Learn English without teachers and workbooks | Canguro English

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I want to start this class by saying something a little bit strange I want you to stop watching my videos let me explain why I spend all of my time and effort trying to give the power back to the students you see there are a lot of problems in the world of language learning right now but the main problem is that learning a language has become a product if you want to learn a language you need this course or this workbook or this system or this exam but the truth is that learning a language is and has always been about the people it's a democracy the people have the power and I spend a lot of my time trying to convince people that they don't need any of this rubbish to learn a language so if you come to me and say Christian I don't watch your videos anymore because now I live in English I'm a happy man that is for me that is success I have succeeded in giving the power back to you and I really hope that you all realize this very soon that you don't need any of this stuff to really succeed at learning a language Tony Robbins the motivational speaker he said that people think that it takes 10 years to change but the reality is that the change happens in a moment it takes you 10 years to realize that you can make the change so recently I made a class about how to pass an English exam without using a workbook you should throw the workbook in the bin and you don't even need a teacher you can teach yourself and a lot of people expressed skepticism about this how can I learn English without a teacher without a book and today I'm going to show you how you can learn and really succeed at learning a language without any resources and without any teacher because the reality is that most people in this world have no access to resources or teachers or any type of education but that doesn't mean that you can't learn and my goal today is to give you back some of that power that I really want you to have to give this class some structure I'm going to take one of the units from this workbook and we're going to learn all of the things in this unit without the workbook I'm going to show you that you don't need the workbook to learn all of this stuff so in in this chapter it's called face the music it's about Fame and celebrity and musicians we're going to learn some phrasal verbs we're going to learn the passive tense we're going to listen to a news report we're going to speak comparing pictures we're going to write describing an event and we're going to learn some expressions with go we're going to do all of this stuff from the book without the book now when you're learning you always want to learn stuff that's interesting to you personally so that you're excited about it so choose a musician a celebrity that you really like that you're interested in today I have chosen Adele because I think she's a funny person and she has a great voice so let's learn all of this stuff using Adele and the first place to start is of course the Internet so all I did was I just opened up a web browser and I googled Adele Fame and there were two really interesting stories that I found one was this one from the mail online about Adele and her 100 show world tour the other story was about Adele and her postpartum depression and the downsides of Fame so let's look at the first one so the title is hitting the right bank notes Adele earned a whopping 142 million pounds from her 100 show well tour but only paid herself a third of the profits now maybe this word here whopping whopping what does it mean whopping if I look at the context it means something big right obviously a hundred and forty two million pounds is a lot of money I have a new a new piece of vocabulary whopping let's read some more it's no wonder Adele raked in a whopping 142 million pounds profit Wow okay which kicked off in 2016 so here I have in this one sentence I have a repetition of my new vocabulary whopping so I get the idea it's a big amount but also I have two phrasal verbs raked in and kicked off now I can if I know what those words mean what those phrasal verbs mean great if not I can look them up but I know that they are related to fame and music and singing because this is reality you see what you get from reality that you don't get from a workbook is the English that people really use every day that's what we want an authentic experience so raked in means to rake in hides my money and to kick off means to start think about a game of football a game of football begins with the kickoff ok so I have two new phrasal verbs some new vocabulary let's continue reading records revealed on Wednesday that the Cena's company remedy Turing made the hefty sum from both ticket and merchandise sales okay we have another adjective a hefty some hefty so again I get the idea that this means something big right a hefty sum it's a synonym for whopping whopping and hefty great okay then we have a photo of her in a green dress looking good Adele and then it says according to the Sun the hitmakers company made close to 70 million pounds profit during the Adele life with the remaining funds covering the tourist costs hitmaker that's a new noun a new piece of vocabulary a person who makes hits and you know we see some vocabulary relating to tours a tour okay great now this sentence the Sun means Adele made more than 1 million pounds per show okay so you could call it a performance or a show now I know there's some synonyms she performed 121 dates between February 2016 and June 2017 in Europe North America and oceania dates so now I know there are three synonyms I can call them a performance or a show or a date I'm learning all of this new vocabulary related to Fame and music and it's all authentic okay the final sentence however the singer is believed to have pocketed 42 million herself with her company using the rest for future projects pocketed maybe you didn't know that pockets okay pocket was also a verb yeah and they're using it in the past to put something in your pocket is the verb to pocket so all of this stuff it's real it's authentic and we can continue with the next story this is about the downside of Fame we know that up is good we're happy we're up and then down is bad you know down is bad so there's a downside to fame you know then we can read this and we're interested we want to know about Adele we love Adele now the writing so remember again we really want to make this something personal to us we want to write a description of an event so write about an event that you went to now you want to push yourself okay you don't want to be safe you want to push yourself so we need to incorporate some of the things we learnt before so some of those phrasal verbs the new vocabulary the new grammar that we learnt and also maybe we're going to look for some synonyms in alpha soros you need a dictionary okay to to look up words that that you're not sure of in your language if you don't have physical copies of these you can find them for free on the internet and we're just going to write a description of an event we went to how did we feel about it how did it smell how did it feel did you go with your friends with your family all of these open questions where you really have to use your imagination and activate this that just stimulates the learning process and all you need is a pencil and a piece of paper now one other thing we have to do is to compare some pictures and talk about them so maybe you don't have the vocabulary for comparing pictures you're not sure about contrast well look for a quick class on YouTube or of just Google how to compare how to make comparisons but that's not the focus we don't want to focus on the class the grammar now we want to focus on actually making comparison so I've googled Adele I click on images and then I have lots of different images of Adele hmm so I'm gonna choose two and compare them okay this one here right where she has all of these awards in her arm in her arms and then maybe this one here where her hair is is completely different right so I can say in this picture Adele has her hair up and her skin looks really flawless and glowing but in the other picture in the other picture her hair is totally different it's more to salt they're more like wild her skin also looks good but she doesn't look very happy in the other picture she looks be in this picture she doesn't look so happy [Music] also what else in there in this picture she's wearing a green dress with beads okay with beads in' and and other things and she's wearing some gold earrings and in this picture she's um she's wearing a black top like maybe a v-neck top okay so some of this vocabulary you're going to have to look up okay but at least you know it's real and it's authentic now some listening now when you're practicing your listening I recommend not watching a video but just audio only because when you're watching a video you have other visual clues to help you like gestures mouth position all of these things if you really want to practice pure listening headphones and and you know your phone or your computer or the radio but I spent a few minutes looking on my telephone for some podcasts I found lots of interviews with Adele where she's talking about Fame and her life now maybe I'm only going to understand 50% and really that's not ideal but at least it's realistic you see listening to those listenings from the the workbooks it's just a false representation of how people speak and it doesn't prepare you for the reality of having a conversation where you only understand the half of what people are saying and you have to start understanding from context you have to suffer be lost be confused all of that stuff is part of learning process now you don't have to do it here in the office you can listen to this when you're on the train on the bus when you're going for a walk when you're in bed it's about incorporating English into your life and making it interesting right I mean don't you want to hear the interview with Adele and that's it we just went through everything that was in that chapter of the book without using the book at all now maybe you're thinking Christiane that was a waste of my time you didn't teach me anything anybody could do that that's exactly my point it's about changing your mentality the the workbooks and the courses and the systems they don't contain anything special at all anybody can learn like this it's about you realizing that that is learning just because you're not in front of a list you're not suffering you're not like constantly memorizing things it doesn't mean you're not learning this is authentic learning real learning that prepares you to go out there and do that job interview and have that conversation at the pub and fall in love that's what I want for you guys well I hope that you found this class interesting if you would like to support free English education then you can consider becoming my patron on patreon or you can buy some incredible kangaroo English merchandise the links for both are down below I'm Christian this is kangaroo English off see you in class [Music] or maybe not maybe I'll never see you in class again but either way just remember you have the power [Music]
Channel: Canguro English
Views: 267,159
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Keywords: learn english without a teacher, learn english self study, canguro english, kangaroo english, how to learn english, Learn English without teachers and workbooks, Learn English without teachers, Learn English without workbooks, learn english without teacher, learn english by itself, english self study plan, english self study guide, spoken english self study, self study tips in english, self study english grammar, learn english alone, learn english alone at home
Id: 0f49dtSgQ70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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