Rothschild Family Tree

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today I'm going to show you the family tree of the Rothschild family one of the wealthiest families in world history as well as one of the most controversial this video is part one of a two-part collaboration with fellow youtuber mr. beat in part one I'll be focusing primarily on the family tree and introducing you to some of the more well-known members of the Rothschild dynasty in part 2 mr. beet a social studies teacher will be delving deeper into the family's history and discussing some of the many conspiracy theories that have come to be associated with their name [Music] so first of all the name Rothschild comes from the German for red shield it's a reference to the fact that the family originally used a red shield as an identifying mark on their house their story begins in Germany with this individual here Mayer Amschel Rothschild who was initially a dealer in rare coins and an apprentice banker however things really took off for him because of a special relationship he had with a German Prince William the ninth of HESA castle that prince appointed Meyer to be his court Jew a court Jew was actually an official position in those days because Christians were prohibited from certain types of money lending Nobles would often hire a Jew to fulfill this role so Meyer ended up managing the money for one of the richest Prince's in Europe and by doing so he himself became very rich as well eventually he started managing money for other Prince's and even entire governments by this point he had several adult sons so what he did was he created a Rothschild bank and he sent each of his five sons to a different capital in Europe to run a branch there his eldest son on shell ran the original branch in Frankfurt and then his son Solomon was sent to Vienna Nathan to London Karl to Naples and James to Paris the family then developed a network of agents that allowed for safe and speedy transfer of gold across the continent as well as for ease of communication between the various branches this made all five branches extremely successful however the London branch was perhaps the most successful of all during the Napoleonic Wars Nathan almost single-handedly financed the entire British war effort and took care of paying British troops and their allies across the continent there's a well-known legend that the family made their millions by taking advantage of the fact that they received word of Napoleon's defeat one day ahead of everyone else in London but that story is not actually true although they did receive word of the defeat before everyone else they didn't actually make money off that fact what they did make money off of is accurately predicting what would happen in European markets over the next several years and making the right investments based on those predictions so by the 1820s the Rothschilds were the wealthiest family in Europe and they continued to be hugely influential within the world of international finance throughout the 19th century the five brothers were given the title of Baron by the Emperor of Austria which is why you often see the German Vaughan or a French de before their last name Nathan being based outside of the continent was one of the few that did not use the title so let's look at the third-generation Rothschilds almost all of the males in the third generation married one of their female first cousins this ensured that the dynasty's wealth stayed within the family so for example on some the firstborn son of Solomon married his cousin Charlotte the daughter of Nathan he's shown in yellow because he's from the Austrian branch and she's shown in red because she's a member of the British branch likewise a Lionel the firstborn son of Nathan married his cousin also named Charlotte but she was a daughter of Karl from the Italian branch so let's look at each one of these branches in turn the eldest son never married so when he died the original Frankfurt branch was taken over by two of the sons of Karl from the Italian branch these two individuals here the middle son took over the Italian branch but none of these individuals had heirs so eventually both the Frankfurt branch and the Naples branch closed let's look at the Austrian branch next with the death of a Michele Rothschild the Austrian branch became the senior branch and the eldest son of Solomon became the most senior male in the family by the time we get to the fourth generation these people were born directly into extreme wealth therefore some of them weren't necessarily interested in the hard work of running a major bank they were more interested in collecting art building mansions and pursuing their hobbies this was the case for the firstborn son Nathaniel the second son Ferdinand actually moved to Great Britain and eventually served as a member of parliament there so it was the third son named Albert who ended up taking over the Austrian branch he married a cousin from the French branch from there Albert's sons took over the business in Vienna on the chart I've only shown one of these sons but there were a few others as well however the fortunes of this entire branch of the family declined quickly in the 20th century due to three major events first of all Austria lost World War one and therefore many of their debtors defaulted on their loans second they were hit hard by the Great Depression and in fact were one of the first banks to declare bankruptcy third and most devastating of all most of their assets were seized when the Nazis came to power in fact one of the brothers Louie de Rothschild who I've shown here was captured by the Nazis and ransomed for 21 million dollars that's almost 350 million in today's dollars perhaps the largest ransom ever paid the last male member of the Austrian branch died in 1976 which is why the British branch is currently the most senior branch today but we're gonna skip the British branch for now and quickly look at the last two branches first I've already mentioned that the Italian branch eventually fizzled out they intermarried with the British branch though so their legacy lives on through that connection that leaves the French branch that branch is the only one other than the senior British branch that still exists today it started with James the youngest of the five original brothers he married his niece Betty who was the daughter of his brother on some they had four sons three of whom have male-line descendants still living today the third son Solomon actually ended up in America the idea was that he might eventually start a branch there but Solomon died young and an American branch never did come to exist the youngest son Edmund was a big supporter of the early Zionist movement long before the Holocaust and decades before the British occupation of Palestine Edmund purchased land from the Ottomans and helped fund the first Jewish settlement in what is today the State of Israel his son James would later be queeth the funds that went on to be used to build the Knesset building in Jerusalem which today houses the Israeli Parliament however the main branch of the French family is this one here it is currently led by David de Rothschild in 2003 the main Rothschild company in France merged with the main Rothschild company in Britain with David being made chairman so in terms of the actual business side of the Rothschild Empire David this individual here is kind of the head of the family he also serves as the chairman of the World Jewish Congress and international organization based in New York that represents Jewish diplomatic interests across the globe okay I've left the British branch for last because it was the most successful is currently the senior branch and it's the branch that people in the english-speaking world are most familiar with it starts with Nathan Rothschild third son of Mayer Amschel as I mentioned earlier he earned a lot of money for the family's firm in the years following Napoleon's defeat what's less known though is he was also involved in ending slavery in the UK using millions of dollars to help buy and free slaves Nathan had four sons two of them were engaged in politics as well as finance and served as members of parliament initially Lionel was elected but unable to sit in Parliament because he was a Jew however laws were changed and in 1958 he became the first Jew to actually sit in Parliament his brother Meir and his son Nathan joining him shortly thereafter I'll also point out this brother here Anthony he was the first Rothschild to be granted a British hereditary title he was made a baronet which is slightly lower than a baron and meant that he was still a commoner but it was an important title nonetheless he did not have any sons though so his title passed to his nephew Nathan Nathan was later upgraded to the title of Baron and thus became the first Rothschild to become a member of the British nobility and also the first Jew to sit in the House of Lords Nathan as the senior-most heir of his grandfather Nathan was also head of the British branch like his father was before him he was also involved in funding Cecil Rhodes founder of Rhodesia and the De Beers diamond company you'll notice here that Nathan married a cousin from the Italian branch of the family he was followed by his son Walter who was the second Baron Rothschild like his father and grandfather he too served as a member of parliament he is mostly remembered for his association with the ball for declaration which he helped to write and which was presented to him in 1917 by the British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour it was the first official statement by the British government in support of the creation of a national homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine however not all of the Rothschilds were Zionists this cousin here who also served as an MP was actually against the creation of a Jewish state and he created the League of British Jews to oppose it but back to Walter Walter had no legitimate children so the next Baron Rothschild was his nephew Victor Victor was a member of mi5 during World War two and was an advisor to many British Prime ministers up to and including Margaret Thatcher although at one point he was suspected to be a Soviet spy he however was cleared of those charges he was followed by his son Jacob who is the fourth and current Baron Rothschild currently also the most senior male member descendant of Mayer Amschel Rothschild he has a son named Nathaniel who will one day become the fifth Baron it is Jacob's face that is often seen in the many conspiracy theory videos about the Rothschilds let me point out a few other interesting connections Jacob has a half-sister who is a Harvard professor and married two Nobel prize-winning economist Amartya Sen he also has a half-brother who married into the Guinness family yes the family of beer and Book of Records Fame they had three children their son married into the Hilton family of Hotel Fame and is the brother-in-law of Paris Hilton their daughters married the goldsmith brothers one of whom is currently a British MP on the business side of things the running of the actual company established by Nathan Rothschild eventually came to be run by this branch of the family here most recently Evelyn Rothschild who also served as the personal financial advisor to Queen Elizabeth in the 1980s there was a family feud between Jacob and Evelyn that ended in Jacob leaving the original company later after Evelyn retired the British firm eventually merged with the French branch as I'm and earlier and is currently being run by David de Rothschild if you go to their website Rothschild comm you'll notice that there are links to two main Rothschild companies Rothschild & Co is that original company started by Nathan now run by David de Rothschild Edmond de Rothschild is a company run by a junior part of the French branch and is currently run by Benjamin de Rothschild you can see that the company name is named after his father interestingly if you do a search on the Forbes list of billionaires he's the only member of the Rothschild family that you will find so that was a quick look at the Rothschild dynasty are they super rich yes they certainly are do they currently own the 500 trillion dollars as the conspiracy theorists claim no they most certainly do not were they extremely influential in global politics during the 19th century yes they certainly were do they currently pull all the strings when it comes to world politics today no they most certainly do not at the end of the day their story like that of the non-jewish Rockefellers or Waltons is primarily a story of rags to riches that they often find themselves at the center of so many conspiracy theories really boils down to anti-semitism exaggeration and the failure of many people to understand how modern economics really works I encourage you to click on the link at the end of this video or in the description which will take you to part two of this collaboration there mr. beet will tackle the history of the family in a little more depth and also some of the conspiracy theories connected to the dynasty if you find history genealogy and monarchies interesting be sure to subscribe to the channel if you check the playlists you'll find that I have videos covering the family trees of famous dynasties from all over the world and to see what else I'm up to follow me on Twitter or Instagram thanks for watching
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Views: 720,296
Rating: 4.5939116 out of 5
Keywords: rothschild dynasty, famous jews, rothschild genealogy, rothschild family history, nathan rothschild, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, rothschild banking family, rothschild banking dynasty, lionel de rothschild, baron rothschild, walter rothschild, victor rothschild, james de rothschild, edmond de rothschild, benjamin de rothschild, david de rothschild, nathaniel rothschild
Id: hr1hisvjoAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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