George Gershwin - Rhapsody in Blue - Leonard Bernstein, New York Philharmonic (1976)
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Channel: Qiyu Liu
Views: 6,288,984
Rating: 4.8952966 out of 5
Keywords: Rhapsody In Blue (Award-Winning Work), Leonard Bernstein (Composer), George Gershwin (Composer), New York Philharmonic (Conducted Ensemble), Orchestra (Musical Genre), Piano, Classical
Id: cH2PH0auTUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 04 2014
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Yes! I've played this twice and even though the point of the oboe part is to make you jealous of the clarinetist it never gets old.
Love this song and JUST saw Fantasia 2000 last week.
Low key, if I could only take one song with me on a deserted island...
This is THE iconic American song of the 20th century. It’s just such a marvelous composition, and it incorporates so many musical genres - symphonic orchestra, jazz, hints of big band, swing, ragtime, etc.
And the strings at about 10:30 just lift me to another place, man. It still gives this grown man chills.
Kelsey Grammer killing it on violin there.
Why do I know this very well?
You know, Leonard Bernstein was one of the great classical composers of the twentieth century, but sometimes, he would be gay.
Phish bathtub gin and DMB say goodbye brought me here
I used to listen to this driving south on the FDR in Manhattan. Not really a better song to capture the mood of the city on sleepy Saturday mornings.
I’m singing with a 60 piece symphony tonight and this just got me super revved up! there an entrance in music as nerve wracking to play as that first clarinet run with fricking Bernstein sitting at the piano?!