GEOlayers 3 Tutorial: Getting Started

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hi there this is Marcus and I'd like to teach you the very basics of GL es 3 so this is what we're going to come up with today we're gonna animate a custom colored map of San Francisco here in 3d space right let's jump into it you can find jelly is free in the extensions menu of After Effects and by default Gio layers is going to come up with this like projects panel where you can find sample projects that you can download and open but we're not going to use them we're gonna create a new project from scratch here so the first thing the basic building block of each geo layers project is a map come a map comp is a composition that contains all the like geographical imagery and labels and stuff so let's look for a location here I'm gonna type in San Francisco I'm gonna collect the first search result and there we go that's San Francisco here I'm gonna zoom out a bit so this map is like pretty self-explanatory like every web map you can navigate it by dragging you can pinch zoom or you can use these buttons to zoom and if you want to increase the zoom like furry in very tiny steps you can use this slider here there we go below the map you have like basic calm specs Lake the map main that's the map cup name San Francisco map comes pretty good the size full HD pretty great framerate and a duration I'm good with that so I'm gonna click Next now this is where things are getting pretty interesting because you can now style your map directly inside real layers so first of all you have some presets you have some like provider presets for example stamen design has a few styles that you can use carto we have Bing satellite imagery we have like simply boundaries here and we have this basic Sol which is pretty exciting you can very easily style this map style for example you can drag an image on top of it and geo layers is gonna like use the colors of these images see that pretty great or if you want to you can click this drop down here to get some preset colors and choose one of those awesome and of course you know I don't like this color very much so I'm gonna make this a bit more settle it right here and G legs is gonna adapt this map style right so I'm gonna zoom out again like that I'm gonna hit create now the extension is creating like the map comp and it's containing composition can see this here this is the map comp which is embedded in the containing San Francisco map comma now we can do a bunch of things we can of course scroll through here drag the map as we want it if we don't want our selected map come which you can actually select here if you have more map comes you would see a longer list here you can create a new map come from here we're not going to do this now we're gonna select our San Francisco map camp you always see the selected map come on top here and if you don't want this map to be linked or our map come to be linked to the UI map you can click this and then you can independent from our map scroll around here right pretty great if I wanted to fit my map come to this view I could click set map come for you but I don't want that for now and I linked the map come view again now let's get straight into animating I'm gonna grab my playhead here and move it to five seconds because that's where my animation is gonna start and I hit the keyframe button here and as you can see on our map come there are a bunch of properties there's the latitude the longitude which is the geographical position of the centre of our map come there's a zoom which obviously the zoom level there's a bearing and a pitch awesome all of those properties have been keyframe at five seconds seminary go diddly ten seconds with my playhead this time I'm gonna use my map here to zoom in by right clicking and dragging I can change the bearing and the pitch of our map up to 60 degrees and like this I mean a find a yes very sweet looking view here there we go Geo layers is updating my preview map here and as I scrub through it I can see we have a pretty cool 3 dimensional animation already but like the imagery is not very nice and labels sticking together that's not how we wanted this is because now we are like in a preview mode of G layers and if you're cool with your animation you would need to click finalize now this is where G layers deserts magic is gonna download data that it needs to render at the imagery for our whole map animation it's gonna import it place it blend the zoom levels and I'm just gonna look for like the labels which labels it needs and it's gonna also place the labels and blend them there we go our map is finalized and it's looking pretty good we call what's RAM preview this nice and smooth animation [Music] Keeler's has a lot more job go ahead and follow our video stories check out our help [Music] there's also simple projects get you started [Music] thanks for watching have a great day bye-bye
Channel: aescripts + aeplugins
Views: 122,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: GPX, After Effects, Solutions, Tutorials, Motion Graphics, Mapping, aescripts, Mapbox, Tile Server, Tools, Mapstack, Adobe After Effects (Software), Plugin, Maps, Script, Stamen Mapstack, VFX, Adobe, Workflow, OpenStreetMap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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