Genghis Khan Family Tree

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today I'm going to show you the family tree of Genghis Khan we're going to look at both his ancestors as well as his various descendants and I'll be using my Asian royal family trees chart which is available as a poster from my website useful charts calm now I've placed Genghis Khan right in the middle of the chart I feel that he deserves that place because he's probably the most powerful monarch that Asia has ever seen and he's connected to so many other Asian dynasties let's first look at his ancestry I'm gonna do my best with the pronunciations throughout apologize for that up front anyway we're gonna start with an individual named bonden char monk OGG who was a mongol warlord living in the 800th ad now a Mongol legends actually trace things back even further than this but anything further than bond and char is really more myth than history so we're not going to do that now I have two lines coming down from bond and char this one here eventually leads to another great Empire Builder team were the late so Timur the lame lived about 200 years after genghis khan he wasn't a direct descendant of genghis khan but he was related to him because they both trace their ancestry to this same mongol warlord li now this other line is the one that eventually leads to genghis khan but nine generations after that original mongol warlord we get an individual named ty duquan of the Bourget clan and he was the first person who tried to unite all Mongol tribes now at this point I should introduce two important terms the first is Khan Khan was a Mongol word for military leader or chief but eventually it came to be a title that it was basically equivalent to king the other word is Rickett this was Genghis Khan's family name or clan name so it's sometimes said that Genghis Khan belonged to the house of boar jiggin or the board chicken dynasty prior to the Mongol Empire the area that Genghis Khan's ancestors came from was known as comig Mongol which means all the Mongols because it was a loose confederation of all the various Mongol tribes and the first recorded cons of this Mongol Confederation were both great grandsons of Kaidu khan there was kabul khan and then after him there was um the guy khan and the third Khan was Kabul Khan's son Haku Lacan now Genghis Khan's father is sooo gay was the nephew of this third khan but after the death of hot ullah khan the mongols did not elect a successor to serve as khan however is sooo gay was definitely one of the strongest tribal leaders and a major player he had two wives his main wife through her he had four sons Genghis Khan who when he was born his birth name was Tim Mugen and three other sons and some daughters as well but three sons of four boys through this main wife here and through his second wife he had two sons so these two would be the half-brothers of Genghis Khan whereas these three would be the full brothers of Genghis Khan now the story goes that when Tim mooch and was still a young child his father arranged for him to marry a girl named Berta but shortly after arranging this marriage Asuka was poisoned by his enemies and died to Mugen his mother his brothers were then basically kicked out of their tribe and to Mugen was even prison for some time and his wife Berta was kidnapped but all these early hardships turned him into a great warrior and he was actually able to rescue boertie and start building alliances and consolidating power with Berta he had four sons jouji Chagga ty o kadai and Tolui jo chi was born nine months after the rescue of Berta so there is some doubt as to whether or not he was the actual son of Genghis Khan but Genghis Khan certainly treated him as if he was so to moochin slowly United all the Mongol tribes again he became the fourth coggan of the comig mongol and eventually became known as Genghis Khan which meant Universal Khan and once the Mongol tribes were once again united he started conquering other lands as well and this turned the Mongol Confederation into the Mongol Empire in fact he built the largest land-based empire in human history at this point he took the title coggan which meant Great Khan and was basically the equivalent of Emperor but his empire was divided not long after his death his first two sons Jo Chi and chaga ty did not get along possibly because of the uncertainty surrounding Jodi's parentage so Genghis Khan named his third son oka died as his heir so oka die becomes the second coggan or Great Khan and after oka die dies the title then passes to his son joohyuk Khan who becomes the third coggan but by this point the Empire was already fragmenting let's quickly look at a map to explain these are the four divisions of the Mongol Empire that evolved in the decades following the death of Genghis Khan his firstborn son Joe Chi actually ended up dying before Genghis Khan but Jody's descendants inherited this part of the empire here in the yellow which became known as the Golden Horde Genghis Khan second-born son jagat I inherited this part in the middle and it simply became known as the jagat iconic and as we mentioned earlier he left the title of coggan or Emperor to his third son oka died so oh good I actually inherited the main part of the Empire the original mongol territories and china and originally this part was called the Great Khan it but eventually it became known as China's yuan dynasty and it actually ended up being controlled by the descendants of Genghis Khan's fourth son whole week which we'll get to in a moment but before we do that let me point out this fourth area over here called the ill pennant which was controlled by a different branch of the family of that fourth son of Genghis Khan let's go back to the family tree chart so here's Joe Qi who inherited the golden horde but it was his son bot who was the first leader because as we mentioned Joe Chi actually died before Genghis Khan and the most important descendant in this branch of the families probably Austin beg Khan he was the longest reigning Khan of the Golden Horde and reigned during its peak and then after his death the Golden Horde started to go into decline then we have jagat I and the jagat iconic and the chocolate icon it was actually it ended up being the least important division so I don't actually show all the descendants of that branch but I do show this one line here because it leads down eventually to an individual named Bob Orr who founded the Mughal Empire in India several hundred years later and the word Mughal comes from the word Mongol because Babur was a direct descendant of Genghis Khan via this chengetai branch then we have the third son okay who succeeded his father as Coggan or Great Khan and his line actually petered out rather quickly after the death of the third cog and the title actually passed to the branch of the family that was descended from the fourth son so the fourth Coggan was monk icon and then the fifth Coggan was his brother Kublai Khan and other than Genghis Khan Kublai Khan is probably the most important Khan of all he was responsible for finishing the conquest of China he defeated the ruling Song Dynasty and became not only the coggan of the mongol empire but also officially the emperor of china and so the new dynasty that ruled China during this period became known as the Yuan Dynasty but by this point because of the infighting between the various branches of the family the Mongol Empire didn't really exist anymore each part was pretty much independent and the descendants of the Kublai Khan they all claimed the title coggan but really they only controlled China and therefore are better labeled as Chinese emperors rather than Mongol Coggins they lasted until 1370 when their dynasty was replaced by the Ming Dynasty in China and after this they continued to reign in Mongolia until the rise of the Qing Dynasty in China and that line is usually called the northern Yuan Dynasty and it's not shown on this chart okay we actually have one more branch of the family to look at we've looked at two of the sons of Tolle week on monk cake on the 4th Coggan and Kublai Khan the fifth Coggan and first emperor of the yuan dynasty well there was a third son and that was Hulagu Khan and he is quite important too because he established the fourth division of the Mongol Empire the ilkhanate he conquered the city of Baghdad and brought to an end the Abbasid Caliphate which had ruled the Middle East for 500 years so his descendants went on to rule what is now Iraq and Iran until the rise of Timur the lame so you can see just how far the reach of Genghis Khan goes it went in the West all the way to the Mediterranean and in the East all the way to the Pacific Ocean there was even intermarriage here with the Korean royal family as well and although the Mongol dominance on the continent only lasted about 150 years after the death of Genghis Khan there were pockets of Asia that were ruled by his family up until very recently in fact if we trace this particular line here we end up with an individual named Muhammad a Lim Khan who was the Emir of Bukhara up until 1920 and he was the last reigning descendant of Genghis Khan to reign in a country that was originally part of the Mongol Empire so that was a look at the family tree of Genghis Khan one of the greatest figures in all of Asian history now this chart actually covers much more including the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad the Ottomans the various other dynasties of China the emperors of Japan and and much more so if you'd like to buy a poster of this chart you can head over to my website useful charts calm thanks for watching
Channel: UsefulCharts
Views: 450,620
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Keywords: Chinggis Khaan, Temujin, Borjigin, Borjigid, mongol empire, mongolian empire, golden horde, ilkhanate, yuan dynasty, kublai khan, chagatai, ogedei, jochi khan, divisions of the mongol empire, asian hi
Id: PlQ1en9gfb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 04 2018
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