GEOlayers 3 Tutorial: Mapstyling

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hi there and welcome to this map styling tutorial in this screencast we're going to learn how to style maps and G layers we're gonna change colors we're gonna swap the fond of the label we're gonna hide certain groups of features and we're gonna have a look at how to link map comes okay let's jump into this we're gonna create a map come of Zurich here and to get started with some fresh colors I'm gonna use in an Adobe swatch file here you can simply drag it on top of the Geo layers panel and it's gonna use the colors from the swatch file to style our map now what I don't like is that the the colors of the parks here is this rad and the roads have sort of a greenish color Ximena copy the hex code here use the greenish color for my parks and I'm gonna paste the axe code for the road color and like this it like sort of looks more natural to me I'm good with that so many hit create there we go um I actually don't like the view really I wanted to be a bit more zoomed in and I'm changing the pitch and the Bering by right clicking and dragging the map to edit the styles of map comes you're gonna open up the map compass here and then you have this settings I can now get a bunch of options here first you can of course change the imagery so we could use like being satellite here but we don't want that I'm good with this basic style from our swatch colors but if we scroll a bit further down you can see this section which is all about the map Campbell labels which is those labels here and you have some some suggestions that geo layers creates based on the colors of your of your map but as you want to really detail change them you can always click the one that is already selected again or click this edit labels button over here and as you do so G lace is gonna open up your map come and solo only the map come template layers first thing I'm gonna do I'm gonna change the color to this pink over here alright cool what we can also do we can select all of those labels and change the font so I'm gonna change the font to cheap pine here which I really like each layer represents a different group of features and can be styled individually you can also N or disable certain groups of features and you can block individual features what do you know don't like that those labels are yeah a bit small globally so we have this global size setting here so you can just drag it around and I'm going to change it to 1.5 I think that looks pretty good to me now let's hit apply and as I click finalize here we're gonna see how our map is gonna look like if the imagery is rendered for this zoom there we go I'd actually like to tweak this a bit more so I'm going to go back to my map come settings and I would love to adjust the image rebid so I click the already selected imagery thumbnail here and now we have a bunch of more options here so we can for example adjust align with and I'm going to change this to twice the size and I don't want this red color to pop out as much as the labels so I'm going to make this color a bit more settle here so yeah I would simply use one of the suggestions gialos does here so let's hit apply and start animating our map so what I want to do is I want to create a zoom out from Zurich to sort of like an overview of Europe therefore I will first unlink my map come from my UI view and this will enable me to simply drag this map around and the map come view is not going to change you can see a visualization of the map come view on our preview map here so I'm sending out even more there we go and what we can do is we can reset the rotation and as I click this the Bering and the pitch is going to be set to zero I'm gonna zoom in a bit more probably like this and as I have my final view I can click set map come view here angela is gonna set the map can view and it's gonna of course add keyframes to our animation properties here that's a little preview of my animation here and I'm gonna finalize this animation okay let's preview this map animation here and I really like it to be very detailed when we're looking at Zurich but I don't want to have like all those roads when we're in this Europe overview so we're gonna do something about this at first we're gonna split our map cam labels from the imagery therefore we're going to the map comp list hit duplicate and we have some duplicate modes here and the third one is split imagery and labels and this is exactly what we want I'm gonna simply call this one labels here and I'm gonna hit split now geo layers is doing now it is creating basically two map comes one that has only the labels you can see it here and one that has only the imagery you can see it here the map comp lists now is sorted alphabetically but we might want to it you know it's a bit confusing that this one comes first here but it is below the labels over here so we can change the sort order here sort by layer order in containing comp this is pretty much exactly what we want we do now have the imagery map comp below the label map come over here and the labels are linked you can see this right here to our basic imagery map camp that means the view animation is automatically gonna follow even though there are no keyframes on our animation properties here next step we're gonna split our imagery again because we basically want to have two styles we want to have one style for the zoomed in part and we want to have one style for the overview so we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna duplicate the imagery map come now we're gonna use the second mode we're gonna simply duplicate this map come inside of this containing comp here you could also duplicate the containing comp with all its containing map comes but we don't need this now and a cool option here is that we can automatically link the table kated map come to its source map which is this one this would basically do the same thing as we did with the labels I mean it changed my layer over here and to refresh the sorting here I can simply toggle the sort mode here sort by link views is also pretty cool because it lets you exactly know which map come is linked to which one so both of those map comes are linked to that one we're going to the layout water salting again I'm gonna open the map come settings again first I would like to rename this to overview and we're gonna do some styling again so I'm going to click that one what we can do here is simply enable or disable certain features so you don't want roads here I don't want buildings of course I don't want rail I don't want parks and my borders should only appear on land you can see this right here both boulders are their land the bullet is our gun okay let's hit apply and see how that looks if you want to see a map in the finalized quality but don't want to finalize the whole animation you can simply hold down ctrl or command and click finalize this will only finalize one frame of your animation now this actually looks pretty good all we need to do now is creating a transition between this layer and this layer we're gonna simply do this with the opacity property so I'm going to keyframe the opacity here a few frames ahead set this to zero and trim my layers here once I did that I'm gonna finalize my whole animation and see what it looks like nice and smooth with this technique you can also easily create a transition from satellite map imagery to a graphical political map now there's some stuff I don't like about those labels so I'm gonna go to my label map come Settings here and I want to increase the density and I can also change the language I'm going to change that one to German with our settings I'm gonna hit apply I could click the finalize button here but this will always finalize all related map comes and since both of them are a link to this one it will always finalize all of these since they are already finalized I can simply click that button here to finalize only a single map camp like this we have more labels in a different language and all of them are being blinded in and out according to their importance to make this map look more interesting we're gonna do a bunch of things first we're gonna pre compose this one and call this render and we're gonna do some effects here first I'd like to have some like stop-motion looks I'm gonna decrease the framerate to 12.5 frames here then I'm gonna import this crumbled paper texture here and put this on top set the blending mode to multiply a minute decrease the opacity bid like that yes I like this way and I want to have some motion blur to do this on our map animation we can use the pixel motion blur here I would also like to make them labels pop out even more so going back to my containing map come here as our labels are simply in separated map come we can use a drop shadow effect on them I'm gonna increase the softness a bit here and I really like it that way all right that's it we're done with our map animation and if you have questions because I didn't explain like every detail of all the settings here please refer to our help you can find a detailed description of each setting in G lies 3 in there [Music] you
Channel: aescripts + aeplugins
Views: 34,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GPX, After Effects, Solutions, Tutorials, Motion Graphics, Mapping, aescripts, Mapbox, Tile Server, Tools, Mapstack, Adobe After Effects (Software), Plugin, Maps, Script, Stamen Mapstack, VFX, Adobe, Workflow, OpenStreetMap
Id: d7cIDAZLkxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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