18 GEOlayers Tips in 18 Minutes🌎Adobe After Effects Tutorial 2022

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so originally today's episode of monday maps was supposed to be all about how to create battle map visualizations and explainers using uh adobe after effects and geo layers i've actually already produced this video it was ready to go i had a sponsorship setup and it's had a kind of this like comedic angle focusing on the spotify controversy between like joe rogan and neil young and it was just a ridiculous tutorial however just the other day russia decided to invade ukraine so i figured that um probably not the best time to release a tutorial about this just felt weird so i decided to shift gears um putting that tutorial on hold for a while until i figure out a better time to to release that so today we're going to be focusing on tips and tricks for geo layers kind of focusing on beginner to intermediate level this is a handful of stuff that's really going to make your life easier if you're working in geo layers and if you're new to geo layers this video is really going to help you i want to give a quick shout out to all my patrons who joined my patreon page that i launched last week special shout out to simon he is a youtuber who has a channel called the track record which i will link to down in the video description go check it out he's kind of a new youtuber already creating some really good stuff and uh super interested to see where that goes also big shout out to my man joseph culligan thank you very much if you want to go see more about my patreon page and what i offer to my patrons you can go check out a link to that as well down in the video description and today's video is actually sponsored by our good friends at envato with a subscription to envata elements you get access to over 50 million creative digital assets these include graphic templates icons stock photos video templates music tracks sound effects fonts photos it's crazy everything that you get they offer a nice and clean simple lifetime commercial license which is good even after your subscription ends following the link in the video description is going to give you 50 off when you select an annual subscription which will give you access to everything on the site for under 20 a month for real it's worth the money i'm inside of after effects i'm going to go to window extensions geo layers 3 and now i'm going to set up a new map column so i'm going to go over here to the united states and click on create map comp and i'm going to select map tyler light for the map comp imagery now when you get your map comp here you'll notice it's really low resolution and that's how geolayers work so before you export your final animation you want to finalize which is essentially going to download all the high res map tile imagery and make everything look good so if you want to see what a particular frame looks like you can finalize by one individual frame to do that hold control and click on the finalize button and it even tells you right here one frame of your containing comp is finalizing and it tells you the shortcut here that's a great way to work without wasting time finalizing your entire timeline now i don't like to work with the default labels so to turn this off you simply click on this button here and then you can deselect the a and that's going to deactivate all those labels if you do want to use labels however you can go into the map comp settings and then down at the bottom you have all these options down here and you can toggle that off again there so let's say i want to show a driving route from los angeles to new york i can quickly do this with a couple of like automated tools here inside of geolayers so first i want to download the location so i'm going to go up here to the keyword search bar here and i can search the geodata here so i'm going to go to los angeles and i'm going to click this add to browser button that's going to add the location down here and i'm going to type in nyc for new york city and i will add that to my browser as well now it's important to realize that if you don't move these elements into your favorite features when you close out after effects this is gonna go away and you're gonna have to re-download this data so i'm gonna grab los angeles and new york and then i'm gonna go down here and i'm gonna click on this little connect features button and there's a bunch of different options i want to show the route by car so it's really cool you can pick a bunch of different way options here i'm going to pick car now that creates this path here it shows us the distance and now to quickly and easily animate this i'm going to click on this draw features button but first i need to select a layer style so you do that up here and let's say i want to select i want this to be a black stroke so i'm going to select one of the d these are all default layer styles here that kind of match the theme of your map comp i'll go click draw features and down here i can simply draw the feature or i can animate the feature path so i'm going to click on this and i can select how many seconds i want the animation to go i'm going to select 5 and click create animation now we can see a new shape layer is here and now i've got this little black stroke of the path animating along if i click on the shape layer hit u you're going to see the keyframes here so i can change the timing of this i can add some easy ease here and really change the look of the animation so this is a real fast way to create a map path animation now let's say i want to zoom in and actually show the feature have it like fill up the frame i can quickly do that as well once again with my path selected i'm going to go click on fit view to feature and there are two automated animation features here i can animate the view along the feature so the camera would move along with the path or i can animate the view to the feature and that's going to have it zoom from my current position to the zoomed in to the feature and pay attention here i've got my playhead here i don't know if it's going to start the keyframe here from here i think it actually might do that so if i click animate view to feature and then i pick five seconds create animation i'm gonna go click on my map comp and hit u and you see yeah it actually did so it's important where your playhead is located so now i just need to move these keyframes back here and now you can see it's zooming in and the path is animating on so in like a matter of minutes here i've created a really dynamic and cool animation however it's not playing back very fast what i usually do is when i'm working in geo layers i go to window preview panel and i set the skip to somewhere between two and five depending on how intricate the map is it's going to skip those frames and then you can set it to something like half you really it really depends on your system you can play with the settings here to get it to playback okay a little bit better and once again you saw that these animate on from where the playhead is and since it was set to five seconds it was smart enough to know okay we're not gonna go five seconds we're gonna stop at the end of the map comp so that's a pretty cool feature and i can go to the end here and i can go control finalize again to see what this last frame is gonna look like let's see how detailed it looks okay but you can see as you finalize one frame i zoom back out it loses all the other map comp imagery so be aware of that workflow let's say i deliver this map to a client and they don't like the the styling of my map path here well i can change that i'm going to go up to layer styles and i can select a different different color here so let's select this here and you see i can swap the shape layer style so as long as i have this selected i can swap that out and it retains that animation on there which is very cool now i can't really see this so what you could do is you could go in here and you can actually edit the style and you can change the stroke width the stroke color you can have it set to like a default layer blending mode you can extrude it there's a ton of different custom options you could do to create a custom layer style in fact i'm going to go ahead and do that let's do new style and i'll call this red map path and i'm going to turn off the fill and i'll turn on the stroke slash point i don't want it to use fill color i'm going to have it use like a red color apply i'll set the stroke to 10. you can even have it set to be dashed and then have the dash speed automatically animate and you'll have previews here like these are all dash strokes this one's a data driven okay and i'm going to click apply and now with this selected again i'm going to swap that layer style all right now let's say i want to label the two cities i can go up here to my label templates and i have a bunch of different options so right here with place top i can keep that selected and grab both los angeles and new york and then right down here i'll click on label features and i can add labels and that will auto like geo-reference those and attach them there and they even have animation on there and they're going to scale with the map comp and then i can simply move this to match up when that hits i can move the new york label to here real simple there are a lot of options for label templates you can actually get on here and download templates and there's a lot of better ones so let's go over here to locators this is just a template project that it's going to load in and i'm going to select this because this is going to give me responsive time very very cool and now when i go to my label templates you're going to see there are a ton of different locators here and there's even a locator for the city so i can swap out the labels as well so let's swap out the new york for this particular one here that's just going to give us an icon there of the city i can do that over here as well i can manually place these label templates as well so if i select like car crash there's this little button here that says add template label i'm going to click on this and now i get some crosshairs so let's say right here we have a car crash i'm going to click on this and click add label and now i can have this start here actually now with my label template selected if i go to effect controls you can see there are a plethora of different options here and there are three really important ones here that are going to control how your label looks so you have scale with map rotate with map and rotate a long path so if i select scale with map watch what happens you can see it changes sizes and basically it's going to be small and it'll scale up so if that's the kind of look that you want you can change that you can have it rotate with the map as well so if i click on this and then i grab the map here and i'm going to right click and grab my map that's going to allow me to control the bearing in the pitch if i grab that check out what happens and we have a problem now this one's intersecting with the map and that's because i need to toggle this to set it as a 3d object and now that it's 3d it's going to rotate and stick flat to the surface of the map whereas these are not 3d objects these are sticking up as 2d objects which is kind of a cool look and you can see as i pivot the map around those are kind of always going to kind of auto orient you can offset the position here this is all key frameable and not only that but you can go to the scale attribute of a layer and even though it has an expression on it you can still override that and let's say i want to bring the scale of this down to 10 it's going to be a lot smaller or you can even bring it up and it will still scale with the map based on that expression and that's key frameable so there's so many customization options if you want to download a bunch of features that you can draw out there's a little plus button here that says at that says add features to browser if i click on this it says download features so if i click here look at all these different options you have so you can do countries country border lines states and provinces the ocean river lines so if i go to states and provinces that's going to automatically download this big feature of like everything in the world actually i didn't want states and province lines i wanted states and provinces so now if i go down to the united states click on here you can see i have all the 50 states and as i click on them it's going to give me a preview so if i want to add california as well as new york i have the options here i can change the layer style to make it solid and then i can draw these features out once again if you do not add these to your favorite features if you close that after effects they're going to be gone you're not going to lose what you've already drawn out in your project but the reference files here are going to be gone you can also manually pin objects to the map comp so i have a clouds project here so if i open up this comp this is a simple cloud that i have created so i'm going to go back to my map comp here and i'm just going to grab this and drag it on here and you can see this isn't attached to the map comp right now it's just floating here in 2d space so what i want to do is i want to bring it over here can maybe scale it up and then i can click this little button that says pin selected layers to map so i'm going to pin that and now you'll see that it moves with a map but we're having a problem we need to set this particular i'll go to effect controls we want it to scale with the map so as we scale it on the map now it's going to actually stick to the map so that's cool i can do this again i can bring this one over here we can add another cloud scale this way up pin that here and once again go to effect controls scale with map and you can add like a little like gentle blur to these and you can also keyframe the pixel offset so if you want them in the middle of the screen and then you can animate them off screen as this moves along it's a pretty cool way to work you can also create custom label templates so if i let's say i duplicate this and i'm going to call it cloud now if i open up the geo layers 3 items right over here you can see label templates if i open these up you'll notice that these are all the label templates that you can see under this menu here so all i need to do is basically grab this cloud and drag it over to label templates and now check this out if i go over to label templates this is now available as a custom template so if i have this selected now i can use the geodata to geo-reference it and place it wherever i want so if i want to put a cloud over los angeles i can go over here and just click add label and now i have a cloud directly over los angeles one of my all-time favorite features of geo layers is this little draw arrow button here this allows you to quickly draw an arrow which are obviously super handy elements when you're making a map so i'm going to click on this and you'll see that this automatically adds a shape layer to my project here as well as a little vertices and the pen tool has been activated and now as i start to draw out here on the comp you're going to see that we get this arrow and the arrow is based on our shape layer style over here and you can draw as many points as you want it's going to kind of meander around but the real power of these i'm going to switch to the selection tool is in all the effect controls so i can really uh change the look of it here like this so i'm going to have it kind of stretch the path here now if you go over to effect controls you look at all of these options i'm going to switch the color here give it like a red color and check all this out you can mess with the trim the width the head size t you can have it taper there's a bunch of different dash options i'm going to quickly play around with these so first i'll adjust the width and then i can come down here and start to play with the dash and the dash is the really cool part i can adjust the dash settings and then at the bottom there's a dash speed and this is one of the coolest features because even when your map is static that dash will add movement so it's just going to make your map more dynamic and you'll see if i open up the layer press the u key there are trim keyframes already added here so i can change the speed of this really arrows are just the coolest up here you have a little button that says run script file this has a lot of powerful options like for example a scale bar so if you click on scale bar you can specify where you want that scale bar to go let's say we want it on the left now i can go and customize this skill bar you can see it right down here i can change the size of it make it a lot bigger now you can see the scale text as well i can go to the character panel increase this and it's all pinned correctly these are just so good and for all you imperial folks you can switch it to miles and you can set this to fixed as well to make it a more specific uh scale option there and now as you see as this zooms in check it out and even as i scale this oh yo yo i just love this one other tip for beginners is if you go grab your map comp you can add like a curves or levels effect if you bring this down a little bit it's going to make you know it'll darken down the map comp and that's just going to make those overlays pop so if you want to add some pop to them you can just mess with the curves or you can add a tint effect which is automatically going to desaturate it and the last but certainly not least tip go over here to map comp settings and then turn on your imagery motion blur this is going to activate motion blur for your map comp imagery because it does not work with the native motion blur inside of adobe after effects however i do need to turn that on for all of my other elements here now i'm going to finalize and export okay so they have it some tips and tricks if you're going to use geo layers inside of adobe after effects curious to know what your favorite tips are for this powerful plugin if you have any let me know down in the comment section once again uh go check out envata elements for real they're an awesome sponsor i love them you get a crazy bang for your buck so go check out that link down in the video description and uh once again a big shout out to my patreon producers joseph culligan and my boy simon over at the track record go check out his youtube channel putting out some cool stuff if you want to go check out the patreon i'm giving away project files as well as animation presets i even have a tier where you get exclusive tutorials so go check it out alright i'll see in the next one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Boone Loves Video
Views: 60,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boone loves video, boone, adobe after effects tutorial 2022, adobe after effects geolayers 3, geolayers tutorial 2022, geolayers 3 tutorial, ae geolayers, country border geolayers, make maps in after effects, how to animate a map in after effects, ae tutorial, how to maps ae, adobe ae map, map template after effects, country outline after effects, ae country outline, learn geolayers, geolayers tutorial, ae geolayers tutorial, 18 geolayers tips in 18 minutes
Id: 0SoBCtbF3B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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