The King Tiger Slayer

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foreign [Music] this was a tank I was anticipating for a while but once I actually got into the game it was a bit disappointing this is the Israeli M51 super Sherman and it basically trades the stabilizer for a 105 Cannon one that fires Heat you would think that would be pretty powerful at 6.0 but the damage is very inconsistent so yeah let's take it out and see how I do this map has a lot of foliage which is not ideal for heat this is also probably not the best camo to use for this map tan does tend to stand out against Green you might notice that it's also a lot slower than a regular Sherman it should be a little faster than it currently is in the game but when it comes to Gaijin bug reports what can you do right there's somebody I'm gonna guess it's like yep man it's always so nice killing a puma I'm sure I've mentioned it before but I really hate them hello I found that generally the best way to play this is as a sniper the Heat's velocity isn't great but you will go through anything that you actually hit okay I think C is all right we are not doing so hot over here though this is probably a very bad idea get him R3 get him yeah he actually helped oh my God he lived he survived that that was supremely lucky look at the massive mark on our turret oh my goodness and our teammate just bombed the R3 right in the ammo oh it was full ammo typical German player but still I couldn't even like see that guy really is that a guy it is this tank is so dark that I couldn't tell for a second the attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed as cool as this camo looks I feel like it's not great for any environment really this is a very aesthetically pleasing tank I will say the barrel is comically large but still I think this should be a pretty good spot sorry gun depression like that's actually not too bad I was expecting such a huge cannon in a Sherman tour to be a bit more limiting actually is our velocity low enough that we can Arc shots over Hills did that not pen eggs use me there we go I'm so smart right in the ammo oh my Lord foreign no thanks no thank you they're really trying their best to hit me yep nope what did we just balance something how this is just a Slaughter okay I'm not sure what that was but it turned my entire crew red and orange which I am not too happy about not so fast this is going to be very enjoyable or not damage is pretty inconsistent thank you why every time man every time I'm a bomb magnet I don't even have that many kills look see three it's like hmm should we go bomb the people taking the cap or should we bomb this random guy just minding his own business on a hill which one is more helpful I wonder uh I thought he was waiting for me to pass so he could flank me but no apparently he's really oblivious oh this is just the worst cap to try and take there's no cover and they can shoot you practically from their spawn this match is putting me to sleep not very exciting can this match end already it's putting me to sleep or maybe that's the Benadryl I took earlier could be either one really in the business we call that smoked that's a pretty good match I can't wait for one of these mini bushes to eat my round hello goodbye got him I am getting very fortunate with a hitting ammo and crew today this shell is a bit of a paradox because you don't have to aim but at the same time you do like you will go through wherever you hit but you also need to hit very critical areas it's not like aphg where you can just wing it and get a Kill and before you guys start writing a bunch of comments yes I understand that concept and I've understood it for a while I'm just explaining it to newer players there really is just nothing going on huh oh I take it back Chinese M36 where is that coming from that concerns me a great deal well hopefully if this guy gets shot he will uh give away his location or he could get shot by someone completely different [Music] yeah I would say he's a very dead where is this M36 at hello Mr M36 are you around here somewhere it would be funny if he died like ages ago and I just never noticed okay no he's definitely still alive oh I see him there we go very anti-climactic game this is a fairly leisurely vehicle to play I think I really wish the Israelis put like a 700 horsepower engine in this or something make it a lot better can I just like steal someone's engine like go up to the wreck of a tiger too and yoink [Music] sorry if I seem very lethargic I think that Benadryl is definitely affecting me well that's certainly no good are you are you for real no thanks Return to Sender foreign faster oh buddy you lift a real bag vks are causing a lot of property damage right now ow I'm just gonna keep going [Music] please reload faster yeah I'm dead there's a PT 76 on C that uh scares me quite a lot actually making it my mission to kill this guy there he is what's up oh foreign how is this thing not dead yet are you okay I do believe that a couple of heat shells would have absolutely crumpled that guy but okay I think in most cases I would trade the extra pen for more damage so I don't really get the complaints about heat at a lower br's what are you Panzer for I don't know what your plan is why would you not just keep rolling and deploy some smoke doesn't make any sense yes I will swing to face you and then deploy smoke so that I can blind myself can I get a shot on this guy yes goodbye foreign I was like searching for that yak Panther but he was scouted the entire time gee if only I looked at my map hello very glad that we took out everything we needed to it seems like if you aim a bit right of Center Mass on tigers usually it takes out all the crew you need to put the panther around here somewhere yep there he is massive whiff teammates still got him though I'm doing something that I usually don't try to do which is taking the cap before I've cleared it of bad guys oh my God thank god for heat uh okay thank God the panther has no APA filler why is the back half of my tank just being absorbed into the ground is my teammate AFK dude please help oh he's dead oh this is terrible hi okay I think we can still pull this off my team is not being very helpful right now something right in front of me nice satisfying little turret pop get back here are you for real another tiger I think I can take both of them but it's going to be a bit tricky but we definitely knows I'm here now that was so lucky it barely killed his Gunner elada actually killed him I was just trying to dissip laughs Pumas man another tiger I don't understand how my team is losing against a bunch of tiger players that aren't that good do have 10 kills though it's pretty nice I'm no longer trying to take the enemy cap my objective now is to survive damn dude I tried so hard but my teeth is just the worst so yeah that's the M51 super Sherman it's a good vehicle but it's not great if that makes sense it can cut through anything but your aim has to be very precise and it is very fat I think I would take the stabilizer in 76 over this any day but yeah it's an RI vehicle if you want to grind Israel anyway if you guys have suggestions for video topics leave them in the comments and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Spookston
Views: 417,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warthunder, war thunder, war thunder gameplay, war thunder spookston, spookston war thunder, war thunder memes, war thunder funny moments, war thunder update, war thunder la royale, spookton, war thunder tank gameplay, war thunder tanks funny moments, war thunder m-51, war thunder m-51 op, war thunder m-51 gameplay, warthunder m-51 w, warthunder m-51, war thunder super sherman, The King Tiger Slayer, war thunder sherman, warthunder sherman vs tiger, war thunder king tiger
Id: ceY-AnZbIvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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