Dave Brubeck - Take Five
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Channel: Tori Chitic
Views: 11,849,645
Rating: 4.9410849 out of 5
Keywords: dave, brubeck, take, five, live, in, belgium, 1964, cool, jazz, Cool Jazz, piano, Take Five, paul, desmond, alto, sax, joe, morello, eugene, wright, The Dave Brubeck Quartet
Id: tT9Eh8wNMkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2012
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Haha that's a pretty clever tie in!
Know why I like Dave Brubeck? Because jazz snobs hate Dave Brubeck.
Does someone say "sorry" after the drum solo?
except should this be for the 5th of april, not fourth of may?
This is the track that got me into Jazz. It might be the most overplayed Jazz record ever, but to me it never gets old.
Never heard this one before. Nice post.
damn those drums sound so fresh
If only yanks could get their dates written down in the correct order. Looking forward to the 5th of April though ;)