Extruding Maps in Adobe After Effects with GEOlayers (2020)

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hey everyone I'm Boone and welcome to another episode of Monday Maps on today's episode I'm going to show you how to create this extruded 3d map inside of Adobe After Effects using a premium plugin called geo layers which you can pick up using the affiliate link in the video description so once I've got the plugin installed I'm gonna go inside of After Effects and select window extensions and then open up Geo layers 3 essentially what this plugin allows me to do is search geospatial data on the Internet and then bring that information into After Effects and use it to create elements and drive my animations it's a really really cool plugin now down here I have some template projects I'm just going to go ahead and create a new project and over here the first thing I need to do is create a map comp so right here I have the map I can click and drag and move the map around I can zoom in so what I'm going to do is I'm going to zoom right over here on France kind of Center this up now I can rename this if I want I can change the resolution and the framerate let's say I want to change this to 24 and let's say I want maybe a 15 second animation instead of 30 seconds I'm gonna hit next and over here I have some different map styles and right here you notice that some of these are unavailable to me and that's because when you buy geo layers you'll also have to purchase the data pack or whatever and that's a subscription-based model I think you can pay like $20 a month there's different licensing options you don't have to have it to use certain features of this plugin as you'll see here but this allows you to use specific things and even opens up some extra tools I'm just go check out the documentation there's also a product page available for this on any scripts com so I'm happy with this being Arial style I'm gonna click create that's going to generate my map comp inside of Adobe After Effects so now I have my map comp and I have my anchor here and as you can see right here in the Geo layers panel I can click and drag and move this around and it's linked up to my map comp here so now I need to find that geospatial map data and actually bring those in so I can draw out those features as shape elements now I do that in this search online tool bar here first I'm going to search for France so I can get the country outline here and right here I have France the country I have a couple of different options I can fit it into the map view I can add a label directly from here or automatically draw the feature from here but what I'm going to do is I'm going to add it to my browser and now down here in my browser I have France and while it's selected I can see the outline here you see if I deselect it here I can't see it select it so now I'm gonna grab as you saw in the beginning animation I basically start at a small little region here then that zooms out to a province then that zooms out to the entire country and I think I got the terms right region province probably not so now I need to grab that smaller area type that name in here and here it is I'm going to add that to the browser and now you can see what that selected there's the region there's the country and now I'm going to search even the smaller area I'm going to add that to my browser and there we go now you can see that smaller region here okay so now I have all this data now I want to draw them out as shape elements but first I need to select the style of how I want After Effects to handle those shape elements so I do that up here I'm going to click on this button here and I have a bunch of preset styles already ready to go so I could click on one of these to have different strokes different fills there's even a data-driven option here but what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go and click on add style and what I'm going to do is I'm going to rename this will call this 3d France so I'm going to grab the fill color here and I do like this preset green that's kind of fits this color scheme I'm gonna apply that and down here I have extrusion and I'm going to go ahead and set the extrusion to 100 pixels now if you look over here there's a little cog wheel and this really speaks to the power of this plugin I'm not going to get into it here on this particular tutorial but if you click this this opens up your data-driven options so I could essentially use different data values to drive the extrusion so I could apply this to multiple countries and then you like population numbers to drive the extrusion of different countries to create a pretty cool animation in fact the creator of this plugin already made a tutorial on that and I'll link to that in the video description as well so I'm go ahead and turn that off once again I'll leave that to another tutorial now I'm going to click apply that edit style is applied or that feature style is applied and you can see now I have that color reflected and a little symbol plus there's a little beveled edge meaning kind of telling us that it's has an extrusion applied and now down here for each feature we can see that these are all ready to go as well so now as I draw these they're going to be drawn with that feature style I forgot to mention these other features here if I go back to Styles there's a couple of different parameters here and the one I want to watch out for is individual layers I have this selected now which is what I want if this is deselected and I grabbed all three of these and tried to draw the feature at the same time it would apply them as groups in one particular shape layer and that's not what I want I want them to break out as individual layers so I'm going to grab all three of these here and I'm going to go down here to the tool bar and click on this little draw features button and I can draw that and now I should have some extrusion here and if you look down in the composition or the timeline panel here you can see that it added all three of those layers as well as two lights I have a spotlight and I have an ambient light if i zoom out here you can see my spotlight here and that's really cool because that's going to help add some definition to these extruded elements now what I'm gonna do here is to actually see the extrusion I need to move the pitch of my map to do that I'm gonna hold ctrl or command on a Mac and then when I click and drag in the Geo layers panel here and you can see that that's gonna pivot this in 3d space and as I release here I can now see my extrusion elements here now if you have if you're working on a slower computer this might be pretty intensive I'm my system is pretty fast so this is responding nicely but just be aware of that might not be responding as you see as my computer is responding here in the datura so now you can see that I can click and move my spotlight to adjust that I can right click and add another spotlight there's different spot kind of lights that you can add so I'm going to add a second one here and move this one around just give it a little something else now I want this to animate in a specific way out from the surface of the earth I want it to animate out with the extrusion but the problem is if you look here I'm going to grab the France layer I'm gonna open up the parameters here here I have geometry options under geometry options I have the extrusion depth right now it's set to 100 so if I start to bring this down let's bring it down to like 30 if you look what's going on here is the extrusions pulling up toward the layer and now I'm losing my position from the map which is not how I wanted to animate and don't be worried about the resolution of this map that's because it's not finalized so by the end of our animation or our project I click this finalize button and this is going to look sharp and beautiful so don't worry about that okay I'm gonna turn the extrusion back to 100 so the workaround for this is is that it's an anchor point issue so right now our anchor point is kind of at the top of this extrusion so I need to move it down to the bottom but the problem is if I do that then it still animates in a weird way so what I need to do is I'm going to attach the extrusion depth to my anchor point so I'm going to open up my anchor point here by holding shift and hitting a and if you look at the anchor point options I have XY and Z notice that the Z anchor point is that 100 and that's because our extrusion depths at 100 s when I apply this whatever I set the extrusion depth to it's going to set that anchor point to that same to make it flat with the surface of the earth and the reason I say that is so now all the flat earthers can make jokes because they love to do that okay so the way we're going to make this animation work is I'm going to grab the pick whip property of my extrusion depth and go all the way up to my anchor point go go go and I'm going to attach it to that Z so make sure you attach not to just the anchor point but to the specific Z now you can see the expression is applied and as I move the anchor point here now you can see that extrusion whoa way way too high let me go back down to 25 now you can see it's still matching up with the borders here change that back to 100 and I'm going to go ahead and do that for the other two layers so that these will be ready to animate alright now it's just a matter of animating this so let's bring the map back to where it was flat here I just click this reset rotation button that's going to snap it right back one of their cool tip is if you have this show map comp you click on that that's showing you the kind of the parameters of your resolution because right now we're seeing a lot more so it's easier to see what you got going on by by keeping that on now what I want to do is I'm gonna have it animate in maybe over two or three seconds so I'm gonna add a keyframe here at the beginning and you can see that that added keyframes to my main map comp have latitude longitude all these different attributes here now I'm gonna go to a little after two seconds and now I'll zoom in and we'll change the pitch here and I'm actually just going to grab that one so I can see it turn on show map comp you okay and just kind of position this in a way that I'm happy with so now I want this extrusion of this first area to come up so I'm going to open up all I need to do now is select the layer hit a to open up my anchor point now this is the only thing I need to animate now that the extrusion is connected here so what I will do is i want the extrusion to animate right about here so this will be my start point so we'll go from 0 to 100 there we go I can quickly retime these so now I'm going to add some easy ease by right-clicking going to keyframe assistant selecting easy ease and now I'm going to open up the graph editor and just add something to it there and now this shoots up a little bit more dynamically faster at the beginning slowly and let's say now I want to have it dissolve in as well so I'm gonna add an opacity keyframe I just held shift and hit T to bring up the opacity attribute and I'm gonna add a keyframe at 100 and zero so now let's see what this looks like okay cool now what I can do just to quickly animate all of them is copy all of my keyframes here and now I'm gonna grab the next one paste it on there I'm gonna grab the next one and then paste it on there now I'm hitting the U key to bring up all the they attributes that have keyframes now if I turn these layers on we can see that first the region pops up then the province and then the entire country so now I just need to simply add the animations of my main map comp here to kind of zoom out as these go okay so maybe right here I don't know how this is kind of look so go right here and now I'll add another keyframe here okay and move it out a little bit now we'll zoom out and for the final one another keyframe here and then once it comes out we'll be out to see the entire country maybe I can see more of Europe here I'm gonna grab the zoom keyframes and I'm gonna add some speed adjustments to this as well now for the last step I just need to finalize this so this is going to simply download all of the imagery the high-resolution imagery and allow me to have a nice beautiful looking map here now you can see as i zoom in to 100% this looks much cleaner much nicer so now I can export this out [Music]
Channel: Boone Loves Video
Views: 26,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boone loves video, boone, after effects plugin 2020, how to make a map in after effects, make a map in adobe ae, make a map in after effects, animating geospatial data after effects, geolayers 3, best map plugin for after effects, best after effects plugin 2020, after effects tools 2020, map animation 2020, animating kml, geospatial animation, country outline after effects, ae tutorial 2020, extruding adobe ae 2020, extrude after effects, how to extrude in after effects
Id: AlBL1bhk1Uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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