different person they have their own preference but don't be scared is very doable on any kind of controller setup now let's talk wave Dash cancelling so a lot of people notice in teking all this crazy movement right that's a big part of it and how do you do it it's actually not that complex the one thing to note though which is a pretty important note is not everyone can do it uh it is mostly the Mishima Family characters that can do it cuz they have well the titular you know Crouch Dash right there's a lot of characters that have some sort of crou Dash move but it doesn't necess neily work the same way it's not to say only the mishas can do it but they're sort of the poster children for it there's not many characters that can do it besides them so how do we do it well it's simple on his face it's just a matter of being comfortable with it so you got to go into whatever that Crouch Dash is for most of the mission my characters it's going to be something like forward down forward right and I'll put you in your stance so just do it do the move and then Tekken being Tekken you can cancel some of the movement so we're going to cancel that into a four dash and if you input the motion with just a quarter Circle forward you're going to end on a forward motion anyways and simply tapping one more forward will cancel that wave Dash into your regular Dash and from there since that Dash as you're seeing here that counts as the forward input for most characters wave dashes you know the Crouch Dash all that kind of fun stuff right at this point since you're already doing that forward step simply wave Dash again cuz it already counts as the first part you only have to hit down forward but due to the nature of this technique it's just best to do a quarter Circle forward uh just so your hand flows easily and also you count one forward in there right so that quarter Circle forward will give us that input for the dash cancel and then rinse repeat so we're going to take it slow first just to show you what it looks like here but this is the basics forward wave Dash forward again wave Dash again so it looks something like that and of course once your hands get faster then you can kind of get really crazy right and it works much the same on the opposite side to switch your directions so it's really just a matter of being comfortable it's not too tricky you just got to train your hands to make sure you're doing the right thing it's one move into another move into one move into another move at infinum and why is this technique considered powerful well one just the amount of distance you get like you can travel the screen kind of in record time right the movement is ridiculous so that's good also a thing handy about it is if the enem is doing any kind of movement it will always autof face them so if they're doing any kind of you know side sipping or whatever you don't really got to worry about it because you'll always be on the right angle for them so your move won't miss also you're low to the ground right so highs will go over your head if they're panicking and hitting buttons and frankly for a lot of the cast that has wave dashes like a lot of your best moves are from the wave Dash right so um when you're in someone's face here you kind of screw around with like the traditional TR uh turn structure that is so if they do something okay it's my turn and they'll try to block you know whatever mix high low mid whatever but you start doing this in front of their face then it's like who wait a second then they don't know what to do and they start panicking and they might make a bad mistake right so there is a mental game to this as well just cuz once you start doing this like it looks cool too that helps but like you know what am I going to do next what are they going to do next uh once again there is some invasive properties thanks to the fact that when you're wave dashing you're pretty much lower to the ground high will go over your head all that and styling people's kind of at the base of all this right but there is a lot of practical uses for wave Dash cancelling now this Next Movement trick is mostly just for styling people uh this is what we call the highet step uh otherwise known as crab cancelling uh so the highest sheet of Step what you do is you need to be a character with a back sway this is mostly NE attack to be honest with you uh other characters that have back SS can do it but they just can't do it as good so he back way just quarle back and this game being the game you can cancel that into any move right so we'll cancel that into a side step now specifically it has to be a side step upwards uh if you try to side step hitting down the back dash like will not work the same way it has to fully complete before it'll cancel versus you can just cancel it with the upside step normally but when you do it all together you do this fancy business right so it moves you fast backwards right like it's not nothing and if you need to like shift your specific angle then that works it'll only work in like a clockwise motion cuz you can't exactly do it the other way but yeah so that's the high Shea step now once again here it's just quarter ccle back and side step and if you do it correctly that is the highest sheet of step and you move backwards like a crazy crab person now in our last section here let's talk about how to do instant while standing moves so not quite as fancy movement is some of the other things but it's technically movement based as you're moving from coaching to standing right many characters have very powerful moves that can only be done while you're standing up from a Crouch and for a lot of the characters this technique is actually dirt simple so all you have to do is just quarter ccle forward so if I want to do say normally a wall standing move at you know mildly fast timing uh even then it's going to be like 10 plus frames before the move can get off if I try to do it too quick like the game will think I'm sidest stepping instead cuz I'm not ducking long enough right so we just need to trick the game into thinking we're ducking long enough and if we do a nice quarter Circle forward here that's basically what we're going to get here so what we're doing here is you want to emphasize the down and the down forward part of the qu Circle forward the forward part it going to be as fast as you want the down and down forward part just uh Linger on it just a little bit here it'll still be faster than like manually crouching then getting up but if you do it correctly then you'll just do an immediate while standing move which is great and this how this how it works for most of the C most of the cast here just do a slower quarter Circle forward and you'll get instant while standing moves like for Jack while standing two four is very handy very explosive move right so that's why we want to do it but the problem is not everyone has compatible motions say someone like Kuma a good reason to do an instant while standing move would be for his launcher because his normal launcher is -6 which means it can also be launched on block but his while standing to launcher is is-2 so there's still going to be a little punish here but nowhere near as bad the problem for him that method we talked about he has a quarter cycle forward move right it's a whole thing so that input's simply not going to work now thankfully though it's actually uh an easy fix on this one cuz quarter CLE forward may not work but quarter ccle back will because it actually doesn't care it's just crouching right it just wants you to be on the ground so down down forward or down back whatever right as long as it's just down you'll get your instant while standing move but then again some people have quarter Circle back moves as well like say we want to do while standing two for Brian that's this cool uh punch where he just hits you in the gut and knocks you over right Brian the problem for him is quarter CLE forward is a wave Dash and quarter CLE back is a back sway so none of these are going to work for him cuz he's just going to get the associated moves right so what do we do in this so in the rare situation where quarle forward or quarter ccle back on the character just neither of them will work we also have another motion here of down down forward down let go now in mly this one's going to be the hardest of all of them uh in most situations it probably just be easier to just to duck and then go for it raw but certain characters certain combos they need that uh just cuz it gives them just a couple extra frames so just to show you and there you have it right once again the depending on the character just might be easier just to do it raw right but for the few characters that need that in combo situations that is an option available to them so this is more Edge case Tech admittedly admittedly right but uh some W standing moves are very powerful so you might want to implement them into Your Arsenal right you got to use all your moves that's what they're there for so if you ever need this technique now you know and well I guess that's the video so I hope this video has helped you out understanding some of the more complex Tech techniques as far as movement goes in the game some of them are pretty basic once again here you can block while back dashing that's why it's such a big deal in this game uh back dash cancelling let you move a little bit further a little bit faster hey wave dashing is really cool too for the characters that can do it and instant while standing moves are handy if you need to know the tech so that all said now we're definitely at the end of the video so thank you very much for watching hope this video has found you well and go out and play some Tekken W yeah this is true love we making this is true love we making
Channel: rooflemonger
Views: 126,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roofle, rooflemonger, tekkenn, tekken 8, tekken 8 guide, tekken 8 beginner guide, tekken 8 tutorial, wavedashing, tekken 8 wavedash, korean backdash, backdash canceling, hayashida step, crab cancel, wavedash, tekken wavedash, tekken backdash canceling, tekken korean backdash, tekken 8 korean backdash, tekken 8 backdash, tekken backdash, tekken guide, tekken 8 starter guide, tekken, tekken 8 tips and tricks, beginner guide, tekken movement, tekken 8 movement, backdash, wave dash
Id: t1uLZWp6Mzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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