Germany's Full Auto Tank Shredder

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[Music] in war Thunder's lower tiers autoc cannons are pretty much the meta and Germany absolutely owns that meta this is the SD kfz 140/1 and it's an anti-air vehicle based on the Panzer 38t as you would expect it absolutely shreds tanks and down tiers but in up tiers it can be a bit stressful but you know what isn't stressful our sponsor Watcher of Realms Watcher of Realms is a nextg mobile fantasy RPG that aims to bring a new experience to the table it has a sleek and easy to read UI unique hero development system and a ton of interesting game modes unlike most RPGs on the mobile market Watcher of Realms is a real-time 360° Battlefield players can control awesome Heroes with different stats and abilities to block enemies from the sky land and water you'll need to utilize Hero's skills if you want to succeed the timing of each skill released and the direction of the hero's attack are crucial each level takes around 2 or 3 minutes to finish so they're not a slog by any means if you pass a level you'll get rewards like rare resources equipment and boosts unlike some other games powerful heroes are straightforward to get a large number of free powerful Heroes can be obtained in the early game at the same time the probability of drawing a legendary hero is very high with the holidays coming up the Watcher of Realms team thought it'd be nice to host some events Watcher of Realms will have a brand new Christmas themed camp with special decorations for Christmas events players can collect hero shards to get a powerful new legendary hero for free all you got to do is log in Daily during the event there will also be a Christmas competition many well-known influencers form two teams to compete for gifts just choose the camp you support to join and win team rewards the activity link is also in the description they've also added a new faction called the Supreme Arbiters and a new game mode called Boss Rush check it out with my link in the description or use the QR code on screen now thanks to Watcher of realms for sponsoring this video and let's get back to it in typical me fashion I think I'm going to just uh Rush right in with no regard for my own safety with a tur Traverse like this I'm not too worried about being caught off guard surprise oh I hear another Locust I think yep I do indeed oh that's a terrible time to have to reload thank you what is going on over here oh shooting at I guy yep you're dead no thank you I do not appreciate that Stuart yeah you really didn't want to do that my guy can we bait him into shooting our Upper Front plate there we go oh lvt I uh I didn't know he only had two guys guys left when I went to machine gun his machine gunner I was not expecting him to just burst into flame yep another one bites the dust uh can we pen him if we're shooting down uh yeah let's not risk it actually that seems like a bad idea oh that Swedish guy just doesn't give up we can pen that that's good to know yep and he just Jade out that's something keep in mind I guess I didn't know that the magazine was that low in capacity this Stewart is still just sitting over here same exact spot let's let's try to pen him I guess if we could have gun depression there we go um what what's going on over here huh what what was the plan help me understand because I have no inkling of what was going on there you might have noticed our gun depression is not great which obviously it wouldn't be we're an anti-aircraft gun ostensibly we're more like a full auto tank Shredder uh can we hit that guy yep no that should be 10 if you think this thing is busted now let me tell you it was even worse back in the day oh poor Saba that's probably the worst tank in the game now I think I hear another one nope it was an as42 remember when I called the kv1b the orphan Crusher 5000 yeah this is the orphan Crusher 6000 see you just melt everything you see do believe yep didn't even need to use the autoc cannon for that one it's it's just not fair man here's something moving is he going to keep moving I wasn't even trying to kill him I was just trying to immobilize him I was going to immobilize him and then leave him alone but oh my goodness dude we are shredding everything oh hi Stewart oh that's a terrible time to need to reload we're good um I don't know if we can pen that actually that's not good that's terrible our reain of Terror is finally put to an end after nine kills I got caught off guard a little bit there who there's a PL I might be better off using the mg actually oh we actually set him on fire I was about to comment on how he took out his right flap which is huge damage sarcastically the enemy wishes to take a and I will not allow him to do so his transmission's out he's not going anywhere we should be safe to finish him off let's go ahead and replenish ow how did I not hear or see that guy luckily we still evaporated him because you know we're an SD kfz okay yeah I couldn't remember what BR this was at it used to be 1.3 can you imagine oh okay yep once again I'm just going to rush right in because I fear nothing in this okay well I'll probably fear running into like a 3.0 vehicle but it's pretty rare so not so fast I should probably stop just holding down left Mouse button I feel like that's a waste of ammo generally something off to my right uh yep is it a Kenny yes I know it's probably pronounced like Kei but I think saying Kenny is funnier hi buddy oh that is the definition of bullying I think the Greyhound is still a lower BR than this is which which is interesting I'll say buy are you stuck are you good no he's not good definitely not good what is he being shot by huh I don't believe I can pen that that's not good sorry F you're on your own I am making a tactical withdrawal no thank you how did that not do anything to us uh let's put a rock in between us and him that sounds like a good idea he's chasing us quick we have to hide please do not notice me he noticed me if there's one thing that I would remove from this it'd be the giant antenna because it's not just one wire it's like six just a giant hey I'm here shoot me son nope no you don't is that just a okay yeah that is just an M3 I thought for a second it was a prop because it doesn't render the doors uh bt42 flanking not if I've got anything to say about it oh that's really scary oh you whiffed big time my friend that was foolish he would have absolutely evaporated us if he hadn't whed so terribly you could even say he would have smoked us back off pal we're not going to have gun depression to hit this guy if we try to push this are we nope I'm tempted to just like Rush this guy honestly yep now would be a good time to rush I think if we don't get stuck gun depression please no gun depression hurry thank you I don't think there's anything that frustrates me more than tanks not having gun depression you guys are probably already aware of that considering I complain about it like every time I play a tank that doesn't have gun depression die please how is he not dead I don't understand it at all how is how are we not Penning him what that doesn't make any sense whatsoever there we go jeez Louis man if you could stop doing that I really appreciate it I think I already hear stuff off to my right I do you're probably like a locust I imagine well let's go find out correct it was a locust yeah I wouldn't say that tactic was very very elite pal did not work out very well that'll make you think twice about shooting me and he just Jay out he that's another one down let's attempt to be smart I just realized I'm all by myself now uh let's Retreat rapidly we will wait in Ambush listen it's not C it's called being smart read up on it read a book I hope you guys know that I'm being sarcastic with that but I guarantee that I'll get a large number of comments that think I'm being 100% serious generally though I do think it's funny that people complain about camping in this game like yeah bud we're playing as tanks we're not playing Battlefield uh can I ow my Gunner come back please I thought that spraying the side of a stort like that would kill all of his crew members but I I guess not note the self actually aim bye-bye oh okay I think I know what happened I forgot that they introduced that mechanic where partial reloads still count if it's past a certain point cuz I killed his loader and I thought oh I'm good no no I was not um you can you can die now thank you I'm really happy that shooting his tur ring actually did something I was not expecting that to pen thanks to volumetric is he going to try and rush me okay that was clumsy but at least he can't do anything to us now oh no what's the matter can you not move can you not aim okay I'm I'm being a little bit too mean he's like level 23 probably that reminded me of that bit in It's Always Sunny where they just like beat up a bunch of children what did I damage on him oh was a gunner awesome I can see the eyes on that Locust see you I also saw an su122 which is very bad no good because I don't think we can pen it oh he fired uh I think he has a pretty long reload now I really wish we could have uh immobilized them but okay oh we got over pressured what are you you know it's generally a good thing to lead your targets unlike what I did there at least that guy is taken care of okay that's one lcus down and there's another one bye-bye that did hurt a little bit but we're good I'm hearing things all around me and I can't tell if they're friendly or enemy okay that's definitely enemy did he notice me he tried to be slick not on my watch not while I'm slightly competent anyway I didn't know we could actually pen that thing's turret would you like to repeat that sir oh it's just a Saba yeah not worried about that at all what on Earth if I watch the replay and it turns out his engine was on the entire time I am going to scream just absolutely no noise until he started moving oh I couldn't even see what that was but yeah I'll take a kill so yeah that's the SD KFC 140 one it's one of those Vehicles where in down tiers it's very very busted but in up tiers it's sort of just okay back when it was 1.3 it was just an absolute Menace I don't know if it's still available for purchase but I would say it's a pretty good tank to buy if it is it's very flexible given the fast turret Traverse rate and fire rate the only real bad thing about it is the gun depression that is really suboptimal anyway if you guys have suggestions for video topics leave in the comments and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Spookston
Views: 284,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warthunder, war thunder, war thunder gameplay, war thunder spookston, spookston war thunder, war thunder memes, war thunder funny moments, spookton, war thunder tank gameplay, war thunder tanks funny moments, spookston, war thunder update, war thunder german tanks, Germany's Full Auto Tank Shredder, war thunder sd kfz 140/1, war thunder spaa, warthunder spaa vs tank, warthunder spaa gameplay, war thunder low tier tanks
Id: quy4tK_tvqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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