How to Make German Bratwurst! Bratwurst Recipe!

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hey there guys welcome to the meat shop i'm real excited to make this video for you because we're making bratwurst today i'm going to give you the technique i'm going to give you the recipe and i'm going to give you a little bit of details on the bratwurst it's probably one of my favorite sausages top 10 anyways it's gonna be a traditional german style one poached fully cooked but not smoked no cure and i hope you guys really like it if you do hit that thumbs up button and we'll get started okay guys so here we are we're gonna make bratwurst today um i'll give you a little details about the bratwurst it is a hugely popular sausage across the world it originates in germany um brat meaning finely chopped or finely ground wurst meaning sausage so um in different parts of germany you can find different styles of the bratwurst so it's not like the bratwurst is a specific recipe you know you can find the thuringer bratwurst the nuremberg bratwurst the hamburg bratwurst so they're different wherever you go in germany but this is kind of what we think of here in north america this recipe i'm going to give you today is what we think of as a bratwurst here it's kind of like the the midwest you know you catch them at tailgate parties on barbecues it's going to be fully cooked it's a poached we're gonna poach it and what people normally do is they'll take it out and they'll you know braise it with onions fried in a pan with a little bit of butter or grill it on the barbecue real quick to get some grill marks which all sound delicious making me hungry already um and i think that the bratwurst some of the earliest recorded recipes are in the 14th century in germany if i got that right so it's really really old germans germans and italians in europe were some of the first peoples to make sausages and the bratwurst is one of the oldest ones on the books so the bratwurst is usually made out of pork or a pork and veal combination but since it's come over to north america it's you know you can get in any combinations we've made venison bratwursts here before for people you just gotta crank the spices up because this recipe here it's a pretty mild recipe um so when you're using a stronger flavor like veal or maybe a wild boar or an older beef or something like that you want to use a little bit more spice than what i have down below for you guys um but typically it's going to make made out of pork and veal and it's going to be finely ground or emulsified even sometimes it's run through a bowl cutter or a food processor for you guys that don't know what a bowl cutter is or a buffalo chopper it's like it it turns it into a paste um we're going to shoot for about a minimum 15 fat ratio to max kind of 25 typical with most sausages and then wherever you whatever you guys have you can play with it from there um uh the equipment you will need is really i got a little uh pot we're gonna boil it in after not boil we're gonna poach it um i'll go over those details later we got a couple mixing bowls here uh they got the sausage stuffer it goes into a 29 32 millimeter natural hog casing uh you can go i've seen them in bigger ones too they look pretty yummy like uh like a probably like a 32 35 millimeter hog casing and uh you can actually put it in whatever casing you want it's your sausage but typically what you get at the tailgate parties and then the butcher shops across north america and germany well different parts of germany have different styles but typically in north america canada in the united states is pretty well the same 29 32 millimeter hog casings all right so that's kind of some details on the bratwurst for you delicious sausage one of my top 10 favorites um sausage stuffer mixing bowls spices pork i'm making mine today out of straight pork we uh cut some pigs up this week for some customers and one of the ladies asked for some german bratwurst so you can make it out of the pork shoulder which is a real nice cut that's about 20 25 fat ratio you can make it out of the picnic which is a little further down the arm you can just watch my how to pick me for sausage video if you're not sure but this would be pork trim that we did ourselves so we leaned it up real nice it's kind of about 15 to 20 percent fat uh i've ground it twice already so we uh first of course grind second a fine grind so we got this nice big tub 15 and a half kgs which is about 33 4 pounds of pork trim we got off this pig beautiful pink color nice fine grind perfect amount of fat in there and since we did the trim up ourselves we take off all the the not nicest parts you know if there's any uh kidney fat and stuff like that it's not in here this is just nice intramuscular fat and back fat in here to make our customer some delicious bratwursts so i've weighed this out ahead of time and i've mixed the spices out ahead of time but using the recipe that i got in the description down below there just below the subscribe button is salt and i do it in grams per kilogram the same with all my other same with all my recipes that you guys have seen grams per kilogram so i got 15 15.5 kilograms of meat and i multiply each one of my spices by 15.5 so that all my sausages are always coming out consistent i know exactly what they're going to taste like if i'm using the same meat block it's the best most consistent way to do it but we have and i'll add them to the pork here i pre-mixed out some i guess i should go over the we'll go over the spices because this is this is kind of the base traditional uh bratwurst recipe so we have salt at 1.8 percent so 18 grams per kilogram white pepper in a traditional german bratwurst you don't have black pepper it's white pepper white pepper at three grams per kilogram then these next three spices are typically what defines a bratwurst you can there's a little bit of variance uh but it's most typically you you have these at least these three in the recipe so it is nutmeg at one gram per kilogram that's always in all of them uh then you have ginger which is in them also in the majority of bratwurst recipes ginger at half a gram per kilogram then i have caraway at .75 grams per kilogram and then i'm using binder at 10 grams per kilogram one percent uh and in lots of traditional recipes though instead of binder you have egg whites or eggs cold eggs and you can substitute that out i usually see it at about two eggs per kilogram of meat so you would need 30 eggs for this batch or 38 whites and then we're gonna do a little bit of water which helps distribute the spices and helps our cooking yield but typically guys it's salt white pepper nutmeg ginger caraway those are the typical bratwurst spices and then like if that's what if you want to make a traditional german bratwurst that's uh what we call traditional german browers in north america i guess anyways those are the spices then you can play with it from there some people use a little bit of marjoram some people what else have i seen a mace sometimes you see a little bit of mace in a german bratwurst but those salt white pepper caraway nutmeg and ginger and binder that's a that's a bratwurst for you um and then you can play with it from there you can do like a honey dijon brat so you'd put all this in then you put a little bit of honey and with dijon so it'd be like a honey mustard or mustard seeds and beer whatever you want jalapenos and and and cheddar mushrooms and portobello or mushrooms and swiss you can play with it from there but that's the base that's the base to play with salt white pepper nutmeg ginger and we'll add them in here i've i've measured out my uh my salt and binder here ahead of time so i thought it'd be boring for you guys to watch me measure out spices but the recipe is down below put that in there set that aside i've also got my hog casings pre-soaking soaked them before we started the video here so they've been soaking for about a half hour uh this is our ginger i use ginger powder i use powdered everything i buy nicer quality powdered spices because i like the consistency in the end product is why i do that you can use grated or ground ginger sometimes i see those canned ginger paste you can scoop out like garlic and that's fine i just want to make sure your moisture content doesn't get too high and those tend to be a little bit stronger so you maybe use a little bit less per kilogram or maybe it's watered down and you need a little bit more per kilogram you have to play with it but ginger going in at half a gram powdered ginger going in a half a gram per kilogram i like the smell of ginger then we have the white pepper and this is ground in a very fine mesh so the pepper is going to get distributed real easily and you got to be careful because this goes up your nose and it's guaranteed to make you cough and sneeze but i love white pepper that's probably the predominant this and the nutmeg is probably the predominant spices you taste in a bratwurst oh boy where's that powder this is the nutmeg it's going in too mmm it's certain smell good make sure you get it all in there a little bit nutmeg and then my little bit of caraway all right that's the bratwurst seasonings salt binder white pepper ginger not make caraway then we've got to weigh out a little bit of water so i got my little gram scale here since we're doing 15 kilograms add like water at 10 percent because then it doesn't really affect my end texture for the most part that water cooks out so you wait at the end of the cooking process you're left with just the weight of the meat pretty close anyways so i have 15 kilograms 15.5 kilograms actually so i need 1 50 milliliters of water and i don't add all the water at once usually well usually i'm actually using my mixer grinder i don't do this by hand anymore because the batches are usually quite a bit bigger than this so the mixer grinder does the mixing for me and i add the water slowly to distribute the spices but uh when you guys have water i usually add a little bit mix around add a little bit more mix around add a little bit more mix around i'm just going to grab some gloves okay we're gloved up so like i said just a little shot of water maybe i don't know a third of it or whatever and if you guys got different like uh the different butcher supply stores sell like those hand crank mixers they work awesome i've also seen guys attach uh you can get those paint mixers that attach to your uh drill you get a plug-in drill and uh put it your meat in a food grade bucket and just stand there with your drill and mix it all up that's awesome because we're right now like in my other sausage videos the mixing is always the same you're shooting for some protein extraction until it sticks to your gloves so you guys don't need to watch me mix this i will mix it and show you when i'm happy with the end texture all i'm doing is tossing it in and over on itself making sure i get all the spices off the side of my tote add a little bit of water as i go mace excuse me making sure that the spices are evenly distributed amongst this nice [Music] beautiful pork so i'll be back okay guys i've been mixing my heart out here and this is the texture you're looking for you can take a handful spread your fingers out and it's still sticking to your fingers good and sticky whoops but that's what you're looking for sticky sticky protein extraction and like i said guys at this point this is where you could add some stuff portobellos and mushrooms or you could do caramelized onion you could do honey mustard all sorts of stuff but now it's stuffing time so i'm gonna get them loaded into the stuffer i got this vertical stuff right here like you guys have probably seen in my other sausage making videos i like the vertical ones they take up less table space than the horizontal ones i'm just going to clamp them down here doesn't run away on me while we're sausage stuffing all right and i got my natural hog casing horn on in case you guys didn't see that that was loaded on there already this guy's the one we use for 29 32 millimeters they usually come in about three different sizes when you buy a sausage stuffer and the stuffing technique is the same as any [Music] sorry the sausage stuffing technique is the same as any other natural hog casing uh sausage so you get a good handful get her in there and then beat her down so that there's no or less air pockets this guy has a release valve on the top like you guys have probably seen in the other videos i've explained before but if it's your first video and you're just getting into this stuff and you're buying a sausage stuffer i would suggest getting a vertical one and get a bigger one don't start you'll buy a five pound one like oh i'm going to save myself 100 bucks and then you're gonna go oh this is so fun and delicious oh and cheap i forgot to mention um well this is for this is a custom batch for for a customer but 15 kgs of pork pork is high currently would be about five bucks a kilogram 240 a pound up here right now which is really high but that's for pork shoulders um so what would that be 50 so we're going to make all these bratwursts for about including the spices and the casings and stuff 80 bucks for 30 something pounds of bratwurst so you when you're buying a sausage stuffer buy a big one because you're gonna start buying your own roasts and trimming them up yourself and having all this leftover stuff you'll be making it into these delicious products okay so i got her in there how do you like that so hit myself in the face on youtube all right coming out there just crank it till it comes out i got the hog casings which i've been soaking just before i started the video so about a half hour room temperature water just grab one pull her out oh get a knot you get a knot you just put your fingers in there spread it out and lightly pull until you find that knot source and it'll feed out slowly till you get that knot taken care of see that wasn't that bad hear people complaining about the knots it's not that bad just put your finger in spread it out and pull finger in spread it out and pull and it'll come then two fingers in scoop up some water and as you feed that onto the horn it's going to flush the salt out from inside the casing on we go i usually do this on a stainless steel stuffing table because it slides around better than these cutting boards and i have a big hydraulic stuffer that i normally do batches this big in it'll be done at about five minutes but this is andy for what we're doing so this is the stuffing technique i use i put my thumb on top of the horn and the bottom fingers underneath the horn and i control the pressure like i'm changing channels on a remote you want to i've kind of gone over this before in other videos but you want to be able to pinch about a quarter way through you don't want to pinch all the way through and you don't want it to be super firm otherwise you're going to break the casings when you link them and since we're poaching these today guys if the casings are too firm they're going to blow up when we cook you pay real close attention when you're cooking the bratwurst here it comes out i'll bring that in closer for you guys here in a second but see i'm just keeping the tension with my thumb cranking with my right hand oh baby those look good we'll do one here then i'll bring the camera in closer and show you the technique you're doing with your fingers and every once in a while as you're doing this you can stop feel pants yeah i can pinch quarter way through i can pinch quite a way through those are perfect and it's just a feel thing guys it takes a it takes a while if you're brand new to this you're going to blow some up you're going to have some understuffed and when they're understuffed that's people go oh natural casings are so chewy i just like using collagen but if you get them stuffed just right it helps the chewiness of that casing a lot so i'm bringing that camera in for you guys so you can see a little bit better okay guys i got you in a little closer angle here so you can see what's going on yeah but so i just loaded on a new fresh 29 32 millimeter hog casing i let a little dangle off the edge there as you can see then i just pinch until it starts to come into your hand and you control the firmness and crank away periodically checking to make sure you can pinch through a little bit see how it's got a little bit of give maybe you can see maybe you can't bringing in a whisker closer you can see it's got a little give without breaking which is good and you keep up the cranking and if you guys do get a little see i got a little bit of air pocket in here you can operate with that there but what i'll do sometimes i'll just take my thumbnail and just poke it and see how that sucked down to the horn you might not be able to see but or the back of a knife just take the back of a knife give it a little tap and it'll suck itself down to the horn there i don't like to there we go that's the whole tube there i don't really like using those sausage pricks you can see we'll go and they prick them all because i find you have too many holes and all that delicious pork fat and spices that we mixed up tends to run out when you have a bajillion little holes in there so i don't like to do that all right so that's basically it guys i'm not gonna make you watch me stuff this whole batch but you oh we'll link them we'll link them so you can p pinch this end here do about four or five inches just you know perfect little bun size spin it towards yourself three times now before five inches again pinch three quarters of the way through then i take my right hand hold that spot go to the next place about four or five inches span twice yourself three times and you're doing every other length towards itself three times see how they're not bursting and get three spins there and they're nice and firm after you twist them you can just about pinch through here but after you twist them they're nice and firm so that basically means it's spreading that that intestine wall out making it thinner making it it'll have that nice snap that's what you want with a natural casing you bite into it and it snaps pops all that flavor that white pepper and ginger and nutmeg and pork fat bang hits in the mouth right after that yep that's right that's where you want them three so i pinch go to the next one one two three pinch next one one two three all right and i'll just keep them in this bundle here guys like this because we're going to poach these to fully cooked after this and then all you got to do is you take them out of your backpack bag your freezer bag and throw them on the grill grill them give them a little bit of grill marks one two three or five and butter with onions caramelized onions or some uh some nice beer like a stout or something real rich on and then you put it on a bun with a little mustard and maybe potatoes oh yeah all right i'm gonna finish stuffing these and i'll show you guys the poaching process before you stuff these you should take a little patty bowl and fry it up test it make sure it's salty enough for you make sure it's flavorful enough for you and all that but i got them all stuffed poked a couple air pockets i don't like poking too many air pockets otherwise you lose your flavor uh there's the sausage stuffing set up and here's my poaching setup all it is is a turkey cooker and i mounted it to a piece of wood so because it was sliding but uh got her about two-thirds full of water i preheated it and uh we're gonna just use a little digital thermometer here you want it somewhere around like just under boiling because if it's over boiling 185 190 dc yeah that's just right you don't want to boil it because what can happen is the outside of the sausage casing gets too hot too quick and they'll burst so what i do is yeah it's just straight water nothing fancy nothing special then i just add salt add salt to the water because you don't want the salt you put having the sausage casing to be absorbed into the water via osmosis so i just put about a cup of salt in here this is about i don't know load of b three gallons of water 10 liters ish just give it a good little mix so then you're not going to lose any of your salt from boiling then we just fill it up and set this down here so that the bratwurst are submerged preheated it and the temperature is going to drop a bunch when you get these guys in there so it's going to the first batch is going to take a little while to cook me you don't want to be getting too far in case that the temperature comes way up and the thing starts boiling because these casings will pop and all that hard work all that delicious flavor you got in there it's gonna it's gonna be ruined you'll be upset so don't get too far just fill it up just so it's submerged all right maybe a bit full there and then i usually get something to weigh it down so that they stay submerged because as they cook they're going to want to rise so i'll get you in for a little more close up here mm-hmm something guys they're sitting in that water starting to turn that trademark bratwurst white and i just submerge them i usually got two hands to do so just keep them just under the water there and i will come check these guys every 5-10 minutes to make sure and the final temperature we're shooting for is 160 degrees fahrenheit a fully cooked bratwurst so they will just poach away in there until we hit that temperature i'll come back when we're checking them okay there guys they have been poaching for about 20 minutes maybe a half hour i've just been checking every five minutes here and uh we'll take our thermometer we want to hit 160 right in the middle if you guys can see that can you read that 157 159 161 so these guys are now fully cooked can you see that on that thermometer there we go 162 you can see that so what i've done is i've taken all my meat meaty gear off i have a different smock on because these went from raw to now fully cooked and what we want to do so that you don't lose too much fat and they don't shrivel up and dry off is this guy here well that's hot this guy here is a ice bath so i'm going to take them from this poached hot water put them right in the ice bath and that's just designed to cool them down a couple degrees right off the bat so that it stops the cooking process and then we'll transfer them from there into the cooler and they can cool down overnight and we can package them up the next day but those look good coming steaming out of the water there this is a custom batch but if i was making these and this was for myself i would eat one right out of the water a little dollop of mustard boom the biggest key is just take your time so you don't have a wreck let's see since i've been watching these and the the boiling water temperature wasn't too hot none of these casings have split so they're fully cooked all the juice is on the inside because we didn't poke any holes in them we didn't get the water too hot so that it boiled and split the casings [Music] so these guys are going to be really juicy and flavorful when you get them on the barbecue or when you cook them in the pan with some butter and onions or whatever however you cook your bratwurst these guys are going to be delicious all right there guys that's all i'm out of there just keep you so just in the nice bathroom if you don't have a bunch of ice whoops camera spun on me if you don't have a bunch of ice available just cold running water for a minute or two is fine as well and you just submerge and this just shocks them and stops that stops that cooking process then i'll take them from here after they've sat in here for a couple minutes uh this isn't designed to cool them right down to refrigeration temperature this is just designed to you know knock off the first 20 degrees or so right away so that they don't shrivel up and you don't lose any of that fat and juice and lose your cooking yield so i'll just toss around in there and then you guys are basically done you got fully cooked brats you guys know what to do with them from here you can take them cook them however you like at the next football game soccer game barbecue cookout whatever but that's basically how to make a traditional german brat guys just cut between the links and package them in the backpack bag the next day or whatever you got vac power ziploc bags uh they're good fresh in the fridge for about 10 days this way so that's basically the bratwurst guys if you like the video give it a thumbs up and subscribe take care
Channel: Duncan Henry
Views: 72,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bratwurst Recipe, bratwurst recipe ideas, bratwurst recipe fomr scratch, bratwurst recipe form scratch, bratwurst recipe from scratch, Bratwurst, German Bratwurst, Brats, How to make Bratwurst, Making Bratwurst, Homemade Bratwurst, Bratwurst Recipe from scratch, how to make a Bratwurst Recipe
Id: 4lE02B0TTwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 39sec (1779 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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