German Bratwurst From Scratch

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it has been a while since I've done any sausage on my channel it's been about 3 years I have done Budan since then but I'm referring to other types of sausages and I'm getting into it this winter this is just one of other videos to come today I'm doing a German BR worst and I'm doing it all homemade but I do need to back you up to about 48 hours ago and explain to you what I got done up to this point now I took 5 lb of pork shoulder or pork butt and in grams of would be 2268 G and the reason I'm telling you the Gams everything in this recipe is broke down to Gams and the reason being before I mas it's way more accurate so 48 hours ago I took this PK butt and I cubed it up into cubes that will fit into the throat of my grinder so after cubing up the meat I took and weighed out the salt I went for 1.8% salt some people go a little lower some people go higher but but safely you you know 1.6 to no more than 2.5 2.5 to me is getting a little on the salty side so 1.8 I did and another ingredient that I did put in this and you don't have to it's completely optional because this is a fresh sausage is not going into a smoker it's never going to be in an environment that could uh grow botulism but the main reason I did it not because I needed it cured but it will preserve some really nice color as far as that pink color it will Elevate the flavor but the biggest reason it's more of a preservative as well which means I can put it in my refrigerator for up to a month and I have to worry about bacteria getting into it if I was doing this without that I would have to pack it up vacuum seal it pop it in the freezer and the amount that I'm making today this stuff will be gone in 2 weeks easily if not sooner so I took the salt and I combined the sodium nitrate into that then I covered the meat with it I tossed it in really well making sure to cover all of it and then I packed that in level I took some plastic wrap pushed over the top of it to cover the meat popped in the refrigerator it's been in there for 48 hours so the meat that was in the refrigerator is now in the freezer getting really cold you want to get that down to about 32 no higher than 34° it really needs to be cold for the best grind and that's what we're getting ready to do I've got my grinder in here and we're getting ready to grind some meat and I'll take you step by step up how to make this sausage here is the meat here and as you can tell it's got a lot darker color that's from the salt as well as the Cure now once we cut into this it's going to turn more of a pink now I like to check and make sure we're it is yeah 30° right there get us a pan under here turn our grinder on now I'm starting this with a 1/4 in plate I will be grinding this [Music] twice we're getting here close to the end what you can do to push rest that out go ahead and add some more of that ground in there some people say do bread some people say put ice I'm not running Ice through my through my blades I'm just not going to do it all you got to do is just take the preg ground and run it through again now all of it's ground and we can dig out what's left inside there all right that's about as far as we're going so I'm going to transfer this back into the smaller pan and back into the freezer just pull this back out of the freezer 33 32° we're good so I'm going to go ahead and run this through One More Time by the way this is a 4.5 mm plate on this more of a hamburger [Music] grind going to take this put it back in a small pan put it back in the freezer for a good 30 minutes and after that we're going to mix this all up and get ready to case them all right we have cooled this back down for the last time now it's time to stuff I'm just going to get this meat over into this mixing bowl for my mixer let's get our paddle attachment on here I've got two eggs it's roughly one egg per kilogram now this is our spice mix this is everything I put in the spice mix going in get every drop of that now as far as the liquid goes in Germany they use cream I'm not going with all of it I do have 10% inside of here I'm going to start with that to see what I'll look like now I was going to add beer into this as a liquid a little bit of cream a little bit of beer but the more I thought about it you know I said you know what that's kind of acidic so I actually did a pH test on it sure enough it's like 4.3 pretty low ph and it probably wouldn't hurt with a small amount of beer I was going to use but I'm not going to do anything to mess up this texture I want a good bind and anything acidic can mess with the protein it it will denature the protein to where you lose that good Bond so I didn't want to go there so we got everything in let's close this up been going a few minutes let's reach in here and let's do this test to see how much protein extraction in yeah that's super sticky going lay our stuffer here to the side and you just want to take the the meat and start packing it in there and make sure you pack it inside the actual cylinder as you go to get all the air out of it I just want to turn this until I get it out the end and I'm already there back off and we can put her case in on these casins last night I flushed them out the amount I thought I would need I got two long casins I might not need all of them but I flushed the insides out on the faucet and then I rinsed them really thoroughly to get all the salt off the inside I put them in some fresh water along with about 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda that is a little tip that I learned from Eric over at two guys in a cooler it really helps prevent blowouts it makes your Cas in I don't want to say slimy but it really lubricates it we're going to take some water wet our horn something I always do is I go ahead and get a little bit more water in this casing nice going to put like a final flush on it not that it needs it but so you know these casins are really good casins and they did come from PS seasoning I'll have a link in the description if you would like to try their casins I've had no problems even their sheep casins none [Music] whatsoever [Music] all right so I've made me a Mark here it's 7 in from the end it doesn't have to be exact I'm going to take and push in right here right at the 7 in and I'm going to go ahead and get this one started three four twist what I normally do is I skip the next one push in here skip that one then I go here I do the same thing doesn't matter which way you turn it because we're skipping one to me this is just way faster you can see how I plump that sausage is getting now you see that you see how that filled that little low spot in that's reason you don't want to overfill it also make sure to use your sausage pricker and remove any visible air pockets just remove the sausage it's been drying overnight and as you can see it's got a nice dry texture The Twist that we made casing these together they should stay intact so I'm going to go ahead and clip out three of these just for purpose es of this video and the rest I will go ahead and vacuum pack and put back in the refrigerator and they should be gone like I said with on a week or two there is primarily two ways to cook BR wors one of them being just on the grill another popular way to cook these is actually by poaching in beer and I'll be doing that as well I'll poach them to fully cook them then from there they'll go out to the grill just to get color on them and to have crisp up that skin somewhat these are the two poach this is the one I grilled and as you can see it shoveled up more I had better results by poaching first and then grilling and I know this is going to have more flavor I just tried this and I was really Blown Away with the flavor of this this is just screaming authentic German sausage and so you know there's probably over 40 different BR worth recipes in Germany depending on which part of the region you come from and I played around with some seasonings and I think I got a winner here I wrote this recipe myself I'm not copying anybody's recipe and I was really happy with the results of this right here and you can see the pink color that it maintained that's the reason I used the sodium nitrate if I were had not that would be more white or grayish looking which is fine but the biggest reason I did that is so this will last longer in the refrigerator all right let me show you what I'm going to do with this one I've got a Artisan roll here this is made for br worst something I love is this German mustard I keep that I had to order it from Amazon because I can't buy it locally in my store I just want to taste the mustard so I'm not going to go crazy with that we're going to add a br worst in here I'm going to top it with some of these onions just a few of these onions so one thing I have been using for years since 2015 is Sala it is a great condiment for this kind of sausage they have this an original this is spicy they have a garlic and they also have a hot I've never tried the hot but man that's next on my list I already know what the BR wor tastes like without anything added but we're going to add this SLO in here we're not going to go crazy even though I absolutely love this stuff I am very guilty of just grabbing a jar this and eating it right out of the jar and I have actually polished off the original that I had it's gone all right cheers everybody oh that has a beautiful flavor that just screams Germany I mean absolutely does my wife is going to love this has a nice crisp only casing it's oh it's fantastic I hope y'all got something out of this video I hope you try this if you're in the sausage making if you're not in the sausage making I'm hoping this kind of video and I've got others coming will encourage you to get into it you do have to have a little equipment up front and outside of that there's so many great recipes that's already been written for you there sausage kits you can get and it's just yeah you can buy SA saage at the store but you're not going to buy this sausage at the store I guarantee you that there's not an American BR worst that I've ever tasted that resembles these authentic German flavors fantastic hope yall enjoyed it I'm Russ Jones with Smokey ribs barbecue
Channel: Smoky Ribs BBQ
Views: 7,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how make make German bratwurst, bratwurst from scratch, homemade brats, homemade bratwurst, brats and beer, beer and brats, brats n' beer, beer n' brats, how to make sausage, making sausage at home, german bratwurst recipe, authentic german bratwurst recipe, best bratwurst recipe, sausage craft, craft sausage, artisan sausage recipe, artisan bratwurst recipe, russ jones smoky ribs, smoky ribs bbq channel
Id: PHmmyIFj-IQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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